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Amestris - Central City

Re: Amestris - Central City

At Jack's comment, James suddenly folds his hands and rests his chin on them, leaning slightly forward, clearly thinking about something. "I wonder..."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Sen looks at James expectantly for a few moments before realizing he doesn't intend on finishing the statement. Poking him on the shoulder she speaks up. Well? Now that you've started that sentence you're going to have to finish it.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack turned his head. He was focused on his own thoughts and didn't hear what James said, but now Cynder focused on the talking alchemists. This could be worth hearing... Or no. Anyway, it wouldn't hurt to pay attention for a while.
Re: Amestris - Central City

For a moment, it seems like James wasn't aware of the poke, but before anyone could either poke him again, or worse, he shook his head. "I was thinking that perhaps someone had found that nutjob's journal, and that he'd figured out something before he went nuts, but that doesn't make any sense."

He scratched his chin briefly, then added, "I know that he was obsessed with the idea of using some other means to accomplish things like that without alchemy, but I don't think that there's any way Metras' ideas could have worked, even before he lost it."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda chewed her lip thoughtfully, "A catalyst of some sort you think?"
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack shrugged. "Who knows? We have no idea what exactly Metras came up with. Maybe there is a way..." Cynder looked outside again. It seemed that he was lost in though once more.
Re: Amestris - Central City

James considered both comments before shaking his head. "I can't see how he could have come up with something solid enough to try without some manner of..."

He seemed to be considering his words before he finished, "He was supposed to have absolutely no talent with alchemy, so the big question would be if he did figure out something, what was he using? Because it wasn't alchemy."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda grumbled, "Why couldn't there just be one straightforward answer yeah?" She pulled at her uniform pants and scowled, "Bloody uncomfortable trousers. I need to get a better fit."

(btw, just a side note here, Miranda has always gone by her last name and that's the only one she gives when meeting new people... just to make the androgyny a little more fun. You guys don't know she's a woman)
Re: Amestris - Central City

Harrison walks into the lobby and removes his now soaked cloak. Underneath, he's mostly dry. He nods in greeting to the others and moves off to the side, apparently not having anything to say. Or maybe he just couldn't think of anything.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Not to ask a dumb question: but who the hell is Metras? Sen asks, confused. She had thought over all the big name people they were suppose to learn while preparing for the qualification exams, but she couldn't come up with anything.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda shrugged, "No idea. I thought you all knew though and would get around to explaining it to me soon enough."
Re: Amestris - Central City

James answered, "He was someone I knew growing up. Dead now. He'd not had any talent in alchemy, and had wanted to develop some means of doing similar stuff, but ended up going insane."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda harrumphed, "Something like that, it'd put us out of a job."
Re: Amestris - Central City

"Pfft." Jack stopped spacing out and joined the conversation. "As if the military would allow something like this to happen. I've heard that Metras was killed by several State Alchemists. Just a rumor."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Sen opens and closes her mouth several times as she runs this through her mind, not quite understanding how such a person could be responsible for snow during the summer. Finally, she speaks, So if he went insane instead of achieving anything, how could he have anything to do with this? Sorry, but it sounds more like the start of some wild rumor like he said. She says pointing at Jack before making a side comment to the other person, Maybe, but I bet you'd have to study just as hard to learn the new method. I doubt it would be any better.
Re: Amestris - Central City

James acknowledges the comment about wild rumors with a nod. "Which is why I discredited it as soon as I was asked to mention it. From what I had seen of the man, he seemed to have an exceptional memory. People like that don't tend to write things down. And anyway, the man is dead, so it's not too likely that this weather has any connection whatsoever to him."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda nodded thoughtfully, "That's why I mentioned a catalyst. Someone with average talent and experience can do wonders with a boost, so if someone really strong were to get one... weather would be no big deal."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack seemed to be mildly suprised. "I see nothing wrong with that idea, but... Who exactly would do something like that? And for what purpose?" Cynder mused about something for a moment, then sighed. "Anyway, we won't learn anything if we just sit here and stare through the window."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda snorted, "You're right, but we have to wait on the Colonel to get here..." a small dreamy look flitted over her face, quickly replaced by her scowl.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack cast her a questioning look before nodding. "Yeah. I think that he might know something about this... I wouldn't be suprised if he had an explanation ready, actually."