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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Despite the style of the castle and most of the inhabitants, Grimhorn himself was not an easterner, while Kagura had some eastern traits in her features. Maybe the Lady of the house was from the east, or the Lord just had a liking towards the cultures from there. It was not something Nina could say at the moment.

The two rulers exchaged their greetings in all due courtesy. Once the introductions were made, Rao took a brief look at the people his guest came in with. A look at Nina didn't change his expression too much. "You look a bit out of place here. But you're starting to fit in better all the time. Keep it up and you'll make your Lady proud." he said out of the blue, giving Nina something to think about.

Once Iris' turn came up, the Lord's expression darkened slightly. The man actually went down onto one knee in front of the blind girl and placed a hand on her cheek. "If only I could help you with the burden you bear, girl. The heavens have been cruel enough to place such a weight upon your small shoulders. At least you have been blessed with a caring Lady and a good place to live in." Grimhorn said, pulling back after having told Iris that.

"I've said too much, for this time at least. Surely you people want to get settled down? There is an evening meal waiting, but you can go bathing or whatever happens to cross your mind before that if it strikes your fancy. I've still got to read this one report from the borderline rangers, so I can't join you just yet." the man continued, turning to Kagura. "Kagura, surely you can show them to the guest room? Since none of the servants are around." The girl lowered her sleeve, before giving a small bow to the father. "I shall, Father. They are an interesting group, and I think I like them. So I'm happy to." the girl replied, starting glide forward. "This way." she gestured the group out towards the door.

Some walking and a corner later, there was an open door where Kagura took the group. Inside, there was a room filled with all the necessities one needed to live in. Three beds, a few drawers if needed, all the works. The packs they came with had been deposited onto the beds, each bed having one member's stuff on it. A brightly-glowing stone had been set onto a similar compartment as the one they had seen in the carriage, this time set onto the ceiling, giving the room some more lighting than the rest of the castle had up to this point. "So, something you might want?" Kagura asked from the side, looking through all of them in turn.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was unsure of what, if anything, to say in response to Lord Grimhorn's seemingly psychic ability to peer into her mind and make observations about her life as if he had been there in the desert, watching her progress. It was a nice thing for him to say, but hearing it aloud, she wasn't sure anymore that that was all that she wanted. Of course she wanted to fit in and be an important part of the household, but she was growing steadily in skill as well, and she wanted to be a warrior like Lynette was, able to protect herself and her mistress expertly. Nina felt that if she really dedicated herself to that idea protector role, that she could achieve it.

Grimhorn moved on to face Iris, and his expression changed visibly. His words were alarming, that he should have such insight into the mysterious Iris just by this first meeting. What did he see in her? Nina had been frustrated by not knowing much about Iris' condition, but had figured it was just best not to pry. But now that even this stranger seemed to know about the specifics of Iris' burdens, it made Nina feel as though she'd just been woefully ignorant of her friend's trouble.

Whatever duties or tasks that had been forced upon Iris, Nina wanted the girl to know that it wasn't just Iliana who'd be there to support her. Yet another reason to get stronger and more competent, Nina thought, as the Lord returned to his seat and politely dismissed them. Kugura offered to show them to their guest quarters, and Nina was thankful that they would be relieved of Rao Grimhorn's penetrating gaze for the time being. A very intimidating man, even when he meant to be courteous and welcoming.

When they reached the rooms and Kugura asked them if they desired anything, Nina could think of nothing much that she required. The bed was soft under her as she tested it out, and that alone sufficed. If and when their hostess left them, she would take off her traveling cloak and hang it up before resting on her back in the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"My lady, what did the Lord Grimhorn mean when he talked about Iris' burden? He made it sound as if she were in some terrible danger... is there something he knows that we do not? Or am I simply unaware of something? If it's Iris' well-being in the balance, I would know what the danger is. I won't let anything harm Iris if I can help it."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

(THREE STRIKES AND YOU'RE OUT! *pokes Blue into submission with an olive fork.* Ka-gu-ra. Get it right or I'll switch to another instrument of murder to dominate you with. Like a butter knife.)

The mistress seemed as concerned as Nina was with the sudden, almost prophecy-like words of the Lord. "First time I've heard anything so alarming about her. I was intending to get an expert of spirits and the associated magics to visit us at the estate to give a learned analysis, but never got to it when the invitation came up. Now we might hear the truth without any of that hassle, as it seems Grimhorn is a spiritualist on some level or another. If he could tell that there was a spirit inside Iris at first glance, there is sure to be truth in his words." Iliana replied, turning her gaze to the blind girl who was quite innocently stretching her legs on the edge of her bed. Upon noticing that she was kinda on the spotlight again, Iris smiled at them, if ever so awkwardly.

