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Re: Confessions

What about loli zombies, or zombies raping a loli?
Re: Confessions

Once I shift my chronic laziness...

Haha. Two fetishes now slamming together in a controversial orgy.
Re: Confessions

Well fuck yeah!
Re: Confessions

There's always lolis raping zombies while both are having an enema. Put a weird phrase in my head too. Enema of the State.

Also. In front of my computer. About once or twice.

...that was my answer to the fappage question. Other than that, or the shower, 99% is in bed before I go to sleep. Just don't do the assumed computer fap for some reason. I tend to take in ideas and stuff from whatever I see and then retell it purely in my mind later on. Can drag it on for over an hour if I can maintain discipline. That's how I do it.

Do I lose the fap location competition or has anyone here never masturbated? Is there a booby prize?
Re: Confessions

You forget the furry voyeur fruits watching and masturbating in the corner...with their feet...
Re: Confessions

There's always lolis raping zombies while both are having an enema.

So... how does a loli go about raping a zombie? Does she strap the zombie to a table and then go at it or does she use some other method?
Re: Confessions

I tend to take in ideas and stuff from whatever I see and then retell it purely in my mind later on.

Should I be worried that we both have the same fapping technique?
Re: Confessions

I have honestly no idea where this goes, but considering the subject and where it's at now, I guess this is the best place.

So I have 3 brothers, and the house isn't large, so this is almost an inevitable thing but... I kinda just caught my little brother playing with himself. I ran down the stairs to talk to him and he was in the computer room, pants on mind you, he was just watching porn was all. But the look on his face was just this traumatic shock and he knew I saw it, but because I'm me, I didn't give a shit and just asked him if he knew where the crackers were, cuz I just found out we had some nice block cheese.

Now, I said don't worry about it, if anyone understands sex in the house, it's me. But I've only really ever understood it because I'm so detached from it. So I realize I'm probably the last person he wants to talk to right now, but is it a bad idea to try and joke with him about it? Cuz a few minutes after, I could only think of humorous things to say to him, like joking that it'll improve his strength for drumming, or give him tips on how to be more discreet, make fun of his fapping technique? I don't know if these are ok things to say. He's probably over it and I'm probably over-thinking it, but then again, he's nothing like me, so he might actually feel shamed about it when I just want to tell him, not only is it normal, but it's healthy and he should keep doing it.

I know, this is a 2 part shocker of a story. A)I, the psych freak, seeking psychological advice for once and B) I, normally quite garrulous, actually am at a loss of words for once.
Re: Confessions

My dad's found tentacle stuff on my laptop before, oddly enough, he was more concerned about the fact that I had games installed than anything >:
Re: Confessions

Haha, I have decoy porn folders for that reason. :p

I have this document in a folder labeled "porn" on my desktop, which, when opened, becomes
I should have added in something about 'get the fuck off my computer'
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Re: Confessions

... I lol'd

I also have decoy porn folders, the real ones in totally non-conspicuous names, like 'ICT' or something.
Re: Confessions

My father found two of my hentai DVD's when I was 17, I believe they were Mission to Darkness and another one of the Mission hentai films. Constantly digs me about it, dunno why as it doesn't bother me and he knows it. Though its a good thing that he doesnt know about my more.....exotic tastes in hentai.
Re: Confessions

Well, it was more my fault, I was looking at tentacle pics, got tired, and went to sleep with the laptop sitting on the dining room table. When I got up the next morning, I found that my laptop was off, and my dad looked at me and said, "Don't leave your laptop on during the night, especially not with those things on your screen." then he yelled at me for installing games on my laptop >:
Re: Confessions

I should have also put that I inadvertently got my brother into hentai, when he found mine on my old, less protected, computer... Whoops.
Re: Confessions

^^ that's why Im glad I got a place of my own. Although, my mom has to do my laundry for me since I dont have a hook up for a washer/dryer, and my family does come over from time to time :eek: Though I dont really OWN any Hentai my self. :p