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Day Job (Tiffanian)

Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Drinking the last of the demon's cum was enough to set Tlech to tingling, her exhausted soul slowly replenishing itself from the pleasure. She was almost in her own little world, though she was vaguely aware that her overseer was quite pleased with her... He gave her a hard slap on the ass, causing her to let out a loud grunt; it reminded her that she had been whipped earlier in the day, the sting of pain worse than it otherwise would have been, the remainders of the pink welts still visible on her plump flesh. It wasn't long before she was finally done, having lapped up every last bit of Shenk's addictive seed. It would probably have to last her a bit... As she stood and stared at him she felt so very good, body and mind on a high like none she had felt before. Just so warm and tingly all over, her belly so pleasantly full. The demon demanded that she get to work at her job for the day, to go on cleaning up the tunnels, and with furrowed brow she stood and let the words roll around in her head for a few moments, slowly getting to an understanding. There was a threat embedded in there, a pretty bad one too... no more of that seed? She was in no position yet to do more than nod at him and then turn to slowly wobble off towards the caves, not bothering to fetch her clothing. Her legs were still trembling and weak, though she had recovered enough that she didn't stumble or fall, and though her mind was still very hazy she was capable of making her way into the tunnels and beginning to do her job. Not that she would be able to do it with any semblance of efficiency, of course, though she would keep at it in a dull, contented daze, her every need and desire sated for the moment at least.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 20/89, Status = Not Fine, Pregnant,

The first portion of her shift drifted by in a dull haze as Tlech worked to clean the decrepit tunnels of the dust and debris that covered them. Her coworkers often glanced her way appreciatively, enjoying her nudity, and she found Shenk staring at her more often than not. Rompra would approach her midway through, just as the high from her intense fucking and the demon's potent cum was finally wearing off, and asked if she was alright. The rest of her shift would pass in a less pleasant haze, her aches returning and her nudity becoming more of a hindrance than a help. Her work hadn't exactly been impressive either, but it seemed that Shenk was keen on letting her get off without further punishment so long as she retrieved her dress and hurried away hastily once her shift was over.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech took up a broom and set to work slowly, still incredibly impaired for the entire first half of her shift. She was dimly aware that many of her fellow workers were giving her looks pretty frequently, eying up her naked body, her breasts jiggling with every sweep of her broom, though she didn't much care one way or the other. She could practically feel Shenk staring at her, though, and that... well, she certainly cared. She was kind of happy about it at the time, really. Getting his attention was important, after all. She found herself looking back at him every so often, her eyes lingering longer than she'd intended, her work pausing without her really even noticing. That drugged, euphoric state was slowly fading, though it actually lasted a pretty impressively long time. He could probably keep her high every hour of the day and night if he wanted to... As the feelings wore off the everyday aches and pains of life returned to her, and her thinking slowly returned to normal, though she was still lethargic and sort of dull.

It was probably about halfway through the chubby goblin's shift then, and Rompra walked up to her and asked her if she was okay. That was... an interesting question. Was she okay? She didn't know, if she was honest. The doubts were starting to creep into her mind, slowly at first. "Yea..." she replied quietly, the first word she had managed to get out since Shenk's dick had touched her lips. "Fer now..." She could feel her overseer's glare as if his eyes were boring into her back, the feeling more sinister now. Looking back at what she had done so far she began to feel more nervous; to say that she had missed a few spots would have been a drastic understatement, and she knew that the demon would be well within his rights to punish her for it... but why was thinking of his potential punishments starting to arouse her? It was a somewhat nervous final four hours, but they passed relatively uneventfully, like any other shift.

It wasn't just any other shift, though, and the hunger was slowly growing in Tlech's belly. While before she had been fully sated in every way now she was starting to want another dose of Shenk's cum, the beginning of her addiction's tug on her mind, though for now it wasn't terribly strong. Still, it was growing all the time, and by the end of her shift she knew that she would have to do something... either get another hit of that mind-bending seed to temporarily satisfy her again, or go through the pangs of need and the suffering of withdrawal later. She cast her gaze at the overseer and found him distracted by something or other, so she could easily slip away without his notice if she were quick enough. If she wanted to... She sat aside her broom and walked over to the spot where she had dropped her dress, though with not nearly the sense of urgency she should have had. Her eyes kept wandering over to the occupied Shenk, each glance causing a little twinge of hunger in her belly, adding a little more warmth to her loins. She wanted that dick, and she wanted it pretty damned badly. Her worries were still there in the background, but they were being drowned out more and more by her desires. She bent over to retrieve her dress and then stood, slowly slipping it on, sneaking a peek at the object of those desires every few seconds, and even once she was dressed she wouldn't exactly hurry off, hesitating for a few moments unless someone happened to pull her along towards the warren.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 20/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant,