The group spent some time unpacking the possessions they had brought with them. With the final pieces being set where wanted, there was a knock on the door. A few seconds later, one of the doors slid open, and a small servant girl entered. She was an energetic-looking youth, slightly-tanned skin and yellowish-white hair set in two ringed braids. There was something monkey-like in the girl's thin figure and the way she moved. She wore a similar dress to the one that the gate guard had, but hers was yellow and had a short skirt instead of the long slitted one, and belled bracelets on her wrists that tinkled with her movements. "Greetings, honored guests! I am Chao, your assigned caretaker!" she announced her entry. "I've brought you clothing on behalf of the house. Wear them or not, the Lord does not mind. The evening meal will be served briefly, but don't let that rush you." Chao informed the group, setting down the trio of light yukata robes on the table before leaving the group to their own devices. "I'll be nearby, so call when you want to eat."

The yukata robes were frighteningly accurate in size, Iliana's robe being red with gold leaf decorations, Iris' and Nina's were black with silvery ones. This was possibly a system of status identification.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Well, at least you're not feeling that heavy weight on your shoulders just this moment, eh Iris?" Nina said as the blind girl smiled awkwardly at them. Of course, Iliana and Nina were both concerned about Iris' state of being, but it was good to see her healthy and relatively carefree.

"You're right," Nina continued, now addressing Iliana. "It will be good if the Lord Grimhorn can give us some information about what Iris is going through."

The tinkling of bells could be heard drawing neared to them down the hallway, until the door slid open to reveal the monkey-like caretaker, Chao. Nina giggled and nodded politely to the cute servant. She seemed very nice.

"Hello Chao, I'm Nina, the Lady Einzbern's handmaiden. Thank you for your hospitality and that of your Lord's. We'll be ready for dinner shortly." Nina smiled warmly and waved goodbye to Chao for the moment before taking a closer look at the yakuta robes. They were quite beautiful.

"Shall we put them on, my lady?" Nina asked over her shoulder. She was a little excited about trying on the pretty new clothes, but didn't want to overstep Iliana's authority in the matter.

If given permission, Nina would slip out of her current clothes and then try on the black and silver yakuta robe, which fit nicely and wrapped perfectly about her. Nina felt very calm and relaxed while wearing it. She would then help Iliana and later Iris into their own robes, adjusting them as necessary to make everything look right. When they did leave for dinner, Nina would position herself just behind and to the left of the lady while Iris positioned herself likewise on the right. They would call for Chao to lead them to dinner if such was Iliana's desire, though if the lady wished to rest for a while before eating, of course, then Nina would stave off thoughts of dinner while she attended to Iliana and Iris' needs.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

There was some shuffling of clothing as Nina switched into the offered robe, afterwards going over to Iliana. She helped the mistress set her different-coloured robes on, which wrapped her in as good as Nina's did with her. Even the woman's sizey bust was not left in discomfort. There was no need to help Iris with hers, as the girl had dressed before Nina could get to her. This was not a surprise, for the blind warrior had worn such articles of clothing throughout her life. The robe she wore to bed at home was a similar garment, if not as decorated.

"Let's go and have some food. We should probably meet with the Lady of the house too." Iliana announced after they got ready properly. With Nina's call, Chao soon appeared again to lead the newly-robed crew forward through the dimly-lit halls of Castle Grimhorn.

After a few turns, Chao had them at the entry to the dining hall. This area was not much bigger than the one they had back at the estate. Rao and Kagura were already sitting down on assigned spots, with another woman on the other side of Grimhorn. She looked like she had a few years on Iliana, but like the mistress still maintained a sultry, eastern beauty. She wore a deep blue robe similar to the ones Nina's group had been assigned, with pink cherry blossoms instead of leaves. Her hair was as long as Iliana's, shiny black like Kagura's and set into a long ponytail held together by two chopsticks in a cross pattern. And just when Nina thought they could be free of weaponry at least on dinner, she saw a brief flash of a bracer set with a springed blade inside the woman's sleeve. Once they had seated themselves, the woman rose up from her chair to offer the guests a bow. "I am Akina Grimhorn, Rao's wife and the Lady of this estate." she introduced herself, simultanously showing where Kagura had picked up her mannerisms.

