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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That's specifically why. Combat before was generally pretty much static, you'd either get mopped or be invulnerable depending. This was especially troublesome with bosses because unless they were played not even close to their capabilities, they'd just mop people. The change was done to make combat more swingy thus giving less binary results. It's much harder to dodge all the things or have ridiculous buffs matter AS much.

I guarantee there's still methods to be silly strong but it should give a ghost of a chance rather than just, none.

Tl;Dr, switch to fist full of d10's was to avoid the plain invulnerability static numbers can bring. You can stack the odds, but you're likely still going to fail some of the time.

Or if you're like me, even more often than usual.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Oh man.

Gotta play in a group thread and then add an enchant that lets you use another character as a sheath, style.

And then take the one GHOAST thing on the other character, and have the sword be .
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Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

If I may what promted the change from a signle D20 to XD10 system? the prior favored stats over random chance while the latter really leaves it up to the die.

Power level on DG characters is all over the place. You have people playing solo who have trouble fighting 30 body mooks, and you have people with a small army of PC's and NPC's who OHKO demigods. And nobody is going through pre-designed and thoroughly balance-tested campaigns.

Basically, your GM picks the stats of the enemies. And knows the stats of your character. So if it's all decided by stats... well, none of us are (AFAIK) professional game developers. We try to pick things that have a chance of success or failure, but even with ideal enemies it's too easy for stupid and/or brilliant choices to make the PC wade through every battle with every attack roll being either a 0% or a 100%. There has to be *some* element of suspense - of either success or failure being a possibility - for the game to really work. And the GM's can pull that off sometimes. But doing it consistently in every encounter of every thread is difficult.

Changing the system to literally make it more random makes the GM's job a bit easier.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Dammit, why can't I get this post done?!

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

...And the GM's can pull that off sometimes. But doing it consistently in every encounter of every thread is difficult.

Changing the system to literally make it more random makes the GM's job a bit easier.

Part of the problem I see from afar, is that most people make characters that are min/maxxed to the point that they do something exceeedingly well. This something would be combat for example, where they can overcharge spells and just blow out enemies like it is nothing.

On the other hand you have someone like me who purposely misbuilt my character because I want more rp and general problems my character has to deal with instead of godmoding my way through combat.

I cannot say their way is wrong, nor can I say that my way is right. The adjustments that should be made however should scale the difficulty much higher for those who are the super characters. There is no way my character who is still at the base 50 stats, and misassigned stats at that, could or would be able to fight a battle in a war so to say. Or they would be the grunt, not the star of the show. Which would bring me to the next issue, that the player character should always be the one that is front and center to the story being told right?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Err... I know your talking about the current system of which relies on stats to see the haracter through instead of chance, as our V.3 is stat+D20 vs stat+D20. Unless you had min maxed your rp character shouldn't be stopping wars or toppling despots just yet. Your GM should be placing you through your paces. Most GM's won't mind talking to their players and discussing what you the RPer would like to see. I happen to bug Tass nearly every update to confirm things and we have talked on an event I wouldn't mind seeing later in my thread.

Short verison talk to your GM they are usually nice people despite the way the dice roll sometimes =P.

V.4 as thetwo and I was talking about (still in Dev) relies more on Dice then stats not that minmaxing is impossible but it is easier to give GM more leeway in what you can face and battle wouldn't be entirely either you win or lose affairs as its now #D10+# vs. #D10+# with stats deriving your D10's.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Ok, my character aside for a minute. And I could well be wrong, but this is how I see things.

The system as it is now, allows for a mage to essentially overcast a spell by channelling more energy than they should to make a spell more powerful. Why is/was there nothing in place for a warrior to swing extra hard or something comparable.

I know it is an age old problem, as in d&d the mages are weak from 1-10 but are pretty much awesome then on where fighters start off better and fall off where the mages are stronger later on.

Balance is not an easy thing. I know this. Whatever ends up leading to the most variance in result will end up being over the long term what will work better. So the more random or semi/random elements you can throw in, the better.

