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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt her mind clear it was if day had pierced the fog in her mind. "LIKE HELL ROSA YA SLAVER BITCH!" Jenny struggled with her captors and decided to use him against his friend. Struggling she hoped the two holding onto her would hurt each other as Jenny tried to get a good kick to the balls of one of her captors. Jenny had come a long way sense her first day in the town and she held dealt with rapist scum before and she was going to do it again. Calling Rosa out had two possible outcomes one the girl would flee and the other anyone who heard would know what she truly was.

ATTACK: Grapple check unarmed damage against her attackers
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses unarmed grapple attack
60... vs 54 success!
Hood #2 takes 14 damage!

Hood #3 attempts submission:
63 vs 48 success
Jenny is in a submission hold!

Rosa uses stunning gaze once more!
43 vs 19 ... well there goes your lucky roll streak
Jennys is stunned for... 5 rounds :<

Jenny was no damsel in distress anymore, nor just a smoking doll for the creatures to play with! The girl was a heroine!

The girl strugled against the two demons, even the two of them having trouble to calm the girl. Though with them fumbling to get a proper grasp Jennys plan worked like a charm! The girl shoved one of the demons into his comrade with the heavy load on him, forcing him to fall to his knees and drop Jennys victim. While hurting the one of the grapplers in the process.

However since she exerted herself so much, the second demon got into good position and with her top still held by his friend, he had a much easier time to place the girl in a tight submission hold! Covering her mouth with his powerful clawed hands.

"You bufoons are worthless!" Rosa scoffed angrily "Looks like I'll have to whip your damn cocks off for this disgrace!" suddenly a familiar voice rang out nearby "JENNY! JENNY!" it was the sheriff! He actually heard the shot, but didn't quite catch glimpse of the demons yet.

"DAMNIT! Hold her still!" Rosa quickly grabbed Jennys restrained head and forced her to look into her burning red eyes!

Jenny could feel herself go numb and suddenly she lost control of her body, absolutely unable to move. The girl was at the mercy of the captors "Forcing me to exert myself like that... go! YOU!" Rosa pointed at one of her lackies "You stay and distract the sheriff." "Get killed here or face the masters wrath you incompotent bufoon!" Rosas eye twitched with agitation "Now stay and hold him here..."

Jenny didn't have a say in the following events... the kidnappers got to running with their two prizes. Nico was already unconcious, such a powerful girl seemingly helpless... how did this happen? Nevertheless. Jenny would hear a shot rang out from the alley behind them and one final shoutout "JENNY!!" before things went black...

Jenny would awake in a circular room her hands bound above her by sturdy chains. The room was completely dark except for some torchlight from above her and light from under a door infront of her. She was alone.

It seemed fairly damp and judging by the finely done stone walls she was likely in some dungeon either windowless or underground... well shit.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blinked her mind finally waking up. This was bad really really bad. Looking at her situation Jenny nearly gave up but a burning desire raged in her heart. She would not let this hold her back from saving her sister Rosa be damned. Looking up Jenny put her new gifts to work and shrank her body down to that of a small child. This should free her from the bindings as her wrists would be much smaller. If she was successful she would regain her full height and check the door to see if it was locked and to see if anyone was guarding her room.

Jenny pulls a Nysa!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Whoever bound her didn't account of Jenny obtaining this gift from Nico. Jenny shrank down, the cuffs slipping off her and then returned to her normal size. The girl had to wonder if she ever would get used to that...

Still, freed from her binding she was free to move around as she pleased... as if she wanted to stay in the damn room chamber longer than needed. The girl rapidly approached the door and tried to stealthily open it up... unfortunately, prisons and dungeons rarely keep their doors unlocked and open. This was no exception... the door was locked shut and seemed fairly sturdy. What will she do now?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed she managed to free herself for what the door was locked. Focusing a moment Jenny unfurled her wings to let them stretch out. Seeing her feathers Jenny got an idea. Plucking one of her sturdiest feathers and wincing from the pain she got herself down to the lock and tried to pick it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No Thief skill. Lockpicking with a feather as random heroine... nuh-uh

Jenny stuck her tongue out and got to picking the lock... the plan was solid, the way she approached it was excellent aswell. Except there was one problem, the girl had no clue how does one pick a lock, much less with a feather of all things.

The fidged for quite some time, she thought she almost had it, but almost doesn't cut it. The door would stay locked... Whatever Jenny chooses to do next soon she'd hear a pair of farily heavy footsteps echo from behind the door, likely something was passing by.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny retreated against the wall doing her best to avoid being seen from the doorway. Maybe she would get lucky and the foolish guard would try and check out the goods himself giving the girl a chance to ambush who ever entered.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

35 vs 44 Jenny hides
Jenny sneak attacks!
23 damage after armor!

The heaving footsteps would just pass on by, likely just a patrol checking the halls. Jenny sighed in slight disappointment, looks like she was stuck here for the time being.
Whatever she did was up to her, but after a while she'd hear ring near her door, someone was coming in! This was her chance!

Using her previous plan Jenny hugged the wall and waited, the door slowly creaking open as a hooded figure entered her chamber... Jenny eyes sharpened as she quickly lunged forward delivering a powerful kick right to the figures head! Sending the poor thing tumbling across the room!

The figure moaned in pain and looked up to Jenny it's face obscured by the cloak "WAIT WAIT! I just came here to talk! Please don't hit me!" it was more like a yelp than anything else... the hood slowly slid down to reveal a fairly normal looking girl Jenny hasn't seen around before.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wasted no time and quickly ran over and covered the woman's mouth. "Talk quick if you scream it will hurt. Im in no mood for slavers and their servants.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl spoke with a trembling voice "If I would've screamed I wouldn't try to talk..." tears of fear formed up in her eyes, but Jenny just felt something was off with this woman. Not quite sure what....