Once the introduction was over, Chao and another servant started to bring in food. The other household member was a thin girl in a maid uniform, silver-haired and serious-looking. The food was not surprisingly eastern, with rice aplenty and many different meats and vegggies to choose from. There was not all that much talking going on, only a few words exchanged between certain people. Now might be spot to ask something from these esteemed individuals, but the topic should be chosen carefully as not to bother the dining time.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina wondered if it was even her place to broach a serious subject at the dining table. She was as curious as Iliana to learn more about Iris' condition, but was such a discussion really appropriate for the dining room? Nina considered and decided against it. So when she did begin to speak, she chose a more light hearted conversation starter.

"When I was first told that I would be able to go on this trip to meet the Lord Grimhorn, I was filled with questions about what you might be like," Nina said, placing down her bowl of rice for the moment and crossing her hands on her lap. "Everyone I spoke to said you were a great warrior, and a man of many adventures in your youth, and seeing you now, I have no doubt that there is some truth to those tales. But I wonder, was that how you met your beautiful wife, on those adventures? And if so, what made you wish to settle down and rule in these lands? You must please forgive my curiosity, but I do love a good story, especially a romance." Nina smiled cheerily and glanced admiringly at the Lord and Lady of the estate.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Listening to Nina's request from his seat, Grimhorn seemed like he had been expecting this question from one of the guests. "It would be a long story to tell in it's entirety, but I'll go through a compressed version." the man said, straightening himself up before starting. "In the early days, there was only three members in the Blades, myself and two others. During an expedition to some faraway lands, we bumped into Akina as we were making way through a forest. She was on the run from her former clan members. You see, Akina was once a kunoichi, a female ninja. The ninja villages don't look kindly to runaways, usually sparing no expense to catch and kill them to prevent any information leaking to the outer world and possibly opposing forces. Being one such former member, Akina was being tailed by a search group. The group though we were trying to help her and attacked us blindly, not seeing that it was a mistake. Once they had been dealt with, we invited her to join us. Aki was not too keen about the idea at first, but the land was unknown to her and she had lived her entire life in the village before, so we did manage to get her into the group after a little talking. At first, there was a lot of differences between us, but eventually we found understanding towards each other. It was not a long step from there to find love, even among all the adventuring and discovery happening."

Having told the first part, Rao stopped briefly as the dining hall door slid open. There was another person to be eating with them, it seemed. The newcomer was the guard girl from the gate. Despite having gotten herself wet from the rain outside, the girl still marched across the room and sat right next to Nina. "Mori took my spot for awhile." she replied to the looks aimed at her, being quite blunt about it to the Lord and Lady. Grimhorn didn't seem to mind, acknowledging the guard's words as she went for a large meat bun. "Mei, could you consider acting somewhat better in front of the guests? You'll give a bad impression..." Akina chimed in, being a bit more caring about proper etiquette than Rao was. But Mei's reply was not too assuring. "I'll consider it..." she gave a half-interested reply as the bowl on her hands was getting filled with rice and grilled eel.

The guard's behaviour didn't seem to phase Rao, and he carried on shortly. "When there was a division among the final six members of the group, me and Akina wandered these lands for a while, seeing all the small communities separate from each other. This was not a good thing entirely as there was needless competition, only causing shortages of resources and conflict. With the help of a few helpful wizards and statesmen, we managed to unite these warring communities into one well-organized and supplied region. There was initially a debate about how to maintain such a large area. But the attention quickly turned back to us, the ones who had organized the unity in the first place. A large city soon formed around this castle, which I had built in the eastern style to respect Akina and all the effort she had dedicated to the group after joining us way back then."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was nervous about the guard girl sitting next to her and wolfing away at the food. Did she have to sit next to her? She was so... aggressive.

The Lord Rao's story though was nice to listen to. He was not one to embellish or to make jokes or allude to things off tangent, like storytellers who enjoyed an audience might do. He simply told his history point for point, giving away no secrets or hints as to the qualities that made him fall in love with the Lady Akina. Nina had no doubt that with a kunoichi and a warrior such as Grimhorn, it must have been battle and the reliance they gave to one another that brought them into their happy union. They journeyed for so long together, and had a beautiful daughter, and now had a kingdom that they formed to help the people. That sounded like the epitome of a romantic and fulfilling life to Nina. And even with the woman, Mei, tearing into her food beside her, the green haired shieldmaiden smiled appreciatively.

"I am happy for you both, that you found one another and managed to do so much good for this land that you've settled in." Nina bowed her head respectfully and then sat back to allow others to have their conversation. She began to eat, and found the food to her liking.

