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Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

After drifting off to sleep once more, Setia and Gavin were rudely awaken not by a pounding on the door, but by a bucket of water being poured onto both of their heads. Extremely cold water. The source turned out to be none other than Gavin's mother, who was looking down on them with a wry smile. "Up yah get, lazy bones! Breakfast is getting cold!" She took the bucket and left with the smile still on her face, closing the door behind her and leaving the two of them alone. Gavin, who had yelped upon being doused in ice cold water, climbed out of his damp bed straw bed and started dressing while wiping the sleep from his eyes.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia let out a surprised cry as her naked body was splashed with the icy cold water. Upon being left alone, Setia blushes as she stands up shivering and bashfully covering her self with her dripping, water-drenched wings. Setia looked pleadingly towards Gavin with wide-eyes that look like they were about to burst into tears at any second.

"G-Gavin... I...I-I'm f-freezing, my w-wings are c-completely s-soaked and I d-don't have anyth-thing t-to wear..."
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Gavin blinked in confusion at Setia for a moment and then panicked, "Uhhh... Shit!" He scrambled about his room for a moment before picking up some dirty clothes, which he used to try and dry Setia off a little. It sort of worked, and he then threw a cloak over her in order to provide some warmth and hide her nudity.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia grumbles from being dried off with such filthy garments and glares at Gavin. However, she smiles slightly as he draped the cloak over her sensitive shoulders.

Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"You're welcome! Now, uhhh.... Wait, weren't you wearing something when I found you in the cupboard last night?" Gavin started brightly, apparently unaware that he'd done anything wrong.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia blushes and looks to Gavin, trying to decide whether or not she should tell the truth or not. In the end, she decided that it would be best not to tell him.

"I... um... They must have come off when we were in the pantry."
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"Oh... Well, we'd better get them before we leave!" Gavin said, and then paled as he realized what he'd said. "Lets... Lets go and talk to my parents..." he continued quietly, and then started out of the room, heading into the kitchen where his parents were waiting for them. His father was glaring at both of them about evenly from his place behind the kitchen counter while his mother wore no discernible expression as she leaned against a set of cupboards on the opposite wall.

"So," Gavin's father began angrily, "Mind explaining what you were doing in our pantry in the middle of the night, just what the hell you did in there, and why my son ran after you when you tried to leave?" He had directed the question at Setia rather than Gavin, and the young man remained silent as he eyed Setia nervously. Plates of food were sitting on the counter for both of them, but Gavin didn't yet touch his.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Upon entering the kitchen, Setia was met with a cold stare from Gavin's father. Upon being questioned by Gavin's father, she again turns her head to face Gavin, unsure if he was aware of his actions in the pantry the previous night. Well, she figured that lying would be the best option yet again.

"Well, as I said before, I was borrowing some food from your... how do you say it? Pan-tree?... But then I tripped and y-your son blocked the exit and... and... he looked so beautiful and irresistable. I couldn't help myself."

Fake tears start to well up in Setia's eyes, "I pulled him in close and we mated on the pantry floor. Afterward, I was ashamed of acting so impulsively and robbing your boy of his innocence, that I started to run away. And then he chased me down and caught me with the help of that beast, because he was concerned for my safety. I took advantage of perhaps the sweetest boy I've ever met. I'M SO ASHAMED!"

At this point, Setia turned on the fake waterworks to the max and started bawling, turning away from Gavin, "ashamed".
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Gavinm's parents looked both mortified and scandalized as Setia proclaimed openly that she and Gavin had had sex on the pantry floor, and Gavin paled until his face was of a ghost-like pallor lightly tinged with green. The fake tears and her proclamation of shame seemed to mollify them somewhat, or at least they did so for Gavin's mother. His father glared at her with revulsion and opened his mouth to speak, but his mother glared at the older man and jabbed him hard in the side. He glared at her for a second before turning back to Setia, whom Gavin was attempting to comfort awkwardly, and demanded, "So, what happens now? Do you... Just go off? Or... What?"
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

"W...well... I'm s-scared to go back to my nest and raise my unborn offspring all by myself. I w-was hoping that Gavin would come with me and protect and look after me~."
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"You hoped that did you?" the older man before her replied angrily, "And why can't you protect 'em yourself? You've managed on your own this long! That's my son you're talking about! You think I'm going to let some little monster come in here and kidnap him just because it came into our home in the dead of night looking like a woman and seduced him?"
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia starts to cry out of "guilt" as she spoke, "Y-you're right... I'm a terrible person. I...I d-don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to sneak into a house inhabited by two beautiful, sexy men and expect my lust to get the best of me. I feel like such an idiot!"

Setia forces a blush as she attempts to flatter Gavin's father b including him towards the count of "beautiful, sexy men" inhabiting the house. Setia then collapses to the ground burying her face in her wings as she starts crying in "shame".
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Setia's sudden outburst flustered Gavin's father, but even her sudden bawling didn't seem to subdue his anger towards her. She could feel him glaring down at her while Gavin moved to attempt to comfort her, kneeling beside her prone form and patting her awkwardly on the back.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia sniveled as Gavin comforted her, and wrapped her wings around him, hugging him gently.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Gavin smiled reassuringly at Setia as she wrapped her soft wings around him. Glancing up at his father, the young boy scowled and said; "Father... You told me about taking responsibility for my actions! I can't leave her to go off on her own if she's... If she's pregnant with my children! I don't much like it either, but it's something that I have to do!" Gavin's father scowled darker still, but after a moment's grumbling he stood up and left the room completely.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

After Gavin's father left the room, Setia looked at Gavin endearingly and hugged him tighter.

"Ohmygosh! You were soo brave~."
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"Huh?" Gavin said, though he did return Setia's embrace. "I was only doing what was right, taking responsibility... Like he taught me to."
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

"But you were so brave standing up to your own father when he was being all scary like that."
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"Ahh he's more bark than bite!" Gavin said dismissively, "You just can't let him get on a roll like that or he'll never stop." With that, Gavin tried to help Setia get back up onto her feet, at which point he looked at his mother and said; "Mom... I'm pretty sure that I have to go with her... But I'll be sure to come and visit whenever I can!" The older woman frowned slightly but nodded, "I understand Gavin. Be careful out in the woods! You know how dangerous it is these days."

"I will be. Thanks for understanding!" Gavin said, and then turned to Setia, "Alright, so... Where are we going?"
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia points at the direction where she came from.

"Into the woods. I have a nest in a well-hidden cave."