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[Tribal Tactics] General Discussion


Needs to go commit sudoku
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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: [Nyanworld] General Discussion/Questioning

Talkey bout Nyanworld? Ok, LET THE DISCUSSION BEGIN! Wait, did we even has questions that I don't know about? Ryxis (Previously known as Sue) Is nomming breakfast with kittens and the cheetahs are nomming breakfast, and Blarg is hopeless
14th Decemter: Late as fuck, but nah, blarg ain't hopeless, just me being bad at being informative. I ballooned his EXCITES and then popped it mercilessly.

Anyhow, that ain't why I'm posting here, rather, I'd like some opinions on the map I've provided in the thread. I know it is real simple and such, but any feedback would be appreciated.

18th December: Okay so, I've updated the battle thread, so Host and CW you can scoot over there. Other people can still make characters and join in mid-fight, once the character is approved by me. We could really use a Shaman to test the waters with the spellcasting rules.

Also, I have editted the Warrior class slightly, to include the option of all out attacking while using a Sword-n-Board style, which likely is broken as fuck in the end, but we'll see.
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Re: [Nyanworld] General Discussion/Questioning

So. First Battle done and over with. What have we learned?

1) Kityan Warriors are fucking ridiculousy
2) Kachende/Gahman have the worst luck/bad tactical sense
3) Nerina have crazy luck (double crits at the end, say wot?!)
4) Ryxis is obnoxious
5) Hera's group just is, and I've been mistaking it as Helena's group despite that one char being named Helen
6) I am bad at updating in time
7) My art is shitty.
8) GottanerfWarriors

And likely some other things that I ain't sure about. I'd appreciate any feedback that the current players could offer me in regards to this thing, be it tweaks in crunch or suggestions for new things.

Specificly I'd love to have some suggestions for spells to add, to just about all the elements, especially ideas for 'Rituals', the whole massive continuous effects thing that requires constant mana supply and all that fun stuff.

Also, I will try to offer more of a challenge in the next battle, kinda tried the ropes to get a feel of things now, I hope it wasn't super boring bland terrible and stuff like most of my things. I:

Alsoalsoalso... Stuff. I'd just like to have people blurb about this, so I have someone to blurb with like a derp. ;w;

Edit: I have now considered some changes to a few things, namely WARRIORS, SHIELDS and HUNTERS.
The Old
+Shieldwall: +1 Shield Bonus and counts as Heavy Cover for Allies
Stalwart(When wielding a Shield: Can use Bash([6], D1+Body, Cnc) and gains +1 Shield Bonus VS Ranged and counts as Light Cover for Allies)
Dual Wield(Can wield two 1H Melee Weapons, can use both per Act with -1 Rating, also works with 1H Melee+Shield at the loss of Shield Bonus for the round)

Shield: 2 Angle Cover, +1 Shield Bonus, 1 Weight, OH

Swift(Ignores Rough Terrain Penalties)
Great Aim(+1 Range w/ Javelins & Bows)
The New
+Shieldwall: Uses All Acts, +1 Shield Bonus and counts as Heavy Cover for Allies
Stalwart(When wielding a Shield: Can use Bash([6], D1+Body, Cnc), no longer loses Shield Bonuses when Attacking, counts as Light Cover for Allies)
Dual Wield(Can wield two 1H Melee Weapons, can use both per Act with -1 Rating, also works with 1H Melee+Shield at the loss of all Shield Bonuses for the round, overrides Stalwarts 'no loss of shield bonus' clause)

Shield: +1 Life, +1 Shield Bonus when not Attacking(IE Overwatch, Movement, Defensive Spells), 1 Weight, OH

Pathfinder(Rough/Harsh Terrain penalties are reduced by 1)
Great Aim(+1 Range w/ Javelins & Bows, can shoot outside Range at a -1 Rating penalty per additional tile)
The reasoning behind the Warrior/Shield changes was that they already have defensive benefits in the form of a Class bonus of +1 Life, and access to Heavy Armor, not to mention that 'Evasion Stacking' was getting a little crazy only with the Kityan Warriors in the Riverside Ruckus battle. Had they used something like Wind Ward, it'd would've been completely bonkers. Shield was changed to be more easily used by Warriors than other Classes, while still having potential benefits for other Classes. If that makes sense. Not that any other classes are proficient in shield use so far, I might have to change that.

