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DLSite Game Manager 0.3.3

The original program works as advertised, amazing program. I wanted automatic renaming though, so I tried the mod.

My computer picked up malware from 0.44 so I tried 0.43 which came up clean.

However, the renaming doesn't work at all for me, though. Main folder set, renaming format set, but nothing changes. Does it only work on C Drive or something?
I had the same problem, but for me it works if you put the RJcode in the folder's name
Update to say adding RJcode into the folder name does work for me and now my folders look great
How to fix the issue of running this Game Manager with Locale Emulator where I get "kernel32 has been loaded before the initialization of LE" error everytime I start up the Game Manager with Locale Emulator?
How to fix the issue of running this Game Manager with Locale Emulator where I get "kernel32 has been loaded before the initialization of LE" error everytime I start up the Game Manager with Locale Emulator?

I encountered the same issue and found that I was running the LocaleEmulator twice. Please make sure that you are not running LocaleEmulator on a desktop shortcut created by LocaleEmulator.

Try to find the original exe file, and launch LocaleEmulator from right click/context menu, or just use the command line.

That said, you don't need to use LE on Game Manager, you only maybe need to use it on the games you have inside Game Manager.
hmm, guess I could do that... I was just used to running Game Manager with LE then just starting a game from within Game Manager. It used to work awhile back but can't remember if it was a Game Manager update or LE Update that changed something.
I dunno if this is still being updated or not, but can it be adjusted so that games are moved if you batch select a folder?

Right now I want to move my games off my SSD, onto a storage drive, but if I select the folder on my SSD, GM finds the games, but doesn't actively move them to the Hgame folder on my D drive, it only moves them when I add a single game.

Also, if possible It'd be cool to add the ability to ignore certain EXEs. For example, cliploger.EXE for games that i've hooked using Lillebulle's text hooker, or gameBOXED/gameUNBOXED for unpacked RPGMV games.
sorry if this is random but if anybody has played this game can you pm me i have 1 question about it
Also, if possible It'd be cool to add the ability to ignore certain EXEs. For example, cliploger.EXE for games that i've hooked using Lillebulle's text hooker, or gameBOXED/gameUNBOXED for unpacked RPGMV games.
If you look into my mod (on page 7), I added <FilesToIgnore> option to settings.xml file to do this. It contains customizable list of filenames (full or partial) to ignore upon adding, divided by pipe symbol. Cliploger and some others are already exluded. You can edit this option in settings.xml (when game manager is closed) to add other exludes.
can it be adjusted so that games are moved if you batch select a folder?
Move function works only if one game is added, and I didn't change this behavior. Personally I use file manager to move all new games into Unsorted folder inside my main games folder, then batch add them to dlsite game manager, then use Rename/Organize function to organize them in folders by template. For games I use template:
{category}\[{circle}] {title} {rjcode}
so it will give for example:
RPG\[Hasoyua] The ability to manipulate demons RJ210055
Folder names must contain RJ code for this to work though.
  • Recompiled targeting .NET Framework 4.6.2 to enable long paths support (> 259 characters) for Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607) and later.
Just targetting 4.6.2 isn't enough to enable long path functionality - you need to create an application manifest with the longPathAware setting enabled also. See
Just targetting 4.6.2 isn't enough to enable long path functionality - you need to create an application manifest with the longPathAware setting enabled also. See
Thanks. I had read this article, but it was working for me with targeting only, so I leaved it with that. Now, rereading the comments, it appears that
This explains why long paths are still working for me, as I'm still on Anniversary Update. So it's just another case of Microsoft "fixing bugs" just to complicate things.
I posted version 0.45, added manifest with longPathAware enabled, can't test myself, feel free to try.
I'm getting:
"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: startIndex" error each time i tried to download info. Might be something with my ISP blocking the site? If so i'm requesting to add manual proxy setting in the app. Tried using proxy server on LAN setting and netsh but none working, and i kinda lazy to install VPN just for this. Here the error log:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: startIndex
at System.String.IndexOf(String value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 count, StringComparison comparisonType)
at GameManager.DLSitePage.GetCategory()
at GameManager.Game.DownloadInfo(Boolean downloadImagesInParallel, Action`1 ReportDownloadProgress, Nullable`1 downloadCanceller)
at GameManager.MainForm.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<DownloadGameInfoAsync>b__0()
What program version do you use, and what RJ codes give you errors?
Version 0.3.3, tried 3 lastest mod with same result. RJ149077.

Also have suggestion to add scroll bar to the description box on the right.
Version 0.3.3, tried 3 lastest mod with same result. .
Original 0.3.3 does not work for me anymore, but the mod works well, added without problems.
Can you access in browser?
If not, there is not much I can do, as adding proxy/vpn is beyond my capabilities.
If you can open it in browser, then first check your firewall/antivirus if they aren't blocking the program from internet.
Original 0.3.3 does not work for me anymore, but the mod works well, added without problems.
Can you access in browser?
If not, there is not much I can do, as adding proxy/vpn is beyond my capabilities.
If you can open it in browser, then first check your firewall/antivirus if they aren't blocking the program from internet.
I can't open it without proxy. Already tried with AntiVirus turn off, still getting those error. I'll try check the Firewall later. Thanks for checking. I guess i'll wait till someone can add Proxy settings to the app if its still not working.
so I just suddenly had my entire .db file of something like 2000 games/videos/etc delete itself, and was wondering if anyone knows a way I may recover it. I closed and reopened dlsite manager maybe 20 minutes ago to a completely blank database, and only 40 or 50 minutes ago had it completely full. Please someone help.
I recognize there's an add games button, but unfortunately I did have many things that were started up via html files, or VLC playlist files, or were sometimes just CG sets, and I'm concerned that those won't get added and I'll have to dig through all my folders anyways.

If nothing else, I have some backups from back in march, but even still. I'd appreciate any ideas.
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so I just suddenly had my entire .db file of something like 2000 games/videos/etc delete itself, and was wondering if anyone knows a way I may recover it. I closed and reopened dlsite manager maybe 20 minutes ago to a completely blank database, and only 40 or 50 minutes ago had it completely full. Please someone help.
I recognize there's an add games button, but unfortunately I did have many things that were started up via html files, or VLC playlist files, or were sometimes just CG sets, and I'm concerned that those won't get added and I'll have to dig through all my folders anyways.

If nothing else, I have some backups from back in march, but even still. I'd appreciate any ideas.
As far as I'm aware, there is nothing in code that could wipe entire database. Most likely, db file got corrupted or deleted due to some external factor - disk write error or antivirus interference for example.
In any case I doubt that it can be restored, but here is some general advises:
Blank db file should be about 20 kb in size, if yours is much bigger, there are chances that it's corrupted and maybe can be salvaged.
If you use antivirus, cleaner or some OS optimizing tool, check their recent logs - such programs can be trigger happy just about anything.
Run some undeleter or data recovery software with search for games.db - maybe it can find something.
Right click your blank games.db file and check it for previous versions - chances are that it was backed up by windows backup.
Search for games.db file on entire computer to exclude probability that it was accidentally relocated.