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Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

And now for something completely different:

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

and this is why western cartoons are SHITTY SHIT SHIT!

The song for that vid gets you all pumped. That's something...

There are shitty western cartoons, there are shitty anime.

The DC Animated stuff from when I was a kid, and was awesome. If you have anything bad to say about I will hate you forever.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Funny and awesome at the same time I guess XD

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Heyheyhey, all of Cartoon Network's older cartoons (Cow and Chicken, Dexters Lab, Johnny Bravo etc...) were awesome and if you think otherwise you're a filthy commie butt pirate.

Damn Straight!

Now for one that I found recently...

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Little late, but , everyone.
Not for the feint of 'heart'.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Not really hentai but...

I just watched this - it's very well done for a flash cartoon. I didn't think this would fit in the "hentai videos" section due to the fact that it isn't hentai; although it has suggested tentacle rape near the end (I don't really want to give away the ending =P).

Anyways, the cartoon is called "Wilhelm Park". The author intended to make it for the Newgrounds Halloween contest; however he changed his mind and decided to pace himself instead.

Screw Driver
Re: Not really hentai but...

Ehh, I don't think this fits in the hentai section. Or any current thread standing in the EE section right now.
Re: Not really hentai but...

By EE I'm assuming "Everything else".

By all means, if it doesn't fit, please place it where it belongs. I'll be sure to take note of it and avoid repeating the mistake.
Re: Not really hentai but...

Well I'd like to merge it with the Funny Videos thread there, but I don't have to power to do that. I can only move things there.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

"Have nice day."
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Forgive me for doubling posting, but this was a big thing for me.

I watch this show regularly (don't hate). I recorded this show tonight and watched it to discover .

It's the first time that (in my life) I would hear such an outbreak on such a show. I know it doesn't sound like anything special... But to me, and for this kind of show... it meant a lot.

I live in Tucson, Arizona - where Gabrielle Giffords was shot and we lost good people over some lunatic. So seeing this was something that really struck the nerve, ya know? :(
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

It's the first time that (in my life) I would hear such an outbreak on such a show. I know it doesn't sound like anything special... But to me, and for this kind of show... it meant a lot.

I live in Tucson, Arizona - where Gabrielle Giffords was shot and we lost good people over some lunatic. So seeing this was something that really struck the nerve, ya know? :(

He said it himself, it's happened a lot... and no I don't know. There's lunatics everywhere, people are killed everywhere, so having one guy shout out in anger against a man who really likes to push buttons doesn't surprise me at all, nor touch any nerves.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

He said it himself, it's happened a lot... and no I don't know. There's lunatics everywhere, people are killed everywhere, so having one guy shout out in anger against a man who really likes to push buttons doesn't surprise me at all, nor touch any nerves.

I'm just surprised that guy didn't pull out a gun and start firing at people.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

I'm just surprised that guy didn't pull out a gun and start firing at people.

I'm not. People get angry and start yelling all the time. I see it alot. However it's not too often that someone will actually bring a gun to cause physical violence.