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Dedication (Nina / BlueSlime)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"If you need to get out once in a while, do come see me." the handsome guard said his last words for now, throwing open the gates and letting the group enter before closing the gate after them.

Once they had entered, Nina was quick to take a hold of the situation, setting her plan into motion as soon as possible. Taking the doggie with her, she told the two remaining women to stay still for now while she went to feed the dog and letting him too sit tight for now. The canine looked at her acknowledgingly before switching attention towards the offered food.

When the maid-knight arrived to the mistress' study, she found that Iliana hadn't left her position at the outer area, still lying naked in the sun. She seemed to have dozed off, but as Nina's shoes clicked against the stone floor of the area, the tan beauty snapped out of her sleep. As the situation was explained to her, the woman didn't do anything else besides change her position a bit. "Alright... lead her into a guest room. Tell her that I'll come see her in after a while, still need to rest some. If you see reason to provide other things to our guest, I leave that to your discretion." the mistress instructed, not quite ready to leave her warm resting spot just yet.


Tentacle God
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Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Of course, my Lady. I'll see that our guest is comfortable."

Nina bowed to Iliana and then returned to the front of the hallway where she had left Karin and Iris.

"I'm afraid the Lady is resting at the moment, Miss Karin. I will lead you to a guest room where you may stay. If there is anything that I can do to make your stay more comfortable, I'm to see that your needs are met." Nina nodded towards Karin respectfully, closing her eyes slightly to appear more dutiful and serene than her normal bubbly self.

If Karin was amenable to these orders, Nina would lead the girl to a guest room not far from Nina's own room. She did not know if Iris wished to still accompany them or to go off and do her own thing. She told Iris that she was welcome to rest as well, but if Iris wanted anything from Nina, she should let it be known. Nina was good at charades, she could probably figure out a request from Iris in relatively short order.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Good, I'll try to get up as fast as possible..." the mistress replied, breaking into a small smile as she carried on with the needed rest, letting Nina get back to her work.

Once she had made her way back to the main hall where Karin and Iris still were, Nina let Karin know about the situation. "Right. The Lady can have her rest, there is a fair amount of day left still, so I see no need to hurry. Show me the way." the lieutenant gave her reply, going after the maid. The room Nina had chosen was not far from her own, and was very similar in furnishings as well. Looking about the room, Karin eventually sat down on the bed, briefly testing it's softness before getting back up. "Quite good, I'm satisfied with this." she said, taking off the sword and sheath from her belt and setting it aside for now. The coat of her uniform followed, leaving the officer in her white tank top and uniform bottoms. "Surely no-one will mind if I'm dressed like this?" she asked, setting both blade and coat onto a hook before continuing. "Surely there's a bathroom nearby? I need to relieve myself..." the woman asked for directions, not asking for escorting, believing that she could find her way there.

Iris was still there with them, having followed the two into the room. It seemed like the girl was considering what to do. Upon seeing Karin set aside her saber, the girl slid her own blade onto her belt so she had both hands free to inspect the officer's blade, getting a rather funny look from the redhead. "I'm not sure what you're planning, but it's not something I'd consider polite." Karin said, turning her gaze to Nina with a questioning look as Iris continued looking over the curved blade.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina pointed to a door that led to the washroom where Karin could relieve herself. "It's just through there, Karin. And my name is Nina, not Shirley." The green haired maid giggled a bit at her own joke, revealing her somewhat silly personality.

When Karin pointed out Iris' curiosity, Nina was quick to come to Iris' defense. "She's just curious about the workmanship of your blade. She's not going to do anything to it, right Iris? She just likes swords." Nina stepped over to Iris and placed a gentle arm around the blind girl's shoulders. "If we've offended you, please accept our apologies - I'm sure if she could speak, Iris would have asked your permission first. May she admire your sword?"