Now back to my character. Mathematically speaking she has a 7 point grapple advantage, which means she has a 35% of winning without even needing the die roll in the first place, as the enemy needs to roll an 8 or better to even be in play. So to keep complex math out of it, lets split the other half 50/50 (though I am not sure what happens with a tie, truth be told.) I should win 2/3rds of the die rolls, and that has been just about the case though I think its a little lower over the course of the encounter. That is just simple variance, and perfectly fine.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Dunno how more effective it makes fighters over mages what with never really making a mage character before, but fighters can combine any amount of skills together in one turn so long as each skill can be used with the weapon or other skill in the chain in question for a reduction in accuracy and damage to increase the various effects they can do, as well as having access to talents that outright boost the damage of their melee and ranged weapons. There's also skills in the general skill list that provide passive bonuses such as an increase in natural AV, reduction in damage from AoE attacks (such as magic), health regen, and general boosts to the accuracy and damage of their favoured weapon types. And there's also skills that are specifically used to combat the threat of mages and succubi. And this is before you start going into custom built and enchanted weaponry and armour.

In my opinion the warrior class is the most versatile next to succubus, and while the latter is good at mixing styles with the other three classes warriors benefit mostly from dipping into spirit wielding. Though unlike the succubus class it doesn't have to rely on sex to regenerate its EP if the warrior does take a focus towards spirit wielding. Granted, you've got to build your warrior in a specific way to unlock its true potential, but as you said, you built your character with roleplaying in mind, which is, in my opinion anyway, how most warriors are built. The skills and abilities chosen for them tie into their backstory and where they're going as a character as the story unfolds.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Ok, my character aside for a minute. And I could well be wrong, but this is how I see things.

The system as it is now, allows for a mage to essentially overcast a spell by channelling more energy than they should to make a spell more powerful. Why is/was there nothing in place for a warrior to swing extra hard or something comparable.

I know it is an age old problem, as in d&d the mages are weak from 1-10 but are pretty much awesome then on where fighters start off better and fall off where the mages are stronger later on.

Balance is not an easy thing. I know this. Whatever ends up leading to the most variance in result will end up being over the long term what will work better. So the more random or semi/random elements you can throw in, the better.

Now back to my character. Mathematically speaking she has a 7 point grapple advantage, which means she has a 35% of winning without even needing the die roll in the first place, as the enemy needs to roll an 8 or better to even be in play. So to keep complex math out of it, lets split the other half 50/50 (though I am not sure what happens with a tie, truth be told.) I should win 2/3rds of the die rolls, and that has been just about the case though I think its a little lower over the course of the encounter. That is just simple variance, and perfectly fine.

Err. Warriors can CRUSH people namely by using Skills both passive and active. Even without high Body(Yes it helps though.) You need to simply learn to use defensive fighting and how to best chain your skills. Like Spidertank Warrior that can streamroll all the things by the simple dint of stupid high Body. Squish Mages wouldn't get more then 1 spell off before she tears them apart.

Enchanted stuff (weapons) with Bound Spells can also help especially if they carry [Buffs]. You don't need to MinMax one up since you get 100 Denarii off the bat even the lowest Buff helps Warriors immensely.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Any one interested in a two player game with me?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Gryal is being a bit slow, so I could I guess?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So question mostly to the older players.

Have you ever sat down to write something for a character having planned it out before hand when the response leads to usually one action(sex), only to write something completely different due to something that felt more in character?

I had planned on drilling the latest NPC Tass gave me then suddenly my character decides that her 'lustful' trait is just fine feeling that NPC inside her suffering orgasm after mind-numbing orgasm. Not to mention from the original Slut I had in mind she is alot more tsun-dere then I wanted.

Yet oddly enough I find that I like reading Maryanne suffer under Tori's tender minstrations rather then the sex scene I had drafted a week ago.

So I was wondering if any of you guys had the same problem?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Likewise, and it's not unique to DG. Characters change, and often times I find myself altering details and such and making things up as I go. It's not really an issue. I find part of the fun is seeing how characters change and react to things happening around and to them.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Really this is usual? I find it... odd. I do a few RP's true its SI-style still enough disassociation happens there yet this is the 2nd time I encounter this quirk. Most of the time my 'plan' doesn't change quite this much.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes what you meant to do is completely in character. But sometimes they change. There's no real science behind it I'm afraid, least none that I understand.