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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Giggling softly at Felicia's response to her question of if they did anything yet, which Evangeline already knew the answer to really, she was just teasing them a bit, Eva just nodded and bid farewell to Mithra and Felicia as they left, and then to Cremily who joined them for some reason, though she knew not why she did to be honest, but didn't care all that much really, as it was none of her business. "Alright then you two, more cuddles for me and more breasts to lay on too, as well as a lusty angel to snuggle with," Evangeline called after the pair of her kin that went with Mithra on out and back to her place, for the extra room to stretch out.

Once she had Aezralia up on the bed in front of her, surrounded by beautiful naked women, which still caused her cock to tingle a little bit... or maybe that was just the feeling coming back into it after all of the fun earlier, it was hard to tell exactly to be honest, but either way she felt sooooo gooood while she held Aezralia and was in turn held by Sindel, so she didn't care too much to be honest. Thinking of a couple of last things to ask Sindel and the nymphs if they were still awake, Evangeline glanced over her shoulder to her fellow kin and smiled softly. "Hey love... when we have the babies, are you three going to come back to get them, or what? And what about you two beauties hmm? Will I get to know when you have my babies, if I got you knocked up that is... which I'm pretty sure I did considering what I am, hmhm," Evangeline asked first Sindel and then Iris and Jasmine, giggling a little bit when mentioning that she was almost positive she'd gotten the two nymphs pregnant with her seed.

Once her questions were answered, Evangeline would drift on to sleep, leaning over to plant a deep kiss on the lips of both nymphs and Sindel where she then snuggled in close behind Aezralia an kissed her on the neck before conking out from near exhaustion.


The next morning when she woke, Evangeline had a helluva headache, almost like she had a hangover... in fact it felt damn near like one. The main bonus at least for her was that she was still surrounded by all of the beautiful women she'd fallen asleep with, but it seemed that she was the first one awake. She groaned softly and shifted around slightly to look around and see where everyone was at on the bed, and to see where she herself was, because she doubted that they had all stayed in the same general area they'd gone to sleep in. Seeing if she could crawl out of the mass of female flesh she was surrounded by without waking any of them up, Evangeline tried to get up and to the bathroom, where she would promptly do all of her morning business, coming back to the bedroom and grabbing her hairbrush from her pack after using the bathroom and washing her hands and face, to brush any tangles out of her long blonde hair. Once all of the was concluded, Evangeline would head to the kitchen to try and find something to deal with her headache before attempting to make breakfast, unless Sindel, Aezralia, Iris, or Jasmine any of the four woke and offered to do breakfast for her, though if any of them had a remedy for her headache then she would gladly take it.

(I can't remember right off the top of my head Tass if you did or not to be honest.)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

(I did! And told you that you can spend it already.)

The sidhe would both answer affirmatively, which she would know was generally the case. Her kind normally raised their children communally, not in family units, and given their normal manner of doing things it was likely that her children wouldn't defer to her (or to their fathers) with any special respect. It would be the same for her children by the nymphs, and they indicated as such.

Eva, after waking up and extricating herself from the pile of naked women and dealing with her assorted morning tasks, would enter the kitchen while the rest of them remained sound asleep. She would know from experience that the only option she had for dealing with the headache was to wait it out and get some food and water, and thus she was left to cook what she wished. The only food that the house had was all preserved, meaning she had nothing fresh to prepare unless she wanted to go out and buy it.


Felicia happily engaged in cuddling and soft kissing, but though she'd opted to strip down, she made no pressures upon Mithra for another round. Of course, if Mithra displayed interest in another round herself following the sidhe's passionate kissing and fondling, she would happily fulfill those desires, growing a cock once more and going another round. Felicia would last as long as was needed for Mithra to find her own satisfaction before flooding her womb with another load of her hot seed, adding to the veritable ocean of it already contained within her.

When she awoke, it was indeed Felicia who was making her breakfast, standing in Mithra's kitchen clad in nothing but an apron as she hummed quietly to herself. "Good morning!" she replied cheerfully, and then nodded at Mithra's offer for help. Unlike Eva, Mithra's home was lived in and had fresher produce, and thus they were quickly able to cook up a suitable and tasty meal even with the fairly bland things available to them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After prepare the room for Cremily and then store her armor before go to her bed to pass the night, Mithra find herself in a very interesting situation. She was expecting to just cuddle with Felicia but this looks to be ready for something more than just that if the elven accept, the Sidhe even drop her dress at the floor before get on the bed and they really could just stop there, but the night has been very passionated for the skilled elven and she has already accepted to give herself to her partner some hours ago so there was not much difference if they try this once more or at the whole night, maybe in this way there could not be any doubt than Mithra would be impregnate to sattle the debt.

As both continue rubbing each other, theirs lips collide in a passionate kiss, Mithra then started to prepare her body before get undressed making her two tentacles dissapear and then do her best to prepare her body for the upcoming penetration of her lover at the same time she slowly undress herself and even give the chance to Felicia to help her in remove her clothes. She softly moanied between theirs long kisses, as her usual clothes are dropped at the floor and her wet white underclothes soon follow them. The soft kisses soon scaled to a lovely warm lust from both of them, still softly soaked with theirs lust fragance from some moments ago theirs nude bodies soon rubbed at each other, as Felicia's member slowly slide inside the elven swordswoman who warm tunnel accepted in order of get more of her warm nectar. Mithra's erected breasts still have some marks of her milky drops and her moistened neithers soon lubricate the hot rod from the sidhe. After some minutes of a slow lover sex Felicia release her white liquid inside the elf making both soon reach their climax at the same time. After this they continue for a while until soon they manage to sleep peacefully cuddling against each other, there was not needs for words and at the last minutes they were just cuddling and looking at each other eyes.

The next morning Mithra roll a little more trying to grope and feel the warm body of her lover but she just manage to feel the remain of the siluette of this at her bed, the contact of the silk blanket over her nude body was pleasant yet it make her remember that time at the fallen angel mansion, making her open her eyes to notice than she is at her room, completely nude and alone as for what it looks Felicia has leave. After stretch herself she looks for her underwear, it take her a moment ito finally find them and she dress herself for the moment, she wanted to find out who was making the sounds at the kitchen mostly expecting than she will find Felicia there. Dressed and baddly expecting to take a bath soon, she walks to find out what was happening there, as she moves her right hand touched her slim belly wondering if all that wild night has made her get pregnant from that woman, maybe for the first time she is wishing for it. Soon as she reach the kitchen she saw than Felicia was the one making the soft sounds. Once the sidhe accept the help she gets close her what make her notice better how scarcely dressed she is and how well her old apron looks at her, it even make her get blush softly as she softly smile and tried to help her in what she could. For a moment she remain speecheless and her body betray her, she was completely unsure in the way to express herself to Felicia and this make her just follow her instincts. She placed behind Felicia and then the sidhe could feel the warm elven body pressing at her backside, as the elven's arms hug her and by mistake get between the apron and her chest, Mithra's head rested over the sidhe right shoulder for a moment, cuddling at Felicia for some seconds, she would turn and then tried to kiss her cheek or mouth if Felicia wanted it. It was just an attempt to show her feelings to her and not just a sex tease, even then if Felicia accept she could do what she want with her.

