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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Okay then we should seek shelter till harvest is over and I know just the place. Come one Riley Ill give ya a lift." Picking up the show girl in her arms Jenny would fly them back to the main building trying to avoid all the puppets as she landed. "What do you think about spending time in the nature class Riley?" If she didn't mind Jenny would lead her there and read the book Riley had been browsing in the dorm. Especially if sense it mentioned prayers and actions.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girls would soon enough arrive at the back entrance, Riley giving particualry long glances to the theatre mid-flight and upon arrival "Alright, let's go." she looked to Jenny and gave a half-hearted smile, fortunately... or not. Not even a single puppet was in sight as the girls went through the mess hall and into the nature class.

Upon entry Riley took a deep breath and sighed with relief, indeed the air here was easily the freshest and most relaxing off all the complex "Ha~~" she grinned genuinely "It's been ages since I've been here!" with a twirl the girls clothes slowly disappeared as she got into the spring water running all around.

It was all clear, just some birds chirped around. The girls were back in the nature faculty. In the distance Jenny could see the overgrowth of lush vegetation to her right, the cafeteria with quite a few useable tables and chairs there. While Riley relaxed in the water, her upper body only visible, and Sir went near the rocks to sort and clean up their backpack.

The party is resting. Can spend xp
HP regenerated. According EP regenerated
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at Riley who cleaned herself in the spring she would have to join her in a little bit but first. "Sir can I see the book Riley tossed to you?" Grabbing the offered tome Jenny made herself comfortable and began to read a little trying to find the passage Riley had been reading. All the while she let her mind relax and occasionally reflect on all that had been going on.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The book was another journal of one of the professor in the Academy, one Charles Nosus. Unlike the last one it didn't have particulary obsesed or disturbing notes. Seemed this man used to be the nature magic expert, likely a druid, though he never refered to himself as one. Quite a few pages were dedicated to a certain Diety, Naya. In fact, in one of such pages a particulary interesting phrase was written out, though not the same... but of the same nature.

"It's always wonderful to hear students, take interest and note of my teachings, especially those related to our dear goddess. Though it seems the Star Gods teachings have very deep roots in their hearts. How many times was I asked to tell the prayer of Naya, how many of our dear students tried to improvise it on the spot when asked. Someday I'll meet a student that answers by heart, not by their brain or books. The greatest way to worship nature, my dear students... nurture and take of it, respect and love it. Naya asks nothing more.

Unfortunately the entries detailing, something about 4 students that seemed to have been written in great detail and the entry about her fathers judgement were illegitable. Though one more entry of interest caught Jennys gaze:

"I've met with Einhart today again. Why does the grass cry beneath his feet and my flowers cover from his gaze? Does demonology change a man so much? Him and Rinker have caught the councils attention, while we struggle to find proof there is something deeply worrysome going on with those two. I just hope we find out, before it is too late."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had lived most of her life as a shepard working day in and day out with animals and until recently was familiar with every blade of grass of her home. Her home... it brought warm memories but in this place they where also bitter. She had been so naive back then and it was hard to believe it was only about three weeks ago. Three soul wrenching life changing weeks.... but they where not all bad. She had met very good people seen many wondrous things and those she would have to hold on to. Closing the book and setting it down Jenny released all her shape-shifting taking on her true form. She was as beautiful as a angel stained with the sin of a succubus. It was who she and what she was. She was no demon and definitely not an angel. Stripping out of her cloths Jenny made her way to the nature guardian.

"Guardian I come before you naked and as unarmed as a baby fresh from its mothers womb. Looking into my heart and see if I have lived the prayer of Naya and Janice. How may I serve?"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley looked on to whatever the heck was Jenny doing, but refrained from questioning it. The heroine had a spark in her eyes, that was best not disturbed.

Jenny soon approached the overgrowth once more and spoke out. Getting quite a few curious looks from her companions, but utter silence from whom she adressed as the thick wines remained immobile.

The succubus stood her ground briefly, when finally a answer came. The roots and wines blocking the way slowly reeled back and opene a small path for the heroine to enter.

"I... remember you, little one." the ground itself seemingly shifted and trembled as the tree husk lightly shook from his seat, his booming and seemingly ancient voice echoed around the small overgrowth. Jenny was allowed entry, the field of beautiful flowers before her once more "What is it..... you seek of me?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The guardian was as awe inspiring as ever and no doubt Sir probably had fainted and Riley was no doubt grading her performance. "Guardian I will not lie to you. I seek help in the rescue of my sister. It is the primary desire burning in my heart."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well thankfully her companions stayed behind, with only Riley looking over from the pool at her and was slowly getting out. Though Jenny could only spare a glance back as the natures guardian looked over her, hearing out her plea.

The tree hulk took a very slow and deep breath before he spoke again "Yes... you will find her. She is... safe." the gaurdian slowly raised his hand that seemed to have become part with the scenery over time, numerous small birds flew away and onto his shoulder instead "But... a one track mind... will harm others." he slowly turned up his palm, dirt falling from all over it as the wood crackled loudly and opened it up instantly summoning a tear, large enough to see through.

In that tear Jenny could see Kings Landing... aflame? The town was enshrouded in darkness, with not even several bonfires on the streets able to clear it "Have you never given thought... why your sister... is still gone?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the destruction and darkness surrounding King's Landing. "I know she's trying to prevent something..... I just don't know what....." Was this image what Lina was trying to stop or was it something happening already. "She needs my help guardian she will die if I don't get to her.. I just know it." What else could Jenny say she didn't want anyone else to suffer. "Is that happening now.....?" Fear raced threw Jenny. Poor Nico and the girls, Mistey Reicarn, Ezalor, Grace... they just had to be safe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The natures gaurdian slowly closed his grasp "No... not yet... but it will. Your quest will... bring forth the dark. The soil will cry and the sky... will bleed." the tree hulk slowly moved his other hand "But... what you cause... I see you can stop."

The whole overgrowth churned as the massive hand neared Jenny "This... is my last gift, I can give..." the tree hulk slowly opened his other hand only for a cristal to light up the surroudings in light green light, before subsiding and spining in place, brimming with power "Naya's gift, it can heal... your city. I trust you will use it... when the time is right."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took the gift gingerly. "Is their anyway I can repay you kindness guardian?" Jenny looked up at the ancient entity feeling dread at his statement of this being the final gift he could give. It would be a shame if the guardian passed leaving this sanctuary to fall into ruin.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The old husk huffed breathly before leaning against the wall her rested at before. The cristal was exceptionalyl warm to the touch and shined brightly as if the sun "Yes... do not stray from your ways... little shepherd... and do not give up... hope... Let my last gift... restore the light.. in the dark." with that the guardian ceased moving as a warm wind seemingly out of nowhere blew across the fields raising numerous white petals into the air and out the overgrowth, snowing the white petals as if rain for quite some time, the wind escaping the academy.

The guardian. Was no more.

Jenny completed a sidequest:
6xp gained
The Gift of Naya(?) gained!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny placed a hand on the remains of the guardian as a tear rolled down her cheek. Looking about she tried to find a seed or something to plant once this trial had ended. Looking back at the now silent guardian Jenny went back to her cloths and dressed herself placing the orb in Sir's bag for safe keeping. "We should go... with out the guardian Im not sure.. this place will be safe anymore."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking around Jenny did take notice of one small seed near the statue of the godess. Whether she took it or not was all up to her.

As Jenny walked out she noticed that one of the mysteries books was laid open
on the tables in the cafeteria with Riley looking up to the raining petals in bewilderment, her fancy clothing back on her.

Riley looked to Jenny curiously "Guardian? And where to?" the showgirl looked up to the sky, it was slowly getting distorted "We don't have time to go to Alice." a shiver ran down her spine "The only truly safe place we can go to now. Would be back to theatre..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny Grabbed the seed and held it dearly. "Ill find you a home little one I swear." Heading out Jenny saw Riley looking at the falling petals with wonder in her eyes. It was a beautiful sight despite the reason it happened. Slipping into her borrowed amazon warrior costume Jenny made ready to go taking note of the book on the table before answering Riley. "Well if you say so their is this one room I found I think it belonged to the head master. It was completely empty." Looking back at the book Jenny looked at Riley. "Hey Riley can you teach me how to read this gobbly gook?" Jenny pointed to the arcane writing that lay before her and had been a hindrance for much of this adventure.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley snickered warmly before approaching the book and flipping a page to reveal proper readable text, then back to the absolute gibberish "You mean you want me to teach you how to read the arcane... but~" the girl gently tapped the gibberish page "This is not arcane writing. It's a cypher. A cypher, professor Trian was working to crack."

"The Grandmasters chambers?! I'm not sure we're allowed to enter there." the showgirl looked down thoughtfully "But... maybe he won't mind." Riley smiled warmly as suddenly the bells of the academy rang out loudly! Dusk slowly started to fall on the academy as the wind outside started to pick up! It was time!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny knew she could enter the question was if it was still open. Grabbing up things rather quickly Jenny rushed out of the Nature area and down into the hall to see if the portal was still open. If not she would need a place to hid before the reaper showed its face once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The trio quickly dashed out the nature faculty, as the bell rang for the sixth time as the chorus of torment echoed out loudly around them, temporally ending all life or unlife in the academy, the reapers would come soon.

"Aaaah~!!" suddenly Riley stopped in place, seemingly in pain! Jenny quickly glanced back, noting numerous shadows around the girl becoming blacker and blacker till clear figures formed from them and moved forward. Featureless, only 2 bright yellow eyes glowing brightly... and clear talons on their hands.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's response was immediate and fast as lighting. Her rifle was up and at the ready aimed between two of the yellow eyes. Not hesitating one moment Jenny fired her aim true...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Dark ones always instagibed

Jenny disperses a dark one

Jenny shot rang out as the bullet pierced the creature and dispersed the gathered shadows. Unfortunately dozens more were slowly forming out of the walls and all around them.

"I can't---" with that Riley fainted on the spot, her top hat rolling off her body! Be it fortunate or not the way downstairs was still clear of the shadowy figures, though the only options were to leave Riley and leg it, or take her along and slow her escape putting both of them at risk.

The bells rang out for the 7-th time.