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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Since some of you enjoy the "The Walking Dead" game series as well, does anyone else have the problem of overly long loading times between scenes?

And I don't mean the loading screens. For me, the game just freezes up for about 10-15 seconds or so, while the sound effects and music continue. Afterwards everything runs smoothly again.
However this occurs quite regularly and I only noticed it after adding Ep. 3.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I just finished Dishonored, played stealth and nonlethal mostly, but every once in a while killed a few people. Still got the best ending I think, and I was actually a little surprised by the story. There was enough foreshadowing to make the twist good, and all in all, I really liked the game. My gripe with it would be that as a stealth player, you don't have a huge amount of options, possession, blink, dark vision and stop time is fun, but you don't really get to vary your gameplay that much.

Seeing as the game was a HUGE success, and far exceeded any sales estimates, I'm sure we're going to see this series get a second installment, with a bigger budget, and maybe a new console generation. I am anxiously hoping.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was hoping Dishonored would be good. I haven't got the chance to try it myself yet. Lacking in options does damper the spirit a little though. Ah well, as long as it doesn't force guns blazing cowboy mode then I'm good.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, don't get me wrong there are plenty of options to solve each problem, and I think you can probably go through the entire game without killing anyone...

It is in my opinion one of the best games released recently. (I was disappointed in BL2)

Out of pure selfishness, I say get it! Because I really, REALLY want to see a spinoff title of this.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, I see. Just not as many as you'd like then. Oh no worries there. I have the game, just been busy.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Apparently Steam decided to give me a free copy of DOTA2 to give away. I thought it was free, but apparently not. If anyone wants it, PM me your Steam info and I'll get it to you ASAP.

EDIT: So there's three gift copies as opposed to just the one. One has been claimed, which leaves two more up for grabs. I also have doubles of a few of the Humble Bundle games, if anyone's interested.

EDITEDIT: Another has been claimed, but I've been sent another copy. That leaves me with two copies up for grabs, still.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

This game is magical.


And, while I'm at it, there's also . I've been spamming the fuck out of it in the chat recently, but since this is the actual game thread it's probably a good idea if I mention it here, too.

It's a top down sorta beat 'em up - very fast, but also tactical, in that both you and enemies die in one hit. The music is awesome, and it feels "Very David Lynch", as I'm told - which apparently, means that it's weird, you're not really sure what's happening, and feels vaguely like an acid trip. It's great, and I totally recommend it. It's at the typical indie game price of ten bux or so, I believe.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I've started playing Halo 4, and so far, I really like it. I did go in with my expectations somewhere down by my knees, so that may be making me enjoy it more but...

Cortana/ Chief interaction is awesome in this one!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've picked up a few new games, and started playing some old ones recently. Fallout: New Vegas, and Killing Floor are old games I've started playing again. Both frickin' awesome, ofc. I just wish people would listen to the Medic when I say to defend a point, rather than "LOLOLOLO CHARGE AT THE FLESHPOUND RAWR!", shortly followed by "Wtf medic y u no healz :<<<<<"

New games I've picked up are Torchlight 2 and Civilisation 5. Not played Civ yet, but Torchlight seems to be quite fun, first game of it's kind I've played in a looooong time.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Those aren't old games... those aren't old games at all.

well, maybe killing floor... but real old games are from the 90's.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nunu's right. Wait 10 - 15 more years and they might be called old. And the games from 90s will be called classics and pong will be ancient myth
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Star Con 2 for life!

hell even frog faction had a reference or two to that game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wallet lost to nostalgia when I went to an old game store recently and saw Brave Fencer Musashi (PS1) and Star Ocean (PS1). There was even some NES games (R.C. Pro-Am) that tempted me. lol
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've given away 3 copies, but they keep giving me more copies. So I have three more copies of DOTA2 to give away. This is getting silly.
EDIT: Still Two.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've given away 3 copies, but they keep giving me more copies. So I have three more copies of DOTA2 to give away. This is getting silly.

Now what I'm like with Firefall keys :S
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've given away 3 copies, but they keep giving me more copies. So I have three more copies of DOTA2 to give away. This is getting silly.
EDIT: Still Two.
Never tried DOTA or DOTA2, but worth a look if ya wish to toss another one.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Alright guys, who here has heard of Ib?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Finally have my copy of Halo 4, but now I need to install 3+ months worth of updates before I can do anything with it.