Since both Nina and Iris were a part of the same household, identifying with Iris' actions and taking them on as her own responsibility seemed to come natural to Nina.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"That so? I'm not offended in any way, just saying that someone else might might be over something like this. If my officer's saber is interesting, have a look as long as you want. Personally I don't think it being that outstanding, but what am I to say about different people's tastes. Better let the curiousity be satisfied than let it bother the person feeling it." the flame-haired officer gave her reply, looking at Iris as curiously as the girl was at the blade. The blind warrior unsheathed the curved blade with what could almost be described as reverence, taking in the details and form of the sword with her hands.

After a few minutes on testing all kinds of things about the blade, Iris eventually sheathed it again and handed it back to Karin with a bow. "Did you get a good enough feel about it?" the lieutenant asked her, getting a nod in reply. "Good. Now I'll need to go to the bathroom. I'll be here until something like lunch comes up after I return. Or if the Lady is ready to meet me." the woman continued, heading towards the toilet and leaving Nina and Iris together in the hallway.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina smiled. "I'll check on you from time to time to see if you need anything," she said before walking with Iris down the hallway, back towards Nina's room. Tilting her head towards the blind girl, Nina ventured a question.

"Do you hold people's swords to familiarize yourself with them?" She paused to await the nod or shake of Iris' head. "Or are you just interested in swords?" She giggled a bit at Iris' simple tastes, and for no reason other than playful affection, planted a kiss on Iris' cheek.

"I was going to rest for a little while before starting the chores again, Iris. Thank you for taking the walk with me. It was very fun to have you around. You're like a little angelic enforcer, and I think we make a good team."

Nina hovered in the doorway of her own room, biting her lip. "Is there something I can do for you before I rest, Iris? Sometimes I feel you don't get enough attention because you can't easily demand anything. It's not really fair to you..."
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Iris looked over to Nina as she asked her question, not doing anything in response to the first question but the second got a nod from her, confirming her interest in blades of all varieties. The girl's reaction to the sudden peck on the cheek was the usual blush and smile, which she always seemed to do in response for these shows of affection.

The two moved the short distance needed before they reached Nina's door, where the maid stopped briefly to adress the girl once more, to ask her about a possible something she might want. The girl seemed to give a quick moment of consideration towards the question, but shrugged afterwards and went off to do whatever she had in mind, leaving Nina to have her resting period.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nodding and shrugging to herself as Iris walked away, Nina went back to her room and lay down to rest with her eyes open and looking at the ceiling of the room. She let her muscles relax and her worries sink away for about ten minutes or so, before getting herself up and walking back along the house to see if there were decent opportunities to spruce the place up before wandering back to check up on both Iliana and Karin, just to be around if any of them had requests.

Until someone had a task for her to complete, she'd do whatever she thought was most appropriate for a maid.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

With her form laying on the bed for the brief moment, Nina took the break she wanted. It was not too long, bu seemingly enough for her to continue the day without any rest necessary. So, on her merry way did the maid go.

A quick check around showed Nina that there was very little to do when the maidly work was looked at. She and Lily had been quite efficient in their work during the last few days, and as a result the estate was pretty much in tip-top condition. Moving over to check on the two women she was watching over, the green-haired girl found Karin taking it easy on her guest bed, laying on her back and looking at the blade of her sabre. It was almost as if she was wondering what Iris saw in it, moving her fingers across the curved blade much like the girl had. Shaking her head and sheathing it again, the officer was lost in her thoughts and didn't notice Nina coming to check upon her.

Just as the maid was about to leave from the door, she was poked on the shoulder. "Our guest is here?" Iliana's voice said from her side. The mistress had arrived by herself, now dressed and looking presentable enough.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina thought it interesting that Iris' reverence for blades had had such an effect on Karin. She recognized the feeling, and that look in the veteran soldier's eyes. Nina had felt the same way about her own blade, the first time Iris had cleaned and sharpened it. When you saw someone pay enough respect to something, or someone, it makes you examine whether you should respect that thing or person as well. And why not respect the tool that keeps you safe and alive against dangerous threats?

The poke in her shoulder startled Nina, and she jumped a bit as she turned to see Iliana standing there beside her. Fortunately for her own pride, Nina avoided squeaking in surprise. She smiled and bowed her head to the beautiful lady.

