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Games Discussion Thread


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

You can save both if your reputation is high enough and you've made the right choices in ME2. Doing all of the Quarian missions helps.
My rep is pretty much half and half, and I'm not sure what choices I made in ME2. And I did the two missions on Rannoch.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Slicer, that best not be thoughts on the ending, cause I haven't gotten there either. This isn't exactly a short game. Please put that shit in spoiler tags.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm pretty strict about my use of spoiler tags. That comment doesn't allude to anything contained in the ending. More of a jest about some of these conspiracy theories.

Also, I hate to burst anyone's bubble but I just took a second look at the pic at the top of this page and you can see 2 classes "krogan battlemaster" and "asari justicar" on the right. Both of those seem redundat, as there are krogan for all the "tank" classes, and a justicar would just be an adept. Also one is fairly exclusive, who but an asari could be a justicar? That would mean they'd be creating a special class for each race. Not that I wouldn't be happy if they did, but my bullshit meter is on the rise.

Edit: ME3 multiplayer community event going on, win on silver against reapers and get an N7 weapon (and something else, wasn't quite clear on that, maybe two n7 weaps?) on tuesday, if the community kills 1mil or more brutes even those that didn't manage to win will get a N7 weapon (I think, you can look around if you want better details). lol though, I think they turned up the difficulty for this, I just finished a silver match and I've never seen that many brutes and banshees at one time on silver. Seriously there were 4 banshees out and 8 brutes, tons of ravagers (hate those fuckers) and that's just the ones I could see in my frantic pace of alternating from mantis-shots to warp blasts. Man, I'm going back to fighting geth now, I've got my quota of brute kills (10 should be enough right?).
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 15, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

In case you haven't noticed, I'm pretty strict about my use of spoiler tags. That comment doesn't allude to anything contained in the ending. More of a jest about some of these conspiracy theories.
Lol you scared me for a moment too. I thought that was the ending as well. I have yet to install the me3 so I'm looking forward to the game despite the criticism regarding the ending.

Can't wait for May. i hope Diablo III will be great.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I would have put a :D afterwards to show it was a joke, but I've gotten several neg reps because of that smiley so I'm inclined not to.

Let's talk ME3 multiplayer builds for a bit. I usually run engineer with all my abilities geared towards maximum damage to a single target. But lately I've been trying out the other classes. I like using the human vanguard to just be a deusche to the enemies, I've got the build set up to where I can use biotic charge the most frequently and get the most damage, using only basic heavy pistol for a weapon to get the recharge time down even further. But unfortunately either I'm lagging too much or I'm just not doing it quite right, because sometimes even though biotic charge says it's all the way recharged it will just not activate. So I'm left standing around like an idiot and end up getting killed by basic enemies. Sure is a rush when it works right though, soloing all the "boss" enemies while they can't touch you because of those invincibilty frames and instant barrier regen.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Vanguard is better built towards huge damage on a single target. Charge actually refills your shields, and can fill your shields completely once you max it out, so a very common strategy is to max charge and nova and just do that until everything's been murdered. But if you do it wrong, or you foul up, you're surrounded by enemies with no shields.

I really like the Salarian Engineer. The decoy lets you funnel enemies towards a specific area and draws fire off of you, while energy drain keeps your shields up and your enemies shields down. Incinerate is just frosting on the cake at that point.

I might consider running Adept as strictly support, maxing radius on things like singularity and shockwave so I have more control over how the opponent does and (mostly) does not move. The Drell adept has cluster grenades, which are really goddman brutal when you max them out, and reave which bumps up your damage resistance.

I'm a pretty shitty Infiltrator, though freeze helps me be a more effective sniper. I haven't really tried my hand at Sentinel or Soldier.


Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I played the hell out of the demo, using an asari adept with maxed out throw and warp, focused on biotic detonations. But I found using only throw and warp got boring fast, so now I'm trying to find alternate builds.

Currently my favorite weapon is the Falcon... Grenades! Also, when you get used to it, you can bounce grenades from the falcon off walls and stuff, and essentially shoot around corners. I find this is a very effective tactic especially on ravagers and other slow moving targets with very high damage.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm waiting to unlock the Krogan Soldier, but at the moment I've been using the Human Engineer exclusively. Maxed out Drone, Incinerate and almost Overload though I am thinking about respec'ing Drone to have chain lightning and the flamethrower. I used to use Heavy Pistols only and act as support but after playing around with some other weapon types I do like going around with an Assault Rifle and double teaming everything with my Drone.
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Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been playing the Turian Sentinel mostly. He has warp and overload, making him useful against both shields and armor. I've bought two spectre packs so far - BOTH included the M-300 Claymore, so I've just been shotgunning everything in the face lately. My back up weapon is the Avenger, which I have at level 5 or 6 by now. Also, I've developed Overload into chain lightning to shock three people at once to take the heat off a bit. I used to use the Raptor a lot, but I just found the damage unsatisfying, especially as the Avenger got better and better.

