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Family Ties (BurningGold)

Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 27/46, P = 33, EP = 33

The woman seems about to respond when Iris turns and rushes over to Luna. When she finds Lunas limp body, Iris first thought is that the blow had most definitely broken her neck, and that she'd find her friends corpse already growing cold. When she took Luna into her arms, however, she felt that her friend was still warm, and Luna let out a gurgling cough of blood as she was lifted from the ground. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was shallow, and every time she took in a breath, a wince went across her face.

The woman, whom Iris idly noted had long, curly green hair, rushed to their side, her eyes glowing bright blue. She examined Luna for a moment, and then says; "Her wounds are grave, beyond the power of my magic to heal. I know not if she may recover, though her present condition suggests otherwise, nor can I more than guess how long she might live if she is to die. Her ribs are broken, and one of her lungs was pierced."

Suddenly, a shadow falls over Iris and her fallen comrade, causing the woman to look behind them and gasp, rising immediately and drawing her sword once more. A blood red glow fills the area around them, causing the blood on Lunas lips and running down Iris cheek to stand out darkly.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

When Iris first brought her friend into her arms she was greatly relived to find that she was alive. However, seeing how badly injured she was, and how it was her fault for getting involved in that fight, tears quickly flowed down her cheek, along with the blood from the gash. When the green haired woman came, and began to examine Luna, she anxiously awaited to hear what she had to say. Her spirits sank lower when she heard what the fey said. " N-no... Luna..." Iris whispered between her sobs.

She continued to hold Luna tightly, closely, sobbing after hearing that the girl's life would likely perish, and soon. Looking down on the unconscious girl, Iris kept silent, only make crying sounds, not saying anything to the woman who she had helped. It was only until the shadow fell, and the red glow came about that Iris tensed up and took her eyes off of Luna. She still held the girl tightly, protectively, as she looked at what had caused the fey to draw her sword. Iris was very afraid at that moment, as the only thing she knew of that made the red glow, were the eyes of demons...
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 28/46, P = 33, EP = 33

Iris had turned around to see the fey knight facing off against a dark figure, its eyes glowing bright red. It didn't seem interested or threatened by the woman, however, and took a step closer. She took her sword in both hands and slashed at the figure, who didn't even react. The blade sparked against the figures torso, sliding along it and doing no damage. With one hand, the figure slaps the woman across the face, sending her flying aside and out of sight.

The figure, likely a man though Iris couldn't tell for sure, steps toward Iris and Luna, a black coat he wore not moving even though there was a mild breeze. A long curved sword in a green scabbard hung from his belt. After he'd come within a few feet of Iris, h spoke, his voice raspy and hoarse; "The Fey spoke the truth. Your friend is going to die. I can save her life. But if I do, there is something you must do for me in exchange."
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Her eyes widened as she trembled upon seeing the fey swatted away, as if she was nothing more then a fly. A primal desire to run sparked, although Iris remained there, cradling the girl in her arms tightly. n the back of her mind, she might of been concerned of the fay after seeing what happened to it, however at the moment all she could think about was this thing towering over her and the girl she was holding. Hearing what the man had to say, it scared her, although it filled her with hope. It was obvious enough that Iris would do anything to save her friends life, no matter what it may be. " I-ill do whatever you want... Just please save her..." Iris suddenly said. She loosened her hold on Luna, giving the strange man access to her. If he desired, he'd be able to take her away, Iris would do nothing to resist.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 28/46, P = 33, EP = 33

The man nods, and suddenly Luna gasps in pain in her arms. Iris hears a series of sickening cracks and squelching sounds from Luna, followed by a sudden scream of agony. Suddenly, Lunas chest becomes wider, and after another painful scream, Luna goes limp in her arms once more. Her breathing is steady, and after a few breathless moments Luna opens her eyes, and whispers; "Iris?"
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

When her eyes opened up, and Iris's own teary blue eyes could see them, her face smiled, and she hugged the girl as she rested her head against Luna. " Oh god... Luna, I thought I had lost you..." she made a sniffle sounds as tears went down her cheeks, " I...I'm so sorry...Please forgive me..." as she hugged her friend and cried, she almost forgot about the thing that had saved Luna's life. Remembering him, she stopped, and looked up to the being as she loosened her hold on Luna.

" Thank you, I would of lost her if it wasn't for you." she said, her voice obviously grateful. " A deals a deal... You saved her life... What do you want from me?" Tense and anxious to hear, she awaited to hear what the man wanted from her to do, still cradling Luna in her arms.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"There is a demon or daemon somewhere here that has opened the gate to this world several times now. I want to find it and eat it, so it will stop bothering me. Unfortunately, it has evaded my detection each time the demons have invaded. So, I've been recruiting the mortals that come to this place to keep their eyes open for me. This is the bargain: Should you run into anything that you are unable to defeat on your own, all you need to do is say my name and I will to destroy it. I only ask that should you find any sign of whatever summoned the portal, that you tell me as soon as possible." The man replies, standing stock still the entire time. It is then that Iris realizes that she is still naked, though her wounds have all been completely healed.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

" I promise to summon you should I find out anything. Please, just tell me your name. " Iris said, awaiting the man. She had taken notice to how she was still nude, and how her wounds had strangely healed, however, she didn't care at the moment. She would worry about that, along with that fey that had been slapped silly moments ago, once this man told her his name and she could be on her way. If Luna had been paying attention, she'd of notice that Iris was, and had been, cradling her like a young child, actually rocking her a little bit as she held her in her arms.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Luna looks up at the man as well as he speaks; "My name is Matthias. The Fey was only stunned, and will be up in moments. The lot of you should try and find shelter for the night, for it is a poor time to travel this area." After he finishes, he disappears completely, as though he'd never even been there.

