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Siberian Base Camp

Re: Siberian Base Camp

"We're going to be stuck here until the dumbasses at HQ find the location of the facility the ship is held in." Michael says, turning from the group and heading for the door to the tent "I'm going out for a hunt. Anyone care to join me?" he asks, stopping in front of the door and turning his head to the left to look back at the others
Re: Siberian Base Camp

grumbles and pushed out from between whoever she was with walking towards the commander "they say activity keeps ya warm...i'll go"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

The tent flap opened, and a strange tanish face stuck herself through the door. "Erm, excuse me, is this the briefing room?" Xerberis asked, herr anteni twitching slightly at the amount of people in the area. Besides the lab staff, she never knew that many creatures, so the pile of soldiers made a nice change...
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Ava's reply was relatively simple and concise as she took a step towards the "door" of the tent. Her original "conditioning" was that she was to follow her commander at all times unless ordered otherwise. Even then, she was to return to her superior's side as soon as the assigned duty was completed. As thus she did as such.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"There is no briefing as of yet. I'm passing the time until the dummies at HQ send us the intel we need to...." His sentence is cut short as his radio crackles to life "Codename Reaper, we have located the facility. It is thirty clicks north-northwest of your current position. Recommend you take the APC we have on the way down to the planet. Radio in when you arrive at the entrance to Codename Last Resort." a voice comes in over the radio, Michael smiling "Looks like we're canceling the hunt. Everyone, get outside. The APC should be here soon, judging by the weather." he says, passing Xerberis and chuckling "This is shaping up to be a very interesting mission." he says, a smile on his face as he walks out of the camp, stopping outside the canyon and standing, his arms inside his pockets as the snowstorm buffets his face
Re: Siberian Base Camp

The bugirl blinked as the commander walked by, turning to watch him. Out of all of them, she probably had the least clothing on- two simple 'modesty' bands covering her less-carpaced areas, allowing her body freedom of movement. "A mission? Allready? But I just woke up from stasis!"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

*passing by the bug girl as well she shrugged* well good morning then..better get used to the rude wakeup calls. *she would move to stand directly behind the commander hoping his form would shield her from the snow some* this weather is gonna play hell on my rifles..
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Most people in the world have never performed a parachute jump. Fewer still have performed one in blizzard conditions. Approximately 6 have done it without a parachute. It was about to become 7.

The agency paid a lot of money, to a lot of people, to acquire the best tech available, for Operative insertion and recovery. A sizeable chunk of that money occupied a small slot of the airspace above the canyon chosen as a forward recce post. After the final, sweeping turn, the stealth jet drops lower, and lower, until finally, a silhouette, practically invisible against the blinding snows, plummets from the bottom.

The landing wasn't easy. Even with the HAWK glider to slow her fall, blizzards were not 366's favourite weather. Despite that, a roll, a jump, and the black-suited figure vanishes into a snowdrift.

Approximately 3 minutes and 45 seconds later, 366 makes contact with the group she has been assigned to. A low, all-business feminine tone cuts across the airwaves.

"This is 366. I've been assigned to The Reaper. Moving to your position."

True to her word, the Operative's silhouette appears from the blizzard, mottled with white camouflage to preserve stealth, in the case of enemy snipers.

Re: Siberian Base Camp

Affirmative, sir. Jillian states before heading outside after Michael before getting into step slightly behind and to the left of him.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Adria emerges from seemingly the shadows themselves, having arrived late thanks to a particularly nasty native animal to the area daring to challenge her path. She spots Michael, her voice carrying to him despite being still several meters away from them. "I'm taking it your Michael, the leader of this group? I've been assigned to your group here, name is Adria Valtoran. Point out an enemy that needs killing, and tell me if you want it quick, or slow. It will happen."

Her manner came off as brusque, but respectful somehow. Strangely, her eyes seemed to be an orange color, something unheard of for a human, and the black colored 'robing' she wore should have made her cold as hell in these conditions, yet she seemed unfazed by it.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Sam stays silent for he had a slight dislike of formalities. 'Damn! I don't think I'll be able to put up with some of the personalities in this group. It's best that I keep to myself. No one really wants to be here.', he thought to himself. He began to pump the blood in his body at an accelerated pace to help keep himself warm. "Damn headquarters eh? They always do stupid shit like this.", he joked in a somewhat prepubescent voice. His chest movement from breathing were getting noticeably faster but he held his breath as not to cause a disturbance.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Her antennai shot up. Quietly, she looked around, seemingly interested in something.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"Command received... proceeding to rendezvous outside of encampment as ordered..."

Making her way out of the tent, Ava gathered outside with the others, seeming ignorant of the blizzard and frigidity of the climate, despite her single layered bodysuit. In conditions where even the most battle hardened soldiers could not avoid shivering slightly, the girl simply stood there unmoving as she always did. It was as if she was simply unable to feel the cold, rather than being more "resistant".
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"Right, move it outside. Fuck, I'm no good if I start to rust", Machine grumbles as he follows the others outside, putting on a helmet with the same design as his armor, including a narrow toned visor.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"366? They sent YOU, of all people?!" Michael says, sighing as he looks up at the sky, a fairly large ship descending and dropping off a large vehicle, the APC "G'luck out there, darlin'. I'd give ya a lift mahself, but this weather could go ta shit any moment. See ya laters, Mikey" the pilot radios down to Michael in a very think southern accent "Dammit. I wish she'd stop calling me that." he says, walking towards the APC and laughing as his right shirt sleeve begins to move, something underneath slithering and moving around his arm "This is our transport. Capable of withstanding a direct RPG round to one area and still being able to drive. I'm driving." he says, walking towards the back and opening a large hatch on the APC "If you want to back out, now's your chance" he says, walking in and sitting down at the driver's seat
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Adria says nothing, and sits down in one of the seats.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"What, and turn down a big fat paycheck?" A metallic laughter comes from underneath Machine's helmet as he circles the APC and enters through the hatch, plopping down on one of the benches.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"They did. I take it that won't be a problem?"

The armoured, suited figure that is 366 eyes the APC with something approaching hesitation. Finally, it approaches with stiff strides.

"I'll ride outside."

So she spoke, and so she did, hopping up onto the vehicle with an ease that belied her short stature, and landing without a sound. One arm looped through the grip rails, 366 draws herself in against the vehicle, and out of the wind.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

A tall woman wearing rather little clothing considering the environment strides up to Micheal and with a salute says, "Sir, Dietrich, medical specialist, but I'm also pretty handy with a gun." She lowers her hand after Micheal nods at her, then says with a smirk, "You can call me Melissa if I like you." She winks at him, then continues into the APC and sits down heavily, leaning back and relaxing.
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Re: Siberian Base Camp

*rolls her eyes a bit at the conversation glad her southern accent wasnt as thick as the drop-off pilot's* "At least we got wheels now" *she moves along to grab her own seat*