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Games Discussion Thread


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Thanks for the backup guys! :p

Though I do regret my choice of words offending you or anyone else, please cut me some slack on that, I was raging about BF 3 at the time. My point still stands, vista is a very poor operating system compared to the others available. Lol, they should cut vista support for BF3 and put in XP!


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I doubt anyone here is saying that Vista is great, just saying that we haven't had the issues with it that others have, so for as shitty as it may be, it apparently gets the job done to some extent.

Hell, I'd love to give Windows 7 a shake to see how it compares, but I'm waiting on getting a desktop that comes with it.
(and no, ya'll telling me how great it is isn't the same as me actually experiencing it)
I'd have it right now, but they wanted me to pay S&H and taxes for an upgrade. After I was guaranteed FIVE TIMES that I wouldn't have to pay anything for it, not even S&H and taxes.
Yeah, cheaper than paying for the OS as well, but it's the principle.
Yeah, HP, see if I ever buy from you again.
Plus, your customer support can suck my left testicle.
And then my right one, too.

.... oh, right, topic.
So yeah, I forgot how much I loved Maokai in League of Legends.
14 kills, 50 assists, 1 death. FUCK YEAH.
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And back to the issue, Sinful, just because you haven't had any problems with a product doesn't mean it's not shit. I would hesitate to say that there's no other "intelligent" opinion on the matter, but it's clear that if you don't realize how bad Vista is, you either are willfully stupid, or (much more likely) just ignorant.
Honestly I'm rather ignorant on the subject. It was more the choice of words than the actual stance that made me speak up.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Isotx, the guys behind Iron Grip Warlords, has recently released another Iron Grip title, this time Marauders: a FTP resource manager/RTS hybrid. Been giving it a spin and it's a pretty well-done system. Each of the units have thier own quirks. For those who want a example of gameplay, look .

Essentially, the game is broken down into doing missions (storybased quests from various contacts), raids to gain funds immediately, and smuggling runs, which can get you funds kinda on a risk-reward style of play (how many of your loadout slots do you want to fill up with non-attacking Smuggling Trucks, or how dangerous of a route do you want to risk yourself running). However, smuggling runs take 6 hours, locking one of your hero units (who act as field commanders: No hero units free, no able to do missions until they're unfree'd) and that's not counting any interuptions.

It's a nice uniqe experience, and the strategy aspect is pretty awesome both in and out of battles. At least worth a courtious look if you're into managing time and resources as well as playing with big guns.

Word to warning though, sometimes the unit selection for the AI at the present is a bit off (I hear they're working on balancing it more though). Case in point, spoilered so I don't sound like I'm droning incessently:
The mission: A simple smuggling raid. I needed cash and it was offering a difficulty two raid that payed like 2k. I packed my forces for the battle as several militia (the standard grunt soldiers, longranged but weakish), a few Assault Archos (A mechanical scout that's good at chewing up infantry and other light vehicles. This will be important in a sec), and a few Tank Destroyers, as well as a tankbound hero.

Mission deploys, and there's two paths to the prop caravan the enemy spawn in on this location, one is a longer but level terrain, the other a short dip down and then a blind rush up the ramp to clear the fog of war. Thus, I take my tank units around on the roundabout, and move the rest of the force along the shorter route to get them stuck in.

End of first turn: A enemy artillary unit fires at the infantry. Not too bad, as the weapon it uses is designed for antitank and not damaging the target it fired at.

The infantry rush up the hill as my tanks finish circling around, firing at the artillary piece when they can get a good line of sight.

End of turn two: About 10 or so enemy Assault Archos appear from the fog of war after my groundtrodders and light vehicles, machine guns blazing.

I wound up winning, but the only survivors were the two Tank Destroyers and the tank hero.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

i heard thats a lot like farmville


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

i heard thats a lot like farmville
<Planting stuff
<Blowing stuff up turn-based style

Explain self, good sir/madam/tentaclemonster/Saxton Hale, so my brain does not twist itself to oblivion.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

your pain is what sustains me.

also i can't really explain what i heardsesd.