As for the Hunter Changes, I figured I'd make Swift make more sense in its name by changing it to Pathfinder, and also adding its benefits over to Harsh terrain... Of course, I was also debating over not having all penalties be reduced by 1(Making Rough Terrain count as Normal, as it is currently), but reduce some of it at least. Maybe just reducing the movement penalty by 1, but keeping the Rating/Evasion penalties, hrm.
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Re: [Nyanworld] General Discussion/Questioning

Just moving some WIP stuff from the votening thread over to this place. Races Below.
Units: 2
Life: 2
Act: 1
Mov: 3w
Body: 0
Mind: 1

+Twin-Cast: The Lamias may choose a single spell that all Units in the Group casts this turn, gaining +1 Range, +1 Duration and +1 Rating each, and may still choose target individually.
Shared Attunement(Choose 1 Affinity for each Unit in the group; all Affinities are shared by Units in the Group)
Magical Bond(Mana Drawn is shared between all Units in this Group, +1 Mana Drawn, +1 Resistance)
Aquatic(The Group does not suffer from Water-related Terrain Penalties)

WIP Fluff: Lamias are rarely born among the Lizardfolk, and for some mysterious reason are always born in pairs. These twins never leave each others side for any extended amount of time. Lamias are inherently magical, much like the Kityans and Sphinxes, but shares a magical connection, a 'bond', that have no equal among any other races.

Units: 3
Life: 2
Act: 1
Move: 4
Body: 0
Mind: 0

+Pack Hunting: For every Hyena that spends an Act to Attack the same target, they deny the victim 1 Evasion and/or Shield bonus, at the cost of -½ Damage Dealt
Antagonizing(Hyenas incur a -1 Rating Penalty to Adjacent Enemies)

WIP Fluff: All kinds of hysterical douchenozzles that have the most fun when annoying others. Or something.

Units: 3
Life: 2
Act: 1
Mov: 3w
Body: 0
Mind: 0

Iron Scales(+DR½ VS Physical)
Fortitude(Non-Magical Debuffs last 1 Turn less on this Group)
Magic Conduit(Spells have +1 Rating, +1 Damage, +1 Healing and +1 Duration on Saurians, Magic Conduit is disabled by a bonus to Resistance while reducing the Bonus by 1, a Bonus reduced to 0 is not nullified but still disables Magic Conduit for its duration)
Aquatic(The Group does not suffer from Water-related Terrain Penalties)

-Experience Gaining- (Kinda WIP)

5 Base XP to everyone, and all other XP is tallied up and then divided among every Group, with fractions always being rounded up
+X XP, X = 10-Turns Taken to Finish Battle (Currently I had this XP be of the tallied up and divided sort, might make it flat XP for everyone in the future)
+1XP per Damage/Healing done
+3XP per Group Buffed

-Experience Spending- (VERY WIP!)
Things marked by * can only the taken once, things marked by ** have their XP cost increased by 50% of base every time they are picked.

*Hand-to-Hand Specialization(10XP): +1 Rating & +½ Damage for H2H
*Sword Specialization(10XP): +1 Rating for Swords, Swords Gain:
*Mace Specialization(10XP): +1 Rating for Maces, Maces gain Hvy modifier
*Halberd Specialization(10XP): +1 Rating for Halberds, Halberds Gain: Sweep([5]XUnits, D1+Body/2, Slsh, Targets Entire Group)
*Bow Specialization(10XP): +1 Rating & +½ Damage for Bows, Bows gain +12 Shots
*Javelin Specialization(10XP): +1 Rating & +1 Range for Javelins, Javelins gain +6 Shots
*Shield Specialization(10XP):
*Staff Specialization(10XP):

**Elusiveness(20XP): +1 Evasion
**Hardiness(20XP): +1 Life
**Mental Prowess(20XP): +1 Mind
**Physical Prowess(20XP): +1 Body

REVELATION: I THINK I HAVE A GREAT PLAN NOW! It involves removing some of the Class Benefits however, and moving the Class Benefits into a "X Specialization" instead, and then have Classes get to start with one Specialization in any one thing they are proficient in! I personally believe this is a hella nice idea, and I will look into implementing this! I think this would solve some of my problems, while also making character creation a little bit more customizeable!