After this ended both soon continue making their breakfast, Mithra's skills to cut were great and even when she havent cook for someone at the kitchen she had a great experience when was needed at the battlefield. Has Miss Cremily awakened already? We must make some foer her too and maybe a little more for the others, Miss Evangeline's residence dont have a long variety of ingredients. Once taking their time to eat and talk a little, they could take a bath before get ready to leave and meet the others, for what Mithra noticed Evangeline would be a little tired after that wild night.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Once she managed to disentangle herself from the two nymphs, the angel, and her fellow sidhe kin, Eva did her morning business and made her way to the kitchen to try and find something to eat, seeing as that was pretty much the only salvation for her and her aching head. Looking around, Evangeline looked around at what all she had there to cook or eat and found that she would probably need to head out to buy a few things to cook so she needn't go out to have someone else cook for her every day and or night. Grabbing her clothes and quickly washing herself off a little bit with a rag and some soapy water, Evangeline then dressed and went out. While she was out, Evangeline grabbed a bit of bacon and ham for breakfast meats to last her for three or four days, and a half a dozen porkchops for dinner meats that she could cook later for her and Aezralia if the angel decided to remain there with her, and she also got a couple of loaves of bread, a dozen egg, and a few of every vegetable available to her, as well as a bit of milk and or some juice to drink. She would haggle as much as she could so she didn't use too much of her already dwindling purse of money, hoping she could get all of the stuff for fairly cheap, though she was pretty sure she had enough to get it all regardless.

Once she got back with it all, Evangeline stored it all away save a bit of the bacon and ham to fry up for them to eat for breakfast to go with some toast and scrambled eggs, making enough for all five of them and hoping to have it all done before they woke up, though if anyone was already up then she would rope them into helping her cook, trying to ignore her headache as best she could during both her shopping and the cooking afterwards.

If she managed to get all of the food bought and cooked before anyone woke up, then Evangeline would creep into the bedroom and gently shake Sindel, the nymphs, and then Aezralia awake in the order, telling them that breakfast was ready as she went back to get some plates ready for them to eat on, and some glasses to pour them whatever they wished into them to drink, be it some of the milk or juice she'd gotten, or just some water. However if any or all of them were already awake or waking up, then she would just let whoever didn't already know that breakfast was ready to eat.

Spending however much money she needs to after haggling a bit for the foods and stuff.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Felicia didn't seem startled when Mithra stepped up behind her, merely pushing warmly back into the elf's embrace with a smile, letting her temple rest against Eva's lightly as she was hugged from behind and continuing her boisterous cooking. When Mithra moved to kiss her, she let the first fall upon her cheek but then moved to take the second (if Mithra kissed her more than once) on the mouth, though she kept the kiss entirely affectionate rather than try to make it lewd.

"Cremily is still asleep, the lazy lizard~" Felicia said brightly, but then gestured to some of the food and said; "I've already prepared some for her, but I didn't think to make any for the others. We'd practically have to start preparing a second meal if we wanted to include them, which we can do if you'd like. I would prefer to eat first though!" The meal that Felicia had opted to begin preparing so simple but filling enough to get one through the better part of the day, a common practice in Mithra's village. The war and the loss of many of her people to it had ensured that they had little trade and only a minimal harvest that year, meaning that food and other supplies were being heavily rationed.


The elven village market was running despite all of the commotion, but with the war still going on and winter coming there wasn't much to go around. Eva would need to prioritize her choices on what to buy for her food since she was so strapped for cash, as haggling wouldn't take her far in times as dire as these, particularly in a village that was so heavily rationed as Mithra's.

Prices! Things that are starred are still being produced and thus will remain at about the same prize, other things are imports.

Beef = 9 denarii for a haunch
Porkchops = 2 denarii each
Bacon = 4 denarii for a package
Hams = 6 denarii
Bread = 3 denarii per loaf
Greens = 4 denarii per basket
Berries/Grapes = 4 denarii per basket
Apples = 5 denarii per bushel
*Milk = 2 denarii per gallon
*Cider = 5 denarii per gallon
*Carrots/Radishes/etc = 6 denarii per sack
*Potatoes = 5 denarii per sack
*12 eggs = 2 denarii
After she had made her purchases and prepared whatever meal she was able to concoct from it, she would find that Aezralia was awake and sitting at the table in the bedroom with a slightly exhausted look about her. She gave Eva a nod as she entered and said; "Hello... They're all still asleep. One of the nymphs is cuddling with Sindel's tail." If she looked to the pile of women lying on the bed herself, Eva would confirm that Iris was indeed glomped onto the wolfish sidhe's fluffy tail and was nuzzled into it with a silly grin on her face.

Waking the two nymphs would prove something of a chore, as even though Sindel opened her eyes and greeted them for the morning quickly enough, the two nymphs seemed to wish to sleep on. Once they were up she was free to get her own breakfast going, however.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Once she lovely give the goodmorning to Felicia, she softly get away after kiss her mouth. She then cleaned her hands before start to aid her partner, having as much attention as possible to the sidhe's words. Is fine than Miss Cremily rest as she need, all of you deserve a time to relax after the invaluable help for take down that tower. Once said this, she helped with what she could to prepare the breakfast and also prepare the table, even helping Felicia to sit at a chair close her, it was usual for Mithra to show some manners and without notice it she really has accepted the love of this woman, all this has made her forget a little the precarious moment than her village is passing, of course than she have enough food for all, but she has earned to take care of how much she eats each day, how she could fill her stomach completely when she could spare some of her food with the others. I guess than maybe i could hunt something for them after end my daily routine, Mithra sight softly and continue eating, if she were already pregnant getting worried could affect the baby for what she remember to heard to some women a time ago, she also needed to eat more and healty so the birth get normal, even when she had heard than certainly the supernatural blood on their child will make the baby really resistant.

