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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Violet would need to move for Nala to get her fingers into the human again, or Nala herself would need to move, but either way it wouldn't take much more than some re-positioning for the elf to get what she wanted. The human would, of course, return the favor. The brief pause that she took when answering the exchange between Esmerala and Mikaeus a few moments later drew nothing more than a grunt from the demon to whom she and Violet were so energetically taking their mouths, the sound both derisive and skeptical, but he said nothing further while he and Violet continued their attentions. She wouldn't even get another grunt out of him when she forced him to cum, and afterwards Violet, having tasted of much more of that aphrodisiac fluid and as lustful as ever when she was around Nala, would happily and passionately comply, wordlessly moaning while jilling Nala off in turn before both of them were allowed to enjoy one last climax together before drifting off to sleep.

Nala's efforts to imprint herself on Violet were immediately successful, as they had been before. Her efforts to force the same magics to work in the opposite direction on herself, however, were as complete and utter a failure as Nala had ever experienced in her efforts at developing and advancing her magical techniques. The first problem came because she was trying to force the construct onto the mind and soul working to create it while connecting it to another spirit that was wholly incompatible with holding the constricting mental bindings. the second problem was that, because Violet herself was not creating the imprinting, it lacked a tether to the core of her soul, which Nala couldn't even get close to with magic, meaning that what small portion of an imprint that she did create had no guidance by which to bind it. The third and most damning problem was also both the simplest, and the one that Nala would find no recourse in working around; she understood how the magic worked. Her mind and her spirit both comprehended her spellwork quite thoroughly by that point, and with that understanding the small and short-term binding that she created was pushed off with such ease that it was almost insulting.

Regardless of how she thought of the results of her experiment, Nala would awaken to find Violet's stomach as flat as it ever was, showing no signs of the pregnancy that she could easily discern was still present. After that and forcing herself from her bed, Nala would be able to sever the bonds around Esmerala's legs and then see the now rather comical demoness to her feet. She didn't seem to have slept at all, but neither did she seem particularly fatigued by that fact. "Very well," Esmerala replied calmly, and seemed to need very little in the way of guidance as Nala led her from her bedchambers.

The elf would be able to flag down an arachne to do as she wished, and then she would find herself alone with the demoness who had done so much harm to her and her people....

Finding a spot within the limits of Kyederon where Nala could speak privately with her demon prisoner wasn't as easy as she might have liked, but there was one place that the demons hadn't touched and that hadn't been commandeered as some sort of shelter. The small meeting hut where they had first met, and Nala had shredded the absurd terms of surrender that Esmerala had then simply taken anyway, and when guided to a chair the demoness sat without speaking a word.

Her responses to the questions that Nala quickly spouted off came only once the elf had fallen silent for long enough for Esmerala to be sure that she had finished speaking, and then rattled off her answers in a tone devoid of any readable emotion; “I already told you why I did all of this. To escape. My end game is, simply put, to find a life free of a tyrant watching over my every action, and without fear of an assassin coming to me in a moment of vulnerability in killing me in ways that your language lacks the vocabulary for me to describe. We have days. A week if he thinks of this little. A month or less if he chooses to toy with you before making his move.”

"I see," Nala said. "You clearly don't think that I can withstand his abilities and I have no reason to assume I could either. So why have you chosen to use me as your means to escape? That still doesn't make sense to me, and it doesn't seem to make sense to your subordinates either."

“Because you are mortal,” she replied unhelpfully, but then quickly qualified her simplistic answer by adding; “Were I to have fled with them, or on my own, my every move would be tracked. I would lose my pursuers, from time to time, but within a month, or a year, or a decade… I would have been found, and dealt with. The king of New Abaddon does not suffer traitors or deserters. Going to you as I did casts my status as either in doubt enough that I need not fear his direct wrath quite so much, and that you are mortal means that he will no doubt underestimate you.

“You are not wrong at all to say that you could not withstand his abilities should he come to kill or claim you personally. But he won’t, because that isn’t what he does and wouldn’t work with the weakened image he is attempting to portray to his court. As such, we don’t need to beat him ourselves. We just need to break the confidence of his other subjects to the point that he loses power, and then can be safely ignored by whoever takes power when he is dead and his soul is torn to pieces and consumed by his former subjects. My knights are loyal, but they are also sometimes woefully straightforward.”

"Sometimes being straightforward is the best policy, Esmerala." The night elf paused for a bit, hoping that hint wouldn't go unnoticed. "Still, you wouldn't risk your reputation without more of a plan than to play prisoner to a mortal on the demon king's hit list. You're looking for a more permanent solution, so you must think that there is some way that I can prevail. I'm interested to hear how you think this will be done."

The comment about straightforwardness was met with silence on behalf of the still bound demoness, and she sat through the elf’s following statement with lips thinned. “I have already told you,” Esmerala said in an annoyed voice that was almost perfectly reminiscent of the tone that her mother had often used for her scolding, “it isn’t necessary to face the demon king directly in any capacity. He will likely send minions of some sort to deal with you, and at this point I suspect an assassin. They must be dealt with, preferably without any obvious involvement on my part and out in the open where it can be plainly observed.

“The King of New Abaddon has many enemies among his own court, and he knows this. He is making himself appear infirm, to the point of spreading rumors of illness among his own direct servants, and sending his bastard child away to Acheron in an effort to appear weak. He wants to seem vulnerable to the most foolish and the most ambitious among his lords and ladies, who will then attempt a scheme that will undoubtedly fail while the more shrewd members of the court see to gobbling up whatever scraps of their power they can while still appearing loyal.

“All we need to do is make him appear more incompetent than he wishes to. If we can chip away at his position to the point that the wiser members of the court will conduct a coop of their own to take advantage of the failure of their comrades, then it is highly likely that the king will fall without you or I ever risking any further involvement. As your prisoner, I am not a large enough threat to warrant a killer of my own, and if need by I can… Escape… And see about stoking the coals a little bit further, even if I would much rather not do such a thing.”

Nala managed to deftly ignore the annoyed tone that Esmerala had in her voice with the same ease that she had ignored her own mother's annoyance many years ago. The witch elf knew that she was asking the demon to repeat and expand upon what she had said previously, but that was sort of the point. She wanted to make certain that the story held together, and find out more about what the demon lord had in mind.

"So it's your opinion that if we sit back and stop the efforts of the King, he'll lose enough face that some other demons will depose him. You intend to use my people and myself as bait, so that this King is deposed, presumably freeing you from whatever ties he has over you. Some other demon will become the new king or queen, and still threaten the land, but you'll be free. Am I right about that?"

Nala folded her arms. She wasn't convinced that there was much upside for herself and her people in this deal. They would be hunted one way or another.

"How can I shut down the psychic powers of my demon prisoners? I want to remove that communication trick, and anything else that would give the demons an advantage. You're going to tell me how. That's part of the deal."

"Bait? No. Bait isn't the proper word for the part that I'd intended you to play. A distraction would be a better term for it," Esmerala returned stoically. "It's not a perfect solution, but if you want one of those you'll have to look elsewhere. I'm doing the best that I can with the options that I have available to me. I'm sure that you can appreciate that."

The demoness paused to scowl back at Nala, her red eyes glowing through the silk blindfold that the arachne had given her, but on she pressed in her explanation; “Some other demon will come out on top to become the new monarch, yes. But the current King is not only easily the most powerful demon in the court, but also one of the shrewdest. And the most cruel. Whoever replaced him would almost certainly be easier to deal with.”