She watched Mei out of the corner of her eye, warily.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Well thank you kindly. It is not often that I have to share our tale, but if it is of some interest I'm willing to tell." the Lord thanked Nina right back. With the story shared for now, he too went back to eating.

There was a brief moment of eating in silence as Nina took careful looks at the woman next to her. Mei was almost savagely devouring her chosen foodstuffs, meat and rice vanishing into the guard's hungry maw at an alarming rate. As the bowls emptied and Nina looked on further, the guard suddenly slammed hers down on the table, shaking the nearby dishes. "Do we have a problem here? Why are you looking at me all the time?" Mei asked, sounding annoyed as her gaze turned towards Nina. "Hmmmm?"

Despite the imminent conflict, neither Lord or Lady stepped in.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

At first it might have looked as if Nina were scared, but something about the absurdity of the guard's paranoia ended up having the opposite effect. Instead of shying away and withering under the guard's sudden gaze, the corners of Nina's mouth curled upwards into a happy grin.

"hee...heh hoo hoo hoo..." Nina covered her mouth with her hand as her cheeks became rosy with laughter. She shook her head, fighting off the comical response. The next words were all that she could manage as far as an initial response.

"You're like a chipmunk! heehee!" Nina slapped the table several times as she chuckled again, ignoring Mei's glower. Then suddenly, as if to illustrate the great joke, Nina began to imitate grabbing a bunch of food and scarfing it all into her mouth until her cheeks were full like a chipmunk storing food in its mouth.

"It's hilarious... heeheehee..." Nina shook her head and got herself under control. "But don't mind me, you must have an impressive stomach to hold all that food and still look so slim. Hmmm~"

Nina popped a piece of fried eel into her mouth and chewed slowly, still grinning at Mei. She didn't know why it had happened, but she wasn't scared of the girl anymore, even at a point when perhaps she should have been.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

The reply from Nina came completely out of the blue, taking the guard girl by surprise. The change of expression gave an early alarm to the green-haired girl, though she was still unable to move away before the angered Mei pulled her up by the collar. "Train as much as I do, then you can make fun of my eating habits." she growled, pulling back her right arm as a faint ball of energy enveloped the fist she prepared to smack Nina hard.


Grimhorn shouted at the guard when he saw the build-up of energy. Mei stopped to look over to the side, seeing Rao look at the scene with a terribly serious expression. A brief moment of stillness passed, the tension inside the dining hall was almost touchable. But the word worked, as the guard let Nina drop down to her chair. "Bah, you're not worth the punishment...." the red-haired girl almost spat at her, leaving the room and the rest of her food behind.

"I apologize for her and this unfortunate episode. Mei's always had trouble with social interraction, it's as if she despises nearly everyone..." the Lord apologized profusely, not wanting the mealtime to be completely ruined by this scene.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina was surprised that the guard girl would grab her so roughly, the smile falling from her face, but when the ball of energy appeared before her, she tensed her body and prepared to violently kick her way out of the stranglehold when suddenly the lord's shout ruptured the unfolding scene of violence, cutting it short. When Nina was let go, she plopped down in her seat and rubbed her neck.

"There's no excuse for being a rotten person." She said loud enough for Mei to hear as the girl walked away from the table in a huff. The lord may have wished the mood of the meal to not be ruined, but it was too late for Nina. She did not feel like eating anymore. Suddenly she had the desire to train really hard with Iris. With that psycho stalking the grounds, Nina did not want to be without skill enough to defend herself.

Nina would need to be distracted by something to get her light-hearted mood back.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

If Mei heard what Nina said at her, she didn't care about it along her way out.

Rao wasn't one to miss Nina's mood going dark and her appetite completely vanishing after the brief roughing. This seemed to make him feel personally bad about the mannerisms of the short-tempered gate guard. "Is there something you'd like to do, Miss? I can't help but notice your mirth being gone like it was sucked into a black hole. I'll make up for the damage done to your mood by my servants."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Oh... no, it's nothing. Please, I am just a servant myself. I should not have been so provocative." Nina said, hanging her head. Now she was worried that she had embarrassed Lady Iliana. To make a Lord feel guilty... she should have just let the stupid chipmunk guard go back to eating. Trying to make it seem as if she wasn't that affected, Nina poked at her food and put more of it into her mouth.

