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[DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Maybe it seems i need to accept something there? Ill try doing it once the game updates if im not 2 late ofc.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Lol well that's stupid... I'm alone but others can steal my boss before I hit it? :mad:

Edit: ID for now is kkgbXg
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I'm confused.

Why am I not spawning bosses?

Are you searching? The other possibility is the battalion might be killing it before you look at it. Still reading up on how this is supposed to work. I can't figure out why I'm in a certain battalion and why we're competing against another one.

Edit: Heh... I'm afraid to leave my platoon. I have a heavy hitter in my Battalion, but I'm the only one doing much in my platoon. It looks like there's a ranking for platoon ep so I'm not sure if I forfeit any EP if I leave.

At the bottom of the info graphic, it looks like there's a daily reset on matchups or something. I wonder if that means you can swap, or if it's just downtime before you're matched up against another Battalion.
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I dunno about this event...no rewards besides the coins(?) from the bosses means there's not much reason to pour a lot of effort into it unless you plan on shooting for top 1.5k. Especially since bosses are so beefy that you have to either have a full brigade of high level active players or hope you've got some people willing to spend lots of puddings.

Edit: Also, can I just say I'm really annoyed at the fact that I specifically put "active all day" in my platoon recruitment message and I got a bunch of people who are not active all day?
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

well you can trade in 1k tickets for the 3 cards and get another for getting 300 mega boss kills. seems pretty hard to achieve though given the hp of the bosses which reduces the chance of mega bosses spawning
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I dunno about this event...no rewards besides the coins(?) from the bosses means there's not much reason to pour a lot of effort into it unless you plan on shooting for top 1.5k. Especially since bosses are so beefy that you have to either have a full brigade of high level active players or hope you've got some people willing to spend lots of puddings.

Edit: Also, can I just say I'm really annoyed at the fact that I specifically put "active all day" in my platoon recruitment message and I got a bunch of people who are not active all day?

Click the boss portrait to see killed bosses. Then collect your tickets and go to the second tab. There's a list of items (and cards) you can exchange your tickets for. They still seem very expensive though.

Lol you certainly can. I would imagine if the platoon is ranked, it'd be ideal to have a few people to cover all the times with some overlap, but active should be active. Like I said my platoon is basically me, and my battalion is essentially my platoon and the other guy who's soloing everything. I'm really hoping I can pop out and get a new group without losing everything I've done so far.

If anyone has a chance to try it in the next 12 hours or so, I'm curious if you lose ep if you leave a platoon or not.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

christ how long is maintenance going to last. or did the event start and something broke?
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

It seems that it just got extended by an hour.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I'm now completely lost on this event.

What are we even supposed to be doing now? My entire squad is greyed out, the puddings have changed and I've no idea what's going on.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I'm now completely lost on this event.

What are we even supposed to be doing now? My entire squad is greyed out, the puddings have changed and I've no idea what's going on.

I'm almost as lost as you.
Greyed out members are basically "Participation in waiting" meaning they're useless until they show up again.
Puddings have changed to a "Day limited" version, so I assume we get some that last a day and then when those are gone it reverts to the usual ones.
Midnight Tokyo Time the Battalion struggle (blue/red bar) ends. You win or lose and may or may not get some stuff. Then at 3 AM you get paired against another Battalion and start the struggle again.

Idk... though I'd hate to forfeit 3 mill ep and basically a 400 ranking, I certainly don't feel up to soloing a platoon to the top ranked 200 for a card.

Edit: anyone mess with the SP stuff yet?

EP works on the same system as the boss battles. If you hit for 2,000,000, your EP should be 2,000. If you last hit or hit for the most, it's 2 times that or 4,000. If you last hit and hit the most it'll be 3 times or 6,000. You can get up to 4 tickets for each boss by doing these. 1 ticket is for hitting the boss, 1 for MVP, 1 for last hit, and 1 for actually discovering the boss. I haven't been able to check the lightning bosses, but I assume everything is the base EP from above times 2 like the usual boss event.
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Time to use my event gacha tickets.

If you decide to risk it, I'll be online and checking the forums for a while tonight.

Edit: These daily puddings instead of normal oppai are annoying when you're the only one online.
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Goddamnit this event is 2 complicated...Ill pass on it so GL guys and Have fun.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

TaKeShi[PL];636192 said:
Goddamnit this event is 2 complicated...Ill pass on it so GL guys and Have fun.

Haven't decided how I feel about it either. We'll see how it goes once primetime starts.

Edit: As for SP, it seems it's needed to be able to spawn mega bosses. (Each spin costs one and any spawns from it are mega)
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

The instant I get a chance to do a series of all-nighters, my keyboard breaks, and I don't have a car or will to buy one from a store that's 20 minutes away with a car at the moment. Bloody A. It's not like I'd try to do this event, though, I'm too confused on this one.
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Time to use the onscreen keyboard lol
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

A: Does anyone still have a spot (less than 5 people), and
B: What is your platoon EP score?

I'm still debating if it's worth it so I'll give it a couple hours, but the longer I wait, the worse off I am.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

A: Does anyone still have a spot (less than 5 people), and
B: What is your platoon EP score?

I'm still debating if it's worth it so I'll give it a couple hours, but the longer I wait, the worse off I am.

We have 2 spots and 303k Ep for the platoon. Unfortunately I need to leave for work right now. Not sure if Kaito or Zeo can invite you to the platoon.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

The ID is YVJ9Xa. Try joining.

EDIT: Here's a pro tip. I think what was meant to be done with the pudding things was to make certain refills that are exclusive to the event. That failed. You can still get in the inventory and use a normal stamina refill to get back in the fight.

That would be useful for me (got at least 50 stocked), if my damage wasn't so damn horrible. A trading option would be a blessing in this kind of a situation.
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