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Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

C, but make sure to keep at a distance
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

A unanimous decision! The crowd has spoken. C has been chosen.

Curfew knew exactly what she was going to do. She was going to destroy the two free zombies while the others were busy, and take whatever treasure was here. It wouldn't be easy, but two was a lot easier than four. But she had to do this right, so she watched carefully for her opportunity to come. As she did, she especially focused on the two zombies. One looked weaker, frailer. It wasn't gross or full of holes or anything, but instead clearly came from a weaker human male body. The other looked sturdier, larger, with far more muscle. Even piercing it with arrows, it would take more to kill. Obviously, the best choice was to take down the weaker zombie. Since she couldn't backstab the undead, as they had no vital organs, she simply had to make her attack!

As she waited, the other two zombies continued to go to town on the other girl, her hair dyed orange, black roots visible at the part in her hair. The one was still thrusting into her, its cock glistening wet with the girl's juices. Over and over it moved, and her hips seemed, upon closer inspection, to be meeting them as the thrusts continued. The other zombie was only thrusting lightly into her mouth. She was working it, clearly, her tongue going up and down the zombie's shaft, as though trying to milk it. A hard zombie hand went to her breast and squeezed, making her squeal a little more loudly. The other two zombies watched with hunger. Now. Now was the time.

Surprise round!

Dice roll... 1!

An arrow shot past the zombie, crashing into the wall behind it. The two unmoving zombies looked at her, then. It was time. Curfew cursed silently to herself and notched another arrow. From this distance they could both reach her. How did this happen?

Round 1

No initiative needed.

Before the zombies could move, she launched another arrow. Do or die.

Dice roll... 4!

Bad luck. Again, the arrow went wide. Was she distracted by the smell of sex in the air, the panting of the woman nearby? No, she couldn't be. But now? Now she was afraid...

Dice roll... 13!

The first zombie, the lesser one, swung at her, fist moving without fear of breaking its hand. But Curfew was fast, and she ducked out of the way.

Dice roll... 4!

The second moved in and struck, but it was so clumsy that it didn't even come close to connecting. With this, Curfew backed down the stairs, rushing back in order to give herself more space.

Round 2

"C'mon, you two, follow me! That's it..." She called them down quietly, just loudly enough for them to hear. The other two zombies, luckily, were still focused on their lustful activities. Even if this wasn't going perfectly, at least Curfew was still unharmed! She notched another arrow and fired again, still at the weaker zombie.

Dice roll... 16! HIT! 2 damage.

The arrow struck true, right through the zombie's neck. But it still approached, not hindered in the least. At least this stairwell meant that only one zombie could reach her at a time. She kicked back with her foot, pinning the zombie at arm's reach, so that the other zombie's weight couldn't knock it forward and give it purchase.

Dice roll... 19! HIT! 3 damage.

But even though this meant only one zombie could reach her, it gave the one ample space to strike her upside the head! She saw stars, she cursed, and notched an arrow one more time.

Round 3.

Dice roll... 16! HIT! 3 damage.

"Point blank, shit-head!" The arrow let loose straight through the zombie's eye, and it was dead. She backed off, letting it collapse into a heap at the foot of the stairs. But before she could back off, the second zombie lunged to attack!

Dice roll... 5!

...but with the greater room, Curfew was able to easily evade the damned undead thing.

Round 4.

Dice roll... 11! HIT! 1 damage.

With move to maneuver, Curfew took aim and fired again. This one only scraped the enemy zombie. And so the fight continued, it lunging, her maneuvering.

Dice roll... 10! It missed.

Dice roll... 11! HIT! 2 damage. And she plinked at it again.

Dice roll... 17! HIT! 8 damage...

She shouldn't have gotten cocky. She shouldn't have felt that she had this in the bag. See, here she was, maneuvering around in the room that slime had been in. But the slime's deconstituted jelly was still all over the floor. And she slipped. Just in time for the zombie to get in close, and fall on top of her and pin her, well and good.

She was trapped, and her hit points were expended. It was over.

"Agnes... I'm sorry..." It was the last thing she could say before the zombie kissed her roughly on the mouth. It wasn't going to kill her, oh no. And it wasn't truly over. No, she was in for quite the time, much like the girl she'd left upstairs. If she hadn't been defeated, if she hadn't hit her head, maybe she could escape, but she had no strength left, and as the zombie's rough hands ripped her leather armor apart, exposing her ample breasts, all she could do was whimper.

It started with those, sitting on top of her, pinning her to the ground with her breasts exposed to the open air, her upper body in the midst of one of those pillars of light. She was breathing heavily now as its hands grasped her full breasts, hard fingers sinking in and squeezing. She shifted ever so slightly, trying to stifle a moan, but the zombie knew what it was doing. Whatever magic had revived it had left its knowledge of the carnal intact, and it seemed to satisfy itself by squeezing and massaging her breasts over and over until Curfew couldn't stand it. She cried out suddenly, in both frustration and pleasure, and the zombie's hands moved down, down...