"My only wish is that you and my Lady to have a pleasant and constructive meeting with one another. Do not allow my silliness to stop such a thing."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"If that is your word. Still, if there is some need in the coming days, don't be afraid to ask. I can't let this slight pass uncompensated, you are still a guest." Rao gave a reply, somewhat easing down as he saw Nina eat more. "There is time for us to meet and discuss for a few days, so the meetings will be had in a constructive manner."

Soon afterwards, the mealtime ended. Everyone got off from the table as Chao and the second servant picked off the dishes, leaving for their respective areas of residence. After a while spent on settling down in their guest room, Nina realized that there was still some time left in the evening. They might be able to entertain themselves for a while, only if to get that scene away from their minds.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina spent some time that evening brushing her hair in front of a mirror. 100 strokes on each side, ensuring that her hair would fall straight, feel good to the touch, and not have any knots in it. It was also a calming and relaxing activity. If Iliana wanted, Nina would brush her lady's hair as well. And would also offer the same treatment to Iris afterward. Nina was not going to be pushy that evening. If Iliana requested something of her, she would be happy to do so. Her earlier tension had died down somewhat, and she no longer entertained thoughts of defending herself against Mei in some impromptu fight. Nina knew just from looking at that guard that she wouldn't stand a chance - that girl probably thought of nothing else except for violence. And for that, Nina even managed a thought of pity for her. There was much more to life than simply training and being a good fighter. It was all a waste if you did not enjoy yourself, or experience life through other people. Perhaps she was the way she was because of some sort of self inflicted penance. Maybe there was some traumatic event in her past? In any case, Nina was determined to avoid Mei in the future, if she could help it. The best and most enlightened path was to avoid confrontation, not seek it out. You only needed to train so that you could stop bullies. Nina would do her best, but would not sacrifice her dedication to others just to improve herself.

"What do you think of the Lord Rao and his kingdom, my lady?" Nina asked in a quiet moment, turning her focus back onto a happier topic - that of her beautiful mistress.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

After having brushed her own hair, Nina moved on to Iliana's hair, which there was a lot of. The mistress' hair was much thicker than her own as well, so a lot of brushing was in order to get it tidied up to a suitable level of neatness. But after a while, the woman's hair was as straight and knotless as her own.

With Iliana done, Iris moved in to have her own turn. The blind warrior had hair that barely reached her shoulders, so maintaining her hair was easier than either of the two other females. As Nina brushed away, she directed a question at Iliana in the meantime. "He is quite a man, this Grimhorn. Having moved from an adventurer to a regional leader like this is no easy thing to do. This is highlighted when you saw the communities, both big and small, living out their lives in happiness and co-operation. I'm sure I couldn't do such a feat myself, nor would many other leaders."
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"If I might be so bold, my lady, I would disagree. With enough training and adventuring, I'm certain you could have pulled off the same things as Lord Grimhorn. You're the sort of person who gets what she sets her mind to. It's one of the reasons I think you're so great!"

As she said this she ran her brush through Iris' hair, keeping the shorter cut smooth and well kept. When she was finished she set the brush down and kissed the top of Iris' head while holding onto each of her wings with one hand and tugging on them playfully. "You're all set as well, Iris. Looking pretty as usual."

Nina felt happy for the moment, the relaxing brushing session having calmed her nerves and given her time to center herself. She was now once again happy to simply focus on Iliana and Iris in the comfort of their own guest rooms.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"It's a nice thing for you to say, but I still have my doubts. I did have a breakdown just a little while back." Iliana was fast to reply.

Iris' hair was quickly worked into a pleasing condition, as it was a much easier style to manage. The girl returned Nina's wing tug with a light swipe with the complete wing, bonking the green-haired girl to the side of the head with a feathery touch. Looked like she could actually use the complete wing to attack, if not lethally.

As she began to consider things to do with her two companions, Nina was taken away from her thoughts by Chao's random entry. "Was there something you might require?" the skinny servant girl asked them. "Something to do? Or do you just want to be by yourselves?" she asked, clearly full of desire to help them enjoy their stay.
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina waved off Iliana's concern as she was bonked playfully by Iris' wing. "I'm sure Lord Grimhorn's lifepath wasn't lined with rose petals either, Iliana. Besides, what you've gone through has only made you stronger. It goes the same for me, and for Iris as well. We're all stronger."

Nina went over to place a comforting hand on Iliana's shoulder when Chao walked in.

"If you have any suggestions for entertainment Chao, I'm sure my lady would be happy to hear them." Nina looked up to Iliana to see what she wanted. Personally, Nina was interested in what activities the people in Grimhorn's castle did for fun.