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Re: Hate Thread

Not really a lot of people seem to like the taste of blood.
Re: Hate Thread

I love it when women take their hatred of men out on me. I like being abused by the opposite sex.

But don't you dare call me a bitch, because you'd be right and it'd hurt my feelings.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate having to dress formally/semi-formally. Also, I hate family gatherings. I'm having to go for my grandmothers birthday(she's turning...84. I'm pretty sure). It's not her I mind, it's the other people. And she lives in another town like 100 km away, so it'll take about 2 hours to get there. Then we'll be there for a few hours, and then we'll come back. Oh, and on top of all that, I'll apparently have to take the bus back. Which means at least 3 hour trip.
Re: Hate Thread

I used to not like getting formally dressed, but apparently I look really good in a suit, so :D
Re: Hate Thread

Speaking of suits. I live at my school, and probably only go home 2-3 times a year. And I guess they saw fit to give us a discreet weekend email that in four days, we'd have graduation pictures and we're required a nice suit jacket, dress shirt and tie. I guess most other people just take a nice suit to school? Or maybe I'm supposed to go "Oh, I guess I'll go home THIS weekend then." Then run to my car and go back home to pick up a suit.

I hate my schools fucking ambiguous emails.
Re: Hate Thread

I like wearing my suit and tie underneath all my clothes, just in case I need to look classy IMMEDIATELY.

Edit- Holy shit! I got first post of page 100! I need to think of something clever! Uh. Uh.

I HATE ZAC EFFRON. Nobody's said that, right?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the influx of fucktards we've been getting recently.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the influx of fucktards we've been getting recently.

Here, here. Any more and I'd start wondering if any are migrating from the Blockland Fourums. Seriously, that place is full of idiots and trolls.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when my sinuses clog and give me all kinds of fun stuff - tooth ache, head ache, running nose. Luckily, the power of medicine compels it.
Re: Hate Thread

My hayfever, for some unknown reason has been playing up during all of September and even now in October.
Re: Hate Thread

Some of you who were on the chat may remember me talking about potentially freaking out a woman in my comp class when she found out I was fresh out of high school. Turns out I didn't, but then I had to shread her paper (metaphorically) in class as part of peer review tonight x.x
Re: Hate Thread

Some of you who were on the chat may remember me talking about potentially freaking out a woman in my comp class when she found out I was fresh out of high school. Turns out I didn't, but then I had to shread her paper (metaphorically) in class as part of peer review tonight x.x

As long as you had constructive criticism to help make the paper better, she might thank you when she gets an A. I would anyway. :) Tbh with you the worst peer reviews are the pointless ones that just says "hey good job" or one that says "this is wrong, you stink at life, drop class now please." I'm not actually sure which of those I would rather get. With the second at least I would know I had work to do!

Oh...and stupid question alert...what chat?
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Re: Hate Thread

The paper was so bad I don't even see her pulling a B out of it. I still tried to be as nice as possible.

And Rachels chat, I get there via this link, though I hear there are others.
Re: Hate Thread


I got slammed with a weeks worth of homework in this Vet tech course due Wednesday by 3PM and I'm not even halfway through it.

Fuck me.
Re: Hate Thread

I hated school... so I haven't gone back since I was 18.
Re: Hate Thread

I hated school too, so I CLEP'd out of almost everything that way I wouldn't have to go back for long.