She softly touch her well build belly and then ended her food, of course than if Felicia havent ended she will let her end and see her peacefully as she wonder what to say or do now. Let me prepare all to take a quick bath, then when we get ready lets meet the others. She said making a soft smile and softly rubbing Felicia hand like inviting her to take it with her if she want, but the move only lasted a moment and then she will move to the bath, as she wonder what is happening to her way of act in front of the sidhe, they had just meet yesterday and she just now has invited her to take a bath, fortunately she dont have in mind any bad throught so she just suppose than she is just acting as she should with her couple. As she was herself, she will take care of completely wash her neithers, the dry paste at that place should be away so she get completely clean so she could focus in any work, she also have some problems washing her breasts, lossing herself a moment as she rubs softly her sensible ample brossom, this made her remember the last night and the skilled skills than Felicia used with her, this would harden the end of them, even more if Felicia decide to wash with her, in any way she will maintain her tentacles inside her body as the changes in her body remain for that.

Once all ready, both will go dressed like yesterday toward where Evangeline's house is, of course than Mithra will dress her armor and have her backpack with her, her many years fighting has teach her to be always ready.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Upon reaching the market area, Evangeline saw that much of the food there was quite pricey, and she had little money to spend right now really, so she would have to pick about half or less than she'd originally wanted to get, as she'd forgotten that their food was already stretched thin. Maybe she could try and persuade Sindel, Felicia, and Cremily to help out somehow by bringing some food if they could spare it or something like that... or she could teleport straight back home to Therion, as their food stocks were much cheaper and they could afford to spare some to these people, though it may drain a lot of her energy. Hell maybe even Aezralia might know a way to get some much needed food here, she'd have ask her when she woke up and after she herself got back.

Deciding on a gallon of milk, a package of bacon, a loaf of bread, a sack of potatoes, and a dozen eggs for now, Evangeline paid the necessary amounts to whoever she bought them from and carried them all back to her new abode. Once she was back, Evangeline took a few of her potatoes and graded them up to make some hashbrowns, then she took a trio of the eggs and used a bit of milk to scramble them up some eggs, got a skillet out and fried a enough bacon for them all to have a few pieces each, hopefully leaving some left over for her to use for dinner for herself and Aezralia, as she didn't really want to have to go out and hunt anything considering what all dangers were apparently about, then she just sliced up some of the bread to toast for them to put some butter on or jam, surely she had some of that around already and wouldn't need to bum it off of anyone. Once she had everything cooking and whatnot, she went to the bedroom to check on everyone and found Aezralia the only one of the four awake where she sat at the bedside table, looking a bit exhausted.

"Heh, well that is very cute to say the least. I'm gonna finish up with breakfast real quick before I wake them okay, be back in a few minutes okay cutie. And I had a blast last night, you really know how to have fun," Evangeline said to the angel, winking at her before going on to finish up with their coming meal.

Once it was done cooking, she set everything on the table and headed back to help Aezralia rouse the trio from the bed, leaning down and kissing Sindel on the back of her neck as the nymphs lay there, Iris nuzzling her big fluffy wolf tail. "Come on you sleepy heads, time for breakfast. Come on get up, I'll spank you if you don't get up," Evangeline said to the three after kissing Sindel's neck, where she shook each of them in turn, giving a little playful spank to those that didn't get up when she told them to, and moving on to tickling them if that didn't do it either.

Once they were up, Evangeline smiled at the lot of them. "Breakfast is served everyone, but it isn't a whole lot mind you, as I'm strapped for cash and these people are a little short on food so it's a bit expensive to say the least. I hope it's enough," Evangeline would tell them once they were all roused from sleep and on their way to the kitchen to eat.

Taking off 16 denarii for the expensive food. God, it reminds me of the tough times our real economy is going through to have such prices for food. :p
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

(Meat in ancient times was expensive, and they're in an isolated village on the edge of a war zone. Also, those can general feed more than one person and still offer multiple servings.)

"Indeed. Lets hope next time can be a bit less strenuous though," Aezralia replied, and a few minutes later would follow Evangeline out into the kitchen area to help with cooking breakfast. She hadn't put her robe back on before coming out, leaving her completely in the nude still, but she offered no complaint if Eva opted to take advantage of that fact in some fashion. Once breakfast was ready and she went to awaken those that were still sleeping, her spanking managed to awaken the two nymphs after a few moments, and nobody raised any complaints about the meal after they had all moved back into the main room.

"Thanks Eva!" Sindel said brightly once the meal was done, the wolfish sidhe having been the first of them to finish. The nymphs and the angel all nodded in agreement, and began to engage in largely idle chatter as the bunch of nude woman sat around, none of the others having bothered to dress. As faeries of winter, the cold wouldn't have bothered them in the slightest, and modesty was a rare thing for them to care about when only among friends, which was certainly what each of them qualified for at that point given the orgy they had shared last night. Nobody was showing yet, but given their collective heritages it was more or less certain that Eva, Aezralia, and the two nymph sisters were pregnant at that very moment, the nymphs with Eva's children, Eva's with Sindel's, and Aezralia with Cremily's. Indeed, the only one in the room not carrying anyone's child at that point was Sindel.


"I don't doubt that Lady Evangeline would appreciate that!" Felicia said as Mithra offered to hunt for the sidhe over their meal. Hunting had been sparse of late, the game thinned by the war, but it was still possible to earn a living at it even then, and a decent kill might provide enough meat for several weeks worth of eating if Mithra could find something larger than the rabbits or squirrels that were the only prey still available in any abundance around her village.

Saying she wished to take a bath, Felicia nodded and said; "Of course! I'll wake Cremily and see that she gets her breakfast." She paused and smiled mischeivously at Mithra's inviting rub, however, and after a moment she returned the gesture by running a single finger in a circle around Mithra's waist and added; "You go on ahead... I'll with you in a moment~"

Sure enough, a few moments later Felicia entered her washroom and strode to the tub, abandoning her apron along the way, and climbed into the tub beside Mithra with a nod of greeting. "Oh, but this won't do at all!" she said upon feeling the cold water, and with a few muttered words the tub began to heat until the water was pleasantly warm. "Much better!" she added brightly, and then Mithra would find the woman hanging over her on her hands and knees, a broad grin on her face as she brought the elf into a deep kiss. Deft fingers began to rub lightly against her pussy, scrubbing away the leftovers of last night and sending bursts of stimulation up her spine. Her mouth would break the kiss as Mithra cleaned her breasts, and with a smirk Felicia's mouth would switch to them, suckling at one of her sensitive mounds and then the other, drinking of her milk once more if she began to release it. Felicia's fingers soon found their way past her lips and into her sex as well, cleaning her inside and out as something of a secondary benefit to the pleasure that was tingling its way up Mithra's spine as she slowly pumped her fingers in and out of the elf's flower.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

(Eh that's true I guess, still quite a bit though for poor Eva and her paltry 17 denarii. :p)

"Aye, I agree with you there Aezralia, my poor penis has never been so sore before... and I've had sex with a demon succubus before when I was a little younger," Evangeline said to Aezralia when she entered the kitchen to help her finish cooking, the young sidhe staring a little at the beautiful angel before her with an admiring look as she took in all of her features now that they weren't either in the midst of battle or an orgy, though she didn't stare too long and went back to the cooking, asking Aezralia to help her get the bread buttered and whatnot for them all to eat. While they finished up with the food, Evangeline wouldn't really try to do anything to the angel that might want the to, but she couldn't help herself as she reached over on one occasion that she saw the angel bend over across the table to grab something or just as she passed to set some of the food on the table when it was done, winking at her when she probably looked at her.