Lucky for her, Tlech would be able to escape without Shenk noticing her hesitance, and Rompra would put an arm around her waist and lead her along the way to the goblin warren. "You oughta stay away from that one," she said warningly, while Tlech would finally be able to get a proper rest in her little side room if she so chose, finding it empty when she arrived. "I'll be around... Can't hang 'round you too much or Ab'll corner us! Heh, not that that don't sound like fun... You gonna be aright?" She looked at Tlech pensively, waiting before going off to her own rest to ensure that her pudgy compatriot wasn't too shaken up by her growing urge to get another dose of Shenk's semen.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Despite her hesitance Tlech managed to scoot away towards the warren without drawing the attention of the overseer, albeit with the help of Rompra, who pulled her alongside as she walked. "Yeah..." she replied to the admonition to stay away from Shenk, though she frowned a little bit. It might already be too late for that. She had taken in more of an initial dose of his addictive cum than ever before, and she had certainly never taken a fucking like that. She knew it wouldn't be a good idea to deal with him more than the bare minimum, that there were so many reasons to view the situation with distaste. He had treated her well this time, but then wouldn't he in order to hook her in? He was among the most vile of the fullbloods she knew, and surely there would come a time when he would use her addiction to abuse her in terrible ways. And did she really want to spend her life in a daze? She was mostly recovered by now, but it had been hours and hours, and she still felt lethargic and weak, a sign that her soul hadn't replenished itself yet. She had just recently managed to become a worthy target for summoning to the mortal world. Did she really want to give that up so soon?

She didn't, but then again... The chubby goblin had never felt anything like what Shenk had just treated her to before. Pleasure so incredible it could keep her in a blissed out haze for hours at a time, could she really say no to that? It would only get more difficult as she started to crave more of his seed, and especially when that craving turned to a painful need. Already she could feel a tingling, her belly longing to be filled, and it got just a little stronger by the time the two of them got to the warren. It was pretty empty at this time, nothing really of note going on. Tlech could go back to her room to rest, but really she didn't feel like she was in need of a rest. That wouldn't help her with her tired feeling in any case. When Rompra spoke up again she clutched at the curvy goblin's sleeve gently, saying "I dunno... I tink if'n I'm alone I'll go to 'im. I don't... mm. I tink 'e got me good 'is time, an' I'm gonna need more soon. I could go fer gettin' Ab ta keep me comp'ny."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 20/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant,

Rompra rolled her eyes and sighed as Tlech held onto her sleeve, "alright, alright... Lets go track 'im down then!" Ab proved easy enough to find, found in his corner of the warren, a tiny cell with a low ceiling that he had to himself. There were no lights in it, but that generally wasn't much of a problem and there was enough light to see by way of the flicks of light that came through the cracks around his door. He was asleep, snoring loudly, and Rompra grinned and glanced at Tlech. "How ye wanna wake him up?" she asked mischievously, gently tugging the sleeve of Tlech's dress suggestively.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech couldn't tell if she was annoying Rompra or not, but she knew she would probably owe her after all was said and done. "Yea..." she mumbled in reply, glad to have the curvy goblin alongside her. The often grumpy demeanor she put on hadn't been evident again after the encounter with Shenk. Thankfully Ab was easy to find, sleeping in his room; he was quite the snorer, the sound readily apparent even with his door shut as tightly as it could be. The two women opened the door quietly and peeked into the dark little room that he lived in alone; there was no way two people could've shared the space, and the ceiling was so low that even a goblin couldn't stretch their arms above their heads in it. There he was, laying on his bedding, still clothed while he slept. It was a good question, how they wanted to wake him up. The chubby blonde could think of any number of ways that would've been good, after all. "If'n 'e were awake he'd prob'ly get us ter go at 'im atta same time again" she replied quietly, so as not to wake him prematurely, "but 'e ain't awake." She grinned as she stepped away from Rompra, quickly pulling her dress up over her head again and laying it carefully by the door. "I say one o' us gives 'im a suckin', an' when 'e wakes up the other sits on 'is face an' 'as a ride. 'less ye wanna do summat diff'rent." She could have gone for either role at the moment, truth be told, and would let her partner have that choice or suggest her own sort of wakeup call.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 20/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant,