I might also consider making some pretty heavy overhauls on the system, to make it less based on the source material and be more of its own dang thing. In particular, maybe an opposing rolls setup over the current roll-equal-to-or-less-to-succeed approach, but I am uncertain. So many things to plot over. Halp, plz? ;w;

Edit: After consulting some derps, I think I might lean towards an opposing rolls system that favor the attacker. Without outside or extra bonuses, it'd likely be "Attacker's 1d10+2 VS Defender's 1d10, Ties Favoring Attacker" or similiar. So Evasion/Shield bonuses and the like would be added to the Defender's Roll, rather than derpily subtracting from the Attacker's Roll.
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Re: [Nyanworld] General Discussion/Questioning

REVELATION: I THINK I HAVE A GREAT PLAN NOW! It involves removing some of the Class Benefits however, and moving the Class Benefits into a "X Specialization" instead, and then have Classes get to start with one Specialization in any one thing they are proficient in! I personally believe this is a hella nice idea, and I will look into implementing this! I think this would solve some of my problems, while also making character creation a little bit more customizeable!

Would this make the current classes closer to each other? Or would some specializations be class specific? I dunno, but more customization is good, I guess.

Opposing rolls would double the amount of dice rolled, which sounds kinda pain in the ass for the GM, and increase randomness, which may or may not be a good thing.
25th January: Status Update Before Bed:
Rules: Updated, Might Need Tweakings
Races: Updated, Tweaked Old, Added New
Classes: Updated, Might Need Tweakings
Equipment: Updated, Might Need Tweakings
Experience: Added, Need More Things

Still need to fix up 'Magical Traits', such as 'Elemental Affinity', maybe add more 'Physical Traits' that aren't just Specializations.

Discuss, maybe...? ;_; /ronery

Edit: Plox no edit charsheet stoofs, overhaul still WIP.

27th January: Status Update: Rework possibly complete. Maybe missed some things, but everything should be usable.

Still in need of ideas for more spells, and now traits, to add. What players I have, or new people looking in, feel free to express yon thoughts about things.

Below are the old system and stats, incase people want to compare and stuff.

1) Pick a Race
2) Pick a Class
3) Choose equipment, up to weight limit but possibly less, every Unit in the group have mirrored equipment(except Staves, special case)
4) If you are eligible to assign Elemental Affinity, you may pick the same or different affinities for each Unit in the group
5) Assign 1+Mind spells for each Affinity to each Unit of the Group
X) Add names and optional images/descriptions/backstory fluff to the Units

Characters are posted in this thread.

=[U][B]Names,Names[/B][/U][[B]Race+Class Designations[/B]]=
[B]Units[/B]: The amount of Units the Group have
[B]Life[/B]: The amount of Life each Unit in the Group have
[B]Act[/B]: The amount of Actions each Unit in the Group can do per turn
[B]Mov[/B]: Amount of Hexes a Group can move per turn
[B]Body[/B]: General stat for all things Physical
[B]Mind[/B]: General stat for all things Magical
[B]Weight[/B]: Weight Limit = 2+Body

(Traits go here, Activated ones first, Passive ones after)


=[U][B]Spells[/B][/U]= (Remove if theres no elemental affinities)
-Name's Spells-

-How to read a race/class/stat-
-???[?]- The letter inside [] denotes the first part of your group designation, this is followed by the letter from your Class, possibly with a number if there are multiple players as the same class
Units: This number shows how many Units there are in this Group. When all Units are downed, you are out for the rest of the battle.
Life: Amount of health each Unit in the Group have, it is adviced to keep track of individual HP. At 0, the Unit is defeated for the rest of the battle. At 0.5HP left, the Unit is unable to Act, but can be healed back to action.
Act: The number of actions each Unit in the Group can do each turn.
Mov: The amount of hexes the Group can move per turn.
Body: A general stat for all things physical
Mind: A general stat for all things magical
Weight: The limit of how much equipment a Unit can have

+???: This denotes an Action, which uses one Act to perform
???(This denotes a passive bonus, sometimes with a clause of when/how it is active, but it never costs an Act to use)