Luna slowly pulls herself to a sitting position, propping herself up on her elbows. She shakes her head and blinks a few times, as though trying to clear her vision, before looking at Iris. Suddenly, she grins, and says; "Well, you managed to end up naked again I see;" after which her expression becomes serious; "Are you okay? Who was that? And what happened to the big ugly thing?"
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

" I guess I should just stop wearing my armor, seeing that just about everything in this town wants to rip it off. " Iris says sarcastically as she shook her head. Hearing Luna's questions the girl sighed; " Don't worry Luna, I'm fine and the ugly is dead. As for that man... He's the one who saved your life. You should thank him the next time we see him..." She didn't want to let go after what happened, but Iris ended up letting go of Luna, getting up on her feet and helping Luna stand up as well. " We best heed that man's advice and find shelter for the night. Lets find that fey and get out of here..."

Iris would proceed to lead Luna to the direction the fey had been slapped to, picking her armor and weapon and other belongings up along the way, but not putting them on just yet.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Luna nods at Iris, and gets to her feet. As she looks over, Iris can see the knight already getting back up and spinning around. Upon seeing Iris standing and Matthias gone, she runs over to her and Luna, sword in hand, and asks; "What happened? Are you alright?"

Luna, meanwhile, grabs Iris equipment and brings it to her.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

" Yes, we are fine. That man you saw is anything but an enemy, he just saved my friends life, so next time you see him try not to swing your weapon at him. " Iris spoke that, then turned to Luna. " Thanks." she said, taking her things and beginning to put them back on. As she dressed the girl spoke to the fey woman; " Miss, if you didn't catch our names I'm Iris and my friends name is Luna. What are you doing in this place all by yourself?" She had been wondering that, why this fey woman would be traveling alone in a place like this.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

The womans look of concern turns into a glare of hostility at Iris words, and her words contain a hint of anger at what she takes as reproach; "He appeared out of nowhere, a black figure with red eyes in the middle of the night, I assumed plausibly that he was one of the demon knights, come to kill you and your friend or take you through the portal to be raped and corrupted. So, forgive me if I acted to defend you from what I believed to be a threat, human."

Luna nods to Iris, but doesn't say anything, having not been lucid enough at the time to know what either of them were talking about and naturally taking Iris side anyway. "I am a knight of the Fey Court, and I am here to see the demons pushed back into the hell from whence they crawled and see those on this world exterminated to a member." The Fey Knight continues, her voice still angry.

(Okay, normally my NPCs don't care, but c'mon man, you've got to have more tact than that.)
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

( Yeah... Sorry about that. )

Iris's head bowed down at the fey's sudden angry reaction. " I'm sorry... You were not in the wrong when you attacked that man..." She said, her voice sincere sounding, " Forgive me, after what happened I'm not feeling like myself ..." Iris said, still feeling shaken up over almost losing her best friend and almost dying herself. After a moment, after saying that to the fey and hoping she hadn't irreversibly angered her, she looked back up and spoke again. " So, you're here to take care of the demon's? Hmm... " She went, and paused, then continued. " I had to make a deal of sorts with that man for saving Luna's life. Should I find what's been causing these portals to open I'm to summon him so he can destroy it. Miss, the two of us seem to have similar objectives. Why don't we join forces? "

This town was a dangerous place, all three of them would be better off together. Iris hoped the woman wouldn't stay mad at her and decided to join up with Luna and herself.

( Any better? Also, sorry for taking forever to update my test thread. Ill get to updating that soon.)
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

(It's okay. It wasn't a problem really, but it was a bit out of character unless Iris is an occasional airhead.)

Her visage softened as Iris apologized, and she nodded at Iris suggestion. "I accept your apology, and I agree that it would be wise to remain in numbers. There are many foes here. The daemon you met will aid us if we encounter anything of too much power, so long as you remember to call for him." She says, her voice no longer angry.

Luna rolls her eyes, but doesn't say anything.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

" If we find ourselves in a situation we can't handle I won't hesitate to summon him to our aid." Iris said to the fey, speaking the truth. ' Ill have to be careful not to call him if I don't truly need him, the last thing I want to do is annoy him.' Iris thought to herself. She was pretty sure annoying such a powerful being would result in a less then favorable outcome.

" It's late and I'm sure both of you would like some rest, right?" Iris asked Luna and the fey, looking at both of them with her weary blue eyes. " Lets find shelter before it gets to dark." In truth, Iris was just about ready to drop. It had been a long day and traveling and fighting, full of scares and tears, at least for her anyways. She wanted to find an empty building they could all sleep in for the night, then get a fresh start tomorrow morning.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Luna nod the woman both nod at Iris suggestion, and the Fey takes the lead as they head into the city. She carefully creeps, checking the shacks, until she suddenly pauses and motions for them to follow her into one of them.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

I wasn't up to posting earlier, but I am now. Ill give you an update in a moment. )

Keeping her guard up and the noise she makes down Iris follows the fey into the shack, keeping close to Luna as she does so.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Luna takes up the rear as they enter the small, two room shack. The front door is gone, but the door to the bedroom is intact and closed. Nothing jumps out to attack them as they file quietly into the dark hut, and the woman cautiously opens the door to the other room. It too is empty, and the small pallet that had been used for a bed was in fairly good condition, suggesting that nothing had been using it for "recreational activities."
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris made sure to quietly close the bedroom door once everyone was inside the bedroom, and lock it if possible. Looking at the bed pallet and how it was clean Iris smiled, glad that she could finally get some sleep. She'd proceed to take off her armor and weapons along with her other various equipment until she was simply wearing the clothing and underwear she kept on under her leather armor. Placing her things in a neat pile near the bed pallet, only holding onto her cloak from earlier to use as a blanket, she looked to Luna. Her eyes seemed to show that she was expecting her to lay down next to her.