Her pants were quickly ripped asunder, and all that was left of her armor was rags. She was panting now, her pussy unintentionally wet from the force of the monster's breast fondling, and now the zombie leaned down, as though sniffing her womanhood. She groaned, and shuddered, both in fear and anticipation as its mouth got closer and closer. And its tongue came out, and delved straight into her pussy, and she cried out, the sensation as exciting as when Agnes would do this over long winter nights. She cried out again and again as the tongue lashed against her, delving deep before slipping up and attacking her clit, and she found herself cumming far sooner than she ever would have guessed, her head shaking back in forth as though trying to deny the pleasure that was washing over her.

And then, as her body came down and her vision focused, she saw the thing's cock, hard as could be, and blushed as it mounted her, arms pinning her shoulders to the ground. She stared up at its eyes and finally, unable to look, closed her own. She'd pretend, maybe. She'd have to, right? Pretend it was someone else, an old boyfriend, Agnes, anyone. And then she felt it entering her, its penis filling her as though splitting her in two, and she cried out once more. But she was muffled by a kiss, and all she could do was lay there, letting it begin to thrust into her pussy, filling her hot snatch with its length and width, exciting her with every motion as she wettened from greater and greater arousal.

A second orgasm came. And then it came too, its surprisingly hot cum filling her pussy, and it was oh so much, as though it had built up for ages without anywhere to release, spurt after spurt until it was leaking out but still it continued, and all Curfew could do was cry out over and over in the satisfaction and the fullness.

When it was done, and she lay there in a daze, she glanced over, and saw her salvation. The glass flask full of blue slime. It was in reach! If she just reached over and grabbed it, she could use a tool to ignite it while the zombie lay on top of her, and she'd be able to kill it, no problem. Her hand reached out slowly... carefully, and then-

A bare foot came down onto the glass, smashing it into a hundred pieces. Curfew was confused, the zombie was still on top of her! But her eyes slowly looked up, and she realized her doom.

The other two zombies had come. One still dragged the other girl behind it, unconscious and exhausted from the endless sex. It dropped her, and both of them walked towards her, hunger in their eyes. Curfew was doomed, and as they pushed the temporarily satisfied zombie off of her, and took her between them, their cocks entering both of her holes, all she could due was cry out again... and again... and again... and...

Chapter One End

Boy, guys, looks like that wasn't the right call! It was looking hopeful there for a moment, but that's the roll of the dice for ya! Maybe it's better to sue every advantage now, before you lose it forever? After all, this isn't one of those video games where you can save every last megalixer for the final boss.

Now, let's go! We still have four girls remaining!

A.) Louise de la Valliere, human noblewoman - Louise is the young fifth daughter of a noble house. Prideful and athletic, she has always valued competition and combat. Her energy and rigor is popular with those around her, and she set off on this quest in order to gain the resources to start her own homestead, her own family. After all, as fifth daughter, not even a son, she isn't going to inherit much, certainly not land!

Veteran (Fighter 1)
HP: 6
Armor Class: 4
THAC0: 18
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 200/2000

Strength: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 9 (+0)
Wisdom: 7 (-1)
Dexterity: 12 (+0)
Constitution: 16 (+2)
Charisma: 16 (+2)

Longsword, d8+1 damage
Chain Mail
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 18
Hair: Red (dyed, naturally brunette)
Breasts: A cups
Height: 5'0
Body type: slender
Virgin: yes

B.) Eleanor d'Salve, human scholar - Eleanor, or Ellie as she allows those close to her to call her, is a scholar who has spent two years here at the dungeon, trying to catalog all the information within. During this time she has mastered the basics of magic, and the bespectacled lass has finally decided that in order to learn more, she must make the delve herself. In the back of her mind, she fears a compulsion, but she doesn't allow that fear to stop her.

Medium (Magic User 1)
HP: 3
Armor Class: 8
THAC0: 20
Alignment: Neutral
XP: 250/2500

Strength: 7 (-1)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 9 (+0)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 9 (+0)
Charisma: 8 (-1)

Sleep - capable of taking down an entire group of enemies, or even just one very large one. Once per day.

Read Magic the ability to read scrolls, other wizards' tomes or ancient, magical writing. Once per day, but lasts all day. She generally casts it in the morning.

Dagger: 1d4-1 damage
Comfortable Clothes
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 23
Hair: Green (dyed, naturally blonde)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'5
Body type: Average
Virgin: yes, and frustrated about it.