-How to read a weapon/attack/spell/misc stats-
[X] = The Rating of the action, rolling at or lower with a d10 equals success
x2, X4, etc = The number of rolls to do for the action, which translates into number of potential hits or misses
DX = The damage this attack deals, bonuses from Body/Mind are rounded to nearest half or full value
RX = The range in hexes that the action have, always rounded down
One Unit = Targets one member of a Group at random
One Group = Targets a group in its entirety, affecting it in full or partially

Slsh = Slashing damage
Prc = Pierce damage
Conc = Concussive/Blunt damage
Mgc = Magic damage
Hvy = Heavy Damage, ignores half of any DR that would reduce damage dealt

Light Cover = +1 Cover Bonus
Heavy Cover = +2 Cover Bonus
Massive Cover = +3 Cover Bonus
Rough Terrain = -1 Rating, -1 Evasion, Costs 2 Mov/Hex
Harsh Terrain = -2 Rating, -2 Evasion, Costs 3 Mov/Hex
Shield Bonus = Reduces enemy rating by X for Physical Attacks
Cover Bonus = Reduces enemy rating by X for Ranged Physical Attacks
Evasion Bonus Reduce enemy rating by X for Physical Attacks
Resistance = Reduces enemy rating by X for Magic Attacks, Gives DRX/2 VS Mgc

DR = Damage Reduction, often against a specific damage type, reduces damage recieved equal to DR value

Unit = One member of a Group
Group = One 'character', can consist of one to multiple Units

Weight Limit = For every 1 Weight above this, the group takes a -1 Mov penalty

-Explaining Things such as Rounds & Various Acts-
Rounds are broken down into Player, Neutral and Enemy Phases
Player Phase: Player units Move and Act
Neutral Phase: Non-Player, Non-Enemy units Move and Act, along with misc events
Enemy Phase: Enemy units Move and Act
Then the cycle repeats

Acts can be used for things outside using a weapon or casting a spell, examples below.
Overwatch: A player can spend Acts to perform Overwatch actions, such as attacking enemy units that come within range
Examine: Examines an object or creature/person, to try learning more about them.
Running: Mov is doubled for the turn, but can't Act

Draw Mana: The Unit uses an Act to draw an amount of Mana equal to 1+Mind, this Mana can either be held onto to cast a spell with, or fueled directly into an ongoing Ritual cast by a Unit in the Group. Max Mana a Unit can hold onto is the same as the amount they are able to Draw with one act.
Cast Spell: The Unit uses an Act and some Mana to cast a Spell
Cast Ritual: The Unit uses X Mana to cast a Ritual, a powerful ongoing effect that requires drawn Mana as upkeep every turn
Units: 3
Life: 2
Act: 1
Mov: 3
Body: 0
Mind: 0

+Intimidating Roar(L): [6], R2 Circle AoE, -1 Rating to Enemies, Lasts 1 Turn
Leadership(+1 Rating for all Allies(including self) within 2 Hexes range of the Group, does not stack, when all Units of this Group is conscious)

Units: 3
Life: 1
Act: 1
Mov: 5
Body: 0
Mind: 0

Skirmish(+1 Offensive Rating for the turn after moving 2 Hexes away from initial position)
Nimble(+1 Evasion)
Small Target(Cover bonuses are increased by 1)
Lightweight(-1 Act/Mov if wearing Heavy Armor)

-Kityan[K]- (AKA Assorted Housecats)
Units: 3
Life: 1
Act: 1
Mov: 3
Body: 0
Mind: 0

+Cabal Magic: The next one Spell cast by this group this turn gains +1 Rating/Range/Duration & +½ Damage
Attunement(Each Unit of the Group have 1 Elemental Affinity)
Nimble(+1 Evasion)
Small Target(Cover bonuses are increased by 1)

Units: 2
Life: 3
Act: 1
Mov: 4
Body: 1
Mind: 0

Feral Warrior(Improved H2H: Claws([5]x2, D1+Body/2, Slsh), Bite([6], D1+Body, Hvy Prc), Kick([6], D1+Body, Conc))
Bloodthirsty(+1 Rating VS Groups that have taken damage)
Instinct(+1 Critical Chance)

