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RPG Patreon Active Scat Loli Ryona Guro [eccma417] LonaRPG

There's a lot of quests and a bunch of places to go to in the map, u're probably experiencing a bug. Go on the f95 thread and ask for help there, there's always ppl having problems and getting help there and it's very active so u might get lucky

Thanks a million ; P
Pretty sure he's too busy being pissed at people on Twitter, 4Chan, Facebook, F95... and pretty much everywhere else. Amazing game, and I still play it every now and then, but Eccma is quite the edgelord. It's getting updates pretty slowly, and the absolute vast majority of them are very small. He did add a new bandit camp not long ago. Unfortunately he hasn't added any actual scenes or art in a long time. He's teased enemies and NPCs on Twitter though... as well as a torture mini-game of some kind where you mutilate a goblin's crotch, so there's that. Dunno if that was just him being edgy or if that's actually coming to the game though.
Pretty sure he's too busy being pissed at people on Twitter, 4Chan, Facebook, F95... and pretty much everywhere else. Amazing game, and I still play it every now and then, but Eccma is quite the edgelord. It's getting updates pretty slowly, and the absolute vast majority of them are very small. He did add a new bandit camp not long ago. Unfortunately he hasn't added any actual scenes or art in a long time. He's teased enemies and NPCs on Twitter though... as well as a torture mini-game of some kind where you mutilate a goblin's crotch, so there's that. Dunno if that was just him being edgy or if that's actually coming to the game though.

the dudes got some screws loose for sure, game will likely never be truly finished as I doubt a guy like him can take the heat. good game though.
I was wondering, no matter what I do I can´t get the Protagonist pregnant . . . is that actually possible . . . ?
Character has a cycle. Though some drugs that are available increase the chance even when the possibility is low.
Anyone know how to get the 9th cg, some people say it's the sea witch, but she doesn't activate any cg for me
Game was removed from dlsite.

Thank you for your continuous reliance and care to our company.
My name is Eunice Chang from Dliste.
Thank you very much for uploading your work "LonaRPG(RJ317211)".
This work has been reported by a customer as a violation of our regulations.
After our investigation, it is confirmed that the work has violated the issue of "excessive political expression".
Therefore, we have stopped the preview of this work and notify you with this message.
Please refer to the following website for the relevant prohibitions and policies.

(Prohibited items of works under the law and policy)

Author taking it about as well as you would expect.

I can't help but laugh my ass off. Looks like he removed all of his past cien post as well. :ROFLMAO:
What did he do, acknowledge Taiwan or depict Winnie the Pooh in his work?
Gonna step in preemptively here: keep the China conversation civil, please. It's on topic, since it pertains to the game, but let's not devolve into political discussion.
IIRC there's a load of loose files that are just the dev ranting about China, whether he kept them in his dlsite submission I don't know (but given his seemingly unhinged nature he probably did)
There's also a painting which is a reference to the Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 in the arena
Yeah dude's really not doing himself any favors. I doubt you're going to really convince people through a porn game and all it ends up doing is fucking himself financially since he's not able to sell on more platforms. Shame because his game is pretty good.
Maybe, but it's always nice to see people that won't bend the knee.
Maybe, but it's always nice to see people that won't bend the knee.
You're right, though I doubt the guy actually read the sellers agreement. Which basically says keep the political shit to the minimum, they've held directly to that since the site came online. And it was directly due to aum shinrikyo crazy shit in the sites early days. Getchu is even worse on well every single front.
Call me crazy, but I'm starting to think LonaRPG will never be done and this will be an escalating series of wacky, racist, confrontational outbursts by the creator in order to milk more crowdfunding. Kind of a bummer as I like me some survival gangrape, but the shit show really is something to behold.
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Call me crazy, but I'm starting to think LonaRPG will never be done and this will be an escalating series of wacky, racist, confrontational outbursts by the creator in order to milk more crowdfunding. Kind of a bummer as I like me some survival gangrape, but the shit show really is something to behold.
Well this isn't their first attempt on a game, their first was on 4chan and they went bonkers as well. Though they're not racist, they just don't like the Chicoms and well I can't blame them.