Her demand regarding her prisoners didn’t seem to phase Esmerala, who simply said; “Not all of us have such powers, but for those that do, you have to place a sealing collar on them. One powerful enough to bind their spirits completely. That should prevent most from using any sort of magic, including telepathy.”

"Did you bring collars powerful enough to bind those demons with that ability? And do you have the knowledge to create more sealing collars?" Nala asked, likewise unphased by the scowls she'd gotten. It was fair enough to her that Esmerala didn't have a perfect solution, but the night elf wasn't pleased to have her friends and people in the firing line. Still, she'd been living in the jungle for two years, and life wasn't easy here even without the demon army breathing down her neck.

She shrugged a bit in thought, going over in her mind how she felt about being a distraction. "I don't simply want to survive this, Esmerala. I want to grow in power. Now more than ever, I need it. I have children... arachne daughters and soon I shall have a child by my lover, Violet. I intend for my family, friends, lovers, and people to be free and safe - and I'm convinced by what's happened these past few days that the only way to guarantee that is to be able to destroy whatever comes for me."

She glanced back at the demon. "And I want to be able to trust you. You have knowledge, you have power, and you can show me things that I have always wanted to know. But your own actions have poisoned what we could have had together. That more than anything angers me. I want to fix it, but you won't like my solution. Or rather, I don't think you would."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

More log
“The collars you were left with are sufficient for most, but demons able to use magic are far more common than mortals that can do the same. We brought more than we needed, but not enough for all of them. I do know how to create such collars, but so does Demetrius, and I believe that you ought to trust him more than I.”

The demoness simply heaved a shrug at Nala’s explanation for her desires, and in a very pragmatic tone she said; “Grow in power all you want. If you walk in to face the demon king and his court in what you would no doubt imagine is a fair fight, it won’t even matter unless you’re going to call in the Destroyer to help you. You are powerful, Nala, and you are more clever than most… But you are mortal. And you are up against beings who have fought for centuries against beings who are more of both than you are. There is no source of strength upon which you could call that would permit you to fight what you are up against and win by power alone, unless you imagine there is something that would allow you to face fifty demons who are as strong as I am and one who is a dozen times stronger at the same time.

“If you want to keep yourself and yours safe, it will be guile that sees it so, not raw strength. Whether you find my plan acceptable or not, I hope that you will at least understand that.”

Esmerala frowned further at Nala’s admission that she wanted to trust the demoness and all that she said further about it, but she didn’t seem particularly surprised when Nala said that she had a solution to that particular problem. “My own actions were done for reasons that I have explained, far more extensively than I would have to any other being, and if you are bitter to the point that such is impossible then I can offer you no further explanation at this time. As for a solution… You wish to use your specially crafted enthrallment technique on me, am I correct?”

"It is a subtler method than what demons use. It is slower to induce, and thus the personality has time to adapt. You would be much the same as you are now, and still able to lie to me, so long as you believed that doing so would put me in no danger." Nala explained, not denying that she wanted to imprint the demon lord. "Your reservations would be understandable, but you did say you wanted to be my prisoner. This would be my method of imprisoning you without the need for a cage, bondage, or indeed, a sealing collar. And I'd be able to follow your advice without double thinking your intentions. And you would have my word that I would not take *too* much of an advantage. You would become my lover. But I would allow your knights to go relatively unmolested, provided they go through the same procedure."

“It is more subtle in effect, but not in method,” Esmerala interrupted her, but then waited for Nala to finish her explanations before making some of her own; “I would permit this, but I would warn that it won’t work as intended on me. I am not a simple goblin, nor are my knights, and the first thing that I taught them was how your magic worked. Dismantling the magical construct should I desire to circumvent it wouldn’t even be difficult for me were I not sealed as well, and know that when I say as such that I mean no offense to your technique. It is very inventive, and I believe that I could help you make it less intrusive so that those able to use magic would not be able to dispel as I – and Demetrius I would add – have learned to do.

“And, even if it worked on me, I don’t believe you could trust me as much as you’d like. We learn to deal with cognitive dissonance well in Hell due to our own method for causing the same, and finding inventive ways to disobey the intrinsic desires that your spellwork would place upon me would be an interesting endeavor. If you insist, however, I would offer a stipulation and a bit of advice to soften it. I would allow you to imprint yourself upon as much as you like, and go about bound and collared – indeed I would prefer such to keep up appearances – so that I could not so easily dismiss your sorcery. In doing so, I would only ask that you leave my knights untarnished by the same and simply advise that you keep them separate from me and sealed to prevent any danger that they might represent.”

"Oh I didn't think you would have a problem with the method," Nala said quickly in response to Esmerala's interjection before continuing on with her explanation of her technique.

Although Nala was taken a bit off guard by the apparent limitations of her methods and how open they were to dispelling, she recovered quite quickly, and even was beginning to show signs of eagerness midway through what Esmerala told her.

"It's good to know that my methods need work. Better to hear it from you now than being surprised by some magic user at some other time. But, as you're fond of saying, one can only work with what resources they have at their disposal. I wasn't born a succubus, much as I wish it were so. I had to invent my techniques from scratch, going upon theory and the knowledge that such manipulation of the soul was at least possible. If you can improve my enthralling methods, then yes, I accept your offer. And I will keep you bound and collared as well, per your request. I'll avoid using any of my methods on your knights as well, if it means you'll behave."

Nala began to remove more of the webbing from Esmerala's head, such that the demoness could regrow her hair if she so desired.

"What is it that you want from me? And I mean personally. Do you want me only as a distraction?"

“Indeed,” Esmerala muttered when Nala turned her earlier statement back on her, “you have done better than anyone reasonably could with what you had access to. Such is why I thought to come to you in the first place, among other reasons.”

When asked what she wanted, the demoness smiled that cruelly cunning smile of hers, a sight that Nala would see in detail given that she was removing her silk bindings. “What do I want?” she purred, “Nala… That is a silly question. I want to fuck you regularly and vigorously to the point of mutual senselessness, and gorge myself upon her soul.” Her affectionate and lustful affect was dropped, however, and in a more serious tone the demoness continued; “Unfortunately, making such possible wasn’t in the cards when we first met.”

Nala lay her arms across the demon's shoulders and sighed wistfully. "Damn you for saying exactly what I want to hear.~ And for reminding me exactly why I can't just let you do it to me. I lost to you fair and square, you were meant to fuck me silly for three days - not my people. You should have just told me. I'm not a demon, you could have trusted me with your plan." The witch elf grumbled this all out with minor irritation in her voice.

"Anyways," the elf said, standing up and then helping Esmerala to her feet as well. "If I can successfully imprint you, to the point where even you can't dispel it, then I'll let you dine on my soul every day, if that is truly what you want. So perhaps it will be in your interest to teach me. It's not much, but it's something to build upon. Is there anything else that you would like to say to me? To tell me while we have some privacy?"

“Appearances needed to be maintained. If the game could be played such that no one got hurt, demons would never do it,” Esmerala replied grimly, before climbing to her feet at Nala’s prompting. “You will be in danger soon. Greater danger than you know. Don’t trust yourself and Violet alone to be enough to block what might be sent in revenge. An assassin might also come for me or my knights, or for Demetrius or Divinar or Grabbik depending on what the king decides to take as penance for this defeat. Trust no strangers that come over the next two weeks, and question any actions that seemed strange. It is not impossible that your own people might be used against you or killed and impersonated.”