"Yes, my lady. Shall I announce you?" Nina asked, and if her mistress gave the assent, Nina would knock on the door, open it and announce to Karin that the Lady Einzbern was ready to see her. The maid would hold the door open and allow Iliana to come into the room and then she would close the door and stand against the back wall, her hands clasped in front of her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Yes. Better show that we respect their invitation by acting properly. Do your thing." the mistress replied, letting Nina do the official announcement before she herself entered. As the maid went with the protocols, Iliana followed them equally strictly, timing her entry as Nina expected. Karin was quick to get up from her bed, though she was still in half a uniform only. The women apologised to each other for their casual styles of dressing during the situation, but agreed to ignore it for now as there wasn't a massive audience looking.

Once the intros were dealt with, the two redheads started to exchange details about the invitation. There wasn't anything spectacularly interesting, the trip was to start within tomorrow or the next day, taking up about a week of time. Without any hesitation, Iliana announced that she would be accepting the invitation, as the meeting was something she had always wanted to happen. "Alright. All your needs will be looked after by the Lord, so there won't be a need for excessive amounts of luggage. Take whatever you deem important with you." the officer said, ending the brief conversation with a happy nod.

"Alright, you heard the lieutenant. Prepare whatever belongings you want to take during the rest of the day." the Lady told Nina, turning back to Karin afterwards. "When dinner is ready, one of the maids will come to inform you, lieutenant. If you want to take a look around, just ask Nina here and she'll show you the estate. All the non-private areas at least." she said before leaving the room.

Karin didn't have further requests despite the mistress' offer, so there was more time in Nina's immidiate future.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina said that if Karin had any needs, she shouldn't hesitate to find her. Nina would do as Iliana bade her and made preparations for the trip. She would not be a maid on the trip, so she instead packed several adventurers garments, some for desert climate and others for the slightly more temperate forest region that she knew the Lord Grimhorn inhabited.

As she placed the final garments she had selected out on her bed, Nina stumbled upon the idea of livery. Hastening to find Valkenhayn, Nina asked the butler about the Einzbern colors. Most noble families that she knew of had some sort of identifying crests or symbols and usually colors. Nina was a part of Iliana's house, and wanted at least one or two official garments that she could wear to show off that she was an Einzbern bodyguard.

"It wouldn't do to have us look like out of place adventurers," Nina told Valkenhayn as she explained her desire for this sudden knowledge. Once the butler told her what was appropriate livery, Nina would endeavor to make several of her packed outfits coincide with the Einzbern decor.

Nina also wanted to pack a dress for the occassion. Maybe there would be a banquet in greeting for them... she would need something nice to wear so as to not embarrass her lady. But again what color? Black? Too morbid. White? Too pure and showy. Eventually, Nina decided on a nice, light blue dress which she laid out delicately in the traveling case. She found a nice pair of matching heeled slippers to go with it. Maybe some nice courtier would ask her to dance? That would be pleasant, like Cinderella going to a ball... Nina sighed and daydreamed of being a princess for a bit. Then she finished her packing by checking that her fighting uniform, sword, and shield were all in proper order.

After that, Nina went to start dinner with Lily. She'd prepare something nice. Chicken perhaps. With some seasoning and a middle eastern style sauce, flat bread, cream, and dips. Some added rice, just for extra fortification, and a nice wine to go with it.

During all this time, Nina was sure to make herself available to any requests that the guest or her mistress made of her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Surely I'll manage, but I'll keep that in mind as well." the officer gave her reply to Nina's pledge of service.

After having her initial clothing choices made, the green-haired girl had a sudden thought about making herself look more like a bodyguard than she did with her current equipment. Leaving the clothing behind to wait until she had completed her inquiry, Nina sought out Valkenhayn, finding the elderly man coming from Iliana's office. Once she had explained the deal to the wizened butler, Valkenhayn seemed a bit impressed. "This is a good development in you, taking care of proper decorum. There is an article of clothing you could use in effort to identify yourself as one of the Einzbern house." he said, taking Nina to the staff closet. Using a key, he unlocked a hidden compartment in the wall and withdrew a crimson half-cloak from within. On the cloak, there was an elaborate shield design with a palm tree and a pond over it, the classic sign of an oasis. "This is a cloak with the Lady's heraldic shield on it. I can only entrust you with one, but that should be enough. Here, let me show you how it's worn." the old man told her, setting the cloak onto his shoulder and attaching the two clasps on it to his collar. As the man set it, the cloak covered his shoulder and side. "Like so. Prove that you're worthy of bearing that during this visit, then I'll share a few more with you." Valkenhayn finished, removing the clasps and handing the cloth to Nina.

