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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I miss shale in my game i had to kill her because i couldn't beat a certain boss because i had no health potions. :(
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Heh, I remember that one.

I did find Oggy amusing. Apprently he and Zevran have some very good moments, if perhaps trying to emulate the old Legolas and Gimli routine a little. Of course, I never used the blighter; like I needed another warrior when I already had two perfectly functional ones, plus a golem and a dog.

It's probably more because Zev is openly bisexual and Oghren is - like most other dwarves - rather conservative.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Right, time to get that quote from PC Gamer;

If you've played the original and don't want to start afresh, you'll be able to import your existing character, bringing all their stats, items and the consequences of their actions with you. The only things that won't tag along are your former party members; while an unspecified person from the original game's ten will again be able to team up with you, others will only appear as background characters, if at all.

Hrm..so it seems I may have been slightly wrong; one character will join up with you, but it's probably a predetermined character, not randomised.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Put ogg and wynn together to hear ogg flirt with when for a while before they talk about beer.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Or were you talking about female Shepard romances?
That. I was talking about playing as a female Shepard.

Also, ME2 does explain why Cerberus is suddenly not evil, right? Considering I just destroyed four of their bases largely because of their murder of both my unit on Akuze and of an Alliance admiral, it seems a bit... odd.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh, they're still evil, they're just also in a bit of a panic.

Additionally, I forget which codex entry it was, but one of the entries alludes to the fact that, about two years ago, shortly after the events of ME1, the leadership of Cerberus changed hands.

(Note the 'Illusive Man' is the title of the leader of the organization and not something that belongs exclusively to the illusive man you deal with.)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's probably more because Zev is openly bisexual and Oghren is - like most other dwarves - rather conservative.

From the quotes I've heard I'm not so sure that's the only schtick.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Put ogg and wynn together to hear ogg flirt with when for a while before they talk about beer.

Well, apparently the "wine" gift is better if given to Wynne than Ogg. I can see her knocking back a pint or two. Also, I *love* having Zev and Wynne in my party. "I think I may cry..." "Wynne, if I may ask about your...condition?"

From the quotes I've heard I'm not so sure that's the only schtick.

There's an easter egg section on one of the wiki pages. I guess there's several LotR references. I haven't gotten Ogg yet, but I'm sure they have fun with it, since the writers/programers are geeks. Some of the ones I remember are you can overhear in one of the bars "This, my friend, is a pint." and one of Zev's battle quotes "Shall we play for points?" is said to allude to the Gimli/Legolas rivalry during the Helm's Deep battle.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The best thing in the game, though, is the small note you find in the dwarf fort in the underground (I forget the name, but the one that used to be owned by the legion of the dead) which talks about a dwarf named shepard dying in an elevator.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This is probably brought on by too much Bioshock and too little sleep, but:

Couldn't we make underwater cities? Build some atlantean bullshit anchored to the sea floor, existing on fish and what we can grow? Like a giant, live in submarine, with a ballast so it can rise to the surface? Tether it 15-20 miles off shore so it's beholden only to world law, and start a country? World is two-thirds water, but there's plenty of space there. The only concern I can find is that these buildings and cities would displace massive amounts of water, which would fuck with the global ecosystem probably. But if we can sort that, could we maybe stall over-population?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Building a large scale underwater city would be noly slightly less difficult than building a city in space.

Not to mention that maintenance would be a royal pain.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Building a large scale underwater city would be noly slightly less difficult than building a city in space.

Not to mention that maintenance would be a royal pain.

I wouldn't say that. Building and maintaining a city in space requires much more resources and in space you have to deal with keeping the thing in orbit, preventing leaks, health problems(preventing loss of bone density for example is something that has yet to be solved. Exercise helps, but it isn't enough), food and drinks need to be specially prepared etc. Building a city underwater has fewer afore mentioned major problems. Only ones I can think of are: dealing with pressure(mountain sickness every time you leave the place doesn't sound very nice), dealing with leaks and transportation.

