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Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"Aww, you don't mean that..." She says sweetly. "Here, I'll give both of us a taste..." She slides up the arm of his shirt and, despite all he could do to try to stop her, she sinks her fangs into the flesh of his arm. He feels the twin stabs of pain, but lets out a gasp as it is immediately overwhelmed with a wave of amazing pleasure, and he's shocked to find out that she's right: It is the best thing he's ever felt. He pushes it back and continues his thrashing though, and she stops, giving his arm a lick and looking up to him, licking her lips. "What's the matter? You can't tell me you didn't enjoy that..."
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch's eyes bulge out as his mind almost blanks out from pleasure. Nothing compares, that much is true - and for more than a moment Fletch thinks about just giving it all to Mist. Stop struggling and let her suck him dry.
But at that point his father comes to mind. His weak-willed father who hit his mother because he has given in. Given in to booze. Fletch's entire life he strove to be better, and he's not going to roll over and submit now, damnit all!
Fletch's hands clasp together. This is the only warning he gives before twisting his entire body around to club her in the head as hard as he can.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The movement was awkward enough the Mist managed to move out of the way, and he landed hard on his side. She wasted no time, giving his side a shove with her foot, pinning him face down again before leaning in and speaking to him again, a seductive whisper in his ear. "I'm tired of playing games. Say goodnight." She waits a half second for the message to kick in, then grabs his head, forcing it to one side and sinking her fangs into his neck.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch tries to scream, but his voice gives out quickly as his blood is sucked. His body bucks in an attempt to throw her off, but he grows weaker and weaker by the second. . . At least I tried, is one of the last thoughts he has before his mind goes to sink into darkness.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

From darkness and to darkness, Jonas struggles back to consciousness an indeterminate time later. He felt hungry, like he could eat for a day and still have room left over. he found it hard to move, nearly impossible, and he couldn't figure out why, until he managed to taste dirt in his mouth, and it all became obvious...
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

This goes on for a little while inside Fletch's head as he lies there, not moving, staring into the darkness. Only after a while me manages to have a clear thought.
I've got to get the hell out of here. And once I am I'm going to tear this bitch to pieces.
With that in mind he tries to turn his hands upwards to begin and dig. He can only hope that Mist has at least cut him loose. . .
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

He didn't seem to be bound anymore, and once he got over the initial panic, which did take some work, he managed some slow progress. after about ten minutes he began to hear something else, a scraping sound reverberating through the earth around him...
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The more Jonas shovels, the better he can move his arms to push aside the dirt.
As he hears the scraping sound, hope starts to bloom inside his mind. Maybe somebody is digging for him! Come on, shovel faster! That girl is gonna be so dead once he gets out of here. Gonna beat her to death with an exhaust pipe for what she did to him.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Another few moments pass until Jonas is sure of it. Someone is shoveling him out! However, as if his body realizes it the same time he does, his hunger returns full force, blindsiding him with the sheer need of it. He tries to fight it off, but by the time he feels something hit him, he is practically slavering. A hand pulls him up out of the last of it, and he lunges for it, getting a mouthful of plastic instead. it punctures, and he tastes blood, and drinks of it hungrily, whatever beast was inside of him calming as he feeds and releasing his body back to him. he spots a man, probably in his thirties, studious looking and of Russian descent, watching him intently. "A woman and a man, looks like siblings. Where did they go?" He demands, seemingly in a hurry, or just a prick.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch shakes his head as he stares at the ((I assume)) blood bag. "She. . . she turned me. That BITCH TURNED ME!" He throws the empty bag across his car lot and gets up. "If I get to her I'LL BREAK EVERY LAST BONE IN HER BODY!" He walks around, cursing loudly for a moment before managing to get his temper in check. He turns around towards the man. "The woman was here. I wouldn't know where she went though", he adds, pointing at his own grave.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The man nodded impatiently. "Of course not. Do a quick search of the place, find out if she has either left anything or stolen anything. Time is of the essence, the longer they walk free the more people this happens to."

A simple turn to the exit of the yard is all Jonas needs. His truck is gone, the beetle looking to have been rolled off while the bed was flat. A car is parked there as well, a silver Mitsubishi Lancer, in all probability owned by the man he was talking to.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"No! No no no NO!" Fletch's hands curl in his auburn mane, just about ready to pull out chunks of it. "They stole my truck! Fuuuuuck!" This is just about the worst day in his life. He got turned into some kind of bloodsucking monstrosity, he didn't get paid for that job - and now somebody stole his fucking tow truck! How much worse can it get?
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The man nodded, and started walking away. "That I can work with. Go to the old courthouse downtown and knock on the back door. They'll be expecting you, and you can be expecting me if you don't." He said matter-of-factly as he hopped into the Mitsubishi and sped off.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Jonas stares after the Lancer before breaking into another series of curses as he starts walking downtown. He realizes that he still wears his work overall, now stained with blood on the sleeve and collar. "Fuck, I look like a fucking serial killer", Fletch murmurs as he pulls out his base cap and pushes the brim deep into his face.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The walk takes about half an hour, at a reasonable pace. Nothing particularly interesting happens, though Jonas does notice that there are less than half the people out and walking around than there usually was, this time of night. He reaches the courthouse without any major problems, knocking on the back door. A man opens the door enough to look through, notices the blood on Jonas' collar, and speaks. "Hey, you must be the one from the tow yard, right? Vincent said you'd probably be headed this way."
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch shrugs his broad shoulders. "If Vincent is the Russian guy with the silver car, then yeah." He takes off the basecap and looks up the courthouse. "So what? Is this the local Castle Dracula? Am I gonna need a cape or something?"
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The man chuckles, opening the door and letting him in. "I guess you could call it that, though I wouldn't out loud. Best to leave what you think you know at the door, we've spent a long time cultivating lies to keep the Kine from figuring out we still exist. I'm Jack." The man says, motioning for Jonas to follow him down the hallway.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Jonas nods and follows the man - Jack - down the hallway. "Name's Fletch. Got a couple of questions, though. Is somebody gonna fill me in on the important stuff? Cause the bitch that turned me got away with my truck, and Vinnie didn't stick around to talk to me, either." I'm practically a six foot 2 newborn with a whole lot of body hair, Fletch thinks to himself and grins.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Jack nods, stopping by one of the last doors. "The way it usually works is the person that sires ya is responsible for ya, at least until he thinks you're smart enough to deal with it yourself, but this is causing a lot of special cases. I think everyone is going to end up assigned one or two of you Neonates by the Prince, but I'll give you the basic etiquette anyway."

"Number one, We're Kindred, not Vampires, and Humans are either Mortals or Kine, keeps things sounding proper. Number two, respect your elders, no matter how young they may look. And number three," He says, opening the door to show a small group of other people. "Wait in here, till I come and get ya all. We're rounding up all you fresh ones to get introduced at the same time, to make it easier."

*********End of Prologue**********

((Go ahead and move on to Chapter 1, see what you can pick up from them ;) ))