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.hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
So, I've been throwing this concept around inside my head for a while now, and I think it's finally time to make it a reality.

Basically, the entire game is centered around the PC's being addicted to this one new game that enters them into virtual reality. There, they can customize their clothing and select which role they want to perform. The main allure of the game is that any player can do just about anything. There are no NPC's, so everyone you meet is a living person, who chose to do the job that they are doing.

A third of America is addicted to this game, perhaps because it adds a level of realism that most people can't get even in real life. Any injuries you receive in the game world you can feel as if they are real, though nothing actually happens to your physical body.

The setting of the game is during one of the many great Civil Wars in feudal Japan, with several dozen different clans vying for the Shogunate. The PC's are members of one small faction that must survive. The goal of the game for every player is to help their faction gain control over Japan's Shogunate.
Matchlock Rifles are just starting to show up on the field, and anyone that can afford one becomes a very powerful force on the battlefield. The Samurai are more scarce, being replaced by the Ashigaru, troops who have been recruited from peasant villages and outlying towns who lack the training of a samurai, but make up for it in numbers.

The gameplay will center not only around PC interations in-game, but also out of game, in the real world. And yes, this does mean you will be encountering random gamers from different factions in the real world.

I'm thinking of having all of the players based out of New York, so they can actually interact with each other outside of the game at some point.

Ah yes, the death system. Dying in game will cause your character to be transported to the capital to be "Treated for grievous wounds" for an IRL day, and will cause you to lose a small percentage of your money, as well as a small percentage of your Prestige.
Prestige is essentially a total number of points towards an in-game Rank. Each rank that you gain increases the number of Prestige points you earn and unlocks new inter-faction options, like special faction weaponry and armor, commanding large squads, and so on.

Also, this game will be using Pathfinder as a base for the system since I suck at system design.

Anyway, that's about as much info as I can jot down off the top of my head. Feel free to ask questions about the game.
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Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Interest shown.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

What that guy above me said.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Sounds interesting, at the very least. I'm in, pending my workload.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Indeed. I have interest. But I don't get on chat, so I cant partake. Sorry Occ. :(
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Love the .hack feel, not sure if I like the setting for the game though (the game in the game that is).
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

As a side note, players can choose just how long they'll be in the game world each day. You can choose to have a game junkie who only gets off the game to eat and get enough sleep to stay sane if you want. Or just have a casual gamer.

And, on when this will be hosted in chat: I will DM whenever you guys manage to set the time. I'm not going to set down a specific time because my schedule is too flexible. So I'll just let you all discuss what times are best for you to play.
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Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Interest shown. I stopped playing D&D when 4e came out, so I never played PF, but it's just another set of D&D house rules. So what the hell, I think I'll join.

My itinerary is open 8pm to 11pm EST (-5GMT) every Wednesday and Friday, and every second Monday, as well as pretty much all day Saturday.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

I'm pretty much open every day starting around 5 pm(GMT+3 DST/GMT+2 normally) and I'd prefer to go to bed not much after midnight.

Also, chargen rules? Limitations, starting level, hit points, ability scores...
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Also, chargen rules? Limitations, starting level, hit points, ability scores...

Equipment, rulings, decisions of how core rules that don't make sense actually work...
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Ah yes, chargen rules. Now the fun begins. Starting level will be 2, to make it feel like the player is just getting the hang of the game. Starting hitpoints will be max for first HD, then roll as normal. Ability scores will use the point-buy system, and we'll be using what seems to be the standard 25 around here.

As for equipment, I'll be allowing anything from the Eastern Weapons table, located under Weapons on the SRD. Now, there are certain weapons there that require Exotic training. All of the weapons there with the "monk" feature are to be treated as if a Monk is proficient with them. Wakizashi are to be treated as Martial weapons, as are Katana, Naginata, and Tetsubo. Armor used is to be taken from the Eastern Armor table.

On another note, Naginata are to be considered Lances for mounted charges.

On to class restrictions: If the class is a mainline caster, you can bet it isn't going to be seen widely in the game. Magic in the game is more earned than learned. This isn't to say that all class-based magic is outlawed, but Wizard and Sorcerer and other mage-like classes wouldn't fare well in this setting. Fret not, for I will be doing one thing to help you survive without clerics.

The Heal skill will be able to become a class skill provided you have a mentor, I.E. someone who has it as a class skill and has at least 1 rank in it, and you have 2 hours to learn first aid.

For that matter, any potion that involves healing wounds will only cost 50% of the normal cost.

For convenience purposes on starting equipment: If your character uses light or medium armor, and you aren't getting it masterwork, the starting armor will be considered free, as the game itself gave it to you. Starting heavy armors will only cost half as much, though the masterwork versions cost full price.

As for the last part of Taken's statement, there's too much of that for me to note here. So start asking those questions and I'll answer them.

Oh yes, Traits. Traits must be approved by me before being taken.
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Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Sounds good, now to decide if I'll actually play.

If I do my open times are 10PM-3AM on Friday and Saturdays.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

What about bonus languages? I assume there won't be many elves around, so speaking elvish would be pretty useless...
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Bonus languages will be as standard, though there won't be much point beyond the language the random creatures of the world speak.

Thus far, the only creatures other than humans that populate Japan are Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Oni, and Tengu. There are also a few Goliath here and there, but they're very scarce.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Times for me:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 5 PM to 1 AM.
Tuesday/Thursday: 2 PM to 12 AM.
Saturday/Sunday: Any time that won't interfere with the games I'm already in. S

Keep in mind, my social schedule varies, and I might have to not show up in the event of something coming up IRL. Also: Note that all of these are in Eastern Standard Time.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

So I'm wanting to host this from around 7-8PM EST to around midnight each Saturday, but it seems that the vastly varying time schedules conflict too much to allow this.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

I might be able to play. It all depends on what time it ends up running. I'm a pansy and can't stay up past midnight. Also my work schedule is never regular. I'm all off on vacation this week though.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Stupid me, I forgot to link a place to post up your sheets.

Feel free to use for your sheets, and make sure to set the sheet to Public permission so I can see it.
Re: .hack-esque Chat-Based Game Interest Check

Hm, considering joining, but at the moment I think me and Tass's scheds are going to conflict, will see when you guys decide on a time whether or not to play.