"I'm all too aware of these dangers now, and I must alert my people to the methods of infiltration while discussing with Demetrius about the creation of sealing collars for my demon prisoners," Nala said. "It is precisely because I do not wish my people to be used against me that I desire the power to actively challenge the minions of my adversary. I'm not saying that I can walk into New Abaddon and win. I merely want to awaken this part of the jungle, make it very unfriendly to those who would mean Kyederon harm."

She took Esmerala by the the shoulders and guided her through the doorway, going back to the bedchamber. "As for that game. Another thing you will be teaching me is how to not lose it ever again."

“Mmmmm,” Esmerala made a noncommittal noise in her throat, and followed Nala from the private meeting building back to her bedchamber, which she found far less crowded than it had been when she had left. Violet and the demon’s former captives were now gone, leaving only Esmerala’s knights outside, being watched over by a pair of Nala’s arachne daughters. The unbound demoness got a number of very unpleasant looks, and Nala more than a few questioning ones during that trip, but no one bothered either of them along the way…. That time.

Nala greeted her daughters with an approving smile. "Hello daughters. I would like you to each take these two prisoners and bring them to Divinar. Tell her that they are to be kept separately from the other prisoners, and they are to be treated gently, but she is free to use them for breeding, so long as it is sparingly. They should be presumed dangerous even while bound, so be extremely diligent."

Once they had their orders, Nala would see them off before pushing Esmerala back into the bedroom and onto the bedside. "There, your knights will be relatively safe and any observer will see that they are being treated like proper prisoners. Now... why don't you lie across my lap and I can get started on making you comfortable?" The elf smirked and patted her purple thigh invitingly.

“Yes mother~” the two arrachne replied, and then lifted the two demon knights and carried the scowling duo off. Esmerala frowned after them for a moment, but if the demoness wished to protest she opted not to do so, and instead followed Nala into that all too familiar bed chamber. It still reeked of the night spent with the goblins, and Esmerala sniffed the air and wrinkled her nose before going to the bedside as directed.

“Oh…. I don’t think a whole lot of comfortable will be involved here, will it?” she asked jokingly even while sweeping down gracefully to place herself in Nala’s lap, her tail appearing once more while her hair finally began to slide back out from her scalp, now a vibrant purple color in the same shade as Nala’s skin.

"Whatever do you mean? Pleasure is comfortable. Are you thinking that I will harm you in some way?" The elf asked. "Do you think that is what I do? Or does it not occur to you that I am doing this for both our sakes?"

I'm curious," Nala continued, changing the subject after Esmerala chose whether or not to answer the previous question. She ran her fingers across Esmerala's bottom, enjoying the freedom to familiarize herself with it at her leisure. "What is your original form? Do you even have one? The only thing I know for certain are your eyes. I'd like to get to know the real you."

The witch's hands continued to caress, occasionally twirling her finger around the spaded tail, before moving lower to trace lightly along her thighs, dancing around but not yet touching the sensitive areas. Her off hand came up to pet Esmerala's head affectionately.

“Please~ Even demons have disapproving parents!” Esmerala commented dryly, “I would be more surprised if you didn’t… And astounded if it hadn’t even occurred to you.”

Her body remained largely still while Nala explored her backside, finding the demoness soft and firm in precisely perfect ways, but her tail was another story, as it followed Nala’s hand wherever it went, and curled around her fingers in turn whenever Nala poked at it directly.

“Original form? Tis not something that demons really have after a time, I am afraid. I could show you what I looked like before I initially learned to shapeshift properly, but I’m afraid that it isn’t much different from what you see now. Just stringier and with black hair. I wouldn’t say that it’s the real me by any means, and I don’t take you for one who defines others by the things that they cannot choose.”

Nala grinned, rubbing Esmerala's buttock with her full palm. "Oh it's occurred to me. But pleasure is pleasure. My spankings are as much a reward as they are a punishment. Do you not consider that to be true? I'd be quite pleased if you tanned my purple butt a nice shade of pink.~"

It was all true. Pain and pleasure were quite mixed in Nala's opinion. At least, the light pains that ensued from light slaps and pinches and tugs. "Momentary pain followed by rubs and kisses to make it all better. It's a nice prelude to get us started. And we can have a nice conversation at the same time. I consider it ideal."

The tail was a funny thing to play with and Nala didn't fight with it so much as explore it, stroking it occasionally, wondering how sensitive it was.

"I wouldn't judge you any less if you were stringier and with darker hair, Esmerala. It was more a desire to see you without any masks. At least your physical ones."

Sliding her palm downwards, Nala reached past the demoness' pucker and slid her fingers across the surface of Esmerala's lower lips. As she did so, she cast a spell, the same entropic spell to lower Esmerala's resistance the same way that she had lowered Violet's the previous night.

"For now, you'll get pleasure. The real punishment will come when I have you wash these sheets by hand.~"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

(A response to last bit of the logs to spur you on for whatever you're writing.)

"Pleasure is pleasure indeed~" Esmerala purred in agreement, "and it is always so much fun to discipline a naughty subject! Perhaps once you are finished I can show you a few of my tricks for doing such? I am sure that you would find the process enlightening~"

On the subject of her appearance without the use of her shapeshifting powers, the demoness snort and, in a matter of fact tone, replied; "I don't suspect that you would.... But you don't quite understand my meaning, methinks. The appearance that I choose to wear most often is not a mask, as you call it. The form I had before I could shapeshift, back when I was younger and weaker, wouldn't be any truer a face than... Well, than yours would be when you were a toddler, for instance. Demons are not bound to the physical appearance with which we are born like mortals are. Our true appearance is what we choose, not what we are born with."

The spell that had washed over Violet the night before did the same to Esmerala, or seemed to... But then, Nala felt it slide away from the woman's core, having only a surface effect at most. It wasn't a willful effect, but merely an aspect of the demon's nature that Esmerala could no more control than she could regulate the cycle of the moon. It was a natural resistance to such magics, a built-up tolerance to sexual magics in general, and the simple fact that she was more powerful spiritually not only than Violet but than Nala herself that made it so. That was not to say that the increased sensitivity did not take hold, however, just that they sat against the surface of her being rather than wrapping around her core.

"Oh? Aren't you going to punish me now?" the demoness cooed following the elf's magic and adjoining words, soft shivers passing through her prostrate form as Nala's fingers flitted softly against her waiting petals.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"I find it more fun if the naughty one leaves with a sore body and a smiling face - I'm no demon after all." Nala said, as her off hand moved from tracing along Esmerala's spine to reaching beneath her lap and cupping the nearest of the demoness' well-endowed breasts, kneading it while pinching the nipple between her thumb and forefinger. "As for you showing me your tricks. Not until you're collared and I have Violet watching you very, very closely. But after that, I'd love for you to teach me. It's what I had been hoping you would do from the beginning."

Nala pinched Esmerala's tit a bit firmer just as she slid two fingers inbetween the demoness' slick, velvety folds, giving the demon a small amount of pleasure to go along with the pain, but not yet penetrating the lusty demon. She would cast a second spell - one that boosted her mental acuity, such that her knowledgeable manipulation of sexual energies could be added to the pleasure her demonic charge was experiencing.

Casting Nature's Lore Mind Buff (Level 2) on self

As she cast it she thought about what Esmerala had said about her natural immunities and resistances to sexual magics, and also upon the other limitations Nala had stumbled upon when she found that she could not imprint a two way bond upon herself and another person. Both realities frustrated Nala, not because they seemed impossible, but rather because Nala had not yet discovered the answer to either.

