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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xerberus wasn't listening, her mouth now tearing into a hole that was now in the last Juggernaught, before its neck cracks. With a wretch, she slides her head out of the hole, shaking some of the crimson from her eyes as she leaps for the Hive Minds. "You're in for it now!!!"

However, the creatures stood away from the sides, and as she almost reached her target, they grabbed her mentally and tossed her back- towards yet ANOTHER Fallen strain.

The Cager is heavily modified- mostly a pair of legs and a torso, with the standard Fallen head placed in a hunched back. However, the creature has a back of tendrils, perfect for holding captives still, with several variations of impliments in it's arm limbs- from clawed ends that can cause major injury to injecting ends full of all forms of noxtious toxins, to vile, pointed probes.

The Cager managed to catch Xerberus before she could reposition herself in the air to fly away. With a suddenly terrified scream, Xerberus was dragged in, with a tendril that seemed a lot like a gas mask, quickly slapping over her face. Xer visibly slowed down from the strange gas pumped into her lungs, the injection ends filled with sleeping poisons stabbing through her carpace, the rest holding her tight as the creature started sliding back, the two Hiveminds waiting to keep others from retrieving her.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

It was time to fight telekinesis with telekinesis.

Adria stared at one of the fallen holding Xerb down, then simply willed it to slam forward into one of it's companions, repeating this until either she was free, or they realized they had a massive threat there and tried to focus on her. Either way, she wasn't backing down, and she was already charging up again.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The fact that the two Juggernauts had fallen combined with the onslaught of Michael and Xer had caused the footsoldiers of the Fallen to fall into a panic, throwing them into a state of confusion... until the Hiveminds pacified them.

"Do not fffeeeaaaarrr... the Juggernauts will regenerate shortly... focus on capturing the bioweaponssss... the Overmind desiresss it...kill the ressttt..."

The Hiveminds demonstrated this as they lifted Xer into mid air, and sent her flying into the grasp of one of the Cagers, restoring morale and completing a portion of their secondary objectives at the same time.

"Sssseee? They are wwwweak... Leave the commander and psychic to ussss and capture the remaining bioweaponsss..."

Two of the Hivemind directed their telekinesis against, returning the same telekinetic slam that had be initiated against their Cager. Another gave them same treatment to Michael's death rush, buffeting him safely out of his reach, while the last assisted the footsoldiers in capturing Ava, bombarding her with mental assaults in attempts to cripple her.

An indeed the "psychic blasts" did force the Unit to its knees, although not fully for the reasons the Hivemind expected. Unearthing many memories and emotions that been long held stagnant, humanity returned to the girl... if only temporarily. Grasping her head in pain as the assaults continued, memories of her modifications, her life before becoming an Unit, and most all... her skill former to her experimentation, returned for but a few moments. Closing her eyes, she picked up her energy katana as soldiers surrounded her. It was the same feeling as before, the illogical desire to survive no matter what...

"One hand style... Fourth art, Halfmoon Crescent..."

A large horizontal sweep in front of her, followed by a circular slash above it... the soldiers that had approached her at close to mid range found themselves split into three segments. There was drawback on using such a skill with a damaged body of course, evident from the blood that had begun
trickling from a corner of the girl's mouth. However, she did not this for she felt no pain. All she could do was blindly desire to live amidst the mental bombardments. Walking unsteadily towards the other Fallen approaching her, her blade extended at her side, she had an almost insane look in her eyes.

"One hand style... Fifth art, Reverse double cross..."

What was even more discomforting was the fact that the "fallen" Juggernauts had begun "to bubble" as their severed flesh and bone slowly stitched themselves together and regrew disgustingly. Things did not look well at all...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria slammed into the wall, and the world went red. Her eyes began to glow, and the air around her body began sizzling with energy. She gazed at the Juggernaughts and the Hive minds, waiting for the right moment....