Units: 2
Life: 2
Act: 2
Mov: 3
Body: 0
Mind: 0

+Prowl: Undetected Movement, Lasts until Attacking, May not use while detected by enemy
Ambush(+2 Offensive Rating, Only active during Prowl and the turn Prowl is ended)
Nimble(+1 Evasion)

Units: 1
Life: 6
Act: 2
Mov: 3
Body: 1
Mind: 0

Juggernaught(Double Life Bonuses, Weapons/H2H gain Hvy Type)
Big Target(Cover/Evasion bonuses are reduced by 1, Counts as Light Cover for Allies)

Units: 1
Life: 4
Act: 2
Mov: 4F
Body: 0
Mind: 1

Spell-Weaving(+1 Magic Rating, +1 Mana Drawn)
Ancestral Ward(+1 Resistance to Allies, including Self, within 1 Hex Range)
Attunement(Each Unit of the Group have 1 Elemental Affinity)
Flight(Ignores Terrain Penalties and Elevation when moving)
Lightweight(-1 Act/Mov when wearing Heavy Armor)

Life: +1
Body: +1

Proficiencies: H2H, Sword, Mace, Halberd, Javelin, Shield, Cloth, Light Armor, Heavy Armor

+Shieldwall: +1 Shield Bonus and counts as Heavy Cover for Allies
+Power Strike: -2 Rating, +1 Damage and +Hvy type with any one Weapon or H2H attack, not useable with Dual Wield
Stalwart(When wielding a Shield: Can use Bash([6], D1+Body, Cnc) and gains +1 Shield Bonus VS Ranged and counts as Light Cover for Allies)
Dual Wield(Can wield two 1H Melee Weapons, can use both per Act with -1 Rating, also works with 1H Melee+Shield at the loss of Shield Bonus for the round)
Conditioning(+1 Weight Limit)

Act: +1
Mov: +1

Proficiencies: H2H, Sword, Halberd, Bow, Javelin, Cloth, Light Armor

+Vital Strike: Arms([6], -1 Rating, Lasts 2+Body Turns), Legs([6], -1 Mov/Evasion, Lasts 2+Body Turns), deals 1 less Damage than normal attacks, requires Acts = Units of Enemy Group to perform
Swift(Ignores Rough Terrain Penalties)
Killer Instinct(+1 Crit Chance)
Great Aim(+1 Range w/ Javelins & Bows)

Mind: +1

Proficiencies: H2H, Staff, Cloth, Light Armor

Focus Casting(When Wielding a Staff: Can use Bolt([6], D½+Mind/2, R3+Mind, Mgc, Costs 1 Mana), +1 Spell Range)
Shamanism(Each Unit of the Group have +1 Elemental Affinity)

H2H: Claws([4]x2, D½+Body/3, Slsh), Bite([5], D½+Body/2, Prc), Kick([5], D½+Body/2, Conc)
Sword: Slash([5]x2, D1+Body/2, Slsh), Stab([6], D1+Body, Prc), 1 Weight, 1H
Mace: Smash([6], Conc), D1+Body, 1 Weight, 1H
Halberd: Stab([6], D2+Body, Prc), Sweep([5], Crescent AoE, D1+Body/2, Slsh), 1 Weight, 2H
Bow: [6], D1+Body/2, R3+Body, Prc, 18 Shots, 1 Weight, 2H
Javelin: [6], D2+Body, R2+Body/2, Prc, 6 Shots, 1 Weight, 1H
Shield: 2 Angle Cover, +1 Shield Bonus, 1 Weight, OH
Staff: Whack([5], D1+Body/2, Cnc), +1 Mana Drawn, 1 Weight, 1H

Hide Cloak: +1 Evasion, Cloth
Hide Armor: +1 Life, DR½ VS Slsh/Conc, 1 Weight, Light Armor
Bone Armor: +2 Life, DR1 VS Slsh/Prc, 2 Weight, Heavy Armor
Heal([7], H3, R3+Mind, One Unit)
Area Heal([6]xU, H1, R2+Mind, One Group)