"Sure~" the other goblin said while grinning, "I got dibs on 'is face, we can both suck on 'im a bit until he wakes up!" Rompra would leave her own dress just inside of Ab's hollow before creeping toward him, quickly dropping to her hands and knees. He didn't awaken as the nude duo approached, and Rompra shifted so that she was facing Tlech and could straddle his face with only a swing of her hips when Ab started waking up.

They could easily slide down his loincloth to his knees, exposing his soft shaft, and with a grin Rompra leaned down and started sucking on the side of his rod. She worked her head back and forth, rubbing her tongue across the surface of the sleeping man's cock and occasionally pausing to suck on certain portions, leaving Tlech to choose between the tip and his balls for her own attention. Ab would take only a few moments to start getting hard from their dual attention despite not being awake, his thick cock standing fully erect for them, and after a while Rompra took the tip from Tlech if she had been paying her attention to it.

Still unconscious, Ab began to stir slightly but didn't awaken yet, merely stirring and grunting. Rompra started bobbing, sliding her lips down over the tip of his cock and its first inch or two at a steady clip. After a couple of moments Ab's rod suddenly began to jump, and Rompra's eyes widened and she gave a surprised squeal as Ab unexpectedly started cumming in her mouth, squirts of his thick goo spurting into her mouth. She hogged all of his first load, bobbing steadily until his cock stopped giving its steady pulses before pulling off, by which point Ab was finally blinking sleep out of his eyes and groaning.

Rompra slipped off of his cock and kissed Tlech on the mouth, pushing a modest mouthful of Ab's thick, jelly-like cream into her mouth with her tongue. In nearly the same motion and without breaking that lewd kiss, she swung her hips over him and pushed her pussy into his face, grinding on his face until her moan signaled that he was responding appropriately, and after a few more moments Rompra broke the kiss, leaving Tlech to choose how she wanted to occupy herself further.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech grinned, nodding her approval as she and Rompra crawled over to the sleeping goblin who was about to be the center of their attention. She didn't mind letting the other woman have the first ride, as she was certain there would be more than enough fun for the both of them by the time this was over. They stopped on opposite sides of him, the chubby blonde kneeling at his feet while her partner took up her position facing her, and Tlech carefully pulled Ab's loincloth down to his knees. Thankfully he didn't wake up just yet, so he would be in for a fun surprise for sure. The two of them quickly set to work, Rompra teasing the side of his soft cock with her lips and tongue, running them up and down while Tlech took the other side for a brief time before getting up to the tip, taking it into her mouth and gently sucking. Almost immediately Ab's member began to stiffen at their attention, but even so he was still fast asleep... he would prove today to be a very heavy sleeper indeed, his snores still rumbling through the little den.

Once he was fully erect Rompra pushed her way up towards the tip of his cock, taking it away from Tlech, though the chubby goblin didn't really mind. She started to move her lips down, kissing and sucking on the underside of that thick shaft until she got to his balls, taking first one into her mouth and then the other, lavishing attention on them with her tongue and suckling gently. One of her hands began to wander down her body until it was at her crotch, and she began to slowly tease herself, idly rubbing up and down the length of her lower lips with a couple of fingers to get herself into the proper mood. She watched as her curvy partner began to bob her head along the first few inches of Ab's dick, wondering just how long it would take for him to wake up... he had stopped snoring at least, but he was still clearly sleeping, which was pretty amazing given what was happening to him at the moment. It was even more amazing when she felt his heavy balls pulse in her mouth, his cock twitching as he began to shoot cum into Rompra's mouth, having an orgasm before he had even awoken. Tlech made a little bit of a pouty face while she watched the other goblin drink down that first load, still sucking firmly on his balls.