I will find a way to create a bond with Violet, she thought. Magic can do anything, and I will master magic. I just need to find a new way...

"You are trying to say that the form you choose to wear is your true form, because your identity is not tied to your original form. I never implied that it was, Esmerala." Nala said, now using her fingers on both breasts and the outer petals of her flower to play the demoness as if she were tuning some musical instrument, tweaking, and stroking, and plucking away at her, trying to refamiliarize herself with where this one in particular liked to be touched.

"I was merely curious if you had, in fact, an original form, and how it looked. I'm interested in all things demonic. Since I was a child, I read about your lore from whatever contraband source I could smuggle into my room at night. At times, when I was very foolish, I wished that I had actually been a demon. Funny, isn't it? Wishing that I might have been born into what was and is no doubt an unenviable position. Mm... speaking of unenviable positions..."

Cast vines level 2 nature spell

Nala summoned vines from the earthen floor and made certain that they attached to the demoness' wrists and ankles firmly, tying themselves into complex knots. It was frustrating that the demon's inner core was so elusive to her magics, but all it did was make Nala certain that she would have to raise the bar on her own magical aspirations. She'd get there one day. Given enough time and practice, she'd be able to weave magics strong enough to bind a greater demon to her will. Until then, she would satisfy herself with a more crude, physical control, even though such attainment was not all that interesting to her.

She made the vines tighten, keeping Esmerala's legs and arms spread out while she was still bent over Nala's lap.

"I don't particularly want to control you, Esmerala. I just want to have the ability to do so without resorting to methods that just... aren't me. I think you can appreciate that, and I guarantee you, with or without your help, I'll figure it out. Even if it means developing my magical acumen until I have the means to simply trample your defenses like a crash of rhinos through a palisade. I'll find a way. Because you see, if I'm going to truly punish you, it's going to be by besting you. Making you, MY demon. I don't mind if you patronize my efforts, or explain to me why they won't work. All you're doing is just convincing me to work harder. And I like that. I like to be pushed. Just not too far, do you get me?"

She withdrew her fingers from the demoness' pussy and brought them to her nose, smelling the juices and then tasting them, wondering if they too would be laced with aphrodisiacs. Smiling after her licks, she bent down and put her face besides Esmerala's, and licked along the demoness' ear.

"I want your heart to belong to me," she whispered to the demon. "And then we can fuck each other senseless. Hnn hnn~"

A vine reeled back at Nala's command and then whipped forward, with a loud crack, snapping against Esmerala's finely sculpted ass. Before there could be any reaction or stoic non-reaction, two more snapped against her buttocks in quick succession. Nala's hand then came to rest on the sore spots and began to rub them down, easing the soreness a bit. Her thumb continued to stroke around the demon's areola, stopping every now and again to tug at the erect nipple.

"Up we go.~" She said, and then more vines would wrap around Esmerala's waist and pick her up a bit, along with one vine wrapping about the demon's tail, just keeping it occupied and impeded. Nala would then be able to get up and look Esmerala in the eyes, and without further ado, plant a deep kiss upon the demoness' lips. As she did so, two more vine whips smacked across the bound girl's butt.

Their tongues met and Nala made a good effort to genuinely kiss the demon. She wanted to forgive her, and in part, this kiss was her first step in trying to do just that. There were things that Nala needed to learn from this being, and there had to be a tipping point. She made lingual muscle dance and flicker around the demons, while her hands came up to knead Esmerala's twin orbs. Around the back, the vines continued to work, casually striking the demoness with whips designed to stun and flog but not to draw blood. The ropes of living plant kept Esmerala leaning slightly forward, with her wrists now pulled behind her and to either side, pushing her breasts toward the night elf.

A lone vine slipped between Esmerala's legs and began to rub itself along her crevice, working the demon up even as she received her vine flogging and simultaneous kissing.

The night elf's glowing green eyes opened to look half lidded into the demon's red orbs and she pulled away from her slightly, breathing huskily as she recovered from the kiss. Her hand slipped downwards and joined the vine in rubbing against Esmerala's pussy, her ring and fore fingers spreading the labia and rubbing the demon's clit with her middle digit. The vine meanwhile drew back and began to line itself up with the the entrance, preparing to penetrate the demoness on Nala's command.

"Pleasure is pain, pain is pleasure. You've been very naughty, but so have I. I'll punish you now, and later, you can punish me.~ Sound good?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 86/90, Status = Fine, +26 Mind (Nature's Lore)

"We might have to do something to change that~" Esmerala purred as Nala reached a hand down to cup one of her heavy breasts, the nipple poking against the palm of the elf's hand before it was taken between Nala's delicate fingers. "Nnnnn.... You and your voyeurism~ Won't your dear Violet be jealous? Watching me make you squirm under my attentions... Watching me you cum while she can only watch~" she added, looking up at Nala with an inquisitive eye. Her words were delivered in a sultry purr and followed by a low moan as the elf's fingers slid between her already moist petals. Even though Nala was, for the moment, only teasing her, she was still seemingly ready to go in a physical sense at the very least, but even so her ability to converse didn't seem to be affected in any significant capacity.

Proving thus, Esmerala would continue to banter regarding the topic of her original form by saying; "You did... You might not have intended to, but intention and truth are not always one and the same." Her smile vanished for an instant when Nala idly commented about her naive wishes in her youth, a serious look appearing that the elf had only seen whenever the demoness discussed aspects of the covenant gradually taking place between them, and in a frank tone she replied; "Very foolish indeed.... I would not recommend it, for whatever my advice is worth to you. Perhaps, when we understand one another a little bit better, I might be able to show you why." It was the sort of thing that might have been spoken in a suggestive whisper, a promise of dark pleasures beyond Nala's wildest dreams, but the way that Esmerala said it made it clear that pleasure was the last thing she expected to show Nala when she gave the elf a glimpse into a life in Hell.

Her serious expression shifted gradually as Nala's vines appeared and bound her up, the demoness contorting into the position into which she was pulled with ease and then hanging there in what looked more like comfort than anything else. "The tightness is not necessary... I will offer you no struggle, as I have promised, and it would be uncomfortable to a less durable partner," she said frankly, but then fell silent to listen to the proclamation that, one way or another, she would succeed in controlling the now bound demoness when such was needed. It was a statement that Esmerala met with a smirk, seemingly taking it as a challenge of her own, and after Nala was finished she replied; "It will be easier than you think.... But harder than you imagine~ Brute force is the wrong tact, my dearest Nala! If you want to control a demon... You just need to give them something that they want, and show that you can take it away from them~ You already know the two things that I want most, and one of them is easily within your power to hold over my head! "

Esmerala's love honey would prove even more potent an aphrodisiac than that of her male counterpart, a substance to which Nala could easily become pleasurable addicted to if she let it take too strong a hold, but which was largely harmless in so small a dose despite its apparent potency. The withdrawal of those digits had produced a noticeable cling against them, as if Esmerala's folds were trying to hold them inside, and even with how bound up she was the demoness still managed to give an exagerated shiver and a teasing gasp when Nala caused one of the vines to crack sharply against her finely sculpted ass. That thrum of tension as as much theatrical as it was genuine, and she glanced back over her shoulder and tilted her hips as if inviting another, her sharp teeth showing against the ripe crimson of her lips in an expression of eager glee even as two more quick snaps came before she could even make that turn of her head. "Nnnnn~ More!" she moaned huskily, before yet more vines hoisted the demoness higher and bound up the troubling appendage that was her tail as best they could.

