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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

My luck continues. Kept all my seeds bcs i wanted to roll 20+ times in a row and got this baby on my first roll, i guess this game likes me. :D

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

^ They do exist. I still haven't found a 4 star in basic gacha.


My first 6 star girl, WEEEEE~

I was hoping for the new red girl Fritillaria, but oh well. Hard to complain when I get any 6 star. I didn't really plan on ever getting one lol. Bye bye 3 stars on my team once I catch up the new 4 stars too.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I felt like a lucky mofo but now i'm jealous. :p grats
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

^ They do exist. I still haven't found a 4 star in basic gacha.


My first 6 star girl, WEEEEE~

I was hoping for the new red girl Fritillaria, but oh well. Hard to complain when I get any 6 star. I didn't really plan on ever getting one lol. Bye bye 3 stars on my team once I catch up the new 4 stars too.

Grats on your 6*. I hope I get one soon.
Did you use the event gacha on this or just the premium one?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Grats on your 6*. I hope I get one soon.
Did you use the event gacha on this or just the premium one?

Event gacha since I wanted the new 6 star red girl, saw her in the "leaked" gallery a while ago and have been waiting for her. Oh well, maybe I'll have another 50 stones when she shows up again as a chance up unit.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

My first 6 star girl, WEEEEE~

I was hoping for the new red girl Fritillaria, but oh well. Hard to complain when I get any 6 star. I didn't really plan on ever getting one lol. Bye bye 3 stars on my team once I catch up the new 4 stars too.

Grats :) , you gonna see a real increase in power when she hit 100% affection and get evolve ^^. Yeah the new red 6 star girl is badass :eek: , i like her design and i hope i will get her someday too :eek:.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl


??? Am i lucky or isn't it that hard to get 4 Stars with Seeds? :confused:
Blargh, don't hate me! :D
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Well , 4 star with seed is rare (maybe 5% chance or less) , i got 3 account and i play since almost the beginning (27 or 28 jan) and i got across my 3 account 7 (maybe 8) 4 star with seeds.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Grats on your good draws everyone.

I've only gotten like a couple 4* from regular gacha. Once they give out the free 3 stones today I'll have enough for a a 50 roll, wish me luck.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

>.> two 4 stars from basic gacha so quickly? havent even gotten one yet T^T
gratz on 6 star fruitsmoothie
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Well , 4 star with seed is rare (maybe 5% chance or less) , i got 3 account and i play since almost the beginning (27 or 28 jan) and i got across my 3 account 7 (maybe 8) 4 star with seeds.

5%? That seems awfully generous. :p In my last 200k seeds, I think I have seen two 4 star knights.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Hi, im new playing this game, i have like 5 or 6 days. It is a really interesting game and is easy to get the crystals without get money, what is different in others games. Anyway if anyone could give me some assitional tips out of the ones at the first post of this thread, i will be really grateful : )

Actually only a 4 and a 5 star character (lvls around 20-25) max lvl 41
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Hi, im new playing this game, i have like 5 or 6 days. It is a really interesting game and is easy to get the crystals without get money, what is different in others games. Anyway if anyone could give me some assitional tips out of the ones at the first post of this thread, i will be really grateful : )

Actually only a 4 and a 5 star character (lvls around 20-25) max lvl 41

Try to stack 50 hana stone for the 50 gacha roll , it's your first priority since you got only 2 girl above 3 star.
Do the requirement to get the event girl (it's a free 5 star ! don't ever miss them ^^).
Do daily mission as much as you can , fairie 50 stamina map (don't try the 80 unitl you have at least 150k attack power and a good assist) , gold 80 map (it's easy) and do dragon daily for the first clear bonus only (you don't need them right now).
All your girl above 3 star need to be at 100% affection , so try to farm some affection item when you can (first time a girl hit 100% you gain 1 hana stone as reward only gain once per girl).
For your team , try to get all your girl above lvl 20 after i recommend to focus one girl in each color to make a good use of fairies.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

After seeing fruit getting Ume,I also tempted to try.So I gt 100 stone and try 22 roll gacha,was hoping for Anemone and Dendrobium or any 6 star rainbow girls but none appear,though did at least get 3 X 5 star gold girls. I still happy with the result since Nymphaea, Little cuckoo and Suzuran was what I wanted. :) guess this time my roll was still fine. But killer part was all of their affection item is book,lucky i have some extra book kept.

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Grats, Little Cuckoo is one of my favorite girls.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Try to stack 50 hana stone for the 50 gacha roll , it's your first priority since you got only 2 girl above 3 star.
Do the requirement to get the event girl (it's a free 5 star ! don't ever miss them ^^).
Do daily mission as much as you can , fairie 50 stamina map (don't try the 80 unitl you have at least 150k attack power and a good assist) , gold 80 map (it's easy) and do dragon daily for the first clear bonus only (you don't need them right now).
All your girl above 3 star need to be at 100% affection , so try to farm some affection item when you can (first time a girl hit 100% you gain 1 hana stone as reward only gain once per girl).
For your team , try to get all your girl above lvl 20 after i recommend to focus one girl in each color to make a good use of fairies.

Ok, thanks for the tips, i was already collecting stones to reach the 50 and i guess than it was a success, as i get a 6stars and a 4stars too

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Having a 6 stars is always good ;) , but only 1 4 star on a 50 roll :/ .

Anyway grats :).

Sidenote : Finally got one team with more than 100k attack power :eek: , gonna make some screenshot tomorrow (need to sleep) .
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

My 50 roll was pretty much a "fail" I got some 4*s though so i feed em to each other for that skill/slot+. At least I got that XD.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

With the .5% to get a six star per try it sound than get one is always hard, even with the 50 pull. Doubt than i will get a second six star at the next try.

Btw, what is needed to get the event girl?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Haha ya some of us will never see a 6* like me T.T Oh well, not like the game is hard without em. Mostly RNG is what will ruin you XD.

For the event you have to complete the event maps, its the top one in the middle tab with the timer. Each medal you earn on a map will be added to your total, and depending how much you end with will affect how strong the event girl is when they distribute it to players. You need a minimum of 7 medals to even get the girl though. Every other medal you get will go towards either Skill Up, Equipment Slot Up, or Level Up. Also a couple 1k Seeds reward in between.

You can only get up to 12 medals for now, the other 4 maps will release soon this week. Totaling 24 possible medals to earn.