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Re: Confessions

Sex is not always the expression of love. Sometimes a fuck, is just a fuck. I've had my share of one night stands where it was just about pleasure. No emotions really, save lust and desire.
Re: Confessions

I... don't really care about body unless it's man the harpoons time.

Or as my mother would put, LAAAAAND WHAAALLLEE!!!! I swear to god she did that on the beach one day, i was mortified.

I like... personalities. Men, women, doesn't matter. I do get squicky about age though. If you're old enough to be my dad, ew go away. Skin colors, ethnicity, attractiveness... well attractiveness does matter. Call me shallow but i want pretty babies. I like good genetics. xD Something recessive perhaps, like a lack of freckles. That way i can at least have kids that carry the genes. *amused*
Re: Confessions

Sex is sex and love is love. You can fuck someone and not love them, and you can love someone and not have sex with them. It just so happens that it's awesome when both of them come together.
Re: Confessions

My stepmother once told me this: You can't build a healthy relationship on just sex. But you can't do it without it either.

I personally think that if everyone had to be in love to have sex, the population of the wolrd would be diminishing, and I love the fact that you are able to just have a good time with someone you like spending time with, without there having to be a proper relationship.

Also, confession: I don't get the upsides of drinking alcohol. And I'm starting to envy everyone around me that do.
Re: Confessions

Call me shallow but i want pretty babies. I like good genetics. xD Something recessive perhaps, like a lack of freckles. That way i can at least have kids that carry the genes. *amused*

....you go into every relationship planning the babies?

The fuck? I was told humans are scary, but that's just plain get-out-of-here weird.

....Doesn't really apply to my kind of people, of course.

Re: Confessions

Here's the wonderful analogy about choosing a mate for certain genes.

A completely ugly, but rich nerd manages to land himself a ditzy supermodel wife. He picks her because he wants his kids to look great.

The kids end up with the body of the nerd and the brain of the model.
Re: Confessions

Also, confession: I don't get the upsides of drinking alcohol. And I'm starting to envy everyone around me that do.

There ARE NO UPSIDES. People who say that are just... well.. they aren't stupid, but they don't realize what kind of trouble it can get you in. Alcohol is a substance that messes with chemicals in your brain, and a lot of self restraint and moral values that you might of had before are often lost as a side effect of consuming too much of it. Plus it tastes horrible.
Re: Confessions

I hate the way Beer tastes but I actually like the way shots taste...

People call me weird for that one.
Re: Confessions

I like beer, I like whiskey, I like rum... but I never drink that much... anymore.
Re: Confessions

I'm not exactly the best person to ask, but IMO love is when someone's flaws make you like them even more ;)
Re: Confessions


Well... I want to be able to go to a clinic and look at a genetic profile, a picture, and the IQ of someone. I want to be able to compare my genetic profile with theirs to rule out any genetic diseases. As long as that's taken care of (And maybe get a few recessive traits like lack of freckles, blue eyes, green eyes cosmetic things) then I'll be happy.

I'm not entirely sure i want to have babies with whomever i marry...

i know I'm weird and a little messed up for that. But after seeing the kind of crap the Y chromosome carries, i want to be sure I'm not a carrier and whoever is going to be the other genetic donor isn't one as well. x.x
Re: Confessions


Well... I want to be able to go to a clinic and look at a genetic profile, a picture, and the IQ of someone. I want to be able to compare my genetic profile with theirs to rule out any genetic diseases. As long as that's taken care of (And maybe get a few recessive traits like lack of freckles, blue eyes, green eyes cosmetic things) then I'll be happy.

I'm not entirely sure i want to have babies with whomever i marry...

i know I'm weird and a little messed up for that. But after seeing the kind of crap the Y chromosome carries, i want to be sure I'm not a carrier and whoever is going to be the other genetic donor isn't one as well. x.x

Question. So do you mean simply choose another mate, or use the rapidly advancing science of genetic engineer to just change the bad?
Re: Confessions

Question. So do you mean simply choose another mate, or use the rapidly advancing science of genetic engineer to just change the bad?

