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[DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

so is the row they are in the month then? Also the cheap 100 a day E tickets, do those expire next day, cause I bought one yesterday and now today I dont have it.

The expiration goes from oldest to newest ticket, but if you say you bought one and took care not maybe you were a victim of a bug. :/

Perhaps you used the trick in the Gatcha F5 button?
because if it is so show up with 0 tickets (is a visual bug), but you can also enter the Gatcha, would come to be an invisible ticket.

I tell you because it happened to me a few times.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I'm not sure how the actual multiplier is calculated.
I have the new pink and silver girls, both at level 100 (1.2 and 1.5) and the other, older silver girl (1.3).

Right now my multiplier seems to be 3.51, from (N 1.2* R 1.95* SR 1.5)

To have an SR 1.5 multiplier withou any of the indicated cards... Are ther other cards worth multipliers?
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I'm not sure how the actual multiplier is calculated.
I have the new pink and silver girls, both at level 100 (1.2 and 1.5) and the other, older silver girl (1.3).

Right now my multiplier seems to be 3.51, from (N 1.2* R 1.95* SR 1.5)

To have an SR 1.5 multiplier withou any of the indicated cards... Are ther other cards worth multipliers?

These are the cards:

Well, it may be only a visual error, but in turn may be a bug.
Since something similar happened to me my a previous event, but in my case it was a negative (to my the score bug gave me less score than I should have)

in short, you must calculate the% to see if matches your actual score.

ex: Your Score
393 629 + 20% (1.20) = 78725.8
472354 + 95% (1.95) = 401,509.9
873 854 + 50% (1.50) = 436,827.45
Total = 1310782 Approx.

if you approx have that score, these good and you're lucky xD
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Thanks, man.
My score seems to be alright, and now I know wich gold card multiplier I have. XD
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Is it bad that I have given up on this event already? I mean, I got 300k EP, there are a few more rewards that I will probably get near the end with bigger bosses. I dont really feel like actively trying get points though. It just doesnt really seem worth my time to try and go for the SR reward card since I know there is no way I can get it without hundreds of items and hours of grinding.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Thanks, man.
My score seems to be alright, and now I know wich gold card multiplier I have. XD

No problem :)

Is it bad that I have given up on this event already?

Do not do it!! So be patient.
I remember you there is still the second half of the event, when they add the ultra boss mode and a new SR card.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Yup, this isn't even the true event. On the 15th, ultra bosses start appearing, with WAY higher health but better prizes and EP values. Usually you need to get a tag on 300 ultra bosses from you and your friends to get the SR card. It's an assist frenzy!

I basically just chill out until the ultras start spawning. Apparently you get a higher ultra spawn rate once you hit 200,000 EP though, so I shoot for that.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

well ok then, got myself another 600k ep today to satisfy you guys.

EDIT: Hey man there aint no ultras today!
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Maintenance is on the 16th, not 15th. That'll mark the second half.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Has already started the second half of the event and I do not really liked the look of the ultra boss card. XD
I hope to be level 100 to improve its appearance :p

btw it is the lvl 100 ultra boss
I think they ran out of ideas XD
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Another one of those sentai characters for the card this time, huh? Hmm, those proportions though... kinda looks like it might be an oppai loli.

Christ, what the hell is that level 100 thing? It's like a stupider version of Mara from Persona.
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Another one of those sentai characters for the card this time, huh? Hmm, those proportions though... kinda looks like it might be an oppai loli.

Christ, what the hell is that level 100 thing? It's like a stupider version of Mara from Persona.

I think the octo thing is quite cute.

EDIT: And you just summoned one ahha, bullying the crap out of it
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Dammit, I hate getting the time-wasting pink slots right when a friend calls for assists. I've missed two in a row because of those now.

I used a few consumables on that level 100 spawn to see how much EP I could get from it. Got quite a bit from it, but I don't think I'll keep doing that. The bottom EP score for the ranking card is already at 32 million, and ultras only just started appearing... eff that.
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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

If I use the yellow item to shoo away the normals, does it decrease my chances of getting an ultra? Or does it not matter?

(Just got a normal like 16 times in a row, getting annoyed, bye bye 80k pero gold, too poor to keep on shoo-ing em lol)
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Nah, it doesn't matter. You just get dry spells sometimes.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Maaaaannnn... This disproportionate girl is grating my eyes...
I wanna hope she is cute under this costume, but I'm not optimistic about getting 300 boss victories.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I hopped around a few friend lists to see what we're in store for with this card. Tentacles, it seems.


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Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

I hopped around a few friend lists to see what we're in store for with this card. Tentacles, it seems.
Yep XD
it seems to be that so will be.
I hope to have her soon.
Re: [DMM] Pero Pero Saimin

Hrm, I'm seeing a lot less calls for assists this time than last time. Only just hit 100 kills. Must have some inactives to clean out...

Huh. Well, that explains it. A huge chunk of the people on my friend list aren't even online right now.
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