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Played Resident evil archives RE1's version for the wii, defeated the big spider boss...im shaking still.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Clever girl...

For those that don't understand the graphics, the large units in this pic are called Wheel(s) of Doom, and fire in a 360* area around them. This hill is just a few steps from my deployment point this mission, with my force mostly infantry and light vehicles with a few tanks. The other enemy units you see there include Repair Trucks (which heal mechanical units, like the WODs) and Propaganda Trucks (which boost unit's attack damage.)

On the other hand, as it was a low-level mission, I survived with no casualties :3
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm impressed. It's got some things we've seen before, but still looks like a good game. I think the music used during the "we've found you moments" is pretty interesting, especially the helicopter/rooftop scene.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ok, so. Dead Island.

Am I the only one disappointed? Probably not. From the trailer, I expected a completely different game with emotional impact and a much bigger human element to it. Instead most humans are either quest givers you don't give a hoot about (save for very few) or gun fodder. The quests are insanely repetitive, there are escort missions ('cause everybody loves those, right?) and sewer levels, and even the fighting gets boring, especially on the PC.

Then again, I'm a singleplayer kind of guy, and this game is clearly geared towards mulitplayer. Still, the absolute lack of character development and individuality almost drove me up the wall. You don't even get your own cutscenes. Why do you show the three other survivors in the cut scenes when they're never around during the game? How did they get there?

Also, the modding. The game should at least have the decency to show you which pieces of junk you can use for modding blueprints. That way I'd never have to bother with pieces of soap and circular blades and all that other stuff, and I'd never have sold that special battery I found. Or better yet, it shouldn't give you useless junk in the first place. That way I would've had more metal scraps (which are insanely important later on).


Jungle Girl
Jun 20, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I like to think the soap was put in mostly for the novelty value of pressing the Drop button in the inventory.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think most folks were dissapointed with Dead Island. Though to be honest, I wasn't. I hoped for but never really expected a good story. The moving around and killing zombies bit was really well done, but much of the game is pretty lack luster. I've only been playing single player and been having lots of fun with it... however the lack of any good writing has had the opposite effect of bringing me back often.

Still, to me fun game. But not much more.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So. Having played RAGE, I can say that I was actually impressed with a game for once. I had some expectations of Rage, but it delivered, and added in a few nice little things to the mix.

First off, the combat. Combat feels quite a bit different than most of the shooters I've played as of late. Most are to hide behind a desk or a piece of random cover put there for that specific purpose, and use the same weapon for pretty much the entire game. Rage differs in that variety is good, and keeps you alive. I found myself, more often than not, using all four of my guns and at least two of my inventory items during a fight. Granted, I was running around dodging bullets more than taking cover, and firing from the hip as should be done in this particular game, but that doesn't change the fact that combat in Rage feels a lot different from most FPS games.

Next subject: AI. Be it out in the wasteland, or during a gunfight, enemy AI know what they're doing. They can read what you've been doing to their buddies, and respond in kind. If you've been using a Shotgun for too long, then they'll retreat and pepper you from a distance. If you're trying to pick them off from long range, they'll jump around and use cover to bum-rush you and get in your face. In a vehicle, they'll adapt their weapons and driving techniques to suit yours. If you drive like a bat out of hell spraying minigun, they'll swerve in and out of cliff faces or other obstructions to block your miniguns. If you fire missiles all day, they make sharp turns and duck into small cubby-holes to dodge your missile's tracking capability. Overall, best AI I've seen yet.

Next up, interactivity. I felt like I was playing Dead Island for a spell until the NPC's actually started talking to me because of my deeds in the wasteland. The quest-givers talk and move around quite a bit, but your character is still just the voiceless protagonist who's doing stuff for other people. Overall, I felt let down by the loss of character development, but at least the NPC's didn't suck.

