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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yes that is handy.

That last post may seem like I'm a little OP, but you can't really be sure if i actually know that or if I'm making it up. I'm just looking for reactions by people.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

.....What is this Umineko? "Turn the chessboard around?"

If we're going to have the characters go into a whole logic debate, I am going to start throwing in "Devil's Proofs", "Schedonider's Cat Box", etc into the mix...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm just trying to think of stuff to talk about while the others get here. If I would have known it would take so long I may have dragged my prologue out more.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ahyeah, sorry there's not enough action to keep you interested at the moment, but we can either talk or let the thread go idle while we wait for the others to catch up. Personally, I'd rather talk.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Same here it keeps the game going, helps build suspense as well. Besides we should get to know each other since we'll be living possibly near each other for hopefully a long freaking time.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

We will?... Wait, living near Lun- isn't that a dead giveaway she's a freaking killer/assassin seeing as normal people don't have freaking black market weaponry?...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

it sounds to me like just playing a vampire and trying to get a specific clan might lead people to faking out and falling back on used cliches without really thinking about the character as a person, which is what the game sounds like it's hoping for players to do.

That is exactly what I was going for :)

lets see, i might miss some responses, but i think i got all the important stuff

Ronny, it was a white noise generator in Seth's car, he's paranoid and Auspex 1 makes almost anyone a mobile spying station.

Sinful, no worries, as you can see I'm about 7 hours late to the party myself

Tsuki does have a break planned in, because she's the only Neonate who actually has permission to exist so far, so she'll be apart from the group until it's convenient to get her going, ie... after her vacation

I like how most people like my NPC's, but I have the advantage of most of them being Characters of experienced RPers. Remember, I'm running off another ST's notes, so it isn't all me.

I also love how people think I made good decisions for everyone's clans :) it's been really hard to come up with a good mix when the only people who've been running around causing chaos have been Mist and her brother, at least for the most part. If Sin had joined a bit sooner, I would have had the brother embrace Jonas, I think, though it would have cut a bit of the developing story. as it stands, Claire and Jonas are both being directly sired by the same kindred. Not that much of a problem, but I was hoping not to do that, ah well ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well maybe not Luna, since she's of a neutral clan but normal people also don't have fangs and super powers either so meh.

EDIT: Ah yes I guess auspex would do that.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Besides, we all already live near one another anyway *laughs* Rosary, Luna, Izzy, and Raven (if he's not faking it) all go to the same college. Jaylene and Ronny know one another, Jonas and Clare work in town (and may even know one another...police have to call someone to get stuff to impound) Eve's our little social butterfly who's adapting very well, it seems. Rashar's...a special case, but he's from the same town, too. I think the only one that's a bit of an odd duck as far as "Hey, I know you!" is Claire, but she seems capable of handling herself well, too and seems the type to just jump right in.

Toldja it was white noise *laughs* Course, didn't think of it until later.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well if we had remembered some vampires have heightened senses we would have had it right away. I just completely forgot about the whole vampire thing for a while there.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

An apology in advance to phoenix but... as I need sleep, and I want to have the full effect of Luna "WTFKNIFETHROW", I am stealing your character chapter 1 intro post with Luna's "KILL" post.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

All right I'm out for the night work tommorrow so I need to go crawl into my bed.

EDIT: Have fun dealing with Jack, Keylo. Since I'm assuming he won't like that.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Really glad that Izzy and Raven moved...

Night, guys!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, everybody do me a favour and gimme a chance to post Jack's reaction to that, before things step too far in ;)

EDIT: Alrighty, his post is up, I'll have everybody reply first, then he'll wander off and stuff can continue ;)
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, vampires are most active in the evening, Rule...you should know that. And sorry, man. Was going to see if I had anything to go on with you but I am both tired and drawing a blank, so I'm afraid it's time for me to turn in. Sun's up. Time for the good little vampires to crawl into their crypts. Ciao, all.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hee hee hee, just realized how rare it is that Jaylene actually got to sup on practically her own blood, considering she gobbled off of the biker. XD "Tastes like me! :D"
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

(Double post, sorry, just finished reading the intro!)

Keylo, why does Luna occasionally slip in 'thous' and 'thees' and stuff? o_o Or expect that referring to herself in third person will help her blend in at all? Wouldn't a trained assassin also know a thing or two about blending in with people, or is her extraordinarily bad job of trying to disguise herself something that you're doing on purpose to make other characters distrust or dislike her?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well technically she's more of a serial killer than an assassin the way I understand it, but yeah she's not really blending in the best.

EDIT: Quick question for you Canadians if you know, I know the RCMP's fill your FBI role but do you have something that fills the role of the CIA. Since Rashar's afraid of agents I just thought it may occur to my guy because of his background.

Also since Rashar's wearing a rain jacket, I keep picturing ET in my head. Rashar phone home LOL.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

How far back do I have to read in order to deal with people posting about me coming in before I came in?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Post #91 is the last one before you came in it's the first one on the last page.