Firebolt([6], D2+Mind, R2+Mind, Mgc, One Unit)
Fireball(Target([6], D1+Mind), Splash([4], D½+Mind/2), R2+Mind, Mgc, R1 AoE)
Fireburst([4]x3, D½+Mind/2, R2+Mind, Mgc, One Group)

Stoneskin([6], +1 DR VS Prc/Slsh, Lasts 1+Mind/2 Turns, R2+Mind, One Group)
Shape Earth([6], Creates Light Cover, or remake Light Cover into Heavy Cover, R2+Mind)
Stoning([4]x3, D1+Mind/2, R2+Mind, Conc, One Unit)

Wind Ward([6], +1 Evasion, +1 Evasion VS Ranged, Lasts 1+Mind Turns, R3+Mind, One Group)
Jolt([5]xU, D1+Mind/2, R3+Mind, Mgc, One Group)
Thunder([6], D1+Mind, R3+Mind, Mgc, One Unit)

Frost Nova([6], D½+Mind/2, R2+Mind, Mgc, One Group)
Flash Freeze([5]x7, Converts affected Hexes to Rough Terrain, Lasts 1+Mind Turns, R2+Mind, Mgc, R1 AoE)

Haste([6], +1 Evasion, +1 Move, Lasts 1+Mind Turns, R2+Mind, One Group)
Slow([6], -1 Evasion, -1 Move, Lasts 1+Mind Turns, R2+Mind, One Group)

Weaken([6], -1 Damage, Lasts 1+Mind Turns, R2+Mind, One Group)
Bonespear([6], D1+Mind, R3+Mind, Prc, One Unit)
Ghoulhide([6], +1 DR VS Slsh/Conc, Lasts 1+Mind Turns, R2+Mind, One Group)

Prismatic Ward([6], +1 Resistance, Lasts 2+Mind Turns, R2+Mind, One Group)
Veil of Secrecy([6], Unit becomes Undetectable until Acting, Lasts 1+Mind/2 Turns, R2+Mind, One Group)

Fortune's Smile([6], +1 Rating, +1 Evasion, Lasts 1+Mind Turns, R2+Mind, One Group)
Misfortune's Frown([6], -1 Rating, -1 Evasion, Lasts 1+Mind Turns, R2+Mind, One Group)

28th January:
Spodah said:
Would this make the current classes closer to each other? Or would some specializations be class specific? I dunno, but more customization is good, I guess.

Opposing rolls would double the amount of dice rolled, which sounds kinda pain in the ass for the GM, and increase randomness, which may or may not be a good thing.
The customization, now after the deed is done, have brought the Warrior and Hunter a little close to each other, while Shaman is still very much separate.

If I get around to it, I might make some completely Class Specific Traits that only certain classes can pursue. My idea is that Classes should provide a base benefit, some starting flavor, but with XP to spend people can more freely pursue whatever they want.

How this turns out in the end, remains to be seen of course. Also, I'd like to mention that I have added additional races and updated the Lore thread a bit. Still kinda bland and terrible, and not finished yet, as I haven't included fluff for the new races, but it is a start.
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Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

So apparently Host thought it would be a fun idea to make a PvP fight. (Likely with all new characters)

Would anyone be interested in this?
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

What this sounsd like a terrible ide- yeah, obviously I'm in.
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

I, too, would enjoy the snot out of this.
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

Things have been a tad slow lately but that is okay, as I've been derping all over the place and Spider have had a period of writers block or something. The Riverside Ruckus Post-Battle RP is still ongoing, if only for a little bit, but I'll likely wrap that up soon and get working on the next plot/battle I think. Theres also the potential PvP battle, which preferably would have 3 people minimum on each side, which might be hard to scrounge up I think.

Still trying to iron out some last few kinks in the races, classes and traits, as admittedly the classes are a bit bland after I stripped down most inherent skills of em down. Races are coming along slowly, very slowly, but I think people could make characters for the main story from THE OUTCAST PACKS now, and while not impossible to make Reptyl characters, those would need some extra permission currently. All is fair for the PvP game though.
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Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

Slow indeed, damn vidya distracting me. Anyhow, time to get rolling I guess, even if the way I had Rajak break up from the PCs is fairly lame, I figured it was time to remove the training wheels from you guys. Or something. Characters can now use the Outcast Packs Races, but they won't be able to join right away for story-related reasons. I also still do not have enough people for potential PvP games, unfortunately.