Overall, Rage is more about gunplay, less about Roleplay, so let's get down to brass tacks. The guns. The amount of guns in the game is about as varied as the enemies. Which is to say not too much. There's approximately 12 weapons to be found, some by completing the story, others by spending hard-earned cash buying it from the store. This is supplemented by the Engineering feature, allowing players to make all kinds of neat gizmos, from walking guns that shoot and stab people to remote controlled toy bomb cars. Though the Wingsticks are a nice touch. This small list of guns is expanded upon slightly by numerous types of ammo, and a few weapon modifications. Hint: Pop rockets are basically grenade launcher rounds. And the detail on the weapons is pretty nice to boot. Considering you get to look the gun over when you first acquire it, thanks to a nifty little animation unique to each gun.

Overall, if you want a break from the norm of FPS games, Rage is definitely for you. Just don't go expecting and character development that you don't make up in your own head.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Played a multiplayer online of Little Big Planet recently and was reminded why I only do couch co-op. *headdesk* If you didn't have the idiots running off screen (so your character dies if you don't get them *back* on screen within five seconds) you have the ones that can't do the challenges. Had one girl (I say girl because the sackperson was female) tell me "You're going to have to help me!" get through this one challenge. I'm like "Honey, it doesn't move the screen if you stay down there." (Which means I can't go up, which means we can't advance.) Finally, I just let her die and worked my way up and brought her back at a respawn point. Of course, we both died later on in the level and used up all our respawns, so I just quit out and jumped into another game. Only reason I was doing this was because one of the levels has a 4x player section in it (instead of the normal 2x) to get all the stuff. Thankfully, the group I fell in with for that was spastic, but competent enough. It's hard keeping track of your character when there's four of them running around, heh.

Also, Final Fantasy XIII-2. Any thoughts, folks? Personally, despite Gamestops lovely pre-order bonus of the alternate costume for the one character, I think I'm just gonna wait until it goes Greatest Hits on me, especially since I haven't even played XIII yet.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think most folks were dissapointed with Dead Island. Though to be honest, I wasn't. I hoped for but never really expected a good story. The moving around and killing zombies bit was really well done, but much of the game is pretty lack luster. I've only been playing single player and been having lots of fun with it... however the lack of any good writing has had the opposite effect of bringing me back often.

Still, to me fun game. But not much more.
dead island had absolutely brilliant basics and in that sense was very solid, its just everything they built up on top of that was... well you know.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, got my hands on Orcs Must Die recently, and I can say it's definately a uniqe little game. I've gotten about halfway or so through the 24 levels, and it's plenty of good fun if you like watching critters turn into gibs from a variaty of sources. The combat/spellwork/building is really fluid as well.

That and pre-ordered Dungeon Defenders. Squeee~
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

dead island had absolutely brilliant basics and in that sense was very solid, its just everything they built up on top of that was... well you know.
Yeah I do know. Still, I love what they've done with the foundations. Too bad the walls are moldy.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I get the distinct impression that not much is going to change gameplay-wise between XIII and it's sequel. You might want to rent XIII (I'd never suggest anyone buy it because I hated it so much, but you might not) and give it a try before you go out and buy it or the sequel.

Also, don't believe a goddamned word squenix tells you. Untill there are videos up on youtube, and people who aren't payed to give it favorable reviews saying that in fact it isn't awfull, everything you hear is a lie meant to get your money.

p.s. If anyone hasn't noticed yet, I was/ am still very unhappy I payed money for XIII.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, I own XIII, I just haven't *played* it yet. Instead, my time's been taken up with Dragon Age (still) and InFamous. I really want to get my hands on InFamous 2, though I think I'll have Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 to tide me over on it. My friend's been waiting on me to play 13 so she has someone to bitch about it with but I'm like "If you were so unhappy with it, what makes you think I'm going to like it?" I'll get to it one of these days. I have a different kingdom to save first.

And upon showing the same friend the link, she goes "Great. Take out the character people like the best and release a new game. Brilliant move there, guys."