C.) Inkyrius "Kyrie" Planetes, elfen youth - Elves have known of the dungeon of lust for a very long time, and Kyrie has heard of it from childhood. She's a prodigy, even by elfen standards, young and skilled and full of potential. As such, she's arrogant... again, even by elfen standards. She fully believes she can defeat this dungeon, and has taken great pains to do so. Could she be right?

Medium-Veteran (Elf 1)
HP: 9
Armor Class: -2
THAC0: 15
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 400/4000

Strength: 18 (+3)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 6 (-2)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 18 (+3)
Charisma: 18 (+3)

Charm Person With this spell, Kyrie can charm even a hated enemy into believing her to be their best friend. An intelligent humanoid creature as large as an ogre can be charmed, and would even fight to the death for her.

Unlike humans, elves gain magic naturally, and so no studying will allow them to learn new spells outside of leveling up, and they gain no extra spell slots for higher stats.

Platinum Comet: A magical, silvered longsword with a blazing white hilt.
- it can glow as the spell Light upon command.
- It adds +1 to attack and damage.
- It also becomes sheathed in fire when in use, giving it +1d6 damage.
Final stats: 1d8+1d6+4 damage

Shooting Star: A magic wand of great power, black like the night sky, but filled with stars when in use, which streak out as the spell Magic Missile, which does 1d6 damage and auto-hits.
Can be used 3/day, at which point the stars go out, and the blackness turns blue like the day. Regenerates at dusk the next day.

Elfen Royal Plate: +1 full plate armor.
Boots and Cloak of Elfenkind: Allow one to sneak silently and nearly invisibly. One can only notice them, if in use, with a 1/6 chance.

Age: 97
Hair: Sky Blue (natural!)
Breasts: B cups
Height: 4'10
Body type: very petite
Virgin: yes, and extremely proud of her purity, to boot.

X.) Allison "Curfew" Murphy, total bitch - Curfew is a tough chica, if you know what I mean. A human, and a burglar by trade, she's been around the block and dealt with all sorts of shit. She's out for numero uno... with one exception, her best friend from childhood, lady Agnes Castellan, who some weeks ago entered the dungeon, only to never return. Curfew will be damned to hell before she allows Agnes to die alone. And she suspects that may well be her fate, before all is said and done. LOST TO THE DUNGEON...

E.) Sister Olivia Marie Alistair, human priestess - Sister Olivia was once a very bad girl. So said her parents, so said her community. So she ran away. But one day, when things looked their worst, she prayed upon a roadside idol and found that the gods of Law answered her. She dedicated herself to her gods, and sought out clerical teachers. And so here she is, living as a sister of the faith at the End of the Road temple. But her gods have spoken to her again: She must delve the dungeon, and rescue those who are trapped inside. She will not rest until she has done so. She's a good girl now.

Acolyte (Cleric 1)
HP: 6
Armor Class: 2
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 150/1500

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 7 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+2)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 13 (+1)

Turning Undead (and more!)

Sister Olivia has the supernatural power to channel the radiant might of her gods against the forces of the undead. If she is successful, the undead forces will flee from her, and will not touch her even if cornered.

To do this, one must roll 2d6, and reach a number higher than the undead creature's required number. For example, a skeleton requires a 7, a zombie an 8 at this level.

Thankfully, due to the gods' grace, this power is even greater within the dungeon. Creatures of lust will react just as undead, and be turned too!

Mace: 1d6+2
Full Plate
Holy Symbol
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 21
Hair: White (dyed, for purity!)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'4
Body type: curvy
Virgin: no (she was a bad girl)
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


Going away for a few days, can't wait to see what's happened when I get back!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


Them fucking dice. Also Undead on the first floor.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


Them fucking dice. Also Undead on the first floor.

I play a fair game. In the sense that the dice rolls are real, and outside my control. Online official d&d dice roller ftw!

As for the zombies... well, that part is less fair. I hope you at least enjoyed her losing scene!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Well, that was quick...

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Hmm... any reason everyone's picking E so far? Just curious. :)
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Must be the zombies

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

For the killing of zombies. Also I'm voting the ones I don't necessarily want to succeed as much first so we can get the hang of this dungeon. Does the dungeon reset with each girl that goes through? I guess we'll see soon enough, it wouldn't change my vote regardless.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

For the killing of zombies. Also I'm voting the ones I don't necessarily want to succeed as much first so we can get the hang of this dungeon. Does the dungeon reset with each girl that goes through? I guess we'll see soon enough, it wouldn't change my vote regardless.

This pretty much least liked to most.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

What will happen if we get out of girls? can we rescue them with luck?
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

What will happen if we get out of girls? can we rescue them with luck?

Oh, successful delve or failure, option F will come next time! In any case, I'm leaving the voting up a bit longer, and see how it goes tomorrow, and then we'll have chapter two!