Ab was just starting to stir by the time his climax had subsided, at which point Rompra pulled off his cock while at the same time scooting over her lower body, lowering herself onto his newly awakened face. Tlech sat up on her knees, getting closer for what she knew was coming... a nice, long kiss from the other woman, some of that thick, tasty cum pushed into her mouth. It certainly wasn't Shenk's, and it wouldn't do a lot to deal with the growing hunger in her belly for that addictive seed, but for the moment it blunted the need. Perhaps that would make it easier than simply waiting out the desire? She swallowed quickly once Rompra broke the kiss, hungrily eying Ab's still-hard member, and without much pause leaned down to take it into her mouth again, bobbing her head down at a brisk pace for a few strokes before pulling off to give her partner a quick turn, her lips and tongue working down from the head of his shaft down to the base and then back up to take a second turn. Like this she would share him despite the fact that Rompra was having her own fun with the man's tongue while Tlech had only her fingers to tease herself... though this time she would insist on having his load for herself, wanting to take that second cumshot directly onto her waiting tongue.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 20/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

As Ab worked his tongue into Rompra's pussy, her efforts to join Tlech in sucking on the male goblin's cock would quickly become very limited. As the busty goblin bobbed on Ab's shaft, Rompra did little more than lap at what portions weren't in Tlech's mouth, and occasionally at his balls, leaving Tlech with the run of his rod for as long as she liked. Ab was as hard as ever, the load he'd delivered into Rompra's mouth that they had shared between them having done nothing to reduce him, and she found herself easily able to take him all the way into her throat if she so wished.

If Tlech did deep throat him, Rompra would be content to enjoy her ride on his face, only occasionally lapping at his shaft while Tlech could suck on him however she liked. When next he spurted, it was once more without warning, and she could easily take the whole of it into her mouth, the second helping of his warm, gooey cream sparking a surge of pleasure in the doughy gobliness, and she could take every drop of his thick seed directly onto her tongue as she desired. His load was big too, as big as his first, providing a nice plentiful mouthful for her to enjoy as Ab groaned into Rompra's sex.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Thankfully for Tlech her partner seemed quite distracted by Ab's attentions to her sex, or at least satisfied enough by his tongue that she didn't seem to mind not having much of a go at his dick. That suited the chubby goblin just fine, and though she was happy to leave little openings for Rompra to lick at his shaft and balls she mostly hogged it all to herself, bobbing farther and farther down his length. At the same time she started to pleasure herself more intensely, her fingers dispensing with mere teasing and slipping into her wet pussy, pumping them in and out in time with the motions of her mouth. It wouldn't take too long before she got caught up in the act, almost in her own little world there at his feet, her lips working their way inevitably to the base of the man's thick shaft, letting it plug up her throat. She couldn't help but let out muffled moans, squeezing her eyes shut in pleasure at the sensations.

It didn't take much of such treatment to bring Ab to his second orgasm, the sleepy goblin awake for this one at least. It came almost entirely without warning, no noises escaping from beneath Rompra, his cock giving Tlech just a single throb of notice before hot, thick cum began to spurt down her throat. She kept bobbing her head for a few more moments before drawing back to the tip, letting it gush against and coat her tongue nicely, gobs of it slowly sliding down her throat. It was as tasty a load as ever, that nice consistency allowing it to fill up her mouth in such a satisfying way... Her needs were still growing, and there was no way something like this could take care of them, but it was still quite pleasing. Despite all that the pudgy summon wasn't quite going to cum, she could tell... she pulled her fingers out of her sex, moving them to gently caress the male's balls if Rompra wasn't giving them any attention at the moment, slowly swallowing down the spunk he was pumping into her, though she would keep an a mouthful in the end, her cheeks bulging ever so slightly.

It didn't take much thought for Tlech to decide her next course of action. She wanted something more substantial than her fingers inside of her, and she knew just the place to get it! Ab was still hard as a rock and showed no sign of needing a break in the action, so even as she held in the mouthful of his seed she grasped the base of his cock and repositioned herself to straddle him, rubbing the tip of his member up and down her eager slit for just a moment before pushing downwards and impaling herself on his fat prick. At the same time she leaned against Rompra, gently grasping her chin and tilting her head back, her intention clear; her curvy partner had shared their first bounty, so she intended to share the second as well. Whenever Rompra opened her mouth the chubby blonde would start to slowly drool that thick jelly-like cum onto her waiting tongue, letting it fall in gobs a little at a time. Only with the transfer complete would she start to ride him, even that short wait driving her just a little bit nuts, and she soon began to bounce on his lap in an almost frenzied manner. She had been almost at her peak when Ab's cum started to spurt off in her mouth, so it took her only a few thrusts to cry out in pleasure, her back arching even as she continued to bounce atop him, her heavy breasts jiggling wildly, her sexual juices trickling down onto the male's crotch.