Having cleared that situation with the butler, Nina went back for some more packing and daydreaming before her duties came to her mind. With everything she had wanted to take firmly packed, she made way to the kitchen. Joining up with Lily, the two worked their magic in cooking, soon having a sizeable dinner ready for both resident and guest. The table was set afterwards, and soon there was a full-fledged dinnertime going.

Time went by relatively fast during the mealtime, mostly in silence but there was the occasional small talk now and then. The menu was a success, with no-one showing any signs of disaproval. Karin stated that it was a refreshing break from all the military food she went through time and time again, giving profuse thanks. With the dinner done, the maid pair collected and cleaned like any other day, setting aside the dishes until the next mealtime would come. Setting aside the leftovers, Lily promised to take care of them and let Nina go onto her own work since she was more responsible for the guest than the smaller maid.

And it was not for naught, as Karin soon came to ask Nina if there was a bath in the estate and a possibility to use it.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Of course," Nina said in response to Karin's request. "Right this way."

She led Karin to the baths and the changing room. The water would cooler soon, but for now it was still retaining the heat of the afternoon sun. Nina prepared a tray of soaps and lotions while Karin undressed and brought them to the bath's edge, placing them within arm's reach of where Karin would be. She then went to the closet and removed a fluffy, finely woven cotton towel and placed it on a stool not far from Karin.

"Would you like me to sponge your back for you?" Nina asked, quite innocently. "It can be hard to reach by yourself."

If the soldier agreed, Nina would kneel by the bath and lather Karin's back with a soapy sponge. She'd do Karin's arms and shoulders and neck as well. If the soldier declined, Nina would merely nod and remind her not to stay in too long or her skin would get all prune-y.

Nina did not know if Karin wanted conversation or not, but was happy to stay and provide some. "Do you travel often, Karin?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Having entered into the bathing areas that Nina loved, the visiting Karin wasn't shy about revealing her form to a relative stranger. The lieutenant's body was really one that belonged to a soldier, firm and well-toned with a slightly bigger than average chest area.

The two went off towards the pool, with Nina acting now as the servant she was back at the manor. Karin was happy to accept her scrubbing offer, moving to a spot where she could sponge away easier. Maybe it was a good thing that Nina decided to stay away from the more intimate areas with her scrubbing action, remembering how the officer had reacted to the previous times when touched inappropriately.

The woman was quiet most of the time, but she lightened up to a conversation once Nina asked her question. "Not much. Mostly I stay in the area I've been assigned to, taking care of the daily duties one has when they lead a company of other soldiers. But recently there's been more need to go about the region, as there's been some reports of dangerous creatures and larger than average groups of criminals acting within the Lord's lands. I've been called in to help with organizing suitable groups and when a higher-ranked officer was needed to confirm things. This is the first time I've been to your Lady's region. There is a small regiment of desert rangers based on the borders between our lands that keep a lookout for possible threats. I was once tasked to lead the garrison for a week, but never crossed over to this side more deeply than that before." she told a small career story.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina listened with interest as she scrubbed lightly. The bathing facility here was likely the best in the entire desert, and Karin, being a career soldier, probably didn't get this sort of treatment very often. Nina used sweet scented soaps to take the grime away, and offered Karin a sponge to use on her own intimates.

Nina asked Karin some more questions, not all of them related to one another. What sort of monsters were getting more numerous? Was it ogres like the ones we had here? What was the usual region that she protected? Was it pretty? What other lands had she seen in her career? Did she enjoy being a soldier all the time? Was there a special someone waiting for her at home?