When it came, the moment they slid in concentration on her, she unleashed her second wave of destructive energy. Moving at a speed that shouldn't even be comprehensible, the wave should smash into at least the hive minds, and if it did, they likely would be reduced to nothing but breathable ash in a split second, and if it touched the Juggernaughts, they too would likely suffer the same fate. She had made certain to keep the attack in such a way it could not hit her team mates.

If this failed, there was only one option left to her, which was to sacrifice two of their own, and vent the entire hall the Fallen occupied into open space.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

(Going by the assumption the wave destroys whatever it contacts first so...)

The Hivemind were not known for their "longevity" on the battlefield without reason though, despite their lack of regeneration. Grabbing their fellow soldiers with telekinesis, the Overmind created a makeshift wall from them, allowing them to suffer the fate meant for them. As always, their safety came first. If they had to sacrifice their comrades, they would do so without hesitation. Following the wave, the Overmind quickly issued more orders towards the soldiers that had advanced to take the place of those that had been destroyed.

"Kill the pssssychic... sssshe is too dangeroussss to be left alive...usssse explossssivesssss..."

Two snipers, quick to comply with the orders, fired off high speed explosive rounds towards Adria in response...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The rounds smashed into the shield she had up still, with enough force to cause her to stagger back even despite the fact the bullets had been stopped from killing her.

Eyes glowing, she spoke two words. "I'm Sorry."

Then the doors slammed shut in the Fallen's faces.

Surely these doors wouldn't provide much of a challenge to them, after all, they had rocket launchers. Even as the Fallen likely were aiming to blow the door down, their fates were sealed. A sudden pop and hissing noise was the only warning they got before the entire roofing seemed to just be gone, two hatches they hadn't known were there suddenly opening into.... nothing but cold, empty space.

Even as space did the work for them likely, Adria was checking over the small wound she had. Despite the shield, the second round had in fact managed to penetrate enough to wing her left arm slightly. Not close enough to be fatal, but enough to sting like hell and make her bleed, and by the way her eyes were glowing, that had likely been a mistake.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Taken aback by the sudden opening of the hatches, the Fallen attempted to establish a grip on anything they could to prevent themselves from being flushed out into space. Most failed to do so however, finding nothing to cling to as they were horrendously sucked out in the emptiness of space. This of course, included the Hiveminds who had been unarmed except for their telekinetic powers. As the last of the "S-classed' Fallen were sucked out into space, one of the Hivemind uttered a final threat as he was forced out into the empty vacuum, a barrier wrapped around him to sustain it until the Fallen Fleet arrived to retrieve them.

"We will remember thissss Earthlingssss...The Fallen will not let this inssssult passs!...."

And then he was gone, like the rest of them. The hallway being clean of Fallen except for those that had managed to retreat or stay out of the range of the airlocks. But without the Hivemind they had begun panicking uselessly, running about like sheep to be slaughtered.

As the hatches closed, the hallway was revealed to be clean of Fallen, with Michael and Ava having safely found their own methods of staying within the ship, largely with "creative use" of their weapons and other modifications....
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria thought back before the communication was lost, I look forward to meeting you again then shrimvah!

Then, with no real way of telling if the hive minds had survived or not, she decided for now it didn't matter. Repressurizing the hallway, she unsealed the doors, then came out with a vengeance at any fallen that might still be alive, shooting them ruthlessly.

Unfortunately, with none there, she was left with the burning desire to kill SOMETHING, and no way for now to quench it.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa pokes her head out of the vent shaft she had been busy crawling into and asks, "So I take we AREN'T running away?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria shook her head, the adrenaline rush subsiding. "Nope, at least not yet."