Tlech didn't skip a beat, though, her body rising and falling against his lap at a quick and steady pace even after her orgasm had subsided, and now she reached out to grope Rompra, squeezing the soft orbs of her chest while leaning in for a kiss. She wasn't going to be finished with the two of them so easily, that was for sure! Ab hadn't had his third climax, after all. Whenever her mouth wasn't occupied she couldn't help but let out lewd moans that were surely loud enough to be heard outside of the little den, the sound of her hips slapping wetly against Ab's lap echoing off the walls, filling the room with the sounds and smells of sex. She would be quite content to carry on in such a way until one of her partners suggested something better, even to the point of draining those hefty balls of his dry, unless of course her craving for Shenk's seed got to be too much for the sex to distract her from...
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Rompra would straighten as Tlech moved to mount Ab, opening her mouth invitingly and looking up at Tlech as she drooled a sample of that thick, chunky cream onto her waiting tongue. Ab groaned as Tlech sunk her pussy down onto his thick rod, and moved a hand from Rompra's hip down to Tlech's, grabbing a handful of her plump backside and squeezing. He bucked up into her in time with her motions but allowed her to have full control over the pace, and after a few moments he groaned loudly as she clenched around him in orgasm. He didn't cum again though, even as she wildly bounced on his lap in the midst of her climax.

Swallowing down the cum that Tlech had dribbled lewdly into her mouth, Rompra leaned forward and grabbed one of her jiggling breasts, quickly sealing her lips over its sensitive tip and rolling her tongue over the hardened nub. Only a little suction prompted her milk to start leaking, and on tasting Rompra started sucking intently, drawing out squirts of it while Tlech bounced freely on Ab's cock, her pussy wonderfully full. She would taste her own milk when she kissed Rompra, who eagerly responded, but when she released the other goblin's mouth she went right back to sucking on Tlech's tits.

As her next orgasm approached, she felt Ab's hand squeezing firmly on the flesh of her ass, felt him throbbing inside of her, and when she orgasmed she felt him spurting into her as well, only increasing the potency of her own climax. The three would merrily continue like that for a while, Tlech feeling him fill her several more times while cumming again at least once per load she surrendered, Rompra occasionally crying out in orgasm as well from Tlech's hands on her breasts and Ab's tongue in her pussy. She often reached down and rubbed the other goblin's clit while she rode Ab as well, and sucked on Tlech's breasts and drank of her milk throughout the rest of their session.

Eventually, however, Ab's hand on her ass would begin to push up, trying to get her off of him after her pussy forced a particularly big nut out of him, and feeling him try to squirm out from under them Rompra would aid him in dislodging Tlech. She gently pushed the pudgy goblin down onto her back and dove between her legs, eating the thick seed out of her pussy and rapidly bringing Tlech the rest of the way to one last powerful orgasm. She shared the bounty too, crawling over Tlech and kissing her fully on the mouth and oozing the mix of Ab's jellylike semen and her honey into their kiss.

The urge for Shenk's cum, suppressed by the long fucking, already began to rebuild itself, but physical exhaustion was a lot stronger by that point. Rompra would get her clothes back on and leave, while Ab lumbered off to work, but she could rest there, or return to her own corner of the warren, whichever she preferred.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Fortunately for Tlech her partners didn't stay idle while she rode Ab. The male goblin bucked his hips up into her each time she bounced down on him, matching his pace to hers and ensuring that his thick cock hit deeply inside of her every time, every so often just barely kissing against her cervix and making her shudder in pleasure. Once Rompra had finished swallowing the last of the load of cum she had so generously been gifted she almost immediately leaned in the last little bit to take the tip of one of the chubby goblin's hefty breasts into her mouth, lips gently suckling on a stiff nipple, and as soon as she started Tlech felt that lovely sensation of milk squirting out of her. Though she hadn't had time to fill up as thoroughly as she had been when she was first awakened from her last summoning she still had a fair bit to give, which was lucky considering how very pleasing it was. Every so often she would pull one hand away from Rompra's chest, sometimes reaching to gently pull her head upward for a kiss (wherein she would discover that her milk really was quite tasty. Had her mother's been this good? She couldn't remember at all), sometimes giving whichever of her own orbs wasn't being touched a firm grope, causing milk to squirt onto Rompra and dribble down her stomach.

