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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

What happens if threads end up in the same town? Will they constantly pass one another? Or does one thread take a trip into Alt-World for a bit?

Also Tass something came up RL I may be unable to post anything as I can't time to stay at the computer for longer then 20minutes. I'll try t post something by wendsday the latest but, consider me a ghost till the 7th.
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

PCs in the same area can join up, make cameos, affect one another without knowing, or completely ignore one another depending on what's happening in the story.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

PCs in the same area can join up, make cameos, affect one another without knowing, or completely ignore one another depending on what's happening in the story.

Lol. Okay well that is going to be weird for anyone seeing Tori.

Also Tass edited last message with something.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Since pulling interest from Hope's PF dorf game due to scheduling and playing Styx: Master of Shadows I've working on a new character; , goblin thief and assassin, looking to cut a chunk out of Acheron for himself. If he does garner any interest from anyone I will say that I'm not really looking for smut with Krenn. He's more of a snatching and murdering kind of character.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

If Xetal has her way, she should be popping up on some of the other character's radar. Probably. Maybe.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Contributing to the world at large and interacting with other murderhobos is difficult. Easier to grab whatever waifus your PC might have and become a hermit instead.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Unless there is an Immortality Potion/Ritual out there Tori will need to murderhobo herself every few centuries unless she nabs a Demon/Angel/Fae.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

If mythology has taught me anything, it's that you should hang around volcanoes and the moon if you're looking for immortality pills/potions. Just don't take too many or you'll float off into space only to find yourself stranded on some other planet with a rabbit making mochi and a deranged lumberjack.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Or cut off your penis.

*Tori shapeshifts a penis*
*lops it off*
"sprouts tentacles and goes off to molest people and sex everything.*

Slimes don't really have an option to not fuck things in a permanant fashion.

I haven't even read of a volcano in DG unless its in Demon lands. Slimes don't hold up well in demon lands.

Unless I nab an gray ship I doubt I'd be visiting the moon. Still Gray's are bad for slimes too.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Unless trying to slowly carve out a kingdom by taking over towns is considered being a hermit, I'm thinking Xetal will come to some attention.

By the way, when/how do you earn experience? Do you have to beat people up?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

It's basically gm discretion when you do. And yeah you'll get attention. From the inquisition. There's a reason that despite how divided and messed up Badaria is that no supernatural megaforce has been able to take more than a small section of it.

Or to put it lightly, if the queen of all demons only holds one city and surrounding area, there probably is a reason for it.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

By the way, when/how do you earn experience? Do you have to beat people up?

When the GM says so. Beating people up is one way, usually any sort of conflict resolution will grant EXP.

It's basically gm discretion when you do. And yeah you'll get attention. From the inquisition. There's a reason that despite how divided and messed up Badaria is that no supernatural megaforce has been able to take more than a small section of it.

Or to put it lightly, if the queen of all demons only holds one city and surrounding area, there probably is a reason for it.

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I have a bad feeling...

If Xetal escapes such a thing, she's just going to try again. Living Slimes are immortal, right? Barring violence or disease or whathave you

Can someone point me to the lore about Badaria that discusses such a thing happening?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Slimes, and supernatural things in general, are immune to disease.

The Inquisition hasn't gotten a big post discussing it yet, but I mention their headquarters in the organizations/mercenary groups post in the lore thread, and its been discussed a few times in various threads.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Do Slimes have a history or are they too independent/mindless to have one?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Don't quote me but most of the time I've only seen the slimes in relation to the Aliens. They might be an offshoot of them?

The Inquisition have popped up a good bit since Badaria seems to be the most popular of settings, probably cus yay prudishness to get screwed out of.

Essentially the Inquisition was built by the undead ruler of Badaria under the banner of the star god. It's overall goal is basically an enforcement of the xenophobic nature of Badaria, persecuting mutants, spirit users, and non humans. Somewhat hypocritically they often were spirit users themselves, many having been brainwashed using Psionic spirit powers or old fashioned methods alike.

They were powerful, cruel, and zealous, and generally feared, a secret police force essentially. While the actual warfare arm of Badaria was more the realm of their riflemen and warmages and necromancers, the Inquisition held sway over more internal matters.

When the Invasion came though, the Inquistion was scattered and smashed like much of Badaria itself. It's HQ and the capitol in general became an alien fuck pit, and without any central leadership the inquisitions survivors have from what I can gather reverted to wandering vigilantism, or forming independent headquarters in the few surviving major settlements. They aren't the same force they once were, but individually they are still very dangerous and no less capable of throwing their authority, though they now have to balance that risk with their fewer numbers and resources.

A small band of inquisitors is a significant threat to any non human character, not just because of their individual skills, which are often significant, but because in all but the cities, they can exert absolute authority and supercede leadership, rallying militias, and soldiers and the like. It'd take a noble to really tell them no, and none of them will do that straight out.

The Inquisition is just one threat to a conquering supernatural force, but it's not an ignorable one.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

The Inquisition. No-one expects it.

Also dammit Hafnom.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Demonic Lore has Slimes in there too.

Generally Living Slime just sorta 'happen' when a bunch of magic is in one place. Living Slime and regular Slime are technically the same just the lack of sentience causes the difference.

Don't qoute me for anything past the 'they appeared' bit.