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Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Mina's not underwater, or on it. She's still on the bridge. The tentacles just destroyed most of it so she couldn't escape easily.)

As Melissa picks up her gun to aim, the tentacles manage to move fast enough to stop her from firing, and wrap themselves around her arms, legs, and body.

Meanwhile, under the same siege, Jenn barely managed to evade the tentacles seeking her out, and the effort from trying to get away prevented her from finding an opening to counterattack, forced to go on full defense while backing away, and dodging perverted tentacles...

Mina, who was stranded, helpless on the bridge, made a dodging leap away from the mass of tentacles reaching out to grab her, and while one was lucky enough to grab her foot as she leaped, she made an aggressive kick towards one of the wooden posts near her, over and over, slamming the tendril on her leg so hard, it actually split from the sheer pressure. All of the other tentacles retracted when the tentacle was destroyed, and acted as if they were in pain... While the tentacles attacking Jenn and Melissa were unaffected.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Hrm. I guess Mina CAN take care of herself; apparently it's Melissa who really needed to worry.)

Melissa's yell turns into a shriek as she gets momentarily buried under grabbing muscle.

"AGH! Let GO!"

She starts swinging around with her arms, clawing at the tentacles on them, trying to get them free... trying to ignore the tugging that already seems to be pulling her towards the water...

(Wrestle her arms free.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(It's her 'brawling' ability, I suspect.)

Jenn notices that Melissa has been caught up by a mass of tentacles, and moves to cut her free.

(Attack the tentacles holding melissa, neutral stance)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

While Melissa finds herself unable to free herself from the tentacles binding her, Jenn comes to her rescue, and in one feral slash, cuts all of the tentacles binding her, freeing her from their grasp, and destroying them in the process.

Meanwhile, the other tentacles that tried to ensnare Jenn tried once more, hoping that she was too distracted to defend against them. This assumption was wrong, and Jenn easily almost danced gracefully away from the tendrils reaching for her.

After Mina smashed that first tentacle, she slowly stood up from where she was and as she had a moment of vulnerability, the other tentacles took action, and Mina soon found herself wrapped, just as Melissa was, in thick, invading tentacles...

"NOOO!" Mina screamed as the tentacles trapped her, and started working themselves into her clothes...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa gasps as the tentacles spasm, tightening painfully around her before they loosen and fall free.

"Thanks, Jenn... oh, no, Mina..."

Luckily she hasn't lost her grip on her rifle again, so she brings it up, hoping to shoot one of the tentacles grabbing at Mina.

(Attack the tentacles grabbing Mina.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Jenn, unable to aid Mina herself helps the only way she can - by trying to defend Melissa and herself against the incoming tentacles while also not getting between Melissa's gun and the tentacles attacking Mina.

(Attack any tentacles that threaten Jenn or (then) Melissa in a neutral stance)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

As Melissa aimed to save Mina, the tentacles that originally went after Jenn, went after her instead, and wrapped her just as the others did, preventing her from taking a shot, and saving Mina.

However, they didn't hold her for long, not until Jenn was right there, already swinging her rapier, cutting them off of Melissa.

Meanwhile, Mina found the tentacles to be determined not to let her go, and the ones crawling around her clothing made a sharp pull, and tore her baggy clothing to shreds, exposing her perky breasts, semi-hard cock, and petite pussy. She let out a scream as the tentacles declothed her, and not soon after the futa was naked, did a strange tentacle emerge from the water. Instead of going for her pussy, the tube-like tendril opened up like a flower, revealing a red, slippery looking inside, and seemed to be moving for her cock...

Mina stared, awestruck at the tentacle moving to do... Something to her member, and trembled slightly, as it neared her...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(I was SO TEMPTED just to cut-and-paste my previous post... arrgh...)

Melissa lets out a grunt as the tentacles abruptly slap around her, then just as abruptly fall loose.

"Errgh... that monster really likes me too much... thanks again, Jenn..."

For a moment, she stares in equally horrified fascination at the monster feeling up Mina, but then she snaps back to reality.

"MINA! C'mon, girl, FIGHT IT!"

Then she levels her rifle at the base of the tentacles, finger reaching for the trigger...

(Attack the tentacles grabbing Mina. Again. At least she isn't expending bullets...)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Heh, indeed - both our characters are in the exact same situation as last time, unless RJ is implying that I managed to defeat the one that had grabbed you the first time, in which case Jenn is in a very slightly different situation.)


"No problem. I'll try to keep them off you while you help Mina, but no promises - they're quick."

Jenn again tries to defend Melissa.

(Same as last time)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

To Jenn and Melissa's surprise, the tentacles that had been cut were retreating back into the water...

As Melissa took aim, she had difficultly finding a shot without shooting the thrashing Mina in the process...

Mina's eyes went wide, and her legs were spread wide, as the weird tentacle hovering over her cock clamped down, and started making motions that suggested it was sucking on her member. Jenn and Melissa even heard the organic sucking from where they were, as well as Mina's change in vocal disposition; her cries of pleading becoming cries of passion and pleasure, and much less of a struggle, as Melissa especially saw through her scope, Mina looked to be enjoying herself as the flower-like tendril sucked on her cock...

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-oh-god-mmm-" Mina moaned with pleasure, a smile now on her face from the pleasure, as she ceased all fighting.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(I guess it gives REALLY GOOD blowjobs, eh? Assuming of course it isn't using something else, like aphrodisiacs or somesuch.)

With the threat of being grabbed gone, Melissa drops to one knee to steady her rifle. She drops her aimpoint, trying to target closer to the water.

"C'mon Mina, stay with us, don't let it suck you off..."

