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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Anyone else think he should focus on a sprite more than five minutes when he puts it into the game animating? i know it's his art and he can do what he wants with it, and it doesn't look BAD bad, but i'd really like to see him go all out on all the details at some point in these games!

But they're being made by donation funding, not for selling, so my complaint is invalid. :/

Oh, and i loved the futa in the last game, hope to see more~

(YES, i have something wrong with my brain... love futa but NO to vore or gore. -.-)

Do you know how long it takes to do a few seconds of animation? I can tell you the most basic animations take a few hours to do right. I'm sure you didn't mean anything offensive, but try to give animators a bit more credit...

On a side note, can you actually do anything in the game yet? I know there's the walking around and junk, but is that it so far?
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Animating, turning it into a game with specific hit boxe's and mechanic's, i'm not sure if people even completely understand how annoying it is to program all of those crap just to make the game actually work,

Encountering bug's searching for the error and mistake made in the code's is the most troubling Shit since you need to look at your WHOLE previous coded text's to actually find the problem unless you already encountered it and learned the trick's.

"In fact its like accounting Except WORSE its made out of a different language called computer"

Its not just about animation,
Its the programming too,

In fact people should appreciate the little things, he make's good quality game's which is also free for us to enjoy already, compared to those scam game's that has good demo's Only to END IN FAKE QUALITY...
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Still. I mean, in Fairy Fighting, put it on 'Watch Mode' and look at Fallen Fairy's moveset. That character was edited a hundred times over like, two years I think? But you can literally contrast the older animations with the newer ones, and see him taking less pride in his work as time went on. Some of FF's newest animations are just fucking sloppy. Buggy, erroneous, and even lazy at times, with random pixels being colorized like 500 pixels away from the actual animation.

Eluku is a fantastic artist, whose diligent benevolence gave us probably the best h-game for sprite sex that there's ever been. However, I concur that he is taking far less pride in his work and attention to detail, than he used to.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

The main character/player character ALWAYS gets more attention by virtue of the fact that the player will be staring at it for pretty much the whole goddamn game. It has nothing to do with pride.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Eluku is a great animator, but you do tend to take shortcuts when doing so. It's okay if he has flaws. It's normal, just don't be too greedy folks, that's a lot of free work he's given us, and it's more than decent.

Gotta point how just how bad animation errors are. Just google them, you'll run across far too many webpages. With most show casing a dozen to hundreds of animation errors from professionals.


Pretty sure there is a fetish in that photo somewhere.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Yea, i know how long it takes for him to get some of these down, but i feel as if i see the images of the concept art, and i'm like 'why do these look so good and the in-game sprites look so bad!?'

Not saying his work isn't great, just wondering why it feels like he creates something and then never polishes it for a very long time is all. :?

Then again, i'm a perfectionist in my art, and if it isn't how i saw it or doesn't look right or good to me at first glance, i usually put it in the junk pile and move on.(or i like it but it's got so many errors in it i spend 3 times longer fixing it to be just right. :0) I can understand place-holders to get the game running, but didn't he have fairy fighting as a base game already?

I mean, not even the groins are hitting together right, nor does this enemy look....REAL comparing it to the wolf girl. :/

Oh, and the reason i said my brains weird is cause i liked the futa jellyfish scene better than the fallen fairy's after a while, don't know why... even the new scene for fallen fairy wasn't a 'stress reliever' but more of an update.

EDIT: Check Omega-ism's(auto-correct...) post up above to see the concept art i'm talking about, and then go try them in-demo after breaking the chains. I just don't see why he can't try to use those drawings he does well in a game rather than down-scales it to the fc2 strangeness that it is. I know he's used to fc2, but there HAS to be a way to get that amazing level of detail into the actual games he's making, i mean, it's already there in the concept art!
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I never seem to be able to reach the zombie after the chains break
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

I never seem to be able to reach the zombie after the chains break

Punching and kicking him does nothing and he doesn't attack you if you do. No point in reaching him atm.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Out of curiosity, is there a lot of guro in the game already? Or could you play normally without seeing any of it?
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Not yet Ky-san. On this point - it's pretty much a prototype or very alpha of basic gameplay itself.

But I sure there'll be a lot of guro stuff in actual game.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Not yet Ky-san. On this point - it's pretty much a prototype or very alpha of basic gameplay itself.

But I sure there'll be a lot of guro stuff in actual game.

Ah, I see. I'm trying to get a good idea of what the content is going to be like, since I dislike guro.

I mean, best case scenario for someone like me is that if there's guro, I can just avoid it by not dying to certain enemies or hazards. After all, at that point it's no different from playing a mainstream horror game. It only really prevents me from trying a game entirely if it's too difficult or impossible to avoid.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Ah, I see. I'm trying to get a good idea of what the content is going to be like, since I dislike guro.

I mean, best case scenario for someone like me is that if there's guro, I can just avoid it by not dying to certain enemies or hazards. After all, at that point it's no different from playing a mainstream horror game. It only really prevents me from trying a game entirely if it's too difficult or impossible to avoid.

Guro reminds me of demonophobia, and despite it being despicably guro it made me want to see what shocking twisted death i could end up in @_@...

Guro is like jack in the box,
"What's in the hole..., OH SHIT NO!"
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Guro reminds me of demonophobia, and despite it being despicably guro it made me want to see what shocking twisted death i could end up in @_@...

Guro is like jack in the box,
"What's in the hole..., OH SHIT NO!"

Having a female character generally makes any kind of violence a turn off for me the moment it's sensationalized, or meant to be enjoyed because it's a female character. For example, if half the death scenes shown in Tomb Raider happened to a guy, it would still be shocking, but because it's happening to a female character it just came off as gross to me. Even if they didn't have that intention.