And one of these days I'm gonna need some help rewriting the big "How Shit Works" part of the Stats/Character thread, to make it easier for new people to wrap their head around. Still accepting new players, of course, as tiny as a chance it is that someone wants to join this smutless thing run by someone with no clue whatsoever how a decent plot or story is done.
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

Addendum and addition stuff: Since interest in the potential PvP game is fairly low outside of the current players, I guess I can add that I am willing to host another thread/story of a sort, it'd mostly be about small skirmishes, with some RP inbetween. Perhaps some kind of Arena of a sort, where the players could play either against other players, or against NPCs.

Primarily it would be a way for me to try the system out, and it could also be a way for people to try this whole thing out at the same time, without much commitment being necessary. And without problematic conditions for Non-Felyn races to participate. I am kinda wary of making other story threads, as I will have a hard time as it is just keeping the current one together, but it isn't impossible if there, against all odds, would be enough interest for something like that.

I'm trying to work on some semblance of the plot in the story thread, and anyone that want to play as a Felyn race is free to hop in and join it without much trouble, but Non-Felyn races would need some planning with me to work out. And if people want to play one of the currently WIP races, I can try getting my gear going to get those races ready for usage faster. And if there are requests for new races to add, we can try working something out too.

Just no Humans/Elves/Dwarves or others of the sort. Those are not meant to be here. However, while I haven't set it in stone already, I have so far imagined Tribal Tactics to have anthropomorphic to monstergirl/boy-esque variations of the races, for those less keen on playing as furries. Not that it matters much, as Tribal Tactics is meant to be smutless, or at least as far as the main story is concerned.

*Grabbyhands at people wandering in to read this, 'coz reasons*
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

Interest shown, a little fleshing out for everything could be good and I see no reason not to do so. People could check the basic build out for themselves, you'd get the build info you scaling info that you need, and to be honest, could be a blast. So all steam ahead.
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

~Life of a Gladiator~

Okay so I am pretty much done with some pre-work things, and people that would want to join the Arena Battles are free to make character(s) for it, there is no restriction in regards to what races people can make use of, just that those that are still WIP would obviously have to be fixed up by me, which I would get down to if anyone asks me to do such.

I will be trying some things out here, such as giving individual units different weapons, but still have uniform fighting styles, IE 3 Units, all Dual Wield, one uses two axes, one uses two swords, one uses two maces, or a group where all uses a shield with different 1H weapons to go along with it. If players would want to try that out, we can work that out easily enough I imagine.

Those of you that are in the main story(Spider,Chibi,Wolf,Host), I suggest you make entirely new characters if you want to be part of this. As for minimum/maximum players, I think around 3 minimum 4-5 maximum would be okay; I can always make a second thread if, against all odds, there is enough interest, or if necessary depending on people want there to be some moderate RP between or during fights while another buncha people just want a slaughterfest.

And unless people are against it, I think I'm going to have the mortality scale flipped to eleven, so that if a unit dies, that unit is gone, if the whole group dies, time to reroll. That and XP will likely not be fair and even as it is in the main story. But again, this depends on the people that want to play.

PS: If people have too much time on their hands, and just want to fool around, you're free to stat up NPC's the PC's will be facing at random in the arena battles, if you're the kinda person that loves tinkering with stats for funsies. Just slap a sheet together and PM it to me.
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Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

Looks like we got 2 players for the Arena so far, Courage Wolf and Atmo, one or two more players and we'd be good to go and I'll get started setting things up.

Any takers? =D
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

If I feel like it tomorrow, Fish. :)
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

Added a few new traits, not much. People can still alter their characters until the next battle happens.
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion/Questioning

I really need to step up my fucking game when it comes to making TT posts. Also, if you core four are alright with it, we could have one or two other people join in now, from Non-Felyn races even, given the situation/location. I'd have to talk with them to get a vague backstory in for them, IE them being mercenaries or wanderers that have found their way to the big Felyn village, and then weave them into the group through mouseman I guess.

And stuff. Waugh.
Re: [Tribal Tactics] General Discussion

I ok with that. Also, I'm so sorry for no post juice