Also, I disagree on the notion that Geth are the easiest opponents. Geth have flamethrower troops and cloaked hunters, not to mention primes. Either of those can easily and absolutely fuck your whole group up. Cerberus troops just don't have that potential for mass destruction. Nemesis, Guardians and Phantoms are an annoyance at best, and can at most down one player - plus they don't show up in bulk like pyros and hunters. Atlases are extremely slow and just as rare, plus their fire rate is laughable. In my opinion it's Cerberus < Geth < Reapers.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 15, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Unfortunately I won't be able to play multiplayer :\. Sounds like a lot of fun, but I guess ignorance is bliss in some cases. I'm mostly interested in the single player story, but I guess that subject has already been discussed enough.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think it's prefrence whether geth or cerberus are easiest. Cerberus engineers can show up in suprisingly large numbers and just bury you in turrets, and phantoms can insta kill you if you're not paying attention or the game wants to screw you. Just yesterday I was playing the asari adept in a silver against cerbers and there were 4 phantoms out. Wasn't a big deal untill the last one just ignored my stasis blasts like a champ. Though you're right, when you get swarms of hunters and pyros it's very hard to keep control of any area, and with both the prime and rocket trooper's having god-like homing shots you absoloutley need to control an area with a ton of cover.

I'm pretty convinced that they've turned the difficulty up for this event, it's getting goddamned rideculous, and I hope they turn it back down once it's over. Either that or all the good players have moved on to gold and I'm stuck picking up the slack for crappy players, it's not a good sign when I'm top score every single match.

About the falcon, I find that if I fire it too fast I end up wasting rounds, they don't miss, they just never fire and the ammo is still used up. Is anyone else experiencing this?
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Geth become much easier if you have access to the Quarian Infiltraitor. If you hit a pyro with Sabotage the world becomes a better place with surprising rapidity. But they are also easier than cerberus because they're the only 'synthetic' enemy, and as such things like overload and energy drain are much more effective when used on them, even if they don't have shields.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I believe you can hack Atlases and turrets as well. Either way, I'm still waiting on unlocking more classes. All I get is levels and customization options for the human classes, and the occasional Salarian engineer.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can confirm that atlases are sabotageable, did it a couple of times when I first got the quarian infiltrator. They don't appear all that usefull as they try to melee anything that's within 10 ft of them, and they didn't use their rocket or laser attacks against anything more than 20ft away. Seems like they made sabotage so it didn't allow that kind of stuff, because having atlases working for you with the same efficency that they work against you would make it really easy to win matches.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I take it you can't hijack Atlas' in MP? Not that I've managed it in SP.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Some new videos of Mechwarrior Online:



Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Tried taking the pilot out of an atlas already, confirmed that it's impossible. Pumped that cockpit with round after round, all right at the pilot's head, killed the mech before it broke the cockpit open.

I have two main characters, depending on who I'm planning to be up against. Human infiltrator with a black widow and tempest, great against cerberus, decent against geth, less than awesone against reapers. And a krogan sentinel with a grell spike thrower and so much tankiness it's gone past funny, past ridiculous, and back into funny again. Spent all weekend using him against reapers on silver, never used cover, and my shield only broke once or twice a match. Haven't tried him against geth yet, but he does just as well against Cerberus, so I think he's my new favourite :D


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I actually did once manage to crack open the cockpit on an atlas, but I find that it really isn't worth the effort. Maybe it's better if the entire team is cooperating, but the one time I did manage to do it, it was already near dead.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I've done it in the campaign, but every time I kill the pilot the mech dies with him. Maybe the difficulty needs to be turned up? I was doing it on normal.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I got confused there for a moment. I thought Shrike and Newbie we're talking about the Mechwarrior stuff that Lurker posted and thought there had been a spike in interest or something. (The Atlas also being a well known mech in the Battletech series.)

I was going to say that you can certainly crack their cockpits open and hyjack in MW:LL, but uh... wrong series.

Regarding MW:Online, have you made any plans regarding who you'll be fighting for Lurker? I'm quite interested in getting involved with one of the houses and taking part in some inter faction wars, but not knowing much any of the setting lore or story I'm a bit lost about who to give my allegiance to. Alternatively some friends think I should set up our own Mercenary group. Don't know what the specifics of that will involve. To fight for a flag or my pocket book. I dunno.

Hows bout you, any idea at all? '-'


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't know. I did it on bronze with an SMG. I think what happens is that if you're the only one focused on cracking it open everyone else murders it dead, and keeps firing when it's empty. Maybe the solution is low damage high frequency weapons?