Um. Instead of having babies with my husband i have a date with a Turkey baster at a clinic.

That's what I mean. That way at least i can perpetuate some GOOD genetics instead of the crap that's everywhere.
Re: Confessions

Um. Instead of having babies with my husband i have a date with a Turkey baster at a clinic.

That's what I mean. That way at least i can perpetuate some GOOD genetics instead of the crap that's everywhere.

Allow me to introduce you to a reproduction method called parthenogenesis. This method is an asexual method, and is present in species that have only one gender, the one with a uterus. The 'eggs' created do not receive genetic material from an outside source, and an offspring is created entirely from the mother. That's not to say that the offspring of parthenogenesis are genetically identical to their mother, in fact, there is enough genetic material present inside a single entity to propagate an entire species in suitable conditions, and mutations do occur enough that adaptation is possible.

Parthenogenesis is used by Insects, Reptiles, Crustaceans, Snails, Reptiles. Parthenogenesis can be induced in turkeys without any side effects, but inducing it in mammals has some serious side effects due imprinted genetic regions getting messed up.


The point I was trying to make was that there's a whole soup of genetic material in each person that would theoretically provide enough variety to create a whole species of humans, so you really shouldn't worry about 'Genetic Defects' in your offspring. All humans stem from the same 40 great-mothers or something like that, so we're all inbred anyway, and have more variety in our code than the animals we've been inbreeding for our benefit.
Re: Confessions

I don't know my medical history. I don't want to end up with a child with autism, or any of the other nasty genetic problems out there.

Hence the genetic profile idea.
Re: Confessions

There ARE NO UPSIDES. People who say that are just... well.. they aren't stupid, but they don't realize what kind of trouble it can get you in. Alcohol is a substance that messes with chemicals in your brain, and a lot of self restraint and moral values that you might of had before are often lost as a side effect of consuming too much of it. Plus it tastes horrible.

I honestly don't think it tastes horrible, so I get that positive thing. But for some reason my moral values, bravery and inhibitions in general aren't affected by alcohol. It's annoying, 'cause even when I've been drinking waaaayyy more than the ones around me, everyone thinks I'm the most sober person there, and I can't EVER pull the "Sorry I was drunk" card. Which I'm pretty sure other people pull just because they can.

I get to laugh at people in the morning though. No hangovers.
Re: Confessions

It's pretty much the same for me. I'm usually a pretty quiet guy and I'm not really that much different drunk. Also, I never drink very much. Seriously, after 4-6 drinks I'm feeling plenty good enough. Why should I drink more? After that point the feeling doesn't really get much better, but I'll start feeling worse in the morning.
Re: Confessions

I only drink until I get a buzz going. I don't drink to get drunk. Apparently I'm super horny when I'm drunk.
Re: Confessions

I'm offended. Autism isn't something that should be screened for, it's just a different way of being human. Question, though.. Would you feel happier with a partner who had some nasty recessive.. (a real nasty, say, Huntington's chorea), going for the baby naturally, then aborting at an early stage if it carried the wrong traits..?

Also, for alcohol. Way I see it, in any sober situation, people have a lot of things holding them back. Nervousness, shyness, What-If syndrome, simple inertia, fear of change, etc etc. Alcohol does away with many of those, leading to them trying a lot of things they wouldn't ordinarily do.

Yes, it takes away your judgement.. but what if your judgement was wrong? Alcohol allows people to try being someone else for a little while, have a little more fun than their uptight normal self, maybe even escape the social limitations placed upon them. See girls who get super-friendly when drunk, often because they feel they're not allowed to express their sexuality when sober. (Or, they're just badly affected by alcohol.)

For me, I enjoy the taste. I don't find it really affects my judgement, or, rather, it only affects Tier 1 judgement, so my Tier 2 goes "Hang on there, you're not thinking straight, lets re-plan this." Getting drunk to the point of losing fine motor control is just -irritating- though. It makes me feel like Stephen Hawking must feel.. my mind is buzzing, and my mouth just doesn't want to function.

Confession? I'm somewhere between autistic and schizophrenic, and damn proud.
