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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yeah, I didn't mean for you guys to find that out. Oo

More like... the delevoper could be so nice.
To provide such a thing ingame in a tactic based game... is kind of... essential?
Ok, we cann all see, it does workout without, but it's a pain in the ass to figure out, which is suited best for your next battle.

Like when rightclicking the image of one of your girls, the info could be provided.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yeah, I didn't mean for you guys to find that out. Oo

More like... the delevoper could be so nice.
To provide such a thing ingame in a tactic based game... is kind of... essential?
Ok, we cann all see, it does workout without, but it's a pain in the ass to figure out, which is suited best for your next battle.

Like when rightclicking the image of one of your girls, the info could be provided.

Ah I gotcha. I found Jap game developers are less likely to list that kind of information, maybe so they can tweak it without it being so obvious to the players? Or maybe they just like to be secretive :p Who knows. It also gives the players something to discuss and figure out on their own. I know I've played a lot just to try to compare the strength of the girls. So in a weird way, it kind of extends gameplay time. If it was obvious who was best, the weaker girls may all be ignored as well.

I love seeing stat bars though for some reason, so it would be cool.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Now I have 15 golden tickets
What you suggest me?
I use the tickets? or keep them? :confused:
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

18-6 is a weird map. I had 96k one time by 10 minutes and 42k another when far fewer Laser Sword girls spawned. I wonder if she's actually droppable or if they are just messing with us.

Can anyone give me some recommendations on HOW to clear the Hell Mode stages? I cleared 1-1 easily, 1-2 I only finished because someone's 15-6 boss girl showed up and obliterated everything. (apparently her attack cuts through range immunity) I'm now scared to even try 1-3.... My normal deck doesn't do well because it relies heavily on range and my melee deck (2x Minamoto, Jean, Shadm, Akeno, Cleo + two other's that change) get's decimated. Everyone seems to die in about 1 hit. Levels are around 30-35.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

18-6 is a weird map. I had 96k one time by 10 minutes and 42k another when far fewer Laser Sword girls spawned. I wonder if she's actually droppable or if they are just messing with us.

Can anyone give me some recommendations on HOW to clear the Hell Mode stages? I cleared 1-1 easily, 1-2 I only finished because someone's 15-6 boss girl showed up and obliterated everything. (apparently her attack cuts through range immunity) I'm now scared to even try 1-3.... My normal deck doesn't do well because it relies heavily on range and my melee deck (2x Minamoto, Jean, Shadm, Akeno, Cleo + two other's that change) get's decimated. Everyone seems to die in about 1 hit. Levels are around 30-35.

Elfella is useful even on projectile immune maps because of her 3 shot and quickish attack speed that's more likely to catch one in a vulnerable state. (unlike most mid range fighters). Two evolved Elfella will help tremendously in Hell Mode. Akeno and most N girls are kind of useless in Hell Mode because of how strong all the enemies are, I wouldn't even recommend Cleo for it as you need to focus on having a strong melee wall to have a chance to build up your ranged fighters. It's better to have more bodies to block enemies well than to have a bit more attack basically. I wouldn't recommend any mid range R girls either, they don't work as well as Elfella will on projectile immune enemies.

I don't know how high your roster slots/energy regen are, but they need to be pretty high to do well in Hell Mode as well. You probably want 7+ slots for Hell Mode. 1-2 Elfella, 5 R melee girls (Jean, Minamoto (Multiples is great), Shadmalice, Space Pirate SAPPHIRES (Tears up tank enemies well), Oda Nobunga, Maia Mercurious, are all good options.) and any extra slots with either more long range, Hybrider or some strong SRs.

I'd recommend using the 4th tentacle special ability (Sweet Lotion) that prevents the enemy from spawning girls for a period of time. Get it up to level 7 or higher and it will make things a breeze, it's worth the investment if you want to finish Hell Mode, as there really isn't a better special for it. The cost is so low that you can use it almost immediately so you aren't overwhelmed right off the start and can build up your ranged defense/offense.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Thank you :)

8 slots, 8 regen, other than attack and max energy, everything else is at a very low level. Only SR I have is Khan whom I got today so she isn't even leveled. My issue is I can't keep troops out on the field, I have plenty of energy, they just die.