As the others started to come in, Evangeline felt a little like a wolf in sheep's clothing since the others were all naked and she wasn't, so she took her robes back off before joining them all at the table to eat breakfast. While they ate, and afterwards of course, Evangeline chatted with the others, listening to what the nymphs and her fellow kin had to say mostly, but chatting about herself some too if asked. "Hey Sindel... you think you could help me out around this place possibly? Nothing like fighting unless necessary and I summon you all again. But more do you think you could help get a little more food for these people here... if that would be possible that is. I mean I can help them hunt and whatnot easily enough, but if we could get food elsewhere such as vegetables and fruits then that'd probably be just as good if not better. And I can pay you for that help if you desire it. I'm sure we could come to an agreement on what the terms of that help would be," Evangeline would ask Sindel after they finished eating and before they got up from the table, trying to perhaps work out a trade deal for some more food to bring into the village so that these people wouldn't starve because of her and Mithra bringing in so many refugees from that tower the previous day. "Also Aezralia, while you're here you can stay with me. It'll be nice to have some company while I'm here, cause I don't really like being alone for too long at a time, and you're welcome for as long as you want," Evangeline added to the angel, giving her another wink.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The sudden touch from the sidhe's finger made the elven straighten her back softly and et free a soft smile. The blonde elf soon walk toward her washroom where she tried to prepare all for their quick bath, it was not time enough to warm the water and soom Felicia come inside, leaving droop the apron as she also get inside the tub.

Thanks for come. Mithra manage to say, trying to give herself once again to Felicia so both could pass a last moment together before start their day. She was close to aologize for dont have warm water, when suddenly the mage casted a soft spell to warm the water until it was pleasant for both. The way than both girls were close each other and the warm water made Mithra blush softly having problems to maintain her normal serious look. Meanwhile her mind remain thinking the same phrase, saying to herself than all was fine and she should enjoy every moment with her couple. After all what has happened between them this love feeling should be completely true. Her soft lips softly opened and her plead eyes remain opened as Felicia get closer and them she completely accept and return the love at that deep kiss. Mithra rest her back at the end of the tub and then tried to use a hand press softly the Sidhe head at her, her tongues danced from a while, but Mithra could not do it so good as her mate, soon her body was getting warm by the skilled moves of the sidhe's fingers. Without any way to return the favor, Mithra tried to clean her breasts, thinking than once she were clean she could do the same for Felicia, but once they were soaked in soap, Felicia wash them with some water and then started to suck at them, making let free some muffed moans from Mithra who tried to cover her mouth with one of her hands. Felicia...i...i love...it Mithra said changing her words at the end, worried than this was not the right moment to show her new feelings for the Sidhe. You are, so good and skilled... hmm Mithra muff herself again trying to dont say more.

With her free hand she started to rub her couple's back and sides, trying to endure the amazing pleasure than Felicia was giving to her. The love word was so hard to say and she was close to reach her peak, even help the sighe to wash her body was a nearly impossible task. The two continue trying their best to pleasure the other, if Mithra could reach, she would try to soft hug Felicia as she continue drinking from her ample blossom, without the needed space, Mithra couls try to rub softly her lover's neithers with one of her legs, as she focus hard to make her milk as much delicious and nutritious as her shapershifter skills could do it. Mithra was sure than she could reach her peak in any moment if Felicia continue like this, but for some reason she was begging to get penetrated once.

Felicia could end this in any moment and once Mithra has reached her peak she would moan without get worried of be noticed by anyone, completely focused at the momen, as she hugh thigh her lover. She will take a moment to recover and then use all her remaining strengh to not just move and place closer enough to whisper at the sidhe's ear, but of let escape all her feelings in words than she could say at this moment.

I want to confess you than i havent these feelings for someone else in my whole life and i must admit than you made my unworthy body have a reason to be like this, your divine touch has let me accept myself more until... the point where i cant deny the happiness and pleasure than you give me when you drink from my bust amd fertilize me with your seed. Mithra manage to say with her usual tone, turned into a love whisper so only Felicia could heard her secret confesion, taking a brief pause to recover her courage. After end she tried to dont look down in shame, waitin to be accepted by Felicia, but still hidding part of her real corruption to her


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Aezralia offered no further comment on Eva's sexual exhaustion, merely rolling her eyes and grinning, but that smirk would widen briefly whenever the sidhe opted to sneak a grope of the nude angel's body, which she seemed to make vulnerable to such touching with increasing frequency as their morning tasks continued on. Neither she nor anyone else protested to Eva removing her clothing when they all sat down to breakfast, and they would all chatter idly for a time before she opted to request help from Sindel. "No," the elder sidhe replied simply, though she held no malice in her tone and quickly opted to clarify herself; "Entertaining a distraction as this has been, my duties at my Court take precedence, and our Queen has always been quite specific about our interactions with mortals. They are to live or die on their own abilities, without interference from us. You might be able to get away with assisting them for a while, but I suspect some of our kin may not be so patient with you." Aezralia, her lips thinned after Sindel's reply to Evangeline's request for aid, nodded gratefully to Eva's offer and replied; "I shall likely take you up on that offer, at least until I give birth." Her lips turned upwards into a smile, and she added; "Until then, I wouldn't mind keeping you warm at night at night."


"Mmmmm~" Felicia moaned softly as Mithra's breast began to leak into her mouth, prompting her to suckle harder on the sensitive nub while her tongue rolled over it. Every drop of her milk was lapped up as it left her bounteous orbs, drunk down by the sidhe eagerly even as her fingers continued to pump steadily into her depths, those digits going deeper and deeper as they squirmed in search of the elf's most sensitive spots.

Though the majority of her attentions were focused on pleasuring the elf, when Mithra raised her leg against her sex she began to buck her hips back and forth, grinding against it and adding the vibrations of her moans to the pleasure being sent rushing through Mithra. She switched breasts, ensuring that both orbs were drained equally, but the peak that was freed from her mouth was quickly taken to by her fingers instead, which pinched it and began to tug and rub gently. After a few moments she found Mithra's g-spot, and a couple of seconds of rubbing it was enough to send Mithra spiraling downwards into a brief sexual bliss, her love honey squirting out into the magically warmed water as Felicia steadily pumped her fingers into the mutated elf.

