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Family Ties (BurningGold)

Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

After managing to sort themselves out and get all of the webbing off of them, the pair continue on down the road. They kept traveling for a while, trudging through the rain, before they reached the edge of the next town, Artmirst. What they found left them speechless.

There wasn't a soul to be seen, and the collection of small, poorly built houses they found around the edge of the forest wouldn't have been fit to force a dog to live in, much less a human being. They were all badly damaged as well, and seemed abandoned.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris's blinked in confusion and shock, as if she didn't believe what she was seeing. It was a silent ghost town, not a soul to be seen anywhere. The buildings seemed damaged, as if they were attacked. " Somethings wrong..." Iris whispered to herself, looking around the ghost down. Iris turned to Luna then, " Umm... Luna..." she started, " I've got a bad feeling about this place." she stopped, taking another quickly glance over to the deserted city. " Maybe we should keep out of here..." Iris hoped her friend agreed with her. She'd go in if Luna insisted, but would be more cautious then usual.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"You're tellin me? This place is creepy. Where do we go from here?" Luna replies, keeping her voice low and side-stepping a bit closer to her friend.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

"Hmm..." Iris went to herself, thinking. " Well... Maybe we could go around the town, staying outside it." Iris didn't want to just turn around, she'd rather just stay in the edge of the town and walk until they found a new direction to go. " What do you think?" Iris said, wondering if Luna liked her idea or not.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Luna shakes her head, and says; "How well do you swim? This town is supposed to be surrounded on three sides by a river, remember? Maybe we can skirt the edges until we reach the river and stay with that though. We'd still be in the town, but it shouldn't be too bad if we just stay on the edge, right?"
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

"Oh, right..." Iris said, completely forgetting about the river. She listened to what Luna had to say, and honestly, didn't like the plan too much. She wanted to keep out of the town completely. Iris let a sigh then as she thought a bit more. Maybe there was nothing to worry about, aside from a bandit or two. If they went along with Luna's plan Iris was sure nothing bad would happen, she trusted her sister. " Alright, let's go with your plan Luna. " Iris said, suddenly drawing out her sword. " Ready to go?" she asked.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"Ready when you are, but do you want to go left or right? I think we somehow ended up in the slums, so it should be about the same distance in any direction." Luna replies, smiling at Iris eagerness.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

( It's time to go in the right direction. )

" Let's go right, I've got a better feeling about that direction. " Iris said, not noticing Luna's smile. " Well, let's go. " Iris said as she started to walk. As she walked she suddenly turned around, making sure that Luna was close by. " Oh, make sure to stick close to me. " she said, her face and voice showing seriousness. She wanted Luna right next to, her behind, her.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"Not goin' anywhere else, last I checked. I'll let you know a little sooner next time I spot something that might try to eat us." Luna replies, still keeping her voice low.

The pair skirt the huts around the town, and continue on for quite a while without incident. Eventually, the small buildings start to grow, and change from housing for people to large warehouses likely used to store parts and products from the nearby Badarian factories. The trees thin out as well, having been cut for lumber for use in the construction of the town. There was a dark glow off to their left as they continued on through a forest of stumps, keeping low.

"Hold on, there's something going on over there." Luna suddenly whispers, and stops, pointing over toward the buildings.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

She had felt nervous the entire time she walked through the forest, trying to keep an eye out for any more giant spiders. Iris stopped in her tracks when Luna told her to hold on, feeling more nervous as she stopped. She started looking in the direction she noticed Luna was pointing at, almost straining her eyes to see what she was trying to point out. " What's going on over there..?" she asked in a curious whisper, looking at the strange, possibly glowing, area.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Perception: Success.

Iris immediately spots what Luna had been pointing at, a trio of women walking out of a nearby alley. As they were out in the open, the women immediately spotted the pair, and started heading toward them. They were all clothed in revealing red robes, the leader being a short, strawberry blond girl with a very large bosom. The other two both have dark brown hair, one being only a bit taller than the leader while the last stands a head higher than the other two.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

" Luna... I don't like the look of those women..." she said, speaking quietly enough that only her friend heard her. " Stay on guard... " she warned, gripping her swords hilt a bit tighter. Iris wanted to just get away, although seeing how close by the woman were turning their backs and running didn't seem like a wise move. Confrontation was inevitable. Iris was really was suspicious of the trio of woman. The way they were dressed and how they looked, it was creepy to her. The white haired girl could only hope that the odd woman didn't have any ill intentions.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Luna nods, and stands beside Iris as the trio approach. The leader speaks up as she gets within a few feet, her voice high and slightly annoying, though it is clearly an attempt to be sweet; "Well, hello there! It is a pleasure to have visitors in our fine village, wouldn't you be so kind as to allow us to show you a bit of our hospitality? I assure you, you'll never want to leave when we're finished..." The woman says, and Iris catches a glint of red coming from her eyes.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