Edit: Also, rescue isn't absolutely impossible. After all, had Curfew not been Chaotic, rescuing that other girl may have been an option!
Last edited:
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Would you mind explaining at least the basic rules, for those of us who are not familiar with Ad&D? For example, why does the fighter have just 6 HP while the Thief has 11 (almost twice as much) even though both have the same Constitution? Also, how much control do we have over the characters? Can we suggest our own course of action?
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

This looks fun. I suppose I can vote E for consistency's sake. Let's hope we make it a bit further this time...
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Would you mind explaining at least the basic rules, for those of us who are not familiar with Ad&D? For example, why does the fighter have just 6 HP while the Thief has 11 (almost twice as much) even though both have the same Constitution? Also, how much control do we have over the characters? Can we suggest our own course of action?

Next post is coming up shortly, but I figured I'd answer this question for everyone too!

So, a lot of it has to do with the roll of the dice. In fact, almost all of it. I roll the dice for hit points, and some people are just luckier than the others. (Okay, in the case of the elf, I didn't... but that's because I decided I wanted to create an utterly unfair character, and I think that part should be obvious for her, what with all the magic items and the like!)

In the thief's case, the thief was level 2. This is because thieves only get a d4 of health every level, and I felt that of any character, I wanted at least one who was level two and so the thief was the best choice. She also had a constitution of 18, giving her +3 per level, while the fighter only has a +2. Sadly, the fighter's dice roll was quite low.

As for control, what I want to do is give you all a variety of options each time that run the gamut of showing off the abilities the character has, as well as giving clear options. Stuff like, even when attacking, giving multiple options for attacking, etc.

The way the fights have worked and will work is that once you choose how you want to approach the battle, or fight at all, I'll take care of the fight and continue it until the end. Or until a serious change occurs, like enemy reinforcements or the like. So far they've only been relatively small battles.

I'll also be rolling each room randomly, while I have a few...different monsters than the ones in the book. But even that, again, is a random roll.

That's not to say that EVERYTHING will be random! There will be some story stuff, and the like.

And finally... as for victory. It's possible to succeed. But at this point in the narrative, the endgame hasn't been revealed, so a character's victory is "escape with some treasure, and perhaps level up so as to delve once more!" It should be a fun time, full of lots of... well, erotic situations. But don't worry, the rolls will be fair. It'll just be tough on the girls, because I kind of want to write some exciting scenes for you all!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Just wanted to say that I wish I'd come up with this first. This is a really good scenario for a forum CYOA. That being said, I expect you'd be able to run this far better than I could. Here's to continued success! *raises glass of hard cider*
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

In the thief's case, the thief was level 2. This is because thieves only get a d4 of health every level, and I felt that of any character, I wanted at least one who was level two and so the thief was the best choice. She also had a constitution of 18, giving her +3 per level, while the fighter only has a +2. Sadly, the fighter's dice roll was quite low.
I'm confused: Where did that "constitution of 18" come from? According to the very first post in this thread the fighter has "Constitution: 16 (+2)" and the thief has "Constitution: 16 (+2)", which is exactly the same. The only 18 the thief has is "Dexterity: 18 (+3)". The only character with 18 Constitution is the Elf.

Also, when I asked how much control we have I meant things like this:
C, but make sure to keep at a distance
Are we allowed to make such additions to the choices? Probably not, judging by how our "heroine" did not keep her distance and allowed the zombies to engage her in melee even though it would be logical for her to stay as far away as possible until she has no more room for retreat.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I'm confused: Where did that "constitution of 18" come from? According to the very first post in this thread the fighter has "Constitution: 16 (+2)" and the thief has "Constitution: 16 (+2)", which is exactly the same. The only 18 the thief has is "Dexterity: 18 (+3)". The only character with 18 Constitution is the Elf.

Sorry, you're right, I misread it. Here's the numbers:

The fighter rolled a 4, and got +2 for Con, and so had 6.

The thief rolled a 4+2, then, because she was second level rolled again, and got 3:2, equaling 11.

Also, when I asked how much control we have I meant things like this:

Are we allowed to make such additions to the choices? Probably not, judging by how our "heroine" did not keep her distance and allowed the zombies to engage her in melee even though it would be logical for her to stay as far away as possible until she has no more room for retreat.

She started away from them, and moved back every turn as necessary. However, the rooms aren't THAT large, we aren't out in an open plain or forest where that's easy, and the zombies were able to move as well. Each turn she got to move and attack, and then they got to move and attack. Just because you attempt to do something doesn't mean it's successful. Furthermore, she wanted to lure them away from the other two. Fighting in the first room, or running back into it after luring the two zombies away, would have potentially brought two more enemies into the fight, and keeping the number of opponents fewer was worth more, since she could have gotten trapped between them all.

And in the end, it's a game, the "lose" condition is sexy times, have fun. :D