Those motions continued for several seconds after Mithra's orgasm began before slowing, prolonging her climax through the steady barrage of her skilled attentions, and when Mithra managed to gather herself enough to speak again some time later she finally released Mithra's breasts and beamed at her. As awkward as the elf's admission might seem to her, its delivery after the height of her passions was not without some passion of its own at the very least, and her earnest admissions to enjoying the sensations that Felicia inspired brought a broader smile to the faerie's face. "Unworthy? Nonsense, Mithra... Your body is beautiful, and strong... So strong," she replied softly as a hand glid slowly over Mithra's stomach, and whatever she found there evidently pleased her as her smile broadened yet further.

She tilted her head up to look into Mithra's eyes, and began to speak in a voice that was equal parts solemn and affectionate, the nature of Felicia's voice as one of the sidhe ensuring that the elf could do nothing but hang upon every word as if hypnotized; "Our daughters, twins, are already growing inside of you... You who, among all the others whom I might have called upon to pay my debt to Evangeline, were most worthy in my eyes to have my children. Every act I have performed to please you has been as much a pleasure on me as it is to you. Drinking of your bosom... Feeling your beautiful body writhe with mine in mutual bliss... Filling you with my seed and knowing that it would take root... I could not have been happier with how things turned out. If you permit me, I would return here often to give you this kind of pleasure. Every night together you would be able to forget your cares and bask in the pleasures that I can bring. We could have many more beautiful daughters like the ones we made last night, and you would need offer me no promise of fidelity as a mortal husband might require of you."

She leaned in to gently rest her forehead against Mithra's, her smile growing mischievous during a brief pause, and then she added; "I find you so alluring, dear Mithra... I find the thought of replacing the mess that I have just cleaned from you ever so appealing. On your breasts, in your mouth, in your pussy... I want to fill you and cover you completely! Though... If you would prefer that I leave you excited for more, I would understand~" She fell silent again, her head tilting slightly and her lips parting as her fingers began running over the elf's petals once more, leaving her balanced on one hand as she awaited Mithra's response with bated breath.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"I see... well I shall have to find another way to find them some more food then. I didn't expect you to help with that honestly, but figured I should at least try. And I'm sure that some of our kin will want me to stop this that I'm doing, but... I wasn't raised amongst you or our kin that much if you didn't know already, or guessed rather, so... well I'll cross that bridge when I come to it," Evangeline said, sounding a little disappointed that Sindel was so quick to reply with a no to her possible proposal, but then again she should have figured it really, so she wasn't angry about it, just disappointed that she was a drain on these peoples already paltry food supplies and had brought in more people that may very well cause some to go hungry. "Sindel... could you then at least tell me where I might be able to go in order to find them some more food to bring in? Or would telling me, a fellow sidhe, be interfering with the mortals too? I mean I did summon you girls to help in saving a bunch of them yesterday, as well as myself and all, so you know. Was that going against your court? If so then I'm sorry, I was more worried for our safety at the time really," Evangeline then asked curiously, an idea that maybe she could at least find out where she might be able to go to replenish their food supplies here, since she was a sidhe and all and not a mortal, then it wouldn't or at least shouldn't be going against Sindel's court.

"Oh well that's good to hear Aezralia, I do sometimes get cold and lonely in a bed all alone," Evangeline replied to the angel with a pouty look on her face. "Anyway though, I suppose I've got nothing to do at the moment save rest and relax for the day, unless something happens that I need to go out. Well other than helping to tend to those we brought in yesterday I think," Evangeline went on to say as she stretched in her seat, yawning some before standing up and stretching some more, letting the other four see her nude body really in all of its glory and not caring one bit that they saw her.

"Aw hell I guess I could go and see if anybody needs something that I could help out with, after you three head on out of course... which I suppose we'll be getting to when Felicia and Cremily get back. I wouldn't be opposed to some more fun with you three later on though if you'd ever like to come and visit me. You know where to find me, well where to most likely find me at least. And... well I'd like to have some more fun sometime with you too," Evangeline said after stretching again and grabbing her clothes, throwing them over her shoulder as she stood there a moment before taking the dishes to wash them, with the others help if any wished to do so.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The sidhe's words echoed on the elven ears, of course than she havent show her true corruption's marks, but Felicia looks to love her not only for her beauty, but also her strengh, the one than she has raised in order to help her town, so her life could have a meaning in this harsh age than her race are passing, maybe the last one if this get worse. Mithra smile softly trying to decide what to say or show to Felicia so she could notice why Mithra was not good for her, she was thinking on let appear her tentacles and say the story of her mother, but she was not ready to gamble the affection of her lover, there was not need for that and all could just stay at the past, then she heard some words than make her own soul be on bliss. Twins!? ... i cant believe it. Mithra think to had managed to say in a nearly cut weak tone, her eyes soon could not restrain her joy teardrops, as her free hand touch her belly where should be her future daughters and then hold the fey's head. The sidhe words continue and each off them were breaking through the well protected feelings than until yesterday havent letting anyone get inside.

Without need to think twice she answer to the sidhe question of come here to pleasure her as many times as she wantI will always allow it, please come as many times as you wish and fill me of happiness as today and this last night, let me fill this world with the fruits of our love. Completely with her soul in bliss, Mithra hold the sidhe at her arm, cuddling together as her face give a joy motherly smile, have two childrens the first time with someone than she love, it could maybe a proof of her well endowed body, finally this corruption than she always has cursed would give a blesing to this world, even when her life could end prematurely in a distant future as she fight to defend this people, some part of herself would be alive.

Filled with love for this woman and the hope than she has bring to her, Mithra could not say any other answer to her next words. Please, let me marked completely at my whole body with your warm scent, so even when i wash deeply i will restain it until our next time together. Mithra answer in bliss as her neither is continuously pleasured, the needs to have Felicia again before she leave and the joy of know her blesing has made her dont be able to see anything wrong on this. Both has showed to the other their love and she is already pregnant, Beside, Felicia could not have the cum loads than Evangeline have, so this could only last maybe mostly an hour, no matter what Felicia could try, Mithra will get ready to increase the Sidhe manlike member's pleasure as much as she could, if needed she will increase the softness of her skin, if her birth hole is used she will make it press as much as possible with her corruption to increase the lust on both, if her mouth and breasts were used to make her cum then her tongue will be a whip tongue to made her feel better and when she drink from her, the milk from her breed orbs will be as better as could it bee, giving vitality to Felicia so she could endure even more as she could. Meanwhile, the elf will try to make her best to increase the pleasure of her partner, licking and caressing softly and needing her couple's flesh, sucking and kissing as best as she can to make her feel as best as possible, as maybe this would be the last time in a long time.