( I've got a question. Would it be possible for Iris and Luna to continue their story if they left the town and just went away from it? )

Upon seeing a glint of red in the leaders eyes Iris instantly thought that there definitely was something wrong with these woman and that they shouldn't be trusted. They looked nice and welcoming, but she didn't buy it. " It's a kind offer, but we're going to have to turn it down. " she stated in a plan voice, " My sister and I are just passing through, we haven't the time to stick around here. " Iris kept in a defensive stance as she faced the trio, trying not to look any of them directly in the eyes. If any of them tried anything, she'd be quick to counter.

The desire to get out of this town and far away from it continued to grow. Iris wanted away from this town, she was positive Luna felt the same way.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

(Yes, but I'm not sure what I'd do with you. You wouldn't have an impact on the main storyline, and once you cleared the infested area there wouldn't be any demons or corrupted creatures.)

"Awww.... Is there no way we could change your mind?" The leader replies. Luna edges away from them slightly, unnoticeable to anyone who hadn't known her as long as Iris had.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

( Hmm, no demons or corrupted creatures could be pretty boring. Well let's just see where things take Iris&Luna. Maybe they will pick up a reason to stick around. Who knows, maybe the weird trio will say something convincing.:D)

" No, I'm pretty sure there isn't." Iris replied to the blond haired leader, her eyes looking away from her eyes. She felt the tension rise as she faced the trio of woman. She'd feel pretty nervous if Luna wasn't close by, ready to help if these weird people tried anything. " If you three don't mind, the two of us have to be going now..." Iris said, waiting for some sort of response.
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Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

(Short of successfully raping you, doubtful. Though, curiosity might cause you to investigate. Failing that, I can always throw something else at you.:p )

"Oh, but we can't allow that, little one. There's so much we have to give you still....." The woman says, her voice going lower, and suddenly all of the strange womens eyes erupt in a crimson glow, which Iris can't help but notice. Luna mutters; "I don't like this..."
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

( Yup. Hey, what kind of magic can Luna do? Does she know any mind control spells? )

The moment the eyes of the trio of woman began emit a strong glow Iris took a few steps back as she raised her sword defensively, gripping the hilt tightly. " D-demons..." the white haired girl muttered out, shocked to actually encounter such things. The girl was quick to realize that these three were going to try and keep them here by force and likely had bad intentions. If the duo wanted to stay free and alive they'd have to fight, and seeing that the woman were demons and were likely much more powerful than any other foe Iris or Luna had ever faced before this would be a difficult fight to win. Iris glanced to Luna, her eyes showing a bit of fear and a few other emotions. Then, looking back to the three foes, her eyes seeming like daggers, Iris suddenly charged in and lunged at the leader, her sword aimed for the blond demons body.

( Iris attempts to stab the blond leader. )
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled

(Shadomancer/Necromancer, with full shadow powers and Animate and Call Spirit from Necromancy. She can call spirits, animate stuff, teleport, summon cool creepy looking shadowy armor, make tentacles, and of course throw small pointy things. No mind control though. I can PM you a copy of her character sheet, if you like. Also, your dodge bonus from Dueling went up by two.)

To-hit: 15 + 36 + 10 + 3 = 64 vs 41 = hit.
Damage: 9 + 9 = 18 damage.

Iris attack seems to catch the demoness off guard, and her blade sinks into the womans belly. The woman gasps in pain, and pulls herself back off of the blade, the curved sword causing additional damage as it exits her body. Lunas body suddenly erupts in living shadows, the strange substance covering her body completely in black armor with quite a few pointy bits sticking off of it. The other two demons immediately grab at Iris, their faces twisted into snarls at the attack on their leader.

Grapple: 3 + 35 = 38 vs 40 == Miss.
Grapple: 16 + 35 = 51 vs 40 == Hit.
(Luna used Dark Armor 4.)

The first Iris is able to dodge, though she is surprised at how quick the women are. The second grabs her around the waist and tackles her to the ground, Iris head knocking against a tree stump painfully on the way down, though it isn't so bad as to cause any lasting harm.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris cringed in pain when her head hit against the tree stump. She wasn't surprised at the speed the foes moved, she didn't expect anything less from demons. Aside from letting a small groan escape her lips she didn't show any other reaction to the pain and quickly began to resist the demoness that had tackled her. Silently, Iris tried to angle her swords blade so she could stab the demoness, and hopefully kill or mortally wound it. Her right hand gripping the hilt of her sword tightly, she attempted to stab the woman.