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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Most of the points I used to test things were spent on the very last day of beta, since they seemed to have given out a load of free cert points at some point towards the end. All four of the characters I had on my PC (one was my brothers) ended up with around 1200 points when I checked them. Even the ones I'd barely used. Only had a few hours to quickly spend the stuff and quickly try out things I thought I either might want or looked hard to gauge, but was handy to be able to.

Wondering how fast I'll be able to earn the things I'd like to use again. Probably painfully slow, but that's how free to play is.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Most of the points I used to test things were spent on the very last day of beta, since they seemed to have given out a load of free cert points at some point towards the end. All four of the characters I had on my PC (one was my brothers) ended up with around 1200 points when I checked them. Even the ones I'd barely used. Only had a few hours to quickly spend the stuff and quickly try out things I thought I either might want or looked hard to gauge, but was handy to be able to.

Wondering how fast I'll be able to earn the things I'd like to use again. Probably painfully slow, but that's how free to play is.

As a judge of experience (unless they buff the cert gain of course) ya get one for every kill, one occasionally for assists, some when you rank up (I'm assuming this number will be bigger at the higher levels beyond one), one when you're in proximity of a base as it's captured and actively fought in the area (floating above as a Liberator without firing a shot don't count), and seemingly randomly during pay. You also get certs over time too, I was able to get reliably 5+ certs (over a 24 or so hour period a day) over the course of my logoff hours during my playtime.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I'm trying to get into Planetside 2 but I'm encountering some difficulty... When I go to Planetside2.com I get redirected to a site for non US users, ok, so far so good. Then I press "create account" and I get a message saying that I'm getting redirected to a site compatible with me, which is back to planetside2.com, where I press create account, and am redirected to...

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Uh-oh, someone already has the name Superslicer... and I can't use an underscore. Didn't realise it was that popular of a name. Going to take forever to get this since I'm already trying to get AC:III. Hope the installer doesn't get pissy when I have to shut it down for the night...
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I'm trying to get into Planetside 2 but I'm encountering some difficulty... When I go to Planetside2.com I get redirected to a site for non US users, ok, so far so good. Then I press "create account" and I get a message saying that I'm getting redirected to a site compatible with me, which is back to planetside2.com, where I press create account, and am redirected to...


Just get the game(Now available on steam for the lazy/convenient), it actually uses the SOE account thingy, which you should be able to get an account by using buttons in the game's launcher
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I just used the downloader/installer from their site. Didn't take more than half an hour surprisingly.

And did you ever manage to get it to work for you Wonderboy? I heard there was some issues with the EU service on launch day. If not I'm not sure what to suggest since I already had a login from the beta.

I currently have an NC character on the Lithcorp Server, and a VS character on the Miller server. They even have an Australian server on there, which is something I don't think I see catered to very often.

I've noted that periodic lag storms keep sweeping through the game now, though am assuming it's just down to the launch. Had a few crashes too. Not too obstructive really, since its not like I lose my progress or anything, but something to see fixed.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The last episode of The Walking Dead happened. Shit's intense.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been playing BO2 recently, and I'm not sure why i thought I wouldnt be disappointed, but I am again. I remember when BO1 came out and it wasn't as good as MW. Same with BO2, it's not as good as MW2. What's the deal with that? I know the development team is different but come on...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, After trying everything (including the us launcher, the steam launcher and the eu launcher,) I decided to just wait, and now they've mostly fixed it... I haven't gotten to try it yet because it's still messing with me, but at least I can log on.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Spend 3 days downloading planetside 2 and it's updates only to be unable to play the game due to the expansive G37 error problem. I realise it's launch week (intelligently placed during thanksgiving) but fuck, this is a stupid-shit problem to have.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Spend 3 days downloading planetside 2 and it's updates only to be unable to play the game due to the expansive G37 error problem. I realise it's launch week (intelligently placed during thanksgiving) but fuck, this is a stupid-shit problem to have.

3 Days? Seriously? I downloaded it the day after launch and got it within 30 minutes, with only one significant 5 to 10 minute update since then. All other updates have took less than a minute.

I must just be really lucky or something, since the whole thing has been effortless on my end.

A warning note to any EU players. I'd probably recommend avoiding the Woodman and Miller servers. They were the first two EU servers put up, and were full to capacity in no time. I decided to delete the character I had in Miller and remake him elsewhere, when I ended up in a 300+ player waiting line to get into the server for the second time.

My current characters are now an NC character in LithCorp and a Vanu character in Cobalt.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

OH, well my max DL speed is 120kbps, figuring in that I was using the internet it was probably going at 90kbps. 6.8 gigs takes time. I'm not so much angry about the game taking forever to download as I am about it not working now that I have it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You said a G37 error? Both me and my Sister had that error for the first time just today actually. Doing a quick bit of google research on it came up with a couple of potential fixes, but in the end we followed the advice of one poster, saying that if you simply keep trying to start the game, it will eventually work.

And it did. Made some lunch and just kept poking it until it gave in. Didn't actually take too many tries. Supposedly the error is purely down to the servers being overloaded during launch.

Can't guarantee anything of course.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I've been trying it every couple of hours still haven't seen more than the load screen. ACIII's completed download soothed the sting a bit. This is the EXACT reason why you don't release an MMO on a holiday, especially a F2P, what were these guys thinking?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I've been trying it every couple of hours still haven't seen more than the load screen. ACIII's completed download soothed the sting a bit. This is the EXACT reason why you don't release an MMO on a holiday, especially a F2P, what were these guys thinking?

They had a cash sale on Black Friday. I can tell ya what they were thinking...

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Finally got my forelimbs on Scribblenauts: Unlimited. Amused to say at least - failing such concept (quite diligently implemented) is a true art of game designing. Sandbox, where tou canst easily implement atheistic pregnant undead megalodon or ride tazer-wielding god, while have closely to no reasons of doing so more than once. Brilliantly pathetic.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm playing PS2 on european servers, mainly cobalt, but also woodman and miller. Anyone else there?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Still doesn't work, I'm pretty sure it never will.

Anyway, Assassin's creed 3... the only thing usefull I have to say is DONT PLAY ANY BOARDGAMES, exp if you've sent someone out to do something and might have to help them (you won't get any updates untill the game is finished), Expert opponents are well... enough to make you want to mame the person who programmed them, not only are they insanely good, they're sore losers to boot. Been raping the shit out of them all game? Now that they only have a couple pieces left they're just going to move on between two spaces leaving you with no opportunity to finish the game.

I want a patch/mod/whatever so that I can use the hidden blade while in minigames to eviscerate my opponent.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm playing PS2 on european servers, mainly cobalt, but also woodman and miller. Anyone else there?

Which faction? My Vanu character is on Cobalt, and is the main one I actually play with so far. You can send a friend request to "Marl", as long as we're not mortal enemies.

I'm 350 Certification points away from getting the 150mm Dalton for the Liberator at the moment.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hmm... My char on cobalt is a NC char, but I can just make another one, I've only got like 100 cert points on it. Doesn't take that long.