All the time she was sure than Felicia would not try to hurt her or theirs childs inside her, not matter the quatity than she would need to take inside or how exausted she feels, the elf would try to make the sidhe reach her pleasure limit and be as much pleased as her with this third time together. Once ended they will cuddle and show their affection, then Mithra would need to wash herself again (unless something more happens) and dress her clothes and armor, just in case than they need to fight later, however who know what Felicia would have at her mind for the in love blonde elf, after all Mithra was so out of herself in that moment than maybe she would accept any strange idea than the sidhe have.

The basic idea for Mithra's day before this was prepare all to check how was Evangeline, the elf would talk with them and let them follow her where the victims were resting and then maybe they could enjoy a while of time to collect food or check around the town.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"I couldn't even hazard a guess," Sindel replied with a shrug, "you couldn't feed so many off of nature alone, not in this region. And your summoning of us was responded to because it involved driving the aliens from Court lands, and depriving them of resources in the form of captives. The relative wellbeing of those captives after that point doesn't matter as far as we are concerned."

Aezralia, when addressed in turn, rolled her eyes at Eva's flirtatious pouting. "I'll bet that's all," she remarked, and then nodded without comment to her plan for the day, an action she and those around her repeated when she opted to change them. "I'll likely be off, but if you have need of me you may call on my services again for the same price. Felicia and Cremily can be off when they wish, though I suspect that the latter will be along to see you before she departs," Sindel said, gesturing with her head towards Aezralia.

The nymph that Eva had dubbed Iris then spoke up; "We will most likely be off as well, now that our rewards have been given~" She gave a pat to her belly and grinned, and Jazmine smirked as well and added; "As with your kin, our services are yours if they are needed." With that, the other faeries would bid Evangeline farewell and promptly depart, vanishing into the woods at the edge of town. Evangeline was left to choose what exactly she wanted to do with herself, as Mithra hadn't yet joined her and she was now left alone with Aezralia.


Felicia merely smiled with delight as Mithra accepted her lewd proposal, and with a gentle touch she guided the busty mutated elf up to a kneeling position in the tub, such that she was facing away from the sidhe. Hands slowly slid up her sides as the other woman leaned over her, Felicia's far smaller breasts pressing against Mithra's back while one of those hands slowly slid up to cup one of the elf's bounteous orbs. The other hand continued on past Mithra's hanging breasts to cup her chin, directing it to the side where she found Felicia's lips waiting to claim her own, and only after engaging in a deep, open-mouthed kiss for several moments did she finally feel her partner's cock slide with ease into her freshly cleaned pussy.

Though she started their lovemaking slowly, Felicia's actions were perfectly aimed to excite Mithra, and the stimulation only grew more intense as the moments fled by. The hand on her chin released her and moved down, Felicia switching her mouth to one of Mithra's pointed ears when the blond elf could no longer maintain the kiss, and found its way down between them to begin a steady strumming motion over Mithra's clitoris, adding to the barrage of stimulation coming from the cock plunging into her love tunnel and the breast that Felicia was steadily massaging. On and on she went, bringing Mithra to one orgasm, and then another, and finally a third before she tensed and brought her moans up alongside Mithra's as her cum once more painted her womb white.

That wasn't to be the end of it, however, as Felicia worked Mithra through several more rounds of passionate sex, cumming inside of her three more times and bringing the elf to eleven more orgasms, leaving her inner walls a mess and the bath awash in their spilled fluids. Exhausted at last, Felicia held her close in the waters that were still warmed by her magics, and kissed Mithra once again before pulled away and allowing her to adopt a more comfortable position. It was difficult to tell how long had passed in the lustful haze they had gone through, particularly given the magical heating of the water, but after a few moments Cremily would peek her head in and say; "About time! You've been at it for almost two hours now, people have been looking to talk to you!"


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

allured by the moment, the blonde elven was as clay at the hands of the sidhe, she was glad to had made Fecilia smile in that way with her words, maybe she would be completely ashamed with her honor shattered if she would had said these words to someone else, but Felicia has loved her like anyone else even her lewd mutated breasts had been a blessing at the sidhe's eyes. Feeling herself accepted and completed she dont deny to do any move than Felicia wanted her to do and soon she get placed at her kness, shivering expectantly trying to wonder what will she do with her now, each sesion with her has been most than a new revelation of how her body could feel good with what she has tried to make distance. They dont needed words and only talk with theirs eyes, smiling and feeling the other until Mithra get in place, her knees were surrounded with the warm water and she soon needed to put her hands to support both of them, her heart increased in speed excited by what will come, the soft sidhe orbs were placed at her back, they werent match for her two ones, but just the touch make her feel comforted, one of the sidhe hands get at one of the elven ample breast, making the elven make a soft whimper, who get soon interrupted when she notice the other hand touching her chin to guide her to a lovely kiss.

Mithra eagerly accept the kiss, lost at the eyes of her lover and turning as much as she could to give as much comfort as posible to Felica, their heavenly moment was nearly eternal until soon Felicia's manlike member press to slowly get inside the elven honeyhole, making her give a muffed soft moan, she wanted to get in better stance to let Felicia work more easily, yet slowly her body start to react to the skilled moves. The elven lost track at the time, just when her chin get free and nearly at the instant the hand find her clit, Mithra tried to endure it to resist more time, but then her pointed ear get used by the sidhe's mouth, it was like Felicia has made a perfect map of her body. Tired after try to maintain the kiss as much as possible, the elven could feel her clit teased, as each of her erogenous zones, the slow motion was enough to bring her to her first orgasm of many, she wanted to move to give pleasure to her partner, but her whole body was stunned, she wanted to turn back and get other kiss but the amazing motions were too much than she would lost her breath soon, she could not even see her lover body, just feel her at the back, her moans were at the start muffed at her attemps to recover her breath but just after her second peak she was unable to even do that, unable to talk her in love moans tried to show to Felicia how good she feels completely once both girls cum together.

With her once cleaned pussy again drenched in the sidhe's warm juices, Mithra continued stunned by the skilled moves, completely under Felicia's control, her inner walls pressing as best as possible to make then feel better and her breasts soon leaking her sweet milk at the sidhe's nad and at the mix of warm liquids at the tub, her body could not feel the pain as she remain at the same stance mostly by her nerves completely imbued with pleasure. Peak after peak the intense grow and they get even more synchronized, nearly as her own souls were mergin to be one, even the strong willed swordswoman was starting to let drop some tears by the amazing pleasure giving to her, with her mind focued on this moment and in how much she love it and Felicia too.

Suddenly Felicia stop, cumming at her one last time, it was not doubt than her womb has been filled until the brim, even when she is exhausted she wanted to continue to be close her lover, her breath slowly return to the normality as she could feel the soft sidhe resting at her, as she remain over her knees resting most of the weight over her arms, her ample milky breasts softly touching the warm naughty mix at the tub, as also the points of her large blonde hair were touching the naughty warm water, a little more and she would maybe pass out completely inside the lewd warm water, she was not worried about that thanks to have others things at her mind and get up softly to enjoy a kiss again from Felicia, soon they were cuddling at each other.

