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Re: Confessions

I have to confess... my biggest kink is softcore. You know, the stuff you see late at night on cinemax.

My favorite porn site even has a softcore section now... >.>;;
Re: Confessions

I've enjoyed the zombie stuff you've put up as well. Oh well.

Yeeeah, but recently I've gone out of my way to get new zombie sex hentai whenever I can. DL'ed two RE zombie futa doujin's last night as well. I'll upload them at some point, probably tomorrow.

The worrying part though stems from the fact that I'd probably fuck a female zombie if a zombie apocalypse did happen. Sure, I'd have to trap her then tie her up in such a way that she doesn't break free during, and wear a condom seeing as I don't fancy becoming one myself. And that zombie chick in Zombieland, the one that was first a human and went into the boy's flat for some company cos she was scared, I found her immensely hot zombiefied. The idea of fucking a corpse disgusts the hell out of me, but there's something....erotic about a zombie.
Re: Confessions

Yeeeah, but recently I've gone out of my way to get new zombie sex hentai whenever I can. DL'ed two RE zombie futa doujin's last night as well. I'll upload them at some point, probably tomorrow.

The worrying part though stems from the fact that I'd probably fuck a female zombie if a zombie apocalypse did happen. Sure, I'd have to trap her then tie her up in such a way that she doesn't break free during, and wear a condom seeing as I don't fancy becoming one myself. And that zombie chick in Zombieland, the one that was first a human and went into the boy's flat for some company cos she was scared, I found her immensely hot zombiefied. The idea of fucking a corpse disgusts the hell out of me, but there's something....erotic about a zombie.

I actually read a book with a zombie sex scene in it. It was called City of the Dead written by Brian Keene. The guy had the female zombie strapped down on a table, with her teeth and fingernails taken out, and he used a condom to screw her. It was... strangely hot... so yeah Oni, I'm with you on this one.

I may have to ask you to share yer findings.
Re: Confessions

Well it seems we are two pea's in a very, VERY sick pod.

Hrm...I'm not sure whether I'd be able to post one of them, it has Sherry featured in it, and if I'm not mistaken she's a loli, right? Though she does seem to have breasts in the doujin, albeit small ones.

EDIT: Here's the thread with the one doujin; http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?p=116099#post116099

Also, seeing as this is most likely more of a confession than anything else; I've set a challenge for myself to see where I can fap to. So far I'ver managed to fap in work (during overtime so the toilets were quiet) and I was gonna do it in the train station toilets, but my train was about to arrive.
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Re: Confessions

I've masturbated in a guard tower :p

And thanks for the doujin.
Re: Confessions

A guard tower? Dayum, you have me beat.....for now.
Re: Confessions

Well... in a way it was work.
Re: Confessions

I fapped while my dad was in the room.
Sure, he was sleeping, but still.
Re: Confessions

Well, I've managed to get myself a fwe new fetishes, I now immensely enjoy hentai enemas and forced drinking.

Anyone remember the scene from Bible Black where you tape a hose to a woman's mouth. That now turns me on.

Also, I have been reading VG cats and some stuff, and I can slowly feel myself becoming more susceptible to furry porn. (They still have to look partly like humans mind you.)

Oh, and If anyoun has any good enema or forced drinking porn... gimme a wink!
Re: Confessions

If you give yourself an enema, I prefer cold water as you can feel it when it's in, and you can REALLY feel it when it comes out.
Re: Confessions

Also, I have been reading VG cats and some stuff, and I can slowly feel myself becoming more susceptible to furry porn. (They still have to look partly like humans mind you.)

...guh... How?
Re: Confessions

Problems for me is not where I fap, its the frequency. I mean, todays the first day in a few months where I've been "busy" less than 7 times. Not good.

Other than that, I wish Pokemon, or at least, certain Pokemon were real (Looking at you Gardevoir...).
Re: Confessions

Hah, certain artists draw furry in a way that I love. Mainly Torachan, Stelard, Jessica Elwood, and Fisk. and Wondaboi, same. I love that scene too much.

Night When Evil Falls... ep 2? Has an enema scene in it. Lesbian enema scene.
Re: Confessions

I raped an amputated slasheress in my dreams this night. She kind of got into it though, so it's A-OK!
Re: Confessions

That's better than your profession being masturbating in guard towers... Although that would make some video games a lot more interesting when you have to deal with guards in a guard post if they are all masturbating when you get there.
Re: Confessions

I could be a sniper, get someone right in the eye from the tower.
My gun might be small but damnit if I can't aim.
Re: Confessions

I can no longer do "quickies". When I fap, it takes at least 20 minutes, usually longer.
Re: Confessions

I propose this topic now be about the most hardcore place you've fapped. I did it next to my parents by wearing a baggy sweater, baggy sweat pants, and pulling my arm out of my sleeve to fap from the inside. Of course, I had nothing to clean up with, so I had to waddle my way to the bathroom afterwards, but damn it was it awesome!