So basically, we could do it. I think there's already an underwater hotel, and Netherlands are technically underwater, for the most part. The city probably wouldn't have much in the way of parks or plazas - easiest way to prevent leaks leading to a major disaster is to separate each area into a self contained system - but it could be done. The real question is, how the hell would you finance the thing? The cost would probably be tens of milliards. I'm guessing ITER's price is approximately same order of magnitude, and it has pretty much every major power supporting it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wouldn't say that. Building and maintaining a city in space requires much more resources and in space you have to deal with keeping the thing in orbit, preventing leaks, health problems(preventing loss of bone density for example is something that has yet to be solved. Exercise helps, but it isn't enough), food and drinks need to be specially prepared etc. Building a city underwater has fewer afore mentioned major problems. Only ones I can think of are: dealing with pressure(mountain sickness every time you leave the place doesn't sound very nice), dealing with leaks and transportation.

So basically, we could do it. I think there's already an underwater hotel, and Netherlands are technically underwater, for the most part. The city probably wouldn't have much in the way of parks or plazas - easiest way to prevent leaks leading to a major disaster is to separate each area into a self contained system - but it could be done. The real question is, how the hell would you finance the thing? The cost would probably be tens of milliards. I'm guessing ITER's price is approximately same order of magnitude, and it has pretty much every major power supporting it.

What I mean with the difficulty thing is this:
You're going to have miles of square feet of surface exposed to the water, which means a lot of repair work in dive suits. Also, if you're deep enough, a leak can actually shoot forward with enough strength to cut through metal. As for food and drinks: while it doesn't need to be specially prepared (And if you have a city that operates off specially prepared food, then it isn't that difficult to do anymore because it's more cost effective to do that stuff in bulk) it still needs to be shipped down, and we don't have a submarine shipping industry.

Also, if you don't build it deep enough, you'll have to worry about storms churning the water about.

Finally, for construction, the cheapest way to do it is the same way space stations are built: make parts in a ground based area and then ship them to the site.

For health problems: if there's a leak, all sorts of funky bugs and slime could get into the city.

The only things more expensive for space are transport to and from the facilty, and keeping it in orbit.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Bingo. Considering that currently it costs about $18k/kg to get stuff into the orbit...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Aye, but how do we get stuff down to the underwater city? Are we going to use military submarines? (Also, what depth are you thinking about for this thing anyway?)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I would make a tunnel. No submarines needed, except for the construction. The tunnel either underground or hooked into the bottom of the ocean. This assuming that the city would be relatively close to mainland like Newbie said. If not, it should be possible to make an elevator or similar system, so that most things could be brought by surface vessels. Obviously the heavier structures required in the construction would still require submarines to place, but after the tunnel(or the elevator) was made, most equipment could be shipped without submarines.

Also: The thread totally hijacked.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I would make a tunnel. No submarines needed, except for the construction. The tunnel either underground or hooked into the bottom of the ocean. This assuming that the city would be relatively close to mainland like Newbie said. If not, it should be possible to make an elevator or similar system, so that most things could be brought by surface vessels. Obviously the heavier structures required in the construction would still require submarines to place, but after the tunnel(or the elevator) was made, most equipment could be shipped without submarines.

Also: The thread totally hijacked.

Ok, thinking a little more, I guess you might mean a floating tunnel attached to the sea floor, but when I first read this, I thought you mean hooking into the ocean as you were going to let the tunnel flood so you could drain the ocean.

Also, for the city thing, rapture is a bad model for an underwater city. If you are going to build underwater, you need to adjust your building style for the pressure and increased difficulty in building. (Aka, make domes, not sky scrapers.)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ok, thinking a little more, I guess you might mean a floating tunnel attached to the sea floor

Bingo. Also, I meant the elevator as a means to transport equipment and people from the surface to the city. Obviously it would require pretty miraculous engineering as it would have to reach the surface but also connect to the city, so it would be under enormous strain. That's why the tunnel would be better option.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If you want a free country then a fleet of big ships or floating city of sorts has got to be a simpler solution than a underwater city. You can even move it later. Still no small feat, but easier and more practical than rapture. Comparatively...

Isn't that the theme of the Hydro Phobia game coming up some time soon? Some kind of ultra modern super liner funded by five shifty companies who wanted to be able to do business outside of national law. Of course the whole thing soon goes to hell and starts taking on water.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I know that, a while back, there were plans to actually make a small city in a single massive ship.