"Finding your way to my heart, are you?" the demoness cooed as Nala stood, replying to her earlier whisper, but her mouth opened and lunged forward to meet Nala's kiss. Esmerala's tongue would prove as dexterous and practiced as it had been when the demoness had bested Nala in her own bedroom, flying forth to begin a fluid dance with Nala's in the kiss that was meant to be the beginnings of her forgiveness. Her chest too she leaned against Nala's hands, her bounteous orbs free for Nala to play with however she pleased, and the tips proving quite effective tools for making the demoness squirm with pleasure.

Her bottom was a perfect target for the light strikes of the vines that Nala had put to that task, the strikes inspiring just the right amount of pain to make the demoness squirm and shiver without making any marks that would be permanent on the soft flesh even though the blows quickly began to draw red lines across her pale skin. Every strike caused Esmerala to contort just a little bit more, and if Nala guided the strikes carefully with her will she might easily guide the demoness to do whatever she wished with her exposed rear.

Regardless, she would soon have a tendril slip up between the demon's forcibly parted legs to begin rubbing at her petals, at which point Nala would shortly break the kiss to look with half lidded emerald eyes into Esmerala's crimson ones. They were, even when she was so clearly dominated by the elf, deep pools of blood-red mystery into which Nala felt herself able to sink for an eternity. Centuries of experience lay behind those eyes, both in the sexual arts and in less pleasurable practices of which Nala could still only guess at, and even without that they possessed a mystifying allure that was simply part of the sheer presence possessed by the powerful demoness. That presence was like a force that wrapped around Nala, leaving her enthralled in its own more subtle way despite her position as the dominant member of their coupling today, but it was also a boon in a way.

It gave Nala a channel through which to measure Esmerala's state, picking out what was theatrics and what was genuine reactions to her treatment of the demoness. Most immediately, it let her know that the shiver of excitement that ran up the demon lord's spine as Nala parted her petals and idly slid a finger over her clit was the real thing, pleasure and excitement quickly easing away the woman's pain and leaving her ready for the vine that was teasing at her sex. "Oh?" she purred, her words rolling forth in a disarmingly teasing tone, "and what was my dearest Nala done to deserve to be punished, hrm? What shall I reprimand you for when my hand stings your perfect little ass just before I rub every bit of your pain away? Was it greed? Gluttony, perhaps? Or is your sin...." The demoness stretched the word "sin" into a long purr, followed by a brief silence and finally, in a dramatic hiss, she concluded; "Adultery!?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala arched a brow at the demon lady's talk of changing her ways - or was Esmerala suggesting that she would change Nala into a demon? The witch elf had heard tales of such possibilities, but only in rumors and conjecture. There were stories of mortals who devoted themselves to demon lords, forming small cults of worship, in the hopes that their service might one day be rewarded by immortality in return for eternal servitude in hell. Such a bargain did not appeal to Nala in the slightest. She was a being of freedom now, just as this particular demon wished to be. She would not seek immortality that way, though she was not offended at the notion of having the wings and tail and innate powers of a demon lord.

"Violet enjoys watching me squirm. And I wager she would enjoy building up an excuse to help me punish you later on.~ But you're right, it would be frustrating for the poor girl to be left out. And yet, to me, that yearning would only make my next time with her all the more pleasing. Mmm, pent up needs, just waiting to be unleashed." Nala cooed as she pictured this and let her hands transmit her pleasing thoughts onto Esmerala's body, teasing her sensitive nipples more in the ways that the demon appeared to appreciate.

This playfulness would continue between them, even as the demon spoke on about the more serious sounding topic of her original form. Something about the lecturing tone of Esmerala bothered the witch elf, and she resisted an urge to lash out with a reactionary pinch or angry word. The only tell-tale sign that she was bothered would be a momentary lapse in the movements of her fingers, stopping the pleasure she was giving to the demon. At the end of the pause she simply said:

"Truth is an issue of perception. It is not an absolute as some priests or kings - or demons would have us believe." On this issue, Nala would not budge. There were those who liked to believe in absolutes, in the world being white and black. Nala did not believe this to be the way of things. If she did, she would have been a druidess like her mother, and not an outcast witch. She did not know why the demon was being so touchy about her original form, but if the demon perceived the truth of Nala's intent, then that should be enough.

She decided to lighten the mood with her tale about her youthful yearnings, and met with the expected rebuke of her naivete.

"Your advice on that subject is not needed, Esmerala. I have long since come to the decision that I like being me, and can get all that I desire without the need for horns and a cute tail - not that I don't fancy yours."

The casting of the vines followed next and for her own part, Nala enjoyed the look of the demoness with her limbs splayed outward and her body hanging there to be caressed and enjoyed at the witch elf's leisure. She looked at the demon with a dominant smirk and tilted her head ever so slightly at the half-protestations.

"It's not a matter of necessity to have you bound. I just enjoy seeing you like this. I enjoy seeing Violet tied up as well, with her ass reddening and her body presented for my personal enjoyment. Even the most loyal of my followers receive such ministrations. If you require a safe word, I can provide you one.~" The witch giggled at this notion and sent down a vine thick vine to flog the demon's backside with a satisfying slap. Nala's eyes lingered on the rippling of the demon's flesh as her butt reverberated from the forceful sting, followed by her reactive contortions. Seeing the demon do this, even if half of it was an act, was enough to moisten the petals between the elf's legs.

"I intend to make you want me, Esmerala. Want me as much as you've ever wanted a mortal. Then yes... I won't need brute force as you say. Mmm, though I do so enjoy some occasional brutishness..."

The vines began to pick up their pace as she said this, and the horny elf was practically gasping with pleasure as the vine lashes fell, her hands feeling the wetness in Esmerala's cunt as a pleasing testament to the mutual enjoyment the women were experiencing. The taste of the love honey exhibited its potency, and Nala fought the urge to kneel and take her fill of the lovely tasting nectar directly from the source. Soon, she told herself, she would do so willingly, but not until she had bound this demoness against betrayal.

The vines fell again and again, and each time, Nala cooed with the trapped demoness, sympathizing with the sweet pain she felt and rubbed faster at Esmerala's clit with her fingers, wanting to coax a lovely orgasm simply from being whipped. And from the demoness' husky askance, she knew she might just get what she desired. The whips came faster at her behest, and the demon's ass reddened faster, though she still took care to never whip so hard as to leave a lasting mark.

Then, as the whips were coming fast and hard, she moved to meet Esmerala's mouth with her own, kissing the demon emphatically. The demon's bounteous chest, once proffered, gave Nala the perfect opportunity to pinch and tug at the tips in time with the lashes, so as to keep the demoness under constant nips and prods and slaps of minor pain to go along with the furious and insistent offering of pleasure, in the form of the slick vine rubbing betwixt the girl's nether lips. The witch elf melted into the demon's kiss, and as they swirled their dextrous tongues about one another, Nala took the pain therapy to another level, by once again introducing some shock therapy - this time, through her fingers, directly onto the sensitive teats of Esmerala's mountainous orbs.

"Right to you heart my little pain slut,~" She said when next they broke for air. Here she caught the demon's gaze and saw the hypnotizing quality in it. Once again, Nala was given over to the idea of simply letting the demoness have her way with the night elf, letting herself give in to whatever deviancy a thousand plus years of living in hell would lead to upon the bedroom mattress. Surely, being Esmerala's fuck toy would be a rewarding existence in some respects.

