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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The fairy ignores the jar, eyes screwed shut tightly as she bobbed around, still shouting at the top of her lungs GATEWAYS?! FAIRY CIRCLE! FAIRY IS IN THE NAME YOU FLUFFY ASSED MORON! NO WONDER YOU ALL GOT CAUGHT! YOU AND YOUR STUPID TEMPLE!

What!? You gonna suck its life out of it's dick!? Make it believe it's in some fake dreamworld illusion bullshit?! What!? Set it on fire! That'll be great! Then it can set everything else on fire! Can you get any dumber! She seemed to just keep building steam and wasn't showing any signs whatsoever of running out, seeming to get angrier and angrier as she went, obviously mostly without reason that pertained directly to Christine, but Everything in general.

As she got madder about life in the air, she started to glow brighter as she moved, like a little violet blur
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Well, it got me to a fairy, didn't it?" Christine replies, starting to wonder whether this was really what Obay had meant for her to learn here and deciding that it was probably not. And since she had the jar anyway, for whatever reason...

Christine tries to jar the fairy.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine. +9000 to roll cos Magic Jar.
Fairy. +9000 cos HEY LISTEN!
Christine! 4
FAIRY! nat 1 o_O
Christine has Jarred a Fairy.

Only have realizing what was happening before the bottom of the glass smacked her on her tiny ass, the fairy found herself stuck inside the jar as Christine screwed the led shut.

Christine could see her screaming and flailing around, but couldn't hear her anymore, and nothing bad happened because of it either, she just had a glowing pink fairy in a jar now. Worked kind of like a lamp in all fairness that fit the mood of the forest around her.

The fairy had mentioned that Others like Christine had a temple somewhere nearby, and probably Obay as well, but now that the squeaky pest was out of the way, she was free to properly explore.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Taking her fairy with her, Christine looks around, and picks the easiest route out of the circle, trying to find either somewhere interesting, or an actual path that might lead to somewhere interesting.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Finding a path was fairly difficult in a place that, according to the fairy was having troubles with it's native population, but a short pause and a glance at the bottle saw the fairy glancing nervously to the left where one of the mushrooms was shorter then other.

Her first attempt to leave the circle left her dizzy and standing back in it's center, like she'd hit wall, the fairy laughed at her, but kept glancing at the shorter shroom nervously. A second step over that particular spot brought her out of it, much to the fury of the imprisoned diminutive bottled pest.

She was free to wander, and she'd have to remember that peculiarity about the fairy circles. They were not as easy to enter or exit here where they held power, and now that she was outside it, she could feel it, like a low hum, or the smell of lightning in the air.

Still, there wasn't an obvious path, but now that the fairy had failed at trapping her long enough to be released or whatever the little shit had planned, she just tapped on the glass and exasperatedly pointed up at the moss. Seemed she didn't want to die along with Christine via aimless wandering, and the clue showed Christine what she needed to see. The moss along the center of the trees was growing in a definite pattern. All the blue moss was pointed at the circle, and continued that way as she looked up at the other trees. Following the blue moss would take her back to a circle, and a way out. Green and red however were following something else, and the Yellow moss seemed to always lower then the rest, and likely sunlight filtering through the plant. The moss was a good way for her to keep her bearings in this place. And once she'd noticed it, the fairy calmed down a great deal.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"You're being much nicer since I caught you." Christine comments to the fairy and heads to the direction pointed by the green moss.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The fairy flailed at the glass for several moments, looking agitated before facepalming hard and sitting down, sulking and glowing a little brighter. She couldn't beat Christine in the jar, so her options were limited to being a bitch, or being helpful. She was afraid of Something in here, she'd said as much.

Following the green Moss, Christine saw that it grew thicker in wider bands along the bark as she went, the other colors shrinking slightly, but she eventually stumbled out into a very small clearing, the clearing being a single missing tree, and in it's place, was a stone marker. The stone was like a small obelisk, maybe chest high, with carvings on 4 sides. To her left was a Fox, on her Right, was a Tiger, Forward was an Eagle, and facing her directly was a picture of fairies. Not one, but a swarm inside a large drawn circle. The meanings seeming to be fairly obvious and giving her directions. If Kitsune's had a shrine here for her to learn, like Obay had said, it would be to her left. Obay's would be directly ahead, and she didn't know what the tiger meant, but she could guess.

Her musings were cut short however as she heard something rustling through the trees, the fairy freezing, before losing her fucking mind, desperately trying to get out of the bottle. Through the trees, Christine could see the light from the different mosses dimming. No... being eclipsed by something, something that was heading straight for them.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine lets the fairy out of jar before dropping it and crouching, ready to run or fight.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The fairy, free of the jar looked at Christine, and then the thing, before zipping off to hide in a nearby tree while the creature came into view. It was as she had described it, a large, flowing... Sheet? No, It was more like a band of shadows woven together, passing between the trees like a phantom, easily 10 foot square, and now she could feel a pressure on her mind, whispers flitting through her thoughts.