When Nina was done scrubbing and Karin had rinsed herself off, Nina held out a towel and wrapped it around the soldier's shoulders, letting her use it to dry herself off.

"If you like, one of my specialties is body massage. It's good to have one after you've showered, and it will make your body feel nice and relaxed." If Karin agreed, Nina would take her back to the guest room, and apply some nice oils and give Karin a fully body rub. It was good to practice the technique, and Nina realized that she ought to make this a regular thing for Iliana and Iris.

Nina had no intentions of making an advance on Karin. The red head was nice, but Nina did not feel it would be appropriate for a maid to make a move on such an envoy. Besides, Nina already had a great set of lovers, and none moreso than her lady. Nina would be satisfied just doing a good job as a maid and masseuse. She resolved that after she was done seeing to Karin, Nina would check on Iris and Lady Iliana before bed. The lady needed her rest so Nina did not expect that there would be any activities tonight. She assumed that she would spend the night alone in her servant's quarters, which she admitted, were not bad accommodations and made her feel at home.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Among her own rinsing and washing, Karin continued answering the questions she wanted to. "I've never seen a live ogre, only the dead ones that the cowled woman had killed when we moved here from Greenoaks, that little town. The creatures I'm talking about are carnivorous pack animals that are not shy to attack human settlements for food and some of the more disgusting species also use humanoids as breeding platforms. Like these big insect creatures called icarians that look like a wasp and some species of spider got combined into one being. Or owlbears, foul-tempered creatures that attack almost anything they see. You can possibly imagine wath those look like. Then there's the occasional lycantrophe gangs that attempt to take over small settlements. And finally, the bigger forces of nature that can flatten entire towns once they are roused to anger. Your region is quite lucky, there is not much in the way of feral creatures to deal with here." the redhead answered a few of the questions.

Taking the offered towel, the lieutenant continued her answers once Nina got to massaging her. "I lead the garrison of Trademeet, a larger trading outpost and town west from Blackwall, which is the capitol city of Lord Grimhorn's region and the location where we'll be heading. Trademeet is not that beautiful a place, so much traffic passes through that the nearby areas have begun to lose their naturalistic look. But if you get a little distance away, it gets prettier with rolling plains and sparse forests. I've not been outside the Lord's lands before this, but I've been almost everywhere within them." the story continued. A brief silence followed as Karin enjoyed the massage. "I doubt no-one enjoys what they do all the time. There's always hardships and bothersome things in life, no matter what you do. There is no significant other or similar for me, but I do have my trusted squad of soldiers who I've lead on numerous missions. We have formed into a kind of family since." the officer finished with her talk almost simultaneously with Nina's massage.

After helping Karin put on her night robe, the maid took the envoy back into her room. "If there is something, I'll look for you." she said, letting Nina go along her way to check up on the other two females she wanted to see. Checking up on Iris first, she saw that the girl was making final preparations towards the upcoming trip in her room. The blade she always used was getting finishing touches on it's blade as she had polished and cleaned the little dirt there was on the fine sword. Tiger was there too, looking at Iris' work with curious eyes. A small packet was waiting in the corner of her room already. Going over to Iliana's side, Nina found the mistress had already retired to bed and was sleeping soundly. She too had a pack prepared in the vicinity of her bed.

With both Iris and Iliana looked after, Nina retired to her own chamber. It looked like there was nothing else to do, so she eventually went to sleep herself. When the girl found herself conscious again, it was morning and the sun was halfway up.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Nina rubbed her eyes, yawned, and stretched her arms wide. Last night had been peaceful, quiet, and restful. She pulled the covers off and went to splash some water on her face to help her wake up. She then went through a brisk morning routine, making herself look proper, and then dressed in her light traveling garments, adding the Einzbern short cloak over her shoulders. She carried her travel pack to the entry hall and set it against the wall, so it would be ready to take once they were prepared to go. She laid her shield down next to the pack, but she wore her sword in its sheath at her belt.

When that was set, she went to see that breakfast was being prepared, and confirmed with Lily when it would be served. She then took water and brought it to the mistress, Iris, and the guest so that they could go through their morning routines as well with fresh water. She informed them all when breakfast was ready, and would stand by to help the Lady dress herself.