She blinked. And the foolish notion passed. Now she stared back at Esmerala and brought forth her own will. She would enchant others with her glance just as Esmerala could, and she would give pleasure to all who knelt down at her bedside and pledged their obedience.

The demoness was dripping now, proving that what Nala was doing was working, and not merely an act of Esmerala's to deceive and get on the witch elf's good side. Her response to Nala's offer of switching places at some point threatened to split the elf's sides with laughter. It was so much so that Nala had to pull away for a moment.

"Adultery? Oh heavens, what a quaint notion. If it is a sin, then please, label me an arch heretic and put me in the stocks, for I am a very bad and unrepentant sinner.~"

Following this, the witch kissed the demon again and then had the vines change Esmerala's position, such that she was now near the center of the room, still spread-eagled, and awaiting the deprivations of Nala's vines. And she would receive them, though it would not be a vine, that entered the demon. A new length of green plant sprouted from the vine mass, this one with a large purple and white flower bud on it, spreading out and unfurling to reveal a large, knobbed stamen, dripping with its own floral smelling nectar.

"The jungle has many beautiful varieties of flora," Nala said, as she went to her chest of drawers and opened them all, hoping to find the various herbal and ritualistic tools of her druid training. She returned with a pleasant, warming oil in a flask, which she proceeded to drizzle across Esmerala's exposed breasts, stomach, and pussy, just before the stamen reached it, and slowly began to press against her entrance. Kneeling down beside the prone demon, Nala spread her captive's labia and guided the stamen inside, until the flower had hilted inside of the demon lord.

"There.~ A perfect fit. Something to keep you entertained while I do a little drawing."

Leaving her plant to proceed to fuck Esmerala firmly and consistently, Nala took the dark red drawing clay and began to make a ritual circle, centering it upon the splayed and gasping demoness. Nala was well practiced, and would be done with the drawing in a matter of minutes. It would be enough time for the heating oils and the plant to get the demoness off at least once, to which the elf would smile and break in her work to approach and kiss the demon again, and also take a tentative lick at her sopping clit, to once again taste that delicious nectar, before returning to her work and sending the flower back in.

Once the spell circle was drawn, Nala sat cross legged with Esmerala's head in her lap as the demon continued to be fucked. Smiling benevolently and caressing the demon's purple hair, Nala began to explain.

"I'd like to invoke a pact with you, my sweet Esmerala. It's nothing that you and I haven't discussed before. I would be agreeing to shelter and aid you in earning your freedom from the rest of demonkind. You in turn, will serve as my loyal aide and retainer, and not betray me through action or inaction into any perceived harm or malice, nor will you attempt to bind myself or my other allies to your will. You will follow my orders. And I shall have the benefit of knowing that something other than your word is keeping you beholden to what you have proposed thus far. Do this, and you will have me over your lap, eagerly attending to all that you can teach me.~ If there is truth to what you have told me, then you need merely not resist the ritual of binding."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 86/90, Status = Fine, +26 Mind (Nature's Lore)

This playfulness would continue between them, even as the demon spoke on about the more serious sounding topic of her original form. Something about the lecturing tone of Esmerala bothered the witch elf, and she resisted an urge to lash out with a reactionary pinch or angry word. The only tell-tale sign that she was bothered would be a momentary lapse in the movements of her fingers, stopping the pleasure she was giving to the demon. At the end of the pause she simply said:

"Truth is an issue of perception. It is not an absolute as some priests or kings - or demons would have us believe." On this issue, Nala would not budge. There were those who liked to believe in absolutes, in the world being white and black. Nala did not believe this to be the way of things. If she did, she would have been a druidess like her mother, and not an outcast witch. She did not know why the demon was being so touchy about her original form, but if the demon perceived the truth of Nala's intent, then that should be enough.

"Eheheh... You mistake me, dearest Nala... Though it is hardly a rule that holds always, truth is more often than not more a matter of opinion than fact. Though, if truth is subjective, then why should your perception of truth about me matter, when ultimately I decide my own appearance and how much my original looks matter to me? Hrm? And perceptions on many subjects are also molded by the culture in one lives, no? To any other demon, to ask to see their original form wouldn't merely be something that they dismiss, it would be a fairly grave insult! Powerlessness is the greatest form of disgrace in Hell, and to say that you wished to see one how they.... As you put it, looked in their "natural" form, they would almost certainly take it as you announcing your intentions to see them enslaved."

She decided to lighten the mood with her tale about her youthful yearnings, and met with the expected rebuke of her naivete.

"Your advice on that subject is not needed, Esmerala. I have long since come to the decision that I like being me, and can get all that I desire without the need for horns and a cute tail - not that I don't fancy yours."

"Horns and a tail cost extra~ Though I can certainly see you looking even better with some! No... The classic look of a demon isn't something that most of us have by default, we just take it up when dealing with mortals because it usually comes with a degree of natural intimidation. Becoming a demon would do little besides grant immortality, a mild increase in your personal power, and a few abilities most of which you already have. It would return you the ability to have children of your own without having to grow a cock to do so, however. Whether or not you take it, the offer is open.... And all it costs is a bit of your soul~"

The rest in order!

Esmerala grinned even more broadly when her remark about adultery caused Nala to laugh, breaking her aroused expression for a moment as she added; "Ooooh, the stocks? Such a wonderful idea! I think a round of free use by the public would be more than enough to straighten you out~"

From there the demoness would be moved slightly, and Esmerala would watch Nala conjure a replica of one of the many strange plants that grew in the Pfitherean jungle, and the demoness cooed softly as it began to press against her folds while Nala was applying her warming oil. A contented moan would follow as the lubricated shaft slid into the demon's eager petals, and as she set about preparing her binding ritual the demoness would be at the flower's mercy as it pumped in and out of her at a steady rate and with intense vigor. The materials she required were easy enough to gather up, and as she drew the circles and symbols necessary for the ritual she had the pleasing background noise of her subject's lewd moaning, and could glance over to see the demoness enjoying the plant's stamen pumping steadily into her body.

Once Nala was finished and had Esmerala's head in her lap, the demoness looked up at the elf expectantly, and after the elf had finished delivering the announcement of her intentions Esmerala replied in a perfectly calm and clear tone; "Of course Nala dear~ It is a perfect solution to our little problem with trust, isn't it? I will offer no resistance~" And, as Nala enacted the ritual, she would find the demoness to have spoken the truth. Binding a demon would normally have involved a contest of will, a tough proposition against a demon lord under normal circumstances, but in this case the bound Esmerala offered no attempts to fight against the spiritual bindings that would tie herself and Nala together even as they wrapped around her soul. The magic wasn't like Nala's invented magics, a more simplistic control that relied upon wording rather than intent, and that difference made it impossible to try to slip the same control that she preferred into the magic, but her own version of it would no doubt be placed upon Esmerala soon enough anyway given the direction that their encounter was going.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Eheheh... You mistake me, dearest Nala... Though it is hardly a rule that holds always, truth is more often than not more a matter of opinion than fact. Though, if truth is subjective, then why should your perception of truth about me matter, when ultimately I decide my own appearance and how much my original looks matter to me? Hrm? And perceptions on many subjects are also molded by the culture in one lives, no? To any other demon, to ask to see their original form wouldn't merely be something that they dismiss, it would be a fairly grave insult! Powerlessness is the greatest form of disgrace in Hell, and to say that you wished to see one how they.... As you put it, looked in their "natural" form, they would almost certainly take it as you announcing your intentions to see them enslaved."