"Please don't hurt me. I was just sent here to see if you're awake, by the mistress Rosa commands." the girl hugged the wall keeping her distance "I'm just a servant, please..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny lowered her fist the girl was to pathetic to strike. "Well unlike your mistress I don't make a habit of beating the snot out of people and kidnapping them but I need to escape and if you are her servant I can't trust you not to rat me out. So you get to come along till I leave." Jenny got to her feat an eyed the girl something wasn't right about her. "Tell me where they keep weapons and where they are holding other prisoners I was brought here with a friend and I will not leave her behind if I can help it."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With Jenny finally easing up the girl relax a bit too "B-but there's demons here! It's dangerous!" the girl eyed Jeny with puppy dog eyes.

"I'll get severely punished if I help you. Please I won't tell anyone, I don't want to be whipped again. Not again..." the girl trembled at the thought.

Jenny had the upper hand here, she could force the girl to help her. Or just leave her be. The cloaked girl curled up and whimpered under her breath... oddly enough the dark seemed to shimmer around her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was a pitiful sight that broke Jenny's heart. "Come on get up" Jenny pulled the girl gently to her feet. "If you get punished for helping me then how big will you be punished if you let me escape? Either way you get punished so might as well help me. Im afraid of demons too but Im not going to let that stop me from getting out of here." Jenny looked at the girls cloak and grabbed a piece and ripped it forming a very primitive gag. "There now if I get caught you can claim I was forcing you to help me after all your gonna have a black eye from where I hit you anyway."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eased up on the girl, even offering her a hand up. "*sniff* Alright, I don't have a choice. It's this way..." the servant girl peeked out the door and looked both ways before nudging Jenny to follow her. Still that shimmer around her and that distinct sense of distrust lingered, but the girl did nothing to suspect foul play...

Still if Jenny followed her they'd soon arrive a fairly robust looking door. The servant girl would quickly unlock it and peek inside, ever so cautiously looking around. Was she not wanting to be seen for her or Jennys sake?

The girl turned to Jenny about to nudge her forward when her eyes went wide! She'd move a good 6 feet back from where they came and kneel down "He's coming! Oh no~! W-we have to hide inside!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got a bad feeling about this and quickly took a step back from the girl. She couldn't trust that woman something was up. Either way her fears would be confirmed for better or worse. Things weren't adding up at all if she was just a servant girl then how did she recover from Jenny's blow so easily. Her panic easing somewhat Jenny looked down at the woman. "Sorry" Jenny rushed out a kick in an attempt to knock her out hopefully she was right and the woman was up to no good."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attacks!... right at 19 armor [12 from FA; 7 From battlerobes]... The woman had Force armor!
Jenny deals no damage!

Rosa uses Greater Force Bolt!
25 base needs 20 to cast auto-success
55 vs 40 HIT!
Deals 25 damage!

Resistance check:
33 vs 31 close but no cigar Jenny is sent flying into the room!

Jenny let loose a kick at the woman, only feel it rebound away from her an invisible dome seemingly protecting the woman "I said GET INSIDE!" without the whimpering weak tone there was no mistaking it! It was ROSA! A liar and a shapeshifter a dangerous combination!

Rosa waved her hand powerfully sending out a bolt of energy right at Jenny knocking her off her feet and ricocheting off the door into the dark room! The fall was far longer for it to be on even elevation this was more like a pit! Jenny crashed down in the darkness. Numerous footsteps echoing around her... it was too dark to see, but no doubt she was in trouble!

"BITCH! You dare harm me!! She's all yours boys... I'll be back to pick her up later. Make sure she's a slobbering mess by then..." with that the door slammed shut a lock ringing throughout the roomy chamber. It was pitch black, but the footsteps continued to echo around Jenny.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny fell and landed ...."She's all yours boys".... Jenny quickly got to her feet manifesting her wings before pushing forward into the air there had to be a rafter or something she could wait on and recover from her injury's.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Even if there was Jenny was absolutely blinded by the dark. Still with her quick reaction she was atleast in the air, likely safe from whatever skulked the ground floor. Though she won't be able to fly forever, she needed vission. Badly... and Rosa seemed to have even removed the torches from the hallway enveloping even the exit in darkness.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny needed light and needed it badly. So intent on that thought she didn't notice her skin begin to glow shedding soft light around her letting her see her surroundings

Use shape-shifting to gain glowing skin
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gains glowing skin. Halved darkness penalty.
32 vs 26 sneak attack grapple success!
Whats that slick stuff on them? Aphrodisiac!
Jenny takes 10 resistance check! 8/18 left to horny...

Focused on some way to light up the area, as if she was a beacon of light! And with those thoughts the girls skin started emiting lightly, lighting up around two feet around her, but falling off heavily at distance. She still couldn't see what was down below her. Overall the pit seemed to be around 10 feet deep in total.

There wasn't much room but it was safer to stay afloat, she surely heard something down there moving... and there wasn't just one of them.

Before Jenny could plan what to do further something shot forth from the darkness! The heroine was far too late to react as numerous tentacles shot at her coiling around her arms and legs firmly. The tentacles were very wet to the touch obviously coated in some foreign goo, still the girl wasn't just going to get dragged down into the dark!

Jenny flapped her wings valiantly, but to no avail as ever so slowly she was brought down closer and closer... it was grabber! She shoud've felt fear, but something was amiss. Her the girl broke out in light sweat, her nipples began to harden,her pussy flushed with desire... Jenny was getting aroused?! But by what?!