This time it took Ab a little bit longer to reach his orgasm, perhaps on account of his previous two, but whatever the case Tlech felt herself speeding towards her own climax as she rode him with enthusiasm. The whole experience could hardly compare to the pounding Shenk had given her earlier, but she was in no mood to compare at the moment and there was no way she could have complained, especially when Rompra reached down and began to rub her clit, sending jolts of pleasure running through her shaking body. It was the combination of all these feelings, of Ab's cock stuffing her pussy, Rompra sucking the milk straight from her heavy tits, the occasional teasing to her clit... they mingled to create something quite lovely. Suddenly she would feel the male goblin grip her ass tightly, squeezing down hard and pulling her onto his dick as deeply as he could, and with a throb his member began to spurt his goopy seed against her cervix, setting off her own orgasm. Still she didn't stop riding him, didn't even slow her motions, single-minded now in her pursuit of bliss. The pudgy goblin lost all track of time, caught up in the moment, even her body's longing for Shenk's cum pushed aside briefly.

The three of them carried on for some time, each getting their fair share of the pleasure. So much of Ab's warm cum gushed into Tlech that his cock pushed some of it back out, overflowing onto his lap with a lewd wet squelching sound each time her hips slapped against his. If she hadn't already been pregnant there was little chance that she would have avoided being knocked up now. They carried on for what could have been an hour or more, until Tlech had lost count of how many times she'd cum around Ab's dick, when finally he pumped one last huge load of seed into her and then tried to push her up and off of him. Even in her state the chubby goblin took the hint and tried to get up, though her legs were wobbly and weak from all that fucking. Rompra helped her in the end, helping to lift her and push her down onto the bedding, quickly kneeling in front of Tlech and beginning to lap up the product of all those orgasms, cleaning the jelly-like cum off of her and then delving in as deeply as she could with her tongue. It was enough to give Tlech one last climax, a really good one too, and her back arched off the ground as she cried out, her thick thighs briefly squeezing in against Rompra's head to hold her in place before she went limp.

Tlech's soul had replenished itself fully over the course of this long session, but now she was physically spent, barely having the energy to return Rompra's parting kiss, drinking down the last dribble's of Ab's cum she had been gifted. Ab apparently had work, so he wandered off before the two women. With a parting wave Rompra would get up, dress, and walk out, leaving Tlech alone... Normally she would have been asleep by this time already, and she was even more tired than usual thanks to all the physical exertion she had gone through in the last day or so... she just didn't feel like moving. She would lay there on Ab's bed, sprawled out on her back, and slowly drift off to sleep, not thinking about what might happen when he came back, or worse if she overslept for her next shift and there was no one there to wake her up.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Tlech would awaken alone, Ab still gone and no one having wandered into his warren to awaken her. It was impossible to tell the exact time, but what had really awakened her was an almost painful craving for cum.... For Shenk's cum, her body burning up with need that was almost uncontrollable, the addiction she'd taken having taken full hold. Whether she wanted to resist that need or not, she had other problems to worry about as well, like the time of her next work shift and the child growing in her stomach seeming like it would be coming forth soon, if not today then tomorrow.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech woke up some time later, she knew not how much later, with a few pressing concerns. First off... how long had she slept? Without any clue and with no one around to give her an idea she could only hope that she hadn't overslept badly, that she wasn't late for her next shift. Second... she had awoken in a cold sweat. Her belly was rumbling, groaning out for a load or two of Shenk's cum! It didn't hurt just yet, her craving hadn't developed into withdrawal, but still she didn't think she would be able to resist this time... If she had time to curl up in her room and suffer through it she could possibly keep herself from going to the demon, but if it really hit her during a shift there was no way she could continue working, and if she so much as caught a glance of him she knew that she couldn't possibly resist.

