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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Obviously Reincarn had never flown while holding another person and while it was true she was just learning to fly herself she could at lest say she had that on him. Counting that the blind juggernaut would try to sweep the location the sheriffs voice came from Jenny dodge up (3) with Reincarn. This would be quiet the war story to tell to bad she will have to swear the sheriff to secrecy.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny dodges up! [3]
Juggernaut swings left! [1]

Reincan takes the shot!
18 damage

Jenny flapped with her wings powerfully sending the duo upwards as the beast charged forward it's fist missing the heroes and crashing down onto the course leaving a crater!

This was perfect position for the sheriff to rain hell down upon the enemy! Taking aim the man fired, scoring a satifying hit at the creature! The frost enveloped the impact area, but was soon sunk under the corruptive fluid covering the juggernaut.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The creature was getting closer with each swing it would only be a matter of time before the beast got lucky and hit the girl. "This thing just won't die!" Jenny dodged left (1) hoping the beast would ignore the area he just swung at.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny darts left!
Juggernaut swings upwards.

Bulls-eye! Or Jugger-eye!
20 damage!
For someone who just recently gained the ability to fly, Jenny was saving both of the heroes lives with her darting through the air. It just felt so natural and quite frankly pleasant. But this was not a time for enjoyment...

The Juggernaut roared out to the heroes throwing a massive uppercut distorting the air greatly and almost making Jenny lose her balance in the air. Thankfully the girl darted left avoiding the likely fatal attack once more.

"Steady..." Reincan aimed down and let loose another shot right into the creatures eye, making it stumble back grabbing its head in pain. Obviously it was badly damaged, but a cornered beast is the most dangerous.

The opponent roared out once more, giving Jenny a less than pleasant view of it's maw "Almost there Jenny, gimme one more shot!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

One more she could do that she had to do that. Jenny tried to gain altitude giving Rei a near perfect shot. Hopefully the girls luck was still strong.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny dodges up [3]
Juggernaut slams left! [1]

Reincan takes the shot!
21 damage!
Fog Juggernaut collapses!
17 vs 40 fail...
Heroes win without a scratch on em.

Jenny eyed the creature carefully, thanks to it's bulging muscles it was actually easier to see the blows incoming. With a gust of wind the girl pierced the air upwards just as another straight punch crashed into the ground, scaring the firing range heavily.

"Kill it!" "Workin' on it!" Reincan once more had a clear shot! The sheriff paused a moment, making sure his shot would hit the creature where it's weakest... which seemed to be it's eyes. Aligning that perfect shot as the juggernaut looked up to it's pray. It was about lunge another attack when Rei's bullet caught it right when it moved to attack!

An earsplitting screech escaped the creature as it fumbled back, violently thrashing about sending debris and splitters all over the place. Thankfully not hitting either of the heroes. And with that final thrash the creature slowly fell to the floor lifeless. The ooze that covered it's body slowly evaporating into the air along with the juggernauts body.

Rei lowered frost and sighed with relief "Take us home Jenny..." the celebratory cheer would have to wait till after they made sure the town is safe. Once Jenny reached the town the fog would have disappeared, the days was theirs.
Survived the Fog part 2
Gained 7 xp
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny faltered a little in the air and decided it was best to land soon her wings while new had yet to build up any sort of endurance and this brutal exercise just about did her in. Landing Jenny quickly hid her wings before any of the towns folk saw and held her hands over her breasts. While the two hero's survived Jenny's shirt did not. "Umm Reincarn do you have a spare shirt I could wear until I can get back to my room?" While it was true that Jenny was embracing her succubus nature she was still conscious of being nearly topless in public and was blushing furiously as she asked her question.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The two landed on the shooting range the fog clearing up to some rays of sunshine and sounds of birds finally returning. Jenny covered herself up, her outfit all but ruined by herself and her wings. "Hm?" the sheriff chuckled lightly as he removed his overcoat and gently placed it on the heroines shoulders.

The man looked to the smoldering heep that was evaporating right infront of their eyes and bursted out laughting merrily, they actually did it. But wow was it close. He turned to the girl with a warm smile "Remember back when you came to my office with a damn ray?" he laughted out merrily and just smiled at Jenny. Actually he never realised just how strikingly beautiful she was...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the sheriff quizzically she obviously didn't find it as amusing as he did. "So.. I take it you never killed one before?" Jenny looked at the man awaiting his answer. "We should get back to whats left of your office. No doubt Mistey will be in freaking out if she finds it in ruins without you there.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Not this big... no..." he chuckled merrily, still in disbelief the crature was dead "And not without severe injuries." Reincan turned to Jenny "Aw~ hells bells. My office... better go inpsect the damage I guess." the sheriff ruffled his hair, seemingly guilty at what happened to it.

Still their walk would be without incident and soon they'd reach the town and the sheriffs office ruins. Those grenades and the juggernaut made double sure it would just be an unsalvageable mess.

"My office!" Reincan sighed lightly as he walked forward to inspect and see what he could. People only now started popping up, with Jennys intuition being right Mistey approaching rapidly in the distance.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well it was in a sorry state to begin with after all the smell was terrible." Jenny took a step back to let Mistey and Reicarn have their moment. "Think of it as a chance to build a better stronger office."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Maybe, but that was kinda the idea. Noone wanted to be thrown in the cell... it wasn't supposed to be a pleasant nights rest" he smiled at Jenny sighing at his office as he picked up some debris and threw it onto the pile "Ah well... hopefully my guns didn't suffer."