"I say that truth is subjective, that does not mean it is not important. I would like to perceive as much about you as I could, so that my own sense of truth about you is more accurate. My intent is not to belittle you by seeing you that way. You are not in Hell, Esmerala. You are in my bed. With one exception which was not of my doing, this is a place where one can let go of their power and let themselves be exposed safely. When one is vulnerable, when one is repentant, when one is bared open, that is when trust is built and intimacy is formed. That is what my bedroom means to me, Esmerala. That is my idea of heaven. Do not balk at me wanting to take you there. Do not think that my yearning for control is premised on disgracing those whom I would subdue."

"Horns and a tail cost extra~ Though I can certainly see you looking even better with some! No... The classic look of a demon isn't something that most of us have by default, we just take it up when dealing with mortals because it usually comes with a degree of natural intimidation. Becoming a demon would do little besides grant immortality, a mild increase in your personal power, and a few abilities most of which you already have. It would return you the ability to have children of your own without having to grow a cock to do so, however. Whether or not you take it, the offer is open.... And all it costs is a bit of your soul~"

"Thanks but, no thanks. I already have my own plans for my soul." Nala said cryptically in response to this, though she was tempted slightly by the offer. She knew that it would probably be a good boost to her personal power, and had she been offered this possibility three years ago, she would have jumped at it in a heart beat. But now that she had come this far and experienced so much, and had been exposed to the extent of true power, the kind that was wielded by gods and daemons, the pittance that was granted through demonhood was not something worth the cost of any bit of her soul. She kept this opinion to herself though, not inclined to insult Esmerala so blatantly.

The rest of her vine play went smoothly, and Nala let her tangent thoughts dissipate in favor of enjoying the pleasure of the moment with her demon captive. The sensations of the demon's flesh on her own, the sound of her gutteral moans, the salty taste of her tits, and the luscious sight of her face wincing with the light smacks that her plants delivered, all of it pleased the witch elf mightily, and after having a good laugh at Esmerala's joke, Nala considered the possibilities of being put into stocks.

"Straighten me out? As if I needed any straightening! I play nice with others."

The witch elf summoned her plant and used it to great effect on her prisoner, letting it occupy Esmerala's attention as the Nala set upon her business. The ritual circle was drawn and special preparations made for the binding rite. All that remained was to let the demon know of her intent and to gauge her reaction. She met with no resistance, which meant one or two things to Nala - that the demon was intent on upholding her side of the bargain for the time being, and possibly that Esmerala felt confident in her ability to break the binding of the ritual when and if she really needed to. Had either of these not been true, she imagined she would have met with some hesitance.

"Good. Then I will begin the ritual. There's no need to stop the fun though. Lie back and enjoy yourself.~"

So saying, Nala would increase the pace of the plant's thrusts, letting it wrap its petals about the waist and thighs of the demon lord while its stamen continued to penetrate deeper into those welcoming folds.

The casting of the ritual did not take long, as the binding is meant to be quick - an additive and often necessary part of a greater summoning ritual, so that a demon would not sunder the conjurer immediately upon their summoning. Nala spoke the instructions to which she had already agreed into the binding pact, and let the spell infuse both herself and Esmerala. She knew it was just one of many safeguards that could potentially be overcome, but if she used enough of them, then perhaps she would at least be warned of when treachery might rear its ugly head. She would have to finish her training in counter magic with Demetrius soon, so that she might not be caught unawares by magical counter measures, and so that she could improve her own spells to the point where they were not so easily broken apart.

Once the binding had completed, Nala's mood became far more light. She let the flower withdraw from Esmerala's pussy and loosened the vines, allowing the demon to be free and in charge of all of her limbs again.

"I suppose that will do for now. Though it is but a small measure. Are you well enough to walk?"

She offered a hand to the prone demoness and helped her to her feet, if the demon was so inclined to take her offer.

"I know, you were probably hoping we'd fuck right away. But my sheets are dirty and this whole room needs to air out, so we're going to do some chores together. Go fetch the sheets and I shall open the windows."

Nala then moved to each window and opened the shutters. If the room still smelled of sex upon her return to the room later on, she would summon a strong breeze to make it smell sweeter, but for now she held off on further unnecessary use of magic. She returned to the bed and helped Esmerala with the rest of the dirty sheets, piling them together before she slipped on some appropriate clothing for going out and about the town. Esmerala would stay nude, as befitted her current status as a captive, not that she thought this would dismay the demoness all that much.

"There is a river just next to this encampment, as you know. We'll be going there to wash up the sheets. Come on."

Without any further discussion, unless the demon insisted upon it, the pair would leave to go to the river as Nala had said they would. Assuming they ran into no distractions along the way, the night elf intended to aid the nude demon in the very mundane but necessary task of cleaning the sheets in the river before hanging them out to dry on the jungle branches, under the rays of the sun above them. Only when all the fabrics were hung up and drying did Nala turn to Esmerala and gesture back to the side of the river. Nala freed herself of her dress then and waded into the water up to her thighs, letting the current trickle by her, just an inch or so away from her lower lips.

She scooped up some water into her hands and began to splash herself with it, and then looked over her shoulder at Esmerala.

"Shall we wash each other?" she asked. "It would be nice to freshen up, don't you think?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"I say that truth is subjective, that does not mean it is not important. I would like to perceive as much about you as I could, so that my own sense of truth about you is more accurate. My intent is not to belittle you by seeing you that way. You are not in Hell, Esmerala. You are in my bed. With one exception which was not of my doing, this is a place where one can let go of their power and let themselves be exposed safely. When one is vulnerable, when one is repentant, when one is bared open, that is when trust is built and intimacy is formed. That is what my bedroom means to me, Esmerala. That is my idea of heaven. Do not balk at me wanting to take you there. Do not think that my yearning for control is premised on disgracing those whom I would subdue."

"I do not belittle you, Nala. You are merely mistaken in believing that any form that I do not choose to sculpt as I see fit is a part of me, of my truth. The reason that it is considered a threat among my kin is because the meaning behind it is that the one saying it is essentially saying that they desire total and complete control over the one to whom they speak, to define their identity as you see fit. That you don't intend such when asking to see my own original form does not negate the fact that my original form is no more a part of who and what I am than the way you looked when you were fresh from your mother's womb is a part of yours. There isn't even an analogy in your culture that I could use to explain it more readily, I am afraid. Honestly, I am surprised that you would push as hard as have over it when you yourself choose to ignore the stigmas of your race and home culture as much as you do. Is not your own identify built purposefully around your choices and desires, and not your past or the ones that others would have you take? It is a somewhat perhaps a more juvenile way of saying it than I might like, but what a being chooses to be and to do makes up a far more important portion of their identity than what the parts of themselves that are left to them at birth, is it not?"


Following the ritual that Nala had enacted, during which Esmerala contorted in only once under the assault of the vines holding her down, the demoness would stand up without begrudging Nala's help and stretch immediately after being released, giving her elven mistress a slightly grateful look initially. "What could possibly give you that idea?" the demoness replied sardonically to Nala's announcement that chores must be done before fun could be had.

The demoness would nod without complaint at Nala's command, but when the elf turned back to her bed after opening up the windows to let the room air out she would find the demoness holding the balled up sheets in the air with magic while a small wave of water washed back and forth across the mattress, cleaning out everything that had managed to seep through the protective sheets. She would take any backlash for her use of magic rather than more mundane efforts with a look of surprise that was quickly followed by acceptance, but through the ritual that she had just performed Nala would feel Esmerala's desire to resist that command harden just for a second before she complied. Whether the balled up, sex-scented sheets were carried by her mind or by her arms, she would follow Nala out of the camp without saying anything further.