Of course, the fact that I find torture porn "gross" is no different from the way the mainstream views Japan's general portrayal of young girls as "gross", so it's not something I fault anybody for liking.
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Re: Wolf's Dungeon

Having a female character generally makes any kind of violence a turn off for me the moment it's sensationalized, or meant to be enjoyed because it's a female character. For example, if half the death scenes shown in Tomb Raider happened to a guy, it would still be shocking, but because it's happening to a female character it just came off as gross to me. Even if they didn't have that intention.

Of course, the fact that I find torture porn "gross" is no different from the way the mainstream views Japan's general portrayal of young girls as "gross", so it's not something I fault anybody for liking.

It's 100% different.

America sexualizes 15 year old girls, Japan sexualizes 13 year old girls. Different points on the spectrum, but biologically, we sexualize any girl old enough to visibly indicate fertility. In most cultures, 13 is the age when women are assumed to be sexually viable (if not legally). Even if the US thinks Japan is yucky with its 13 year old sex symbols, Japan's culture still falls within "different strokes for different folks" territory.

(Though I think if the girls are 12 or below, people would start saying it's innately repulsive, as opposed to simply being yucky because they're not used to thinking that way.)

Torture is a long way away from sexual reproduction. It's an abstract way of eliciting the same pleasurable 'trust' instincts that flare up during sex, but torture itself is a despicable act of violence. It's entirely acceptable that you would find torture porn repulsive and abhorrent.

Tolerance should be practiced, and it should be preached, but that doesn't mean everything needs to be tolerated. Some things -- some people -- should not be tolerated.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

New blog post

The WD update seems to have been postponed
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

The main reason why pain and pleasure often go hand-in-hand is how we are, biologically. The pain and pleasure receptors in the brain are very close together and sometimes, the brain can't tell the difference. If it's receiving both sensations at the same time, it can magnify both pleasure and pain, which can cause the brain think pain is pleasurable, and pain can be used to magnify pleasure. That's why there's so much BDSM porn, because for many, pain = pleasure, literally and biologically speaking.

Personally, I like how this game is coming along. I do like the spritework, even if people are picking out flaws in it, I hardly care. It looks good to me and that's all that matters to me. And I'm already more interested in this than Fairy Fighting because I like the wolf girl more than Tiki, even if FF is a full game and WD is only one room.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

The main reason why pain and pleasure often go hand-in-hand is how we are, biologically. The pain and pleasure receptors in the brain are very close together and sometimes, the brain can't tell the difference. If it's receiving both sensations at the same time, it can magnify both pleasure and pain, which can cause the brain think pain is pleasurable, and pain can be used to magnify pleasure. That's why there's so much BDSM porn, because for many, pain = pleasure, literally and biologically speaking.

well that is just sick. Just sick. You know, I'm kinda sick myself.
I need a bit of violence before the sexually stuff, so as long as he doesn't go crazy with this one like FF then it should be good.
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

well that is just sick. Just sick. You know, I'm kinda sick myself.
I need a bit of violence before the sexually stuff, so as long as he doesn't go crazy with this one like FF then it should be good.

well it's no different from jigsaw for me, people being murdered in the twisted way as possible only to satisfy a murderous puppetteer master.

Seriously guy's its guro expect death, your not suppose to try and say gross at it your suppose to be " surprised and shocked at what you see", and next feeling would be disgust saying UGH!? from the pile of corpse after the death of the victim... if you don't want it avoid it, Done and Done~
Re: Wolf's Dungeon

It's 100% different.

America sexualizes 15 year old girls, Japan sexualizes 13 year old girls. Different points on the spectrum, but biologically, we sexualize any girl old enough to visibly indicate fertility. In most cultures, 13 is the age when women are assumed to be sexually viable (if not legally). Even if the US thinks Japan is yucky with its 13 year old sex symbols, Japan's culture still falls within "different strokes for different folks" territory.

(Though I think if the girls are 12 or below, people would start saying it's innately repulsive, as opposed to simply being yucky because they're not used to thinking that way.)

Torture is a long way away from sexual reproduction. It's an abstract way of eliciting the same pleasurable 'trust' instincts that flare up during sex, but torture itself is a despicable act of violence. It's entirely acceptable that you would find torture porn repulsive and abhorrent.

Tolerance should be practiced, and it should be preached, but that doesn't mean everything needs to be tolerated. Some things -- some people -- should not be tolerated.

Just to clarify, when I talk about guro I'm talking purely in terms of fantasy. But I think the "gross" comparison is still relevant.

For example, I don't find sexualized young characters in fantasy repulsive, but that's because I know first-hand that you can have such a fetish without real-life connotations. I know that there's nothing inherently wrong with it, because it's psychologically harmless to myself. Because of that personal bias, I associate such content with the way it affects me, rather than how it might affect people with more dangerous fetishes.

On the the other hand, the fact that there's an american show that revolves around a beauty pageant for pre-teen girls grosses me out. I don't have the personal bias I do with fantasy, so my brain doesn't consider how it might be harmless to some people, or how most people won't perceive it sexually at all. All I see is how harmful it might be to people with dangerous fetishes, and the very idea of people watching such a show makes it come off as "gross". The same way I feel about such shows involving real girls, people can feel about fantasy, because they lack the bias that makes them see it as inherently harmless, and all they see is how harmful it might be.

The way I feel about guro and violence is similar. Even if it's just a violent game with a female character, it can come off as gross to me, because I know there are probably guys with bad intentions who get off on that sort of thing. Even though I should know from my own fetishes that it's entirely possible to have a fetishes that exists entirely within fantasy.

I'm ranting now -__-
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