When she tried to get up, though, she realized that something else had happened during her sleep. Her belly was big, much bigger than normal, smooth and rounded with her baby. The goblin slowly got up to a sitting position, gently rubbing her green skin, pulled taut over her baby bump. She wished she were in a position to enjoy it. She got up, wobbling slightly, and waddled over to her dress, trying to put it on... whether it would still fit was a question for sure. If not she would just carry it under her arm, either way stopping by her own den, popping her head in to drop off her dress if necessary and see if either of her roommates were there to tell her about what time it was. If she had time she would try to stay there... if not she would make her way to the site of her next shift and try to muddle through it as best as she could, though her odds didn't seem great.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Despite her enlarged bump, Tlech's dress would fit on her, and after finding her own warren empty the goblin would sluggishly wander to her next assignment. She would blessedly not run into Shenk along the way. She was on the surface today, helping with the construction of an addition to the fortress, and thankfully Shenk wouldn't be her overseer either. It was Gorruk this time, the one who had whipped her, who quirked an eyebrow at Tlech as she reported for work early. "Learned yer lesson eh? Guess you don't want another taste of my whip... Lets see if you can avoid earning one," he said, before pointing with his curled up weapon towards the crew of goblins working to put stones in place, "get to work!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Thankfully Tlech's dress still fit, though it was a little bit of a stretch over her stomach now, and no one was home unfortunately. She needed to yell at Irving for getting her into this predicament in the first place anyway. Or maybe play a return trick on her... Today's shift was outside, helping to build up part of the fortress, which was both good and bad. It didn't have the hopeless feeling that cleaning did, but on the other hand there was a bit of physical exertion to the work. The pudgy goblin had always tried to look at it as helping her train her body to eventually be summoned, though odds were it likely wasn't helpful. She didn't stumble across Shenk at any point, nor was he at the work site... instead it was Gorruk, and her eye twitched just a little bit. This was going to be a difficult shift as her cravings got worse and worse, and he wasn't exactly the understanding type, nor could he solve the problem. She had apparently showed up early, though, so at least she wasn't going to get a whipping for tardiness this time. "Yessir" she replied meekly, fixing her gaze on the ground in front of her as she walked over to the group of workers, really dreading these next few hours.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The next few hours would, unsurprisingly, pass in near agony. Her body was exhausting after everything she'd been through, and the pangs of need for Shenk's seed - and soon of conventional physical hunger - didn't abate. They only got worse, and the labor today was much harder than yesterday's, requiring a lot of lifting, carrying, and holding things while a demon lazily sealed mortar together. By the time it was over the goblin could barely keep on her feet, and Tlech was left craving Shenk's cum harder than she ever had before, though the need for normal food and her pure exhaustion helped abate it somewhat.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech's shift was sheer torture, an agonizing pain growing in her belly as her craving for Shenk's addictive seed increased. To add insult to injury she was even getting hungry, having not had time to eat for a very long time. To make matters worse still the job was harder than she remembered it being while heavily pregnant, all the lifting and carrying of heavy stones. She barely managed to get through it, stumbling around weakly on quivering legs. By the time the shift was over she was soaking with sweat, and not just because of the strenuous work... Still, she had done far better than she had expected to just by virtue of not curling up into a ball, and she had avoided the whip to boot. Now, though, she had to decide what to do... though the obvious first order of business was to get some food. Shenk probably wouldn't allow her time to eat if she went to him first, and she certainly didn't want to starve herself any more than she already had. Just a few quick worms to munch down before she sought out the demon... Much as she wanted to avoid doing so, the pain was getting to be too much, the cravings too strong. Perhaps she could be persuaded to hold out again at lunch, though. And of course, it was also possible that she wouldn't be able to get up from the table once she sat down.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Heading to the cafeteria where lesser demons congregated, Tlech wouldn't spot the demon overseer she was craving to see despite herself. The cook would greet her with his customary grin and offer a plate of her favorite - mashed worms - but her apparent impatience and request for just a handful of worms caused him to look a bit worried. Tyduk was there, the shady goblin looking intently at something that he was hiding with his shadow and one arm, and didn't seem to take much notice of Tlech at first, though when the cook started asking after her wellbeing she he looked up. In the meantime, she would start to feel the first pull of a summon request as well, a fairly casual call for aid from someone that she hadn't been summoned by before.