"REI~! REI~!" the man smiled warmly "I'm here, Mistey. I'm fine I promise--" the man got most of his breath knocked out as the elven girl tackled him to the floor some tears of joy running down her face "I was so worried! What were all those roars and then that explosion! And... and..." "shh~~" the man wrapped his hand around the girl comfortingly "It's alright, me and Jenny here got through perfectly fine. Come on, you know I hate to see you cry." he smiled warmly at her, wiping off a tear from the elven girls face gently.

Jenny couldn't help, but feel she was a third wheel here. Perhaps she should return later, likely there was some worried sick about her aswell...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and made her way to the inn and her room. Well that is if she managed to make it that close without being assaulted by her sisters or lurking bad guys. If she managed to get dressed she would make her way to the bar and show herself no doubt getting a scolding from Nico.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

32 vs 30 Jenny hears something
It would not be a sister ambush, nor a bad guy assault that would interupt Jennys travel to her room. Jenny was about to turn to the inn when she heard a faint scream from the alley behind the bar.

There was noone around, likely people stayed inside awhile longer just to be on the safe side. With Reincan occupied the girl was the only one left to investigate...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny dropped Reincarn's Jacket and dash towards the noise reloading frost on the move. She did not just fight some horrendous beast and save the town for someone to be taken on her watch. She was quite the sight her tattered shirt her breasts heaving with her run. Jenny rounded the corner to see what the disturbance was.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rosa uses stunning gaze!
34 vs 36 Jenny resists!

Jenny quickly ran to where she heard the commotion discarding her clothes and showing off her ripped body-suit, the girls breasts swaying aluringly in the open air. Reloading frost Jenny was prepared to fill some creatures full of her enchanted lead, but the sight she found would be much more interesting...

In the alley behind the bar there were 5 figures, 4 fairly large and 1 much more frail looking. All of them covered in brown hooded cloaks concealing whoever it was beaneath, well... there was one more figure there, a silver haired exceptional beauty, Nico!

Nico was rammed against the wall as one of the hooded figures, shook the girls body up and down. Some of it's cum already leaking down the wall, as it's grunts went in tandem with Nicos moans. This did not seem like consensual sex at all! Not to mention the place was a mess, black splooge covered the area. The festivities were going stong for quite some time.

"Ah~ Just who we were looking for." the frail looking figure turned to Jenny and removed her hood. It was ROSA! But now she had raven black hair and light blue skin with bright red eyes, the girl was a full-demon! Before Jenny could realise it the demonic girls eyes beamed bright red!

Jenny felt wobbly, almost losing control of her body, but she found her footing! Shaking off whatever magic assaulted her, Jenny had likely atleast 4 opponents infront of her... one being pre-occupied. Though besides the magic they didn't do anything hostile, then again once they do turn hostile it might be too late.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was no play on words just a simple aim and squeeze. One would think Jenny would have shot Rosa down but if it was one thing for sure Jenny hated it was rape. Sadly the rapist would get the first shot and if that didn't drop the raspiest the second one would. Not to mention with the still air shots would sound far drawing help.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys shoots for a free hit:
25 damage!

Rosa uses charm:
38 vs 34 success
Jenny is CHARMED!
Jenny loses Frost!
Jenny quickly raised her weapon and shot at the creature raping Nico. Hitting it dead on though not enough to flatout kill it.

The hooded creature fumbled to the side letting Nico slide down the wall exhausted and panting hotly. Jenny could now clearly see the elder succubus had some collar placed on her, her expression rather empty at the moment...

"WHAT THE FUCK! FUCK!" the creature grabbed its shoulder as frost covered the cloak, be it for better or worse, seemed the blood from the wound froze up aswell. Effectively making a bloody icecicle around the impact area.

Rosa non-chalantly looked to her ally and sighed "Give me the gun Jenny." the womans voice seemingly got distorted as Jenny felt herself get woozy, unable to concentrate "Ofcourse Rosa. Here you go..." Jenny extended her hand and gave away her weapon to her friend "Quick, before someone shows up pack these whores. Think we're all in for quite the reward for this..." Rosa smirked lightly.

If Jenny did not fight back she'd soon be bound and blinded by the two goons, but it was her friend Rosa. Why would she resist?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sure Rosa was her friend but the people with her were not and they had been raping Nico. Jenny dropped frost unable to hurt Rosa but launched herself right at the person who was raping Nico the thing would pay. It was already wounded so it shouldn't take much to knock it down.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny beats the shit out of hood#1
Deals 15 damage.
She actually beats him up... perfect 40 damage done...
Hood#1 collapses unconcious.

Restrain her dammnit!
Hood #2 attempts grapple
41 vs 40 barely... but manages to
Hood #3 helps out
48 vs 40 success
Hood #4 grabs his comrade and Nico
Rosa facepalms...

If Jenny doesn't buy Rosas speech:
35 vs 29 Jenny breaks charm

While Rosa was her friend, the men behind here raped Nico! The girl gritted her teeth and clenched her fists running past the succubus and onto the man she shot. Aiming her attacks at the wound, hopefully the bastard gets cut up by the ice aswell!

Seemed Jenny had a very deep hatred for rapists as her punches empowered by her succubus gift packed quite the wallop. Soon the demon under the hood was unconcious and likely Jenny would've ended it's miserable life, if not for his friends restraining her.

Rosa sighed in annoyance as she looked out to the street, that shot could prove to be trouble "Jenny, dear. You almost killed that man, are you a murderer, please allow your friend Rosa to take care of you..."