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Free Will

Re: Free Will

Pah! Having actually gone through the linked flash now, it's really quite annoying. The title "Free Will" makes no sense what so ever. Fine, a simple flash can't possibly encompass all the things people might do, but this doesn't even try. It does the exact opposite even.

Seemed fun for a while, but soon became frustrating and blatantly linear. No matter how much you tell it to leave, to hurry with the clothes, whatever, it forces you through the same scenes with very little difference arising from your choices. The magical compulsion to fix the bed? The supposed inability to pick up something vaguely resembling normal clothes? Is that supposed to be his idea of how all women think or what? And the "5 hours latter" jump, that's utterly messed up.

As strange/pointless as it is, I have planned and considered options for such a bizarre scenario, (minus strange room) and I can tell you it goes nothing like this. -_-
Re: Free Will

I think Free Will is something that could be argued either way. Still, even with the argument that it does not exist due to electrical signals in your brain making you act a certain way, not everyone's is the same. Everyone makes their own individual "choices" (in quotations cause some would argue that you're not actually making a choice) and would handle something differently. The "game" does not show this at all. So... the game linked above does not prove anything. Indeed, its just a series of pictures with words, but no varying paths. Really, I would leave that room, and I would snap the mother fucker neck of the arrogant cunt who did that to me. Whether that's a choice or not, it's still how I would react.

So... free will aside or not, this game really does not say anything about free will. It can be thought of as brain washing though... like a cult or some such.
Re: Free Will

... I love how you guys, start arguing over this thing.


Is this how trolls feels like...?

... Am I becoming one of them...? D:
Re: Free Will

Arguing? I see no arguing. I see a sort of discussion on whether or not free will exists or not, but not really because nobody has really disputed anybody else's statement yet. Other than that, I see some unanimous agreement that whoever made the flash could have been a lot more creative about it.

Where is the argument?
Re: Free Will

... I love how you guys, start arguing over this thing.


Is this how trolls feels like...?

... Am I becoming one of them...? D:

No arguing, and trust me, being a troll is much more hilarious painful than this. You didn't even say anything to cause it. Moreover, the content of the link did.
Re: Free Will

Ah. Joy. Damn
And sorry, I tend to see Arguing/Discussing as Synonyms. Or at least my brain tells me so. |: Btw. White as "Hidden" Color is laem~.
Re: Free Will

Mmm.... Discussion is more rational, calm individuals talking about something and comparing viewpoints on said something. Arguing, while technically meaning the same thing, carries connotations of negativity and heated emotions. Which is what trolling is designed to inspire. Inspiring civil, rational discussions is actually the basis of why forums exist. Doesn't the word go back to the ancient Romans, who had a public square called a "forum" used for much the same purpose? Or was it more like a market? I can't remember.
Re: Free Will

Inspiring civil, rational discussions is actually the basis of why forums exist.

Re: Free Will

Ooh. I'd like to excercise MY free will on you...
Re: Free Will

So I just thought I'd point out, Scientists have proven that subatomic particles have something akin to free will, one of these days when i get back to work i'll re-read the clipping and sum it up for you guys ;)
Re: Free Will

The artist . . . and I can't remember the artist's name for the life of me right now. . . anyway, his transformation work is as much about mental transformation linked in with the physical transformations. So taking that into account the "game" elements work since, in his fetish, once you're transformed it's only a mater of time before you become whatever you're transformed into.

That can either be fun and hot or boring and dumb (or horrifying and squicky) depending on your fetish and what he's drawing.

Here's a gallery:

WARNING: Linked gallery also contains some sadly unwarning labeled vore D:
Re: Free Will

Alias you are either correct in the belief that the word forums came from the Romans... but I think you might be wrong in that it came from the Greeks. Does anyone know the answer there?
Re: Free Will

It's Roman

*edit* sorry if that was blunt. It wasn't just a general term for a place of assembly, it was a specific place in Rome, the Forum Romanum. I think it has some connection to Romulus and Remus.
Last edited:
Re: Free Will

To whichever Sesame Street episode was dedicated to the letter 'R': Fuck you.
Re: Free Will

i r confuzzled
Re: Free Will

It's Roman

*edit* sorry if that was blunt. It wasn't just a general term for a place of assembly, it was a specific place in Rome, the Forum Romanum. I think it has some connection to Romulus and Remus.

So many Rs
Re: Free Will