Doh! I forgot about the fact that range can hit when someone is flashing.... I'd taken my 2x Elf's out....

I switched to the prevent spawn ability, (#4 according to ozms03's guide) but what do you mean about leveling it up?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Would use them now while SR chance increase is in effect.

I try now, please give me luck guys. :)

...... only R cards, I hate my luck XD
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I switched to the prevent spawn ability, (#4 according to ozms03's guide) but what do you mean about leveling it up?

In the upgrade shop, there's a purple button in the top left corner, that'll bring you to special abilities upgrades. Oh and my bad, I said 2nd special but it's the 4th one. I have mine at 7 and I can chain them for a very long time with 2-3 orbs. 2 is enough for some of my girls to cross the entire screen, it's pretty OP.

I try now, please give me luck guys. :)

Goodluck Keima :)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Thank you :)

8 slots, 8 regen, other than attack and max energy, everything else is at a very low level. Only SR I have is Khan whom I got today so she isn't even leveled. My issue is I can't keep troops out on the field, I have plenty of energy, they just die.

Doh! I forgot about the fact that range can hit when someone is flashing.... I'd taken my 2x Elf's out....

I switched to the prevent spawn ability, (#4 according to ozms03's guide) but what do you mean about leveling it up?

You can level it up in the same area you upgrade your tentacle - just click on the button above the upgrade pictures

ninjaed again


Just got a ST potion from 17-6.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Doh! I never even knew that was there. I rarely use the tentacle abilities. I have almost a million gold since I'm trying to get 9 slots :D

Thanks all!

And good luck Keima!
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ghengis Khan, from what I can observe on the forums (she's apparently stupidly, stupidly rare...) is a powerhouse at level one. One isolated testing instance is that she outdamages a fully leveled Yoshitsune at level 1, so that gives you an idea of her capacity.

I think she's been nerfed a few times (post was from November), but an SR's an SR. I'd be very happy with it.

For hell-mode, here's what I have that works surprisingly well with my setup.

Tamaki. I have mine leveled and I really like her as a wall. You might say that walls are terrible ideas, but my current build relies on having Tamaki and Jean tank while my girls with slightly higher attack range. The pushing/flinching works for my setup, but otherwise, yeah, she's a terrible card. ;)

In addition to Sapphire I also run President Saber. Trying out Kurogane (Iron) now...
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Alright so it seems I'm lucky when it comes to grinding but my roulette luck sucks (20 coupons, got nothing new). Got the new girl from 17-6:

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Alright so it seems I'm lucky when it comes to grinding but my roulette luck sucks (20 coupons, got nothing new). Got the new girl from 17-6:


Wow! Nice job man :D Test her out and tell us how she is. You've gotta be one of the first people to get her.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Alright so it seems I'm lucky when it comes to grinding but my roulette luck sucks (20 coupons, got nothing new). Got the new girl from 17-6:


Congrats! :)
at least you got something good
In my case I didn't get anything good in the rolluette xD
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

K small update, didn't really test damage but decent attack animation. She also seems to heal herself. Doesn't look too strong unless she gains a piercing attacking like nobulonga or an good AoE heal when she evolves.

Edit: holy shit the girl in 18-6 is probably gonna be a keeper, she hits AoE with Elfea range. Two shotted my elfeas when I was farming the stage
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

The "Archmage" as she is being nicknamed on komica appears to drop from her stage, too, along with the SR lightsaber armor girl. However, until I see a screenshot I'm going to dismiss it as rumor. I've farmed that stage about 12 times now (rushing to finish because of the way rare drops are calculated) and have a ton of Ultimayas for feed, but haven't seen her yet.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Double checking all the tests I did earlier on attack speed, damage and DPS now that I'm using a video recorder for much more accurate results. I didn't have Space Pirate SAPPHIRES at max level either last time I tried this and was just using the wiki info, so this is pretty cool.

All max level and R+ unless noted otherwise.

