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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those who are planning to buy Rome 2, and those who need to put their frustrations with Rome 2 into words, and those who feel like being amused at the expense of Rome 2

Rome 2 review, worth watching even if you already have an opinion on it

How bad can a game be that it requires a 45 min hate review?
I liked the first one...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

09/11 marked an unexpected turning point... for Planetside2, yesterday.

The buggiest patch ever seen was released, somehow combining more bugs and weirder bugs than the game has ever seen.

Players declare that "War is Over!"

(And yes, that's what "peace" looks like in Planetside.)

(Some more giant plasma balls)

  • Players become able to invade the spawning zones of their rival factions, and become invincible whilst inside along with their enemies.
  • Vehicle wreckage and objects such as rockets and grenades become lodged in the game world and do not unrender after exploding.
  • The flight sound effects from rockets do not end after detonation either, and the world fills up with phantom screaming rocket sounds.
  • Flying tanks and players. Planes flying backwards.
  • Certain explosive weapons lose their AOE effect.
  • One particular weapon has it's projectile effects increased in size by about a hundred fold, causing awesome light shows in the sky.
  • A certain tank's team colours get messed up.
  • Mysterious test buildings turn up in strange places clipping into the terrain on one of the continents.
  • A good few other technical bugs and errors.
Was a lot of fun.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

How bad can a game be that it requires a 45 min hate review?
I liked the first one...

The problem is that while there's a good game at it's core, and the mechanics are all solid, the AI is absolute shit, there are graphical glitches, game crashing glitches (three times it's happened to me where I press the diplomacy button and everything is just kind of grayed out. Game is still running, but won't let me do anything diplomatic and worse, won't let me back out of the diplomacy screen without rebooting the game). There are features that just seem empty and not implemented properly, and a smorgusboard of other glitches, bugs, and issues.

Rome II's problem, is that it came out feeling like an Alpha or Beta, no polish, and seemingly no testing. I don't know whether to blame CA, or SEGA.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Weekly bundle, just two days remaining

I can personally recommend this one

Serious Sam HD (First AND second encounter)
Duke Nukem 3D
System Shock
Shadow Warrior
Hard Reset

Worth it
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Weekly bundle, just two days remaining

I can personally recommend this one

Serious Sam HD (First AND second encounter)
Duke Nukem 3D
System Shock
Shadow Warrior
Hard Reset

Worth it

Good timing, I has a good amount of change left from Platinum buying on Warframe. Worth it for System Shock 2 alone ','
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So apparently, the Diablo 3 Auction House be going bye-bye. Or, as translated by another man elsewhere -

Dear loyal customer and active player of Diablo3. We have recently discovered that more people than us are making money off this system so we're shutting it down. Do not worry about us, we have plenty of money coming in from the millions of WoW players so we will be fine. Enjoy your loot, you're stuck with it now. -The Diablo Team

Take that as you will.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's been a week. STOP JUDGING ME.

For those that bought the original the has been uploaded just now. Music spoilers away!

Also, Dawn of the Third Day, 24 Hours remaining :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread


The later levels will make you want to violently murder a dev, though, because enemies, or, rather, a particular enemy.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am SO hype.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That... does look pretty awesome. If it can pull off having even half the depth of Dwarf Fortress, whilst having those quick and easy controls/interface, it's already a success. Looks like the funding goal is guaranteed on it currently.

Regarding other Kickstarted projects that are coming along nicely...

Planetary Annihilation has developed far enough now to get out a pretty damn swish trailer using in-game footage. Amongst other things, the way the lighting works in this game with the shadows and such, being cast out long as the sun sets or rises, is just awesome to watch.

The interplanetary play is still miles from having any kind of sensible balance and is missing many features, but already creates some very fun situations involving losing players desperately trying to escape into space as their base crumbles around them.

[ - EDIT - ]

Humble Weekly Sale. 62 pence for Supreme Commander + Forged Alliance? I don't care if I already own the game. Now I have it immortalised on Steam. :D

Personally SupCom is a best as a multiplayer game in my eyes, though even for the casual RTS player that might find the online multiplayer crowd intimidating, I can vouch for this being a great LAN game for friends to lob nukes at each other in. It also has giant laser touting spider robots!

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

"Given rise to a sleepless slumber, something stirs in the back of our minds. A relentless feel we are alone.

The decimation of what could be called sanity comes at the cost of a reality that shivers on the boundries of the unseen. Nested somewere deep something lies, dormant and yet ever present with an intent that may provoke de definition of malicious. It lies in way that our concious fears cannot reach it, waiting and seeing the unatural development that sanity spiral downwards."
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The humble bundles are amazing! These guys are doing an awesome job. I salute them for this.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wish I had money to buy a 3ds so I can play pokemon x/y :(
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Halloween sale on GoG
I'm sure everyone interested in GoG stuff is getting their mails to tell them that, but I just wanted to point out this one

Because while aged, it's awesome.
Edit: Also, this one

For steam. Much more polished, and also awesome
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I just recently completed Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch for my iphone a few days ago. Admittedly I cheated towards the end by using a hex editor... but for the majority of the game I played it the right way. I have to say it was one of the best games Ive played in a while. I was surpised to see it on iPhone format, and just stumbled upon it on the app store for 7$ while looking for some good new action or rpg games to get. I remember watchingy big bro play it and show the cut scenes on our old psx. I was compeltley enamored by the full anime cutscenes placed theoughtout the game. I think it was te first time I saw anything like that. I truly enjoyed my play through of it over the last month. I would like to get a hold of the "complete" versions of the psx port of it and Eternal blue someday. Id have to say my favorite charcters were Jessica, Mia, Phacia and Nash. I give it probably a 8-9/10. :D
Re: Games Discussion Thread

As a majority, South Park games have sucked rather hard.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

is it perhaps because its being made by obsidian, who are awesome?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Does anyone here have Blood Bowl?
I'm looking for people to play a friendly match with. I'm pretty sure all Blood Bowl versions are compatible with eachother so having a different version won't be a problem.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

About to go to sleep soon, so I can't at the moment, but pretty sure I've got Blood Bowl somewhere.

...No guarantees I'll be any good at it, since I usually just watch the computer and listen to the commentary.

EDIT: Yeah, got it on Steam.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Currently playing an RPG Maker made game called Exit Fate. Plays like Suikoden 2. Im sooooo sucked into it right now!