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ACT [FoxTail] Crackle Cradle

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Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

Still waiting on the promised vore updates myself.
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

Is there a way to get a save or something that starts on 4? I'm so tired of getting my ass handed to me by the 3rd boss that I just want to hate this game. Chain grabs can kiss my ass.

What I do is use the girl with the knife. The game turns into a point and click when you use the floating can't die cheat key.


saki_fox » Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:27 pm
There are terrible cheat in this version.
"Ctrl+Alt+B" makes 10000 damage at position of mouse cursor.(*‘ω‘ *)
if you aimed enemy and push "Ctrl+Alt+B", you can beat them easily.
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Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

Totally forgot about the save/load state....that helped tremendously. Gotta say about stage 4....rather disappointed with it so far.
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

hum...excuse me, can someone re-upload the mod of Nana? Since MU was banned......
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

in the stage that we could begin to choose character, i cannot understand about "death cutting blade " ,can't know how to destroy them with gun :eek::confused:
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

in the stage that we could begin to choose character, i cannot understand about "death cutting blade " ,can't know how to destroy them with gun :eek::confused:

You can't destroy them. You need to walk through them. You can configure the buttons for walking and other actions in the main menu. I can't recall which button walk was again, but I want to lean towards button 5 on the config screen.
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

New update is out.

Added worm from previous works like the fox game.
Added a brain sucker ceiling hanger.
Added a clam that jumps at you and traps you inside itself and then burns you.
Added a Lamia which has 2 different animations. Neck break and constriction.

Worm is pretty decent, brain sucker was vastly disappointing and the clam works more as a mobile trap than an actual enemy.

The Lamia's constriction finisher was pretty nice but bother were overall a bit disappointing that there was no vore, unvore or anything else. You just lay there in a crumpled heap gasping til you bleed out. Could have ended a lot better.

**Edit** Just found another finisher by Lamia where she hangs you up by your arms and slashes at you with her claws til your clothes and ripped and bloodied and you die.

Oh well, it's still easily better than the 3rd stage.
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

Yeah I was kinda hoping that the lamia would do some kind of vore finisher. Well maybe there will be some kind of giant lamia in the later stages that'll have a taste for our heroines instead of blood-lust. Both would be just as good. Or maybe even the boss for stage 4 could be that. Here's hoping that'll happen from me. Well vore or no vore, this game's still fun to play and it always has something good in it. Well, in my view anyway.
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

Anyone have a recent save file?

game is big and pretty damn difficult.
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

I'm surprised it's still being updated, I thought it was done. I guess I lump it in with those older Ryona games and forgot it's kinda new in comparison.
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

Hi, someone has a backup? I lost mine, too hard to restart at the beginning :( please :(
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

Download and put into base crackle cradle folder. The new content starts at 4-3.

Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

...Has there even been any raping enemies in this game? Now that I think about it, I don't think that there is even one raping enemy in this game. It's all been ryona and vore, which I actually like and don't mind.

Nah there never been a raping enemy in this or blankblood (this is basically a blankblood sequel/remake).

If you see a rape animation from either its an h-mod.

Still I like the resident evil monster vibe more so than robots galore so stage 4 is a happy turn for me.

(Is it sad as frustratingly hard this game is I still think, whelp at least its not blank blood? Now THAT was hard, I think I took 100 tries on the first real boss in that game. This one 3rd boss is the only one that has make me frustrated.)
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

could some one by chance reupload the nude mod?
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

Could someone upload a complete save file up to the new worm boss?
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

Only new content I can see is the addition of a heartbeat when your red bar goes down. No new boss...after 4-3, you just go to the room with the new enemies in it just like the last update.
Re: Crackle Cradle (Ryona)

You sure? What's with the WormBoss data and images in the game files? We're not talking about the Pink worm that was carried over from Fox Tails and Blank Blood Plus btw, the one we're talking about is white and is refered to as a Boss by it's files.
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