Im speechless... its like you know my body even better than myself... I love you Felicia...

and wish to live enough to be at least half as good like you, so i can show you some of what you make me feel.

An exhausted Mithra manage to confess her love, even in her most weird dreams she would never believe to had said it to someone in just two days of know it even less a woman, she dont care how many others have the sidhe at her life, her childrens with others or the past than she could had before meet her, this time together and her babies inside her cum filled womb were the only things at her mind for now, she softly give a massage to Felicia trying to return some of the pleasure given to her, they could had been there for some more time, but then Cremily come and inform them about the outside world.

Two hours!? Mithra answer amazed, it has been a lot of time and she was also ashamed to be seen like this by someone else.

They are still waiting? say them please than i will go soon. She turn a last time to Felicia and kiss her a last time, one of her arms holding her at the back and the other slowly going sliding at her side, nearly reaching Felicia's neithers. Blushed she softly move away of the tub and tried to recover her calmed look. She know than she dont have the time to clean her insides, so she needed to maintain it inside as she meet who is waiting for her. Just at the instant she make her inner hole more thigh as much as she could, as she cover herself with a towel and goes to dress herself, giving a soft apologize to her babies who are now swiming at the sidhe's cum until Mithra find a safe moment to let all this warm fluid go out, she tried to dry the naughty scent from her before quickly dress herself, her military training has teach her to be ready for the fight in just an instant, so she always have her clothes in a correct place where she could put quickly at her, finally making one of her tentacles wraping her lowers to dont let the fluid drop of her womb and pressing hard to have her naughty hole closed, she dressed some of her ususual clothes, as also a new pair of undies and goes to meet who has been waiting for her.

The pression to dont let her body drop the warm seed was leabing her feel blushed the whole time, she feels herself naughty by walk like this to meet someone and this was making her body being aroused and ashamed. Her whole life has been guided by a shedule, one nearly unchanging where she always wake up early, do her homework than she dont ended at the night, then take a time to train before prepare herself to go out and help as much as she could to hr people. Sometimes she patrool, others hunt or collect food, of course than what she loves more is train the girls who joined the small town army, most of these girls only have a mother and theirs brothers are missing at the war, so she tried to be like a big sister for them and teach them all what she know, but she never wanted than they get in danger, she always has tried her best to maintain them here, making her avoid to think about join the war or fight battles than she could do alone.

As Mithra get closer to the door, she just wish than the person looking for her are one of her sister's of arms, yet Evangeline and the others girls would be fine so she could have the time to have all ready so they could go to help the town.
use shapeshifter to get thigh mutation as much as possible as also the other to press the apendages inside her as much as possible. So she could seal the cum inside her as much as possible as she make her daily schedure
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Well I'll figure something out to help them somehow I'm sure, so don't worry about it Sindel, and I wouldn't mind you coming back once in a while to say hi to me or anything... but that's up to you of course, same goes for you Iris, Jasmine, you're all welcome any time here. I had a lot of fun indeed last night... even though I'm a bit sore and exhausted now," Evangeline said to Sindel and then the nymphs, winking at them all. She turned to Aezralia after that and winked at her again too. "Hmhm, I do like someone warm to cuddle up to in all honesty though you beautiful angel. Would you deny me warmth?" Evangeline then giggled to Aezralia, reaching over and lightly pinching her on the butt.

Evangeline got up and followed the three out, still nude as she'd forgotten about being that way to be honest, because the cold didn't really bother her much despite what she'd been saying to Aezralia before about being warm in the bed. She would kiss all three of them, and then she'd give them all a wave as they went on, telling them to come by and visit again anytime and she'd find a way to... entertain them. Once they were gone, She slipped an arm around Aezralia and pulled her up against her and looked over at her. "Well it's just us now. Why don't we go and see where Mithra is hmm, maybe tease her a bit," Evangeline said to the angel with a smile, stopping off back in the house and redressing if Aezralia mentioned they might ought to put some clothes on beforehand and giving her a look of embarrassment in the process. "Whoops... perk and curse of being of the winter court I guess, not being truly bothered by the cold much that is," Evangeline would say in that case, her cheeks flushing a bit as she hurried back inside to get her clothes before heading over to Mithra's house, though if Aezralia didn't mention anything about clothing then Evangeline would go on naked without even thinking about it.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Aezralia merely grinned wryly at Eva's flirtatious pouting and butt pinch, offering no confirmation one way or another. When the others were gone and Eva mentioned going to see Mithra, the angel nodded but, upon seeing her about to walk outside nude, quickly stopped her and said; "Maybe you ought to put some clothes on first, yes? Don't want to go walking around nude, whether or not the cold bothers you."

After they were dressed, they could move along without further troubles, and soon found themselves at Mithra's house. Whether they knocked and waited for someone to answer or simply barged in, they would find Cremily to be the first to greet them. "Good morning," the draconic sidhe would say, "Mithra and Felicia are a bit busy, do you need something from either of them?" They would hear a loud moan coming from an adjoining room, clearly in Mithra's voice, thus leaving little doubt as to what the two were "busy" doing.

Eva would then suggest that they take a walk, and Aezralia would simply nod her agreement. "I'll tell them you were around," the draconic sidhe said dismissively, and then they would be free to wander around the woods, though cautioned not to go far past the treeline by the village's sentries. Traps were laid just past it, there to ward away any would-be scouts who might report the village's location to the orc hordes, but they would kill or maim Eva or Aezralia just as easily if they weren't cautious. So long as they kept close to the small hidden village, their stroll would be entirely peaceful.


"Evangeline and Aezralia were here, as were some of your people. None of them are here now though. The first two went off for a walk, and the latter said to report to the healing halls when you could. They mentioned something about a report on the captives that you brought in," Cremily replied, making no effort to maintain any sense of propriety as she watched Mithra hastily climb out of the tub after only rudimentary cleaning. Felicia would be content to leave that last kiss as little more than a light peck before climbing out as well, smirking as she undoubtedly knew that Mithra was keeping a small ocean of her cum inside of her depths since not much of it had spilled out. Once dressed, Mithra would find her house empty, but whether she wanted to go and get her report (the rescued people were all doing alright and many had already awakened) or wait for Eva and Aezralia to return was up to her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... oh yeah, guess I should put something on so nobody else gets all hot and bothered by my sexy body," Evangeline replied when Aezralia mentioned getting her clothes on, despite not really caring much about it herself honestly now that she was nude, feeling very free without clothes.