At least with Mina merely trying to have sex with the monster, instead of thrashing about trying to get free, she should have an easier shot...

(Attack the tentacles holding Mina up. Yet again. C'mon, she got to spend bullets to no effect before the fight started, can't she spend bullets now that the fight's in progress?)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Meh, I mentioned it before a few weeks back, with the way the book works, if I let shots that Melissa would take at the monster holding Mina go, the poor Futa would at least have been shot in the leg, or the bullet would have grazed her skin... Not a good thing, so I just stop the shot altogether, and say that the person in question taking the shot knew that they'd shoot their ally.)

With the back and forth movements, Melissa tried to carefully place her shot once more, without the fear of hitting Mina, by shooting at the base of the tentacle coming from the water. And, to her dismay, the slight back and forth movements caused her bullet to miss by an inch...

Mina, still getting sucked off by the strange tentacle, clenched her teeth as the tentacle started sucking faster, and faster, until she let out a loud shout of orgasmic pleasure, and twitched as she normally does when she's cumming. The area near the spot that's clamped onto her cock bulged, as all of her cum she ejaculated into it traveled through it, as if milking her for her cum...

Once it was done, and it milked all of her cum, it let her go, and the tentacles retreated into the water, leaving two of them in silence, and another, panting on the bridge, laying on her back, with a smile on her face...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Errgh, okay. Melissa really needs to learn to target the base from the outset, instead of trying to ping one off their skin. :p)

When the monster lets Mina down and disappears into the water, all Melissa can do is stare in shock for a long moment, fearing that Mina has been harmed in some invisible way, her Sight reaching out and probing Mina's aura.

"Mina, oh god Mina, are you alright...?"

Hastily she starts stripping, taking off clothes, letting her backpack drop, propping the rifle against it. She's horrible at swimming, but by God she'll do it if she has to, so as to get to Mina.

(Divine Sight check: the monster's back under the rocks, right? And how's Mina's aura look?)
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Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina's aura looks healthy, and the monster's aura from below looks even dimmer than it did before Melissa first saw it.

Mina turned when she heard Melissa, and looked a little interested when she started taking her clothes off. She immediately got to all fours, and when Melissa started to swim towards the broken bridge, unhindered by any monster trying to pull her down, Mina reached down, and took the struggling Melissa's hand, and lifted her onto the bridge, one of her hands going automatically to hold her ass...

"Melissa... I'm fine... I don't know what it did to me though... But... Hee, hee," she blushed a little, "I think it likes me!" she giggled foolishly.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Heh. Yay for Jenn.)

After getting a hand up from Mina, Melissa grabs both her shoulders and holds her at arms' length, looking her in the face and down her (nude and very attractive) body. Then she hugs her tightly, doing her best to squash them together.

"I'm just glad that monster doesn't like you a little TOO much, and keep you for later..."

Pulling back a little, she looks Mina in the eyes, a feeble smile trembling on her lips.

"Please... PLEASE don't be so quick to march up when we KNOW there's a monster waiting for somebody... the next one probably won't be so nice as to just give you a blowjob..."

Melissa takes a cautious peek over the edge of the bridge. From here, she should be able to get a better idea of just where it's made its den.

"I-If you're feeling all right, then we should go back... I left all my stuff behind, 'cuz I can't swim with it... and we still need to figure out what's in that greenhouse..."

(Must... tempt... fate... :p)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina seemed very distracted as Melissa was hugging her, and talking to her. She didn't appear to be listening, at least, not until her last words, when Mina looked from from staring at Melissa's crotch and breasts.

"I... I could carry your stuff... Swim across... And... And..." Mina suddenly, with a mischievous grin, threw herself at Melissa, and placed herself on top of her, seeming lost under her usual sexual hunger.

Mina's sharp teeth bit gently into Melissa's left breast, and started sucking on her nipple, while her left hand went to squeeze and play with her right breast. And while Mina was toying with Melissa's breasts, she seemed to be eagerly positioning herself between Melissa's legs, wanting entry...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa lets out a squeak as Mina tackles her flat and starts playing with her.

"AH! Mina... n-not now... Jenn's watching us, and you know she doesn't trust you!"

She squirms under the fondling, one hand tangling in Mina's hair while the other clutches at Mina's hand. If she's trying to fight her off, it's not really obvious, given that she's not actually trying to pull her away...

(Um... try and talk Mina out of it...?)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina stops for a moment, looking as if not shoving her cock into Melissa was taking a load of great restraint.

"B-But Melissa... I want to fuck you so bad..." she pleaded, slightly poking her member against Melissa's pussy in anticipation.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Oh jesus christ..."

"Hey! Can't that wait until we're done here? We've still got some exploring to do! If you can't restrain yourself for ten freaking minutes, how do you expect me to believe you can live peacefully in the inn?"

"Also, I still can't swim."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(I think the rules permit "unskilled" attempts at skills... they're just that much less likely to succeed - so Jenn and Melissa can swim short distances, but only if they're down to just a swimsuit. Or their birthday suits, in this case. So Mina's going to get some exercise hauling the water-resistant backpacks to and fro.)

With Mina not actively pawing her, Melissa wiggles out from under and sits up.

"She's right, you know... C'mon, Mina, it'll be more fun back at the Inn, with a bed to do it on, a thermostat to set comfy, and without worrying that the monster's gonna join in."

She stands up, pulling Mina to her feet with her, and leads them to the edge of the bridge.

"Besides, you promised me you were going to teach me how to swim properly... now sounds like a good time for the first lesson."

(If Mina doesn't oppose, climb down and flounder back to Jenn's location.)