Wearing the short cloak with the house crest on it gave Nina a swell of pride and made her happy. She smiled contentedly throughout the morning, and felt at peace in her place. She wondered if Iris felt like this sometimes. She certainly had a serene quality about her. Nina reminded herself that she should use this upcoming journey to practice her martial skills with Iris when she could. Karin's stories of Icarians and Owlbears and other such nasties were not to be taken lightly. Nina could not allow Iliana to fall prey to such things, and certainly had no desire to experience such things herself.

Nina made sure to observe Iliana's movement this morning to see if the lady was looking healthier and more recuperated. If the lady was still achy, Nina would have to suggest that they take another day to have her rest before starting out on such a journey.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

Having delivered her stuff near the main door, Nina went to confirm about the timing of the breakfast. Despite her best waking efforts, she just couldn't match with Lily's sense of duty, as she found the smaller maid almost ready with the breakfast foodstuffs. "Not too long, I'll get the food out onto the table soon. Bring the people over as soon as they are able to."

Each other female was handed their waterbowls to get the day started. Staying with the mistress, Nina helped the woman dress into her travelling clothing. It was a sturdy set of grey clothing that perhaps surprisingly had more style in it than the girl initially thought such a nondescript set usually had. Perhaps as a result of spending the entire day resting, Iliana's near-perfect frame showed no signs of shakiness anymore. Eventually the two departed from the room, picking up Karin and Iris along the way towards breakfast.

At the end of the morning meal time, Anotsu appeared from the door. "Excuse me, Lady, honored guest, and everyone else. There is a strange carriage at the front gate that bears a flag of the neighboring region. I think it's your ride towards Grimhorn's lands." the beautiful man told them, bowing and taking the offered bag of food from Lily before he left. "Right, looks like we'll be going." Iliana announced, delaying her own eating a bit to allow everyone else to finish theirs.

Everyone took their bags and headed towards the gate, finding it open. Making way to Anotsu's post, they came to the previously mentioned carriage. The very first thing Nina noticed was the animal pulling the wagon. It was the biggest horse she had ever seen, covered in plate barding with another heraldic shield on it. This one had a mountain with a broken horn underneath. If she was to try and reach to this black-furred creature's back, it would take her a very high jump. Once they came to it's attention, the horse turned it's armored head towards them, the blade atop it's head shining in the sun. It seemed to gesture them towards the back. Strangest thing of all, there was no driver to be seen anywhere. "Is this... Lord Grimhorn's personal horse...?" Karin could be heard saying as she too stared somewhat dumbstruck at this massive creature. Even more surprising was the fact that the horse neighed loudly and nodded it's head after the question.

Opening the doors to the room-sized armored carriage, Karin revealed a sizeable space inside. There was enough room here for four people to ride comfortably, a table in the middle, four separate bed compartments with matresses, blankets and pillows. Behind a glass door, they see a selection of slow-spoiling foods and drinks. It seemed like they were moving to the neighboring region in a moving, secured hotel room.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Nina (BlueSlime)

"Incredible," Nina murmured as she stared at the interior of the driverless carriage. "And that horse. Karin, what did you mean about it being Lord Grimhorn's personal horse? It almost seemed as if he understood your question."

Nina had never seen a more sleek and powerful steed as this, and it almost didn't make sense that this sort of horse would be used to pull a carriage. She was at a loss however, not knowing a large amount about these animals, so she couldn't comment much more about it. She waved her goodbyes to the staff that were staying behind and then turned once more to the vehicle.

After helping the Lady and others into the carriage, Nina climbed in and sat herself down opposite Iliana and Iris, sitting next to Karin. Nina had been prepared for more harsh traveling conditions than this, so an easy ride with food and comfort was a pleasant surprise. She adjusted her short cloak and smoothed out her traveling attire, and then rested with her hands gently placed on her lap.

She turned to glance out the carriage window from time to time to watch the desert landscape go by, and at other times turned to observe her traveling companions, mostly Iris and Iliana, for whom she mentally reaffirmed her affection and love.