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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Twisted Christmas has arrived, just got done with a few rounds where I ran about with the Z.E.D. IT's a interesting weapon to say the least.

- First off, it's got a built-in Motion Tracker that I SWEAR was coderipped partly from the Aliens mod, but then again it could just be comedic timing on Trippy's part. It even designates various threat levels of enemies on the tracker- small yellow for smaller, weak enemies (Clots, Gorefasts and so on), orange skulls for medium grade (Husks, Sirens and so on) and then big red skulls for the big guys (Fleshpounds and Scrakes). Patty even has a symbol specifically for him on the tracker.
- Primary Fire is a slow plasma pellet that has a good rate of fire, but I don't think it has much more damage then other trash-killing weapons.
- Secondary is the big seller for the ZED, it's Stasis Beam. When a target is hit by the beam, a large spherical field starts to form around it, getting bigger as long as you can keep your target. Any attacks done to enemies in the field is doubled, allowing for some OP combinations with a buddy or three.
- Finally, as a side effect of Stasis, if you keep the target hit with it long enough, it goes to a personal stasis, which essentially slows the enemy down and lets them retain the 'take extra damage' part during this time (it's like Chrisping but without the extra fire damage).
- For balancing, it's a no-perk weapon (first one in my recollection that is) and you only got 3 spare 100-ammo clips to use at once, and the Stasis beam drains the ammo very fast.

Liking it more then the new medigun at any rate, because new medigun goes through ammo SO EFFIN FAST :S

That and the Dwarf Axe is so lawlsomely funny.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Mount & Blade 2 has been announced. I am predictably excited.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Liking it more then the new medigun at any rate, because new medigun goes through ammo SO EFFIN FAST :S

New Medigun also does more damage than the best Commando gun. You can easily spray down a ton of smaller mobs with it, even the screaming tart.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

And back to Planetside 2!

Apparently there will be a TRIPLE SMEDBUX DEAL on December 21st. For anyone that cares to spend a bit of cash on this crashprone, terribly balanced shooter that is.

I think I will. Already spend some cash on a Double Smedbux Deal, but there are so many shiny things I want. Then again, smedbux is usable in other SOE games too.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

New Medigun also does more damage than the best Commando gun. You can easily spray down a ton of smaller mobs with it, even the screaming tart.

True, but it requires so much bursting on smaller parties it's almost not worth it. I can do the same damage with a MP5 or the M7A3, or heck even the Z.E.D. (cept on the Sirens on the last part, freakin yells break balls of plasma wat)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Eh. I keep 2 Mediguns on me at all times as Medic ever since it got 2 guns, so ammo never seemed that big an issue to me. That, and I'm super conservative with it thanks to my survival horror gaming days. Also, I tend to use the pistol on the Clots, Gorefasts, Crawlers, Stalkers, and Bloats when I'm the Medic anyways, so if anything I run out of Pistol first.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Those who can't fly in Planetside 2, fear not!

Re: Games Discussion Thread

is a version of Mega Man wherein all the bosses have been replaced by Street Fighter characters in celebration of the 25th anniversary of both those proud institutions. It's pretty neat of you're into any of the following: Mega Man, Street Fighter, video game crossovers, old school remakes. Check it out.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Triple station cash day! Yay for shotgun and max second AA canon!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Screw de Station Cash part, I'm more interested in the double certs until sometime in January :3 Might actually play at a time that ISN'T a Troll Force squadpoint.

Also, just binged on Steam Wishlist buying from sale. As well as picking up a megaton of DLCs for various games (P.S. Buzzsaw Bow for KF = FREAKIN AWESOME!) I also picked up Natural Selection 2. Been having a blast even if I suck, though I've slowly been getting the hang of it. Like Nuclear Dawn I'll probably not be in the commander role for ages after my first attempt :S

Also picked up Portal 1 and 2. 'Vital Testing Aperatus Destroyed.' Finished a run on Portal 1, probably will do the sequel over the next few days.

AND my usual christmas dues has arrived from my grandparents, so more then likely adding Oblivion and a few others to that list. Possibly FTL. IT'S RAINING MUNNEH!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've apparently been gifted Torchlight 2 for Christmas via steam. I will have to check this out, provided my computer likes it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, being late to the Elder Scrolls party, where to look for mods related, and more any kind of mods, not just the game mods? >_>
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Most of the Skyrim mods can be found on .
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not to be too mean, but yer off by one game :S

Nexus is still a good place to start, since there is also a section for .

edit: I ought to mention that you should back up your saves regularly. I too used a lot of mods while playing Oblivion. While they can change your game experience entirely, they can also fuck things up. For me they corrupted my save files.

Although I have to admit that relying on auto/quicksave entirely with these kind of games cannot be recommended in the first place :/
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I either missed this, or it hasn't been posted here yet for some reason.

So in short. Kickstarter. Dungeon Keeper fan game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

want. sooooo much want. i found dungeon keeper when i was ten years old, i would still be playing that game if i had a comp old enough to run it. i miss that series so much!

EDIT: and it only needs 307 euros more to hit their goal! with five days left!
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

want. sooooo much want. i found dungeon keeper when i was ten years old, i would still be playing that game if i had a comp old enough to run it. i miss that series so much!

EDIT: and it only needs 307 euros more to hit their goal! with five days left!

You can get Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2 on GoG.com, set up so that they'll run on Windows XP or 7 architectures, and you don't need to do anything special to get it to work either. They're also about $2.50 USD right now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

What he said.

Though oddly enough last I tried I was able to get my original Dungeon Keeper CD to install and work just fine on Windows Vista. No complications at all that I can remember. Dunno about 7.

But yes, the GoG releases are great for getting old enshrined and cranky titles to work on new PCs.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Uhwhat? never been there. from the reviews one is just an older dosbox version, and the other crashes horribly on windows 7, so im not sure it's worth it. rats.

EDIT: and my original CD is scratched all to hell. already tried 2 on vista ages ago, didnt work.