They would get a number of looks, many of them unpleasant at seeing the demoness go about so freely despite the load of laundry that she carried, but no one would try to intercept Nala and Esmerala as they left Kyederon and headed for the stream from which the small town took its water. Once there, Esmerala would set about cleaning the elf's bedding while Nala herself began to bathe, though whether she did so with magical aid or with only her hands the elf would catch Esmerala watching her clean herself with a smirk.

When that offer to help clean one another came after the sheets had all been hung out to dry, Esmerala didn't even hesitate to take Nala up on it, strolling smoothly into the water and moving to stand behind the elven witch. "Mmmmm, yes... Definitely~" the demoness purred suggestively, but contrary to the implications made by her tone Esmerala started off by simply rubbing water over Nala's back, starting from Nala's shoulders and working her way steadily downwards until finally she got an opportunity to rub her hands over the elf's finely sculpted rear. She would do nothing more than tease, giving the slightest gropes and fondles here and there as she stuck to her given task, unless Nala opted to initiate something more herself. Esmerala would even be slightly coy about such, allowing her impossible to hide desires for more to remain unsaid. Her hair had returned as she had stepped into the bath, leaving the demon's unnaturally beautiful face now framed in locks that shifted back and forth between ebony and ivory in perfectly even stripes, but Esmerala would offer no explanation for her choice in coloring unless Nala chose to ask.

(I cannot for the life of me remember whether or not Esmerala had a sealing collar placed on her. If she did, I shall edit this to account for that.)
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala tired of the conversation that was going nowhere. This Esmerala was twisting her words and her meaning, either unable to comprehend the night elf's point or unwilling to acknowledge it.

"I was just as much myself when I was a wee babe as I am myself today. More innocent, unspoiled, uncrafted and unrefined, but I was still me. Had I the ability to go back in time, and look upon myself, I would say, 'yes, there, that is me.' Obviously, I don't wish to BE that babe once again, but I would not be insulted if someone wished to see me like that. We are free to make our own destinies, but the past still affects us. I am not ashamed of my beginnings, powerless as I may have been."

She waived her finger dismissively, adding only, "I was damned cute, no doubt."


Nala noticed the appreciative look that Esmerala gave her upon being released, and hoped internally that it was genuine. So much mistrust to get over. She was quite nearly sick of it and desired to to open herself up to this demon and be done with it. Everything seemed to be going well, but there was still that part of her that remembered the pain and suffering caused by the last time she had given Esmerala an open opportunity.

When the demon took her hand and was helped up, Nala brushed the violet hair behind the demon's pointed ears and whispered:

"You look beautiful."

Leaving it at that, and hoping it would be in someway a making up for that slightly heated debate from earlier, Nala went to the windows and let the fresh air in. When she turned back to the room, she would find the demon cheating her intended chores and this earned a quick rebuke.

"No magic! We'll be cleaning those by hand in the river. I don't intend to collar you, Esmerala, but I will ask that you refrain from shows of magic except in the most dire of circumstances. Don't worry if you get a little dirty, carrying them in your arms. We'll wash up immediately afterward."

Nala fixed the demon with a calm stare as her will hardened just a bit at being told not to use magic, but acceptance came swiftly enough and that was all the witch elf demanded of her.

"We'll get you a collar of sorts to put the people's mind's at ease, and if you don't use magic, then everyone will feel safe that you are contained. This way, should the worst happen, you will be free to defend yourself. You gave me that much beneath the earth, so I extend you the same courtesy."

If there were any collars or slave gear lying around the chamber, Nala would pick one out and place it on Esmerala's neck, but keep it loose so as to not let it pinch at the demon lord. If there were a leash that she could attach to it and hold onto as they walked, she would add that touch as well, just to give off the impression that the demoness was in a position of subservience.

Whether this was enough to counteract the hard stares of the village inhabitants, Nala could not truly say. But it would have to make do for now. Resources were thin out here in the jungle.

They made their way to the river where Nala would supervise and even offer to help out a bit with the more unwieldy sheets, helping to hang them on the branches without the use of magic. She kept an eye on Esmerala throughout this, grinning as the demon was forced to do a bit of physical, non sexual labor for once in her life.

Nala sighed and let herself relax as Esmerala splashed some cold water onto her back and began to wipe away the grime she had accumulated over the past four days. Even though there was some teasing, intimate touching, the witch elf appreciated feeling the dirt and sweat slough away from her. After Esmerala had washed the elf's tush, Nala turned around to stand face to face with the demoness. She noted the way the demon's hair had changed into a curling mix of ebony and ivory locks. Nala smiled at this and raised her eyebrows in quick succession to denote her mock surprise. Then she placed her hands on either side of Esmerala's hips and lowered herself into the water just in front of the nude demon. Her head disappeared under the surface for a moment, and then raised again, getting a close look at Esmerala's nether region as she rose up again, water dripping from her body's extremities.

"Now you," she said, and began to scoop up water in her hand and letting it fall in rivulets across the demon's body. Nala would scrub the demon's skin with her hands, first her front and then lightly turning around Esmerala to get at her back and rear. When she was mostly clean, she turned the demoness around to face her once more.

Moving one hand up to caress the multicolored locks of hair, Nala caught Esmerala's chin between her other hand's thumb and forefinger, bringing it closer to her mouth. Then, closing her eyes, the night elf allowed herself to give in and allow the demon another chance. Their lips met, and Nala began to kiss Esmerala slowly, gently, but with a building need to explore further. The purple-skinned elf touched her body against the pale skin of her faux captive, and let her weight fall against the demon, in an act of intimacy that she hoped would be reciprocated by Esmerala.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Esmerala gave a brief grimace at being told she had to work without the aid of magic, but offered no complaint about it and simply folded up the sheets in her arms. The demoness would prove to have done little in the way of redecorating Nala's chambers, and if any collars or leashes were to be had in the elf's quarters they would have belonged to Nala herself, and were to be found wherever she would have left them.

The presence of such on Esmerala as she was led out of Nala's chambers would be of dubious comfort to the people of Kyederon at best, as by that point they were learning of the demon's tactics in assuming Nala's persona in the first place, but even so some of those unkind gazes were thrown Nala's way as well.

Once they'd arrived at the water, Esmerala would, as instructed, wash the sheets in an entirely mundane manner, doing so in a way that was actually fairly well-practiced despite her preference to do such chores the quicker and easier way using magic. She made no complaint about it either, and when she was finished and began to clean Nala in a similar manner she only grinned at the elf when she spun to face her and mockingly quirked her eyebrows. She watched Nala crouch down and submerse herself only to come back up, the return trip giving Nala a view of the demon's privates where a small patch of hair in the same colors and pattern as that on her head crowned her flower.

The demoness kept her silence when Nala announced that it was her turn to be washed, and allowed the elven witch to cleanse her flaw, statuesque form without comment, giving coos of delight when appropriate should Nala deliver some teasing of her own. First her front, and then her back, but when Esmerala was fully cleaned Nala chose that moment to take the next step in forgiving the woman only to find Esmerala perfectly pliant to her desires. The demon's face turned, guided by the lightest touch of Nala's fingertips to turn her head, and when Nala pressed her lