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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny beat her wings franticly to try and escape from the thing grabbing her. She had no desire to be rapped by a mass of grabbers.


Attempt to escape grapple
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attempts to escape the grapple:
44 vs 57 yikes... failed
Jenny is coiled up real good~

Aphrodisiac deals 8 damage.
Spread em Jenny, you're a horny girl now... [Jenny gains aroused -> horny!]

Jenny flapped her wings with all her might, but the tentacles hold was far too strong as it suddenly yanked her down forcefully catching and suspending the girl mid-air

Jenny squirmed strongly against the tendrils, who were working their hardest to force the girls legs open. The heroine wasn't naive she knew what the creature wanted and it was relentless in it's pursuit.

Still with the girl fighting back the creature she inadvertadly got absolutely soaked in the slime that covered it heating her body more and more, making her mind go fuzzier and fuzzier. Making her hotter and hotter... till the girl just panted hotly and looked around at the numerous cock like tentacles around her. So many shapes and sizes... she wanted, no, neeed to try them all...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's lust finally boiled over reducing the girl to a willing fuck puppet of the tentacles. Still driven by her lust Jenny forgot all about her self control and drained as she pleased from her captors. Spreading her legs wide and offering up her ass Jenny grabbed a tenticock in each hand and found a willing one for her mouth. Her succubus would feast at her souls expense no doubt the creatures corruption would taint her further.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Since Jenny is helpless and bound, for story purposes bypassing most of the rolls.
Jenny can drain the creatures. Expect RP concequences due to invader soul essence.

Jenny gains 23 corruption! [/2]
A willing and very eager sex toy. Soon Jennys legs gave way were forced open, revealing her soaked sex to the creature. The girls faced was flushed with embarassment, her mind craving with only the thoughts of sweet, sweet sex she'll be subjected to. The creature extended one of its large tendrils and smacked it against the girls sex to a satisfying wet echo. Soon it would grind it for a brief moment and bury itself into the girls pussy, going much too far even causing Jenny some pain.

The drugged girl reached out to one of the numerous tentacles only to feel her strappings tighten, for now the creature would have its meal the way IT wanted, without the girls initiative. Soon Jennys glowing skin would reveal two more of the foul creatures approach her, their tendrils shooting out, all too eager to join in on the fun.

A few thin tendrils quickly slid about her waist, coiling around the girls cups and squezzing down hard making Jennys nipples truly pop, which were soon approached to evry thin and incredibly soft tentacles that teased and tickled them.

Jenny wasn't silence for a very brief amount of time, she wasn't sure but perhaps the creature enjoyed the sounds of it's pray moaning and screaming in ecstasy. Still soon another tentacle would wiggle it's way to Jennys lips, not even asking for permission as it slipped it. Forcing Jenny to taste the foul substance the creature was coated in, it had very foul and bittersweet taste to it. But ever the eager cocksucker Jenny wrapped her lips tightly around the creature and sucked it off. Numerous more tentacles having plans for her...
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't fight them in fact she welcomed their dominance at lest for now anyway. Letting the creatures violate her to their content Jenny drained what essence she could after all she was a succubus and this pitiful things where no match for in the pleasure department. Even as the tendril wrapped around her breasts squizing them hard and painfully her supernaturally soft skin only hastened their own eruptions of cum. Her body glowing gave the foul things enough light to see her absolutly stunning body being ravaged by them. Her body knew of sex all to well even if it was instinctual knowledge it was more than a match that this things could muster. All her holes offered their own reward her mouth had a twisty tongue that messaged any invader that dared enter and her tight confines of her ass and pussy would never lose their tightness. In truth she was a predator that fed on sex and these things would soon find themselves in trouble.

Don't forget corruption rolls Jenny is still subject to them untill she gains two more mutations unless this guys have the corruptive trait
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gains 46 corruption
The creatures didn't even know what hit them... Jennys dominance in sex even if it was forced on her overwhelmed the rapist tentacle beast. While usually one to toy around with it's pray making it squirm and have orgasm after orgasm in it's slimy embrace, it just flatout could hold itself back from Jenny.

Soon the tentacles fucking her pussy and deepthroating her would engorge and explode violently in her continiously spraying its contents into her! However this was the moment it was most vulnerable Jennys eyes ignited as she felt a good grip of the creatures essence and tore ALL of it away and into her.

Mere moment later the creature would fall lifeless. Nothing more than a husk. However it's essence was likely the most sick and foul thing Jenny ever felt inside her. Thankfully it soon passed as her succubus side purged and devourered the vestiges of whatever soul was trapped in that thing.

Though Jenny wouldn't reach the ground quite yet as another of the grabbers wanted its turn, oblivious to the fate that befell his friend. As the old tentacles lifelessly slid off her new ones took their place flipping the girl to face the ground, arching her ass up. It was it's target. A few thin tentacles slapped the girls perfectly round cheeks, before an oddly shaped tentacle approached her. This one didn't have the form of a human cock. It was like a row of circles atleast 6 of them forming up the ending.

Before Jenny could wander what was up with the form she felt its slimmy tip press against her as the ball slowly strecthed her out and pop in. Sending a shivers through the girl, once the first one was in the others were more rapidly entering her sending the same feel to her. Each ball stetching her out before satisfyingly popping out.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was an interesting sensation in its own right but given her situation the creature mindless or not would soon find a similar fate to its kin. But it seemed the thing wanted some interesting fun on its own. Thats okay Jenny would get her hands on its essence soon enough. In fact her moans enticed the creature to penetrate her and ravage her more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Corruption maxed out!
Jenny gains a mutation!

Jenny drains the grabber dry. Soul corruption lvl1 gained.
Jenny gains weakened.
Jenny is stunned for 1 round
Jennys corruption gain set to 200%

Jenny orgasms once more.
Jenny gains 50 corruption.

Well the creature sure was treating her to an odd sensation... her loud moans echoing throughout as some tentacles sneaked up from behind her and firmly attached themesleves to her nipples nibbling and sucking down on her.

In her feeding and sensual frenzy Jenny didn't even notice just how much her body reveled in this as she peaked at her orgasm, leaving one for each creature. Though she did sense something were pleasing when during her peak, the object in her ass was actually part of the creature! And it was very much enjoying the sensation aswell... the girl once more grinned violently as she felt a good grip on whatever essence lingered in the grabber and violently tore it away from it.

The essence felt so vile, so nasty, but she couldn't stop herself... even as she felt her body weaken and the corruptive energies surge through her easier and easier, she couldn't help herself!

Before the creature even weakened its grip Jenny nudged towards the third one. What would this one treat her to?

The grabber wrapped it's tendrils around the girl, as Jenny licked her lips in anticipation. Even if she was not in her right set of mind, this was the most fun she had... in a long long while... only her nights with Nico being superior.

Unlike the others this one would this one would not keep her suspended instead it pulled the girl onto its body. It's slick surface welcoming the girl as he was firmly pushed against it. Wherever the girl touched the creature thousands upon thousands tiny tendrils tickled the girls body all eager to feel her soft skin. Her hands and legs restrained Jenny could only revel in the creatures warm, welcoming and tingling body.

The girls pussy was absolutely pulsing with desire! What was taking it! She needed to be fucked bad! Just to prolong the torture the creature released numerous tendrils all ending with small tendrils and moved closer to Jenny running them throughout her body, focusing on her clit, belly and breasts. It didn't fuck her, but this just had the girl in heat. All her nerves screamed out in ticklish bliss, as Jenny orgasmed on the creature once more, it did not relenting even for a moment!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was sensual torture maybe the one thing thing this beast could out do Jenny with. As the sensual bombardment continued Jenny orgasamsed her sex pulsing a sudden weakness began to over take Jenny. A spark of herself drifted threw the haze of lust. 'This is what Rosa wants. She wants me to be to weak to defend myself or to submit to my desires. I have... to .. I have to re re resist'. Unfortunately Jenny's body was unable to act upon her desires as her lust driven frenzy was far from over. Still something had clicked in her mind her control over her hunger had reasserted itself. No she would not drain this one dry but just enough to make it dormant for a good long while. She just needed to get it to feel her desires. Jenny did what she could with her body to coax the creature to finally penetrate her so she could surmount this obstacle and find a way to escape.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gains a mutation!
Horny counter doesn't diminish due to Jenny constantly covered in aphrodisiac... 5 rounds of sex to go.
Subconcious planning was one thing, acting upon it when your body is in absolute heat was something else entirely. Thought her subconcious musing were enough to cease the girls feast on the alien essence, the very thought of continueing to do just seemed utterly disgusting.

The creature held Jenny to an absolute fault, not even allowing a single squirm from her, as her body was continiously tickled by it's tingling surface. The two tentacles continued their ticklish assault some very thin, but sturdy tentacles coiling around the girls nipples and began tugging, as other tickled around ther nipple and throughout most of her breasts. It almost seemed like she was milked!

Whether Jenny wanted to or not, her expression was of utter bliss. The girls tongue out freely as her vission seemed to be keen on going black. She just needed to be fucked so bad! All this teasing was beginning to be too much.

Fortunately or not, soon a very hard appendage would form and grow, grinding against Jenny as it reached it full length. The new addition was unique in it's own right as it it's main form was obviously a cock, but it was absolutely covered by small circular beads. And Jenny got to feel each and every one of them grind against her folds alluringly and just stop and full length. Expecting a reaction it even freed up the girls lower body slightly allowing minimal girations and squirms.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt the surge of corruption enter her finding a hold in her soul. Instantly she felt something inside of her change and while it remained a mystery on how it would manifest Jenny new she was no longer completely human. Still the thing had made its play and Jenny would win. The creature had tormented her enough and now it was payback time. Feeling its strangely shaped rod Jenny ground herself against it knowing that once it felt her it would never be able to resist her. Unfortunately it only gave the girl enough room to gyrate against the object. It wouldn't matter sooner or latter the thing would penetrate her and its fight would be lost.


(Jenny has 12 mutations she is now supernatural and no longer gains corruption unless its from or by creatures with the Corruptive Mutation)
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No more corruption rolls.

Jenny eyed the rod with hazy vission and quickly got to grinding it against her folds, the bulbous form sending a foreign sensation, only after the thing was absolutely soaked by the girls juices would the tightenings strentghen once more pressing the girl against it's body HARD!

The cock like tendril would slowly submerge and turn! Finally it's tip was rammed against the girls pussy, Jennys eyes widened in anticipation was it that she would finally be able to suck her foe dry or was it her looking forward to the fucking. The tentacles caressing her nipples would lower themselves up and latch onto the girl sucking with crazy force, whether Jenny like it or not, her breasts gave way as the sensation of her breasts getting milked suddenly tore at her.

At the same moment she felt the rod ever so slowly enter her, nice and deep, but then suddenly stop?! Jenny wasn't sure what was going on at first, but then she noticed several circular shapes roll through the cock-like object! It wasn't looking for a fuck! It was looking to breed!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's eyes widened as her breasts where dry pumped of fluid that wasn't there. It hurt like hell but that only was a minor distraction as the first of many eggs made its way into her womb. At first it hurt as the foreign objects slide in. But after the first her body began to coax them in and the painful stretching turned into pleasureful moans as each egg was added to the others. It came slowly at first but an orgasm soon ripped threw the girl how was she getting off on this. Still more eggs entered and Jenny was lost to the sensation.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny is egged!
Eggs feast on Jennys EP. Due to the amount she drained fairly recently no Ep deducted yet.

Jenny eyed the objects roll through the rod, a mixture of fear and actual anticipation tearing her apart. Unopposed, Jenny could feel the object stretch her out and disappear into her. Only to be followed by another... and another.

The constant wiggling surface she was on, the sensation of the creatures eggs filling her and the painful thrill of getting milked was just too much as Jenny orgasmed during the whole ordeal!

Panting hotly Jenny felt the egging rod slowly slide out of her, it's job done. The constraits on her easied up and she felt herself get lifted of the warm, slick and ticklish body and onto some debris. With the girl placed on elevated ground the grabber disappeared, all too happy with the successful breeding attempt.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt sick to her stomach so much cum and aphrodisiac sending the girl into a frenzy of masturbation. It would last some time untill her body calmed enough on its own. Still if she did manage to make it uninterrupted Jenny would try to force the lumps in her out of her body. Using her shape shifting to the best of her ability. However it proved futile as she had no idea what she needed to change to rid herself of the eggs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

1 round of Egg prego passes
Eggs drain 10 EP!

Jenny attempts to masturbate to get rid of horny. Not cutting it!
Jenny is horny, weakened and egged!

The girl lied there breathing hotly post her breed session, still the aphrodisiac that she actually literally basked in was very much in effect making the girl lust to be fucked badly!

Jenny attempted to masturbate, but no matter skilled she was her body demanded to mate more!

In her haze Jenny recalled grabbers were on spider legs, but when she first landed here she heard footsteps! Perhaps down there she could get her fill...

The girls eyes shinned like that of a cats, her own glowing body providing some lighting. Indeed there was some activity down there! Numerous warped blindly walked on the ground floor. Jenny could easily get down there... or she could get creative in how to please herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As horny as she was Jenny utterly refused to go down there. She would suffer for awhile knowing that if she went down into that pit she would likly never get out well at lest not as she was now. The thought of joining the mindless horde repulsed her. Jenny waited letting the glow from her body subside no point in letting anything see her like this. It was a testament to her willpower that she could hold out hopefully it passed soon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny still has horny. This will not pass easily...
Eggs feast on Jennys EP! Jenny loses 10 EP!
1 more round to go.

Jenny flatout refused to go down there. The thought of becoming one of the skulking husks helping her willpower immensely, not allowing Jenny to jump down. The girl continious masturbated her skillful touch as exquisite as ever, but just not enough.

The girl moaned loudly on top of her debris throne, her tongue out and eyes glazed over. It was both frustrating, agonizing and so thrilling at the same time... still her will held firmly as the girls mind to stay up there no matter cost lingered. She just needed some way to make it go away.

Jennys eyes ignited red as she saw one of the warped approach the debris, once a fairly buff fisherman. Now a empty husk... a well hung empty husk. Invollunterily Jenny licked her lips at the sight.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As tempting as the well hung lust zombie was Jenny wasn't going to take the bait. It was torture thats for sure but she could do it and focused her thoughts on exactly what she was going to do to Rosa if she got the chance. Maybe a whip and some leather.... Jenny shook her head damn she was so horny even her revenge was horny. Still she felt something shift inside of her and her essence weakening something was going to happen and soon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Yay~ Jenny gave birth to 5 horrific spider-thing rapist babies~...
Jenny passes out from the 'motherly joy'
Horny fades

Jenny was put on a Succubus sealing collar.
Soul draining disabled.
Spirit powers disabled.
Magic disabled.
Succubus powers disabled.
At full power = DC 40.

Jenny is bound.

Jenny no longer has Soul sickness.
Weakened fades.
PC can spend mutations now.

Jenny continued to masturbate furiously, though for some reason feeling weaker and weaker as time went on. The girls fingers worked on her special spot relentlessly, when suddenly... she felt something push against them.

The girls eyes went wide as she felt something move in her, she covered her mouth in shock and eyed what was going on. Soon she felt her pussy open up as a much smaller grabber scittered out of her, soon to be joined by the others. The shell likely turned to goo and dripped out of the girls pussy. Seemed the creatures were very fast to form and fed on the girls essence to mature and grow.

They didn't spend much time with their 'mommy' and scittered away into the darkness a total of 5 spider-like creatures. The fairly terrifying sight was just too much to take as the girl felt dizzy and passed out on the ruble.

Jenny would soon wake, her skin providing some weak light. She was back in her cell. The circular stone room with a single light beaming down on her. Though the girl felt an extra addition to the chains that held her hands as she planted with a black collar, seemingly cloth or leather in it's appearance "Wakey wakey my little slut!" a harsh slap woke Jenny up from her daze! Rosa was right there with her, grinning like a preadtor with it's pray caught.
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