Long Answers:

Kind of messy because of hitting enemies and friends spawning fighters in, might be better to look at short answers

Space Pirate SAPPHIRES:

Times when hit occurred:
.8 attack speed

Damage on crystal:
75 Damage

93.75 DPS

Oda Nobunga:

Times when hit occurred:
Hit enemy instead
Hit enemy instead
Hit enemy instead
Hit enemy instead
2.85 Attack Speed

Damage on crystal:
81 Damage

28.4 DPS


Times when hit occurred:
3 Attack Speed

Damage on crystal:
87 Damage

29 DPS

Maia Mercurious:

Times when hit occurred:
1st volley:

Times when hit occurred:
2nd volley:
11.67 (Hit enemy)
11.77 (Hit enemy)
11.93 (Hit enemy)
4.8 Attack Speed

Damage on crystal:
1st volley:

Damage on crystal:
2nd volley:

18.75 DPS


Attack Speed: 3
Damage Per Hit: 81
DPS: 27

Shadmalice (level 38):

Times when hit occurred:
Hit enemy instead
3.1 Attack Speed

Damage on crystal:
97 Damage

Short Answers:

Space Pirate SAPPHIRES:

Attack Speed: 0.8
Damage Per Hit: 75
DPS: 93.75

Oda Nobunga:

Attack Speed: 2.85
Damage Per Hit: 81
Single Target DPS: 28.4


Attack Speed: 3.0
Damage Per Hit: 87
DPS: 27

Maia Mercurious:

Attack Speed: 4.8
Damage Per Hit: 90
DPS: 18.75


Attack Speed: 3
Damage Per Hit: 81
Single Target DPS: 27

Shadmalice (Level 38/40):

Attack Speed: 3.1
Damage: 97/100
DPS: 31.3/32.26

Oda's attack speed is so slow that I couldn't get any consecutive hits in a row on the crystal because she kept hitting an enemy every other attack instead. I don't see why her hitting an enemy in between would speed her attack speeds up though, so Oda may be ever so slightly faster than Minamotono after all.

And well as you can see, SAPPHIRES is a beast at single enemy damage. I can't test Shadmalice 100% yet because she's only level 38, but judging by the wiki listed damage for her max level, even she only has around 32 dps. So SAPPHIRES has triple the single target dps of most R girls. Well now that I reconfirmed that, I think I can improve her rating in my recommendations, lol. I thought I had to be calculating it wrong or something earlier. I actually have video proof of all of these now, so if somebody is really curious or doesn't trust me or something, I can put them together (Along with other girls I've tested) and upload it.

Might take Maia Mercurious off my team now too, that sucks, I was hoping she was better :( She does seem to have a higher knock back chance and kind of does multi hit damage if she knocks back/kills the first enemy, but meh.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I've been saying that Sapphire is better than everyone here thinks. :rolleyes:

Though, when you're recommending characters it's hardly ever as simple as straight up DPS. Take Oda and Sapphire. They have comparable refresh rates and energy costs. However, regular Oda has about 3x-4x the amount of effective health Sapphire has (estimated based on burn ticks from Guan Yu's massive elemental ranger spam), is highly resistant to interruptions (in my observations she's always going to get an attack off), and is AoE. She's actually one of the most durable R+ girls I've seen (testing a few others like Kurogane/Iron now), and fits well with just about every set-up.

Sapphire is a little harder to just throw in and expect her to perform, though, especially because her reach is eh, but her raw damage typically makes up for it. I have no idea how flinching is calculated, but that's her only other downside that might be worth nothing. Oda, Jean, and Yoshitsune almost never gets KD'd in my observation, so I don't know if this is just because my positioning is bad or if girls actually have some sort of parameter to measure how often they "flinch."

If anything, Shadmalice is who I'm a little skeptical about at this point. I'm not convinced that she's actually better than Y-Poola given that their attack styles are similar.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ok so:

1. Fast projectile speed, the "wind up" to attack is pretty bad though
2. She seems to heal for every kill that she gets
3. 800 base mana cost
4. Regular movespeed
5. Her attacks do pierce but only if the first target hit is just a little beyond regular melee range. Otherwise her projectile only hits one.

Hopefully she gets something nice during evolve, nobulonga outclasses her by far

Yea I've been playing around with oda and space pirates, have 2 space pirates and one oda but it's still kinda unclear of which one is better.
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