New Prey.... old taste... fresh... Take it's magics... wrap it up... hold it tight.... squeeeeeze...

It was moving closer, continuing to move freely despite the breeze. Despite the invasive feeling, Christine was able to shake her head, her ears flapping wildly for a moment before she was free of the voice just in time to leap back several feet, a branching, twisting whip of the creature's substance lashing into the ground where she'd been with a dull, heavy sounding Thump.

On instinct, Christine readied to move again, and her mind drifted back to her current weapon of choice, 3 small flares forming in the air around her, drifting lazily, before one lashed out, causing a dim blue flash, the monster seeming to hiss soundlessly in pain, recoiling slightly as it continued to weave through the air.

Christine 5/5
Monster 4/5
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

She was supposed to be scared of shadows, now? Christine almost laughs as she sends a stream of flames at the thing. "You're a little slow, aren't you?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine scored two solid strikes, the flames she had summoned whipping through the trees to blossom violently against the shadows surface, causing holes to appear in it's otherwise seamless form, but her success had a price. Moving through the trees to continue her assault, she failed to notice the coiled whip which lashed around behind her, smashing into her side and throwing her into the trunk of a tree, worse, the creature seemed to stick to her, small threads of ink-like shadows holding fast to her side where she'd been hit.

The thin bands holding her stuck to the tree, and had an elastic, spring like quality that would allow her to move only so far from that one spot while the creature moved out of sight before reappearing on her left and coming in again to claim her.

Christine 3/5 Ensnared 1. -1 to dodge rolls.
Monster 2/5
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine snarls as the thing tries to ensnare it and sends another stream of fire at the apparent center of it, forming it into a whip that curls upon itself before slashing at it again.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine, forming the new orbs she summoned into a chain to whip at the creature, missed the first strike, instead stripping the bark from a tree as it slid around, but the recoil and second blow struck it soundly. It was looking openly ragged now, though it showed no fear whatsoever, just the hunger.

Another blow was returned to her however, the creature continuing to extend parts of itself to strike her from unexpected angles, this time from above, banging her once more into the tree she'd been leashed to, and again, partially binding her, making it even harder to move around. Still, one more solid blow would end it.

She just had to be careful, those strikes weren't pulled, they were starting to hurt like hell.

Christine 2/5 Ensnared 2 -2 to dodge.
Monster 1/5. almost ded.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine panics and starts flailing violently with the whip of fire, screaming: "Die, bastard, die!"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Wildly flailing her magic around caused several globes of flame to appear in the air entirely at random, before bursting violently, the exertion leaving her winded for a moment. But it accomplished the goal.

Hissing and writhing in the air, the monster curled in upon itself, smoldering, before finally burning away. She was still stuck to the tree by her side, and her shoulder, with maybe 2 foot worth of give, but she was safe... Safe ish.

Her fairy poked her head out of the leaves. You actually won... she said quietly, flitting slowly around, before noticing the bands attached to the Kitsune.

Gimme just a sec she said, zipping over to put her hands on them, chanting softly, small runes appearing in the air like falling leaves, before the substance faded away, freeing her.

I'm uhh... I'm gonna stay with you... for now... if you don't mind... she said, flitting into her hair and hiding there. OOO! You have that bottle! scoop up the little pieces! the ashes! she said, pointing at a small still smoking pile of wisping fragments.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Thanks." Christine replies, regaining her easy smile and scooping the ashes into the jar as best as she can before setting off towards whatever the kitsune sign was pointing to.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The fairy grew quiet and otherwise didn't pester her anymore, seeming to think being with Christine OUT of the jar was safer then on her own away from her circle. Following the sign, Christine walked for maybe half a mile, seeing two more markers, before stepping into the first real clearing she'd seen in this place. Here the trees were pushed back a good 100 yards or so, and in the center was a solid looking temple

3 steps led into a single entrance for the 1 story marble building, and in it's center was a large shrine with not 1 altar, but again, 3. The altars were placed before a massive smiling statue of a woman with tufted ears, and not 1 tail... but 9.

So~! We're not all quite gone yet! Wonderful! a silken smooth voice called, a beautiful woman stepping boldly from behind the statue, 6 tails spinning out behind her, fur thick and orange. Her features were as vixenlike as her statue, a fine pointed nose and gently sweeping features that framed shocking blue almond eyes, her ass length hair as orange as her fur, two almost fennec ears twitching on her head, a comfortable white robe loosely concealing her body.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Hello. I'm Christine." Christine replies, eyeing at her apparent host's tails admiringly as she moves closer.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Brianna. she replied smoothly, ears twitching again as she took a step around Christine as Christine moved closer, looking her over.

Normally there'd be an Elder here, but that's me now I suppose. Welcome to our Temple. she said, moving to sit on the central altar. But now a question young one. Wisdom. Power. or Influence?
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"I'm too young to have much wisdom yet, I think. But having some more allies would be nice, so I guess I'll pick influence." Christine replies, smiling at Brianna and stopping several steps away from the altar, unsure of how to proceed.