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Re: Hate Thread

I hate Last Christmas by Wham. It is an abomination of capitalism to milk Christmas some more, it's not even a song about Christmas, it's just plain bad, and it deserves to rot in hell.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I can't get PermaTabs for Firefox 3. Yes, I realize MoFi 3 has kinda similar feature inbuilt. It just isn't the same thing, nor does it serve the function permatabs did nearly as well.
Re: Hate Thread

Ew, FireFox 3. Downgrade to v2 for great justice.

<3 permatab btw.
Re: Hate Thread

Ew, FireFox 3. Downgrade to v2 for great justice.

<3 permatab btw.

That's not nearly as easy as it should be. Fuck Linux Mint.
Re: Hate Thread

i'm pretty sure i hate the direction c&c 4 is taking
Re: Hate Thread

they are replacing conventional base building with all your buildings are attached to your mcv, which i like but i'd rather that be an option than the only thing you can do.

the sidebar has become a bottom bar like in starcraft.

and worst of all due to story line elements and boredom, there is no longer harvestable tiberium fields and everything is done by capturing nodes. occasionally a tiberium crystal spawns in addition to this that you can take back to base for extra recourses.

also there is a unit cap

they are no doubt branching out in some cool and interesting directions but i don't like most of the changes. also this will mark the last game in the kane saga. so after this no more kane.
Re: Hate Thread

I really hate my roommate sometimes.

Talking about me when I'm not in the room, barely loud enough for me to hear, thinking that I can't hear. And then bitching at Dani to make things "even" so I don't even more upset. I mean, what the fuck. You don't bitch out someone who has nothing to do with it, just because you want it to be even. That's an asshole-ish thing to do, and is just plain being a douchebag.

I hate when he's wrong about something, and when i try to explain it, he gets pissy and "doesn't care" anymore. That's childish. That's immature. And he calls me immature for asking my parents for help... Goddamn asshole.
Re: Hate Thread

they are replacing conventional base building with all your buildings are attached to your mcv, which i like but i'd rather that be an option than the only thing you can do.

the sidebar has become a bottom bar like in starcraft.

and worst of all due to story line elements and boredom, there is no longer harvestable tiberium fields and everything is done by capturing nodes. occasionally a tiberium crystal spawns in addition to this that you can take back to base for extra recourses.

also there is a unit cap

they are no doubt branching out in some cool and interesting directions but i don't like most of the changes. also this will mark the last game in the kane saga. so after this no more kane.

Yeah... I've been kinda looking into it. They're also adding RPG elements. What the hell? I want me some good ol' RTS. Not RPS mashup thinger... else I'd play Spellforce, not C&C. Grah!
Re: Hate Thread

I've probably said this at some point, but I'll say it again:

I HATE when people bitch to me and ask for my advice on problems, then completely ignore my advice anyways, and finally they bitch at me how I have no clue what's going on and that I shouldn't have said anything.....

Granted, if it gets to the third stage there, they're no longer somebody in my life, but it still pisses me off >.>
Re: Hate Thread

they are replacing conventional base building with all your buildings are attached to your mcv, which i like but i'd rather that be an option than the only thing you can do.

the sidebar has become a bottom bar like in starcraft.

and worst of all due to story line elements and boredom, there is no longer harvestable tiberium fields and everything is done by capturing nodes. occasionally a tiberium crystal spawns in addition to this that you can take back to base for extra recourses.

also there is a unit cap

they are no doubt branching out in some cool and interesting directions but i don't like most of the changes. also this will mark the last game in the kane saga. so after this no more kane.

Haven't they got it so you can only play it whilst you're online as well? I'm not sure how reliable the source is that I heard that from.
Re: Hate Thread

Gah. I LOVE building bases and am pretty pissed that they took it out, yeah. More and more strategy games go down that route (Dawn Of War 2, for example) and it's a trend I can't support. I think they just want to cater to those gamers with a shorter and shorter attention span that want instant action. Go play a FPS.
Guess I'll turn my attention more towards build-up games from now on, like the Anno series or The Settlers :/
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah... I've been kinda looking into it. They're also adding RPG elements. What the hell? I want me some good ol' RTS. Not RPS mashup thinger... else I'd play Spellforce, not C&C. Grah!

well, shouldn't be to many months before sup com 2 so you can sink your teeth into that instead.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how greedy blizzard is by making 3 seperate starcraft 2 discs. which you will have to buy seperately over a 3 year period.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how greedy blizzard is by making 3 seperate starcraft 2 discs. which you will have to buy seperately over a 3 year period.

Indeed, that is a piss off as well. Unfortunately... I'll probly still get em cause I want the storyline. Fuck I'm a sucker.

Oni, I heard that as well. EA currently has the game so that you can only play it online, even the single player campaign. They have been talking about changing that though.

I dunno, after C&C3, I'm not really looking forward to the forth one. I might look up online what Kane's deal is, but other than that I'm gonna skip it. The third one didn't impress, especially after playing Company of Heroes.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people use "fantasy" and "scifi" interchangeably. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING, YOU ASSHOLES!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people use "fantasy" and "scifi" interchangeably. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING, YOU ASSHOLES!

Though I've seen them mix before... becoming a science fantasy so to speak. Like Warhammer 40k. At first glance quite sci-fi. But throwing in the Gods of Chaos and all that, with units that can be used interchangeably with the original Warhammer. I'd called it a sci-fi fantasy.

Agreed though that they shouldn't be used interchangeably. They are different.