With that she promptly sagged against the door way, using it for support. She was still trickling blood from her arm, though it didn't appear to be majorly serious.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa pulls herself out of the vent and rushes to Adria. She inspects the wound, then looks up and says, "It's nothing, you're fine." She then heads over to Michael, looking over his wounds. She turns back to Adria and asks, "Are there still Fallen on the ship? I'd like to get Michael to the MedLab now. And anyone else who needs it."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael had noticed what Adria was doing back during the fight and had run back inside the bridge before Adria enacted her plan. He was now laying on his back near the door, his visible left eye shut as he breathes deeply and then sits up upon hearing the concern of Melissa "I'll.....be fine" he says, standing and grasping his right arm with his left hand before falling onto his right knee "Okay. Maybe I'm not fine. he says, reaching up and grasping his head with his left hand "Feels like I got hit by a bus."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria nodded. "Physically fine yes, mentally a little drained. Takes a lot to create that incineration wave, and I've used both I can use for today up. No more Fallen are showing on the sensors inside of the ship, at least none that are alive any way. Unless they found a way to counter my counter to their... you get the idea. Go armed just in case, but I think we got them all."

She turned to Michael. "So, where do you want me to take the ship now?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Well that's good, because you look like you got hit by a tank," Alexis said to Michael, annoyance in her voice. She gently moved to support him and help him stand. "Come on, sir, you need to get this taken care of."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons. We have a base there that has enough supplies and personnel on-hand to crew this ship." Michael says, standing with the help of Melissa "Let's go. I want to get this leg fixed ASAP."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa slowly leads Michael out of the bridge and to one of the ship's transporters. Keying in the nearest MedLab (the ship was so huge it actually had five fully functional facilities), she and Michael step through and are almost immediately on the new floor. Melissa whips her head around, along with her shotgun, using it one handed while supporting the large man, and says, "Okay, looks like we're clear." They continue to the MedLab, only a short distance away.

When they enter, Melissa guides Michael to an examination table and sits him down, then says, "Okay, Commander, strip." She pulls her knife from her storage disc, in case he needs help with the clothing around the wounded areas. He would need to be naked for the Medtanks to do their work. While he got to work with that, Melissa heads over to a storage locker, picks out a white lab coat and throws it on, while stuffing the pockets with medical equipment.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael sighs and grasps the front of his black suit with his left hand, pulling a barely visible zipper down to open the front of his chest area. He would then toss it aside, showing the pinkish-black tendrils wrapped around his arms "I only need my arm fixed. I'm not taking off my pants." he says flatly, reaching up and grasping his goggles, then pulling them forward off of his eyes and then off of his head, his right eye covered with his right hand "If you say otherwise, I'm afraid my leg will just have to fix itself over time." he says, determination in his voice
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa smiled and walked slowly over to Michael, letting her hips sway and head tilt. "What's the matter Commander, shy? I really wouldn't have pegged you for it." As she approaches the table, she puts her hands down on either side of him, then leans forward, her face stopping a few inches from his. "Or do you think that I'm gonna take one look and go all schoolgirl and not be able to stop myself from ravishing you." She shakes her head, then pushes away from the table and says, "The bone is crushed, it won't ever 'fix itself over time.' Your only other option is amputation." Melissa walks away, to a computer terminal and starts hitting keys, entering the data the MedTank would need to be able to repair Michael's tissue damage. "I'm not going to consider doing that just because you want to save yourself a little dignity."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"I'm not shy. I just don't want my medical record very detailed. Half of the damn USLD has access to it." Michael says, his arms still crossed and the tendrils moving about on them "Mechanical limbs come to mind when you say Amputation." he says, looking over at one of the MedTanks "Fix the arm. Leave the leg. I'll have my own personal doctor handle it on Ganymede."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Directly across the MedLab from where Michael was...A hiss of releasing pressure could be heard. This was followed shortly by the sound of metal shifting, and a section of the wall moved, revealing a hidden chamber. Inside was a chair, with an assortment of pipes and tubes dangling from a device on the chamber's ceiling and connected to the back of said chair. In the chair itself sat a pale man with black hair, head bowed as if asleep. Aside from the panel, there was no movement.