When she was redressed once more and all, Evangeline buckled her sword belt around her waist with her bronze sword in its sheath there and walked on towards Mithra's house. Once there, Evangeline knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer, who happened to be Cremily, which drew a smile from Evangeline. Listening to what Mithra and Felicia were both doing, Evangeline smirked at Cremily before turning to Aezralia and asking her if she wanted to take a stroll to kill time while Mithra finished up with her... fun.

"No we don't really need anything from them that can't wait, we were just coming by to let you all know that Sindel and the nymphs all went on and to see what Mithra had planned for the day. Because I really have nothing more to do now honestly, other than to try and find a way to bring in some more food for this town to have so they don't starve thanks to me bringing and Mithra bringing in so many refugees and captives from that tower," Eva told Cremily when she greeted them at the door. "Just let her know we were here alright, we'll be back in half an hour or so to see if they're done and we can bid you and Felicia both farewell until next time, I wouldn't mind seeing any of you girls again sometime, so just come and give us a call and we'll see if we can't squeeze some time in for you all," Evangeline added before her and Aezralia went off to take their stroll.

Once they set off, Evangeline held Aezralia's hand and guided her through the nearby wooded area around the village, nodding to the sentries and steering clear of the trapped lands on the far outskirts of town so they didn't get hurt. "So love, what are you going to do now? And when we found you, what were you doing there all alone? I meant to ask you that yesterday, but with everything that happened I just kind of forgot. I'm sure we could use the help if you'd like to stay along with us, or when I've done enough good here to help these people so that they can fend for themselves, the two of us could travel together if you'd like, righting wrongs and the like," Evangeline asked Aezralia while they walked, moving her hand out of the angel's and slipping her arm around Aezralia's back and resting her hand on the angel's opposite side, finding herself quite attracted to her, even more so than the day before. After Aezralia answered her, Eva would look over at her and then her gaze would drift to her wings, where she'd reach up to stroke them. "May I stroke your wings Aezralia? I've always wanted to touch an angel's wings ever since I was young," Evangeline would then ask, doing so if Aezralia allowed her to.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

It was not a good news for Mithra to heard this, she fortunately havent thinking than someone could had heard her a moment ago, she has enjoy it to even think in that. However she has acted and said some things without think. Thanks for take care of the visitors lady Cremily, I really apologize for had lost sign of the time. Mithra bow softly but stop after feel her filled inners, she wanted to return to the batroom and clean herself before go to know what has happened to the rescued people, but she noticed how Felicia has smiled before and the elven has said a lot of indecent promises, there was just not time to decide now between how much she want to avoid dissapoint her mate and her confort, after all she could endure this even the whole day as shecompletely believe in her limits and be carring some extra loads inside will not affect her so much, at least she said to herself.

I must go and check if all if good with the persons than we rescued yesterday, it must be all fine as they dont insist to see me. The swordwoman said as she went to her room to take her armor and her equipment so she could be ready for all and she dont need to return to gather them later. Even as she placed her armor at her body, the effects on her werent more than just a softy blush and sweat to endure the strange feeling of store the warm sea inside her. She then write a message where she would say to Evangeline to go to the healing halls, she then place it at the door in a way than it dont fall and her partner could see it.

She tried to make time and check if Felicia wanted to continue the day close her, but she was sure than her daily routine would not be liked by her and Felicia maybe have others things to do. If after end she see than the sidhe dont want to come with her, she will hug her and stay like that for a while.

It has been one of my best days and it has just started, thanks a lot from the deepest part of my heart. Both are my special guests and can stay as much time as both want at my home or our town, it would be an honor if my request to be your personal scort is accepted. With a deep bow and a sight filled with love to Mithra, the elf get ready to leave. She will accept to let anyone come with her or let them wait for Evangeline if they dont return to their land. If this last happen then Mithra will only need to end this little meeting and then she could take care of her over weight in a private place, maybe her home if she had the time.


Dressed and with her polite manners as ussual, Mithra went to meet the persons in chearge of the healing halls. She wish them a good day as better as she could and then heard the report or read it, softly smiling and making a little nod. How is the state of the persons than has awakened? Anyone remember something ? If is needed i can try to collect anything than could be needed to thread them better and make their stay more enjoyable If anyone could be healty enough she would ask a pass to meet that person so she could see with her own eyes how is the state and if that person could answer any question, maybe anyone know from where they come and that could help them to find a more suitable place to get recovered.

If its not possible to do more, Mithra will return to her home, maybe if she is alone at there she could take a extra time to clean her naughty place, as she wait for Evangeline and together could decide what to do now.

If there was not any idea from Evangeline or the angel, then Mithra will sugest than they should hunt around or see if all is safe, maybe even do both things as they explore any other possibility.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"It was no trouble," Cremily said following Mithra's apology, waving off her concerns. Both faeries nodded at her insistence on going to see to the people they had rescued, and Cremily said; "Very well then! We must return to the Court, but Felicia I am sure will be back to see you often~" The draconic woman adopted a lascivious grin, and the expression that Felicia wore in response wasn't far off as she replied in turn; "I do have business to attend to, I am afraid. Even so, I wouldn't mind returning sometime within the next few days, if you would permit me. Our daughters won't be as much of a burden as a pair of your natural kind might as they grow, and should be born within only a month. I would be glad to help you through their growth as best I can, and can bring a few things that might make it easier on you as well."

Heading off to her people's infirmary after exchanging goodbyes with the two sideh, Mithra was greeted by Marius, the town's head healer, who greeted her with a wan smile and said in his normal nasal voice; "Mithra, good morning! The people you brought in are all doing as well as can be expected, all but one of them have awakened. None of them were turned, and despite the state in which you found them none of them seem to need anything more than food, water, and rest."

Assuming she had no questions for him, Mithra would be free to return to her empty house and clean herself up while waiting for Evangeline to return.


"You are just incorrigible!" Aezralia said to Eva's comment about walking around naked, rolling her eyes and giving her a soft pat on the rear.

Later, Cremily would nod to Eva's request and bid them farewell, saying; "Fair enough! No guarantees on being around though, Felicia and I have tarried too long as it is." She and Aezralia would share a look, the sidhe smirking briefly while the angel smiled back more softly, and then they were off for a brief jaunt in the woods.

"I'm not sure yet... And, hunting aliens that I'd found near a community that one of my kin was guarding before Gods-Reach was taken by the orcs," Aezralia replied as they walked, wrapping her arm around Evangeline in turn. "I suppose I'll stick around for a while, at the very least until I give birth to Cremily's child, but after that I don't know."

Glancing at the sidhe as they strolled through the woods, Aezralia smirked and nodded to her request, saying; "Sure, sure.... So, what are you doing out here anyway? Besides getting your brains fucked out over and over and cumming in quantities that could be bottled and sold, I mean?"