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Re: Fanfiction

Yeah... I'm real bad with updates. Just look at Lurker Wars 2.
Re: Fanfiction

Copper said what I would have said, had I not left for a day. Anyway, yeah. I'd say that Kairi simply isn't given the opportunity in either game, really, to shine. I would argue that she gets quite a bit better in II. I mean, she goes off on her own to find Sora and Riku, escapes from her cell with Namine's help, is ready to fight off Saix, jumps off a thirty-foot ledge to help Sora, and gets a Keyblade and helps Riku fight Heartless. If anything, I'd blame Japan's cultural attitudes rather than the character being useless.

As far as shipping goes, I've always been a fan of a threesome for those KH. I mean, the concept of a trinity is a major sub-theme in the series anyway...
Re: Fanfiction

As far as shipping goes, I've always been a fan of a threesome for those KH. I mean, the concept of a trinity is a major sub-theme in the series anyway...

Morso then you think. Technically, Sora, Kairi, and Riku's names each are the japenese names for certain elements. (Sky, Sea, and Land)

Now, moving on to the Birth by Sleep trio, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, the same elemental connection carries on from Sora's group to Terra's group. (Earth, Water, and Wind)

Purposeful connection? In my KH? It's more likely then you think.
Re: Fanfiction

Right. Not to mention Namine being wave, and I'm sure Xion means something, as well.
Re: Fanfiction

Right. Not to mention Namine being wave, and I'm sure Xion means something, as well.

Allow me to check, will edit when I dig it up.

EDIT: Namine means 'Wave,' meaning it's still conected to Kairi/Aqua

According to the wiki entry on Xion:
Xion's name was coined by Tomoco Kanemaki, one of Days's scenario writers. Tetsuya Nomura took a liking to it and notes that it has many meanings.

There's no aditional info on Roxas's name, though that's because his is form like the other Orginization members as a anagram of the original name, plus X. Same is done with other orginization members (Xemnas=Ansem, as that's what he was going by when they were created, Axel=Lea, Roxas=Sora, etc.)
Last edited:
Re: Fanfiction

Well, if it helps, it seems another translation of Xion might be Shion.
Re: Fanfiction

About the Kairi debate, personally, methinks that with a bit of training- or even just minimal training- and the right incentive, Kairi could be just as Sora as a protagonist. Not that we've seen much of it though- in the first game she's grabbed by Maleficent and spent most the time in comotose, and in the second, once again she's spent in the background. Stupid Square --;

She gets captured by Maleficent and people expect her to save herself? Sora had to go through the entire game and get all these helpers, and upgrades and everything just to fight the damn bitch.

Hell, it could have easily been reversed, and Sora wouldn't have been able to do a damn thing to save himself.

But girls don't play video games, let alone role-playing games, so having a strong female protagonist for them to relate to (who might even actually get a romantic storyline with a guy that's not a complete and utter tool) would be a stupid marketing concept. *sound of sarcasm meter exploding*

As far as shipping goes, I've always been a fan of a threesome for those KH. I mean, the concept of a trinity is a major sub-theme in the series anyway...

Now, moving on to the Birth by Sleep trio, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, the same elemental connection carries on from Sora's group to Terra's group. (Earth, Water, and Wind)

Purposeful connection? In my KH? It's more likely then you think.

Lurker brought up what I likely would have if I hadn't skipped a day myself. I was going to ask if you'd (Goldstein) had seen the trailer. Man, I want that game. And I really need to get further in 358/2. I'm still on the prologue *laughs*
Re: Fanfiction

Highly reccomended. Days may seem slow and tedious, but the last 10 or so 'days' makes up for it. Final fight with Riku ^^ <3

Anyway, all this discussion of KH is making me get my old Fanfiction out and restarting. maybe I can get the re-write done so I can get further on the story!

EDIT: What little I got on the fourum I'm gonna link here, kinda as self-advertising ^^; http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=1833
Re: Fanfiction

I should put mine up again, too. Of course, it's typical writing for me *laughs* but the one was up on the old forum, so I guess we'll see. I've been rereading stuff a lot lately, though, and picking over it, especially after finding those few errors in the one story. I'm getting highly self-critical again. We'll have to see. I'll have to upload the inspiration pics, too.
Re: Fanfiction

I've got one... that I'm writing now.

But it's a super crack pairing for something new and it looks like it wasn't all that popular to begin with... so I'mma shut up now.

In other news: I saw Harry Potter 6 again last night, so I'm off to pillage ff.net for more Harry Severus fics xD Possibly re-read some old favorites, and catch up on ones that I've not check for a month.
Re: Fanfiction

It's fun revisiting old friends, isn't it? That's part of what got me on my renewed KH kick, looking at yaoi pics I had saved and finding a slew of new ones (while searching for a shirtless Seifer pic, actually. I wasn't being pervy for once.) Enjoy, Chibi! And oh, to hell with it being a crack pairing. Share! If you can't share with us, who can you share with?

Also, hitting two birds with one stone to both topic and on what we've been talking about:

Brought to you by the same guy as did Haloid:
*I have not watched 3-5 yet but they're in the queue as I type this.

- At about 8 minutes or so in, this enforces Lurker's comment that Kairi could just have easily been the protagonist as Sora could have.

- Hmm, just glancing at the comments, this might make the fangirl in me angry *laughs* I guess we'll have to see. I think there's a 6 in the works, but unconfirmed.
Re: Fanfiction

Ah, yes, Dead Fantasy. Has much kickass ^^
Re: Fanfiction

Quite. I watched all five in succession. I love the way he does the magic, particularly stop and haste and I *loved* the Sephiroth moment that Tifa has in 3. A few of the comments that I read complained about certain things (the Aeons, the ending of 5) but given that "It's not over," I think one of the arguments is invalid. I loved the Jackie Chan fight in 5, and personally, I thought seeing the Aeon's kick ass was amazing (though I don't think Bahamut should have gone down as easily as it seemed to, but then, I'm sure I could also find ways to justify it). Was so *not* expecting that end to 4. Rather a "Holy shit!" moment for me but in a good way.

The only thing that bums me about it is that he does about one a year and premieres them at Anime Boston and AX. Worth waiting for but I don't think I can live up to my comment of "If good things come to those who wait, this will have me patient as a stone." *laughs*

((Unrelated note: total deja vu moment just then. Don't ask me why, but just happened.))
Re: Fanfiction

Well, I've joined a forum specifically for it soooooo....

Not to mention some people on this forum know way too much about me already, and there's the link to my facebook... And my Gaia. So yeah. If you wanna know give me a shout over aim Copper xD
Re: Fanfiction

There is fanfiction for 1984.

I'm not quite sure why that is so appalling to me, but it is. I'm just... dumbfounded that there is fanfiction for that novel.
Re: Fanfiction

It's kind of like Rule 34, but without the graphics.

Re: Fanfiction

Kinda makes me want to set up Rule of Fanfiction, kinda like the Rule of the Internet.

Because there is fanfiction for everything if you look hard enough, and any pairing you can imagine is there.

I've seen Harry/Sirius D: My eyed burned, horribly.
Re: Fanfiction

Kinda makes me want to set up Rule of Fanfiction, kinda like the Rule of the Internet.

Because there is fanfiction for everything if you look hard enough, and any pairing you can imagine is there.

I've seen Harry/Sirius D: My eyed burned, horribly.

I've come across one where Harry was Snape's daughter.