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Re: Hate Thread


I hate my PC, the fan is ruined and is making twice the sound it usually makes, and works much less effectively, as it now suddenly overheats and shuts itself off.
Re: Hate Thread

You learn something new every day, all this time I've spent hunting ducks and I never knew they were rapists. We better hope they don't mutate into some kind of tentacle monster.
Re: Hate Thread

Is that bad? Think how awesome it would be if we tamed them and then made them act in porn videos. RL tentacle porn instead of those fake looking sticks seen in some of the live action tentacle videos today.

(what is written above is not serious nor does it mirror the personal view I have on the matter.)
Re: Hate Thread

Sounds fun, but it's probably an accident waiting to happen.

Re: Hate Thread

Is that bad? Think how awesome it would be if we tamed them and then made them act in porn videos. RL tentacle porn instead of those fake looking sticks seen in some of the live action tentacle videos today.

I'm sure there's enough porn stars out there who'd be willing to partake in said videos. Hell, there's already women who make porn blowing horses...

They got lots of self respect...

Anyways, I hate the character of Lancelot. He's a fucking arsehole.
Re: Hate Thread

If you mean the Lancelot in King Arthur, they were all pretty much assholes including King Arthur. At least they are in Le Morte de Arthur, don't know about the others so much.
Re: Hate Thread

"My favorite color is blue- no, YELLOOOOoooooooo.....!"
Re: Hate Thread

If you mean the Lancelot in King Arthur, they were all pretty much assholes including King Arthur. At least they are in Le Morte de Arthur, don't know about the others so much.

I did indeed. More so through the more recent book I read by Bernard Cornwell. Lancelot is a coward too.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate insomnia.

I hate being unable to sleep at 3.30m when I know I have work the next day.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate insomnia, too. Though I guess it's not so bad with me since I work at night, still sleep would be nice once in a while.

Yeah unless you're reading a watered down version of King Arthur, they never really seem to be shown in a good light. In Le Morte de Arthur, all the best knights are either adulterers or straight up jerks. Excluding Galahad and Bors that is, but they only ever get mentioned in one chapter. At least they didn't make any of them cowardly in Le Morte de Arthur though. Well except for Mordred and his brothers when they ambush and kill Sir Lamerok that is. Probably why King Arthur stories aren't my favorite.
Re: Hate Thread

I have the opposite problem. I hate involuntary hibernation and getting lost in dreams. While I don't mean hibernation literally, I have recently (about a year) been having serious problems waking up properly. Alarms still work fine, but without one or something else to wake me I just can't seem to get up naturally any more. I get stuck in weird waking dreams that don't end, and eventually wake up at some stupidly late time feeling tired and confused. During the dreams it feels like nothing could be more relevant and important than to keep dreaming. I've always liked dreams, but it's kinda irritating.

Edit - Though I actually can frequently have trouble getting to sleep as well. I know what it's like having some kind of early appointment to attend tomorrow, and lying there unable to get the rest you know you'll need.
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Re: Hate Thread

Did you go through a period of insomnia before this or did this just start on it's own? I know it goes in cycles with me, every six months or so I completely switch from insomnia to not being able to wake up properly. Both are equally annoying.
Re: Hate Thread

Not really, despite what I just edited in there, I'm not sure if I'd call it insomnia. Most of the times I can't sleep I can pick out a clear reason. Small stresses about the next day, messed up sleeping pattern from the previous day, or just being in one of my odd overly thoughtful moods.

Started roughly around the time I moved out of the family home and started living here in my flat. Kinda been increasing over time since then.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh yeah it's probably just how your adjusting to the new place then. Mine started in the army, where if I was on deployment or exercises I would always be working at night, but in garrison I had to work a normal shift. If you want to call 4 to 6 a normal shift that is.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that our corporate offices cut our weekly hour allotments so as to only have one salesperson, two managers (two of which are f'ing useless because they're, y'know, in charge and don't know/do shit), and one cashier in the store at pretty much any given time and then decide to send out "two days only" coupons for 40% off on top of it being Teacher Appreciation week (which gives them sales.)

I also hate customers that think they can double dip and get coupons on top of sale prices. Ones who present me with unsigned credit cards and then get pissed at me for telling them "sorry, I can't take this without ID" when it is 1. Generally a bad idea to drive without your license and 2. Generally illegal for me to accept an unsigned credit card *anyway* per the wording on the back of half the cards that say "not valid unless signed."

I also hate onions in my chicken salad.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate spring. I want my winter back, so I can go outside and not feel like I'm gonna die.
Re: Hate Thread

is it the heat or do you have hay fever too? thankfully it's been wet and cold as fuck over in Britland, we've even had some snow.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate kneeing a coke addict in the head... it doesn't do much and now my knee hurts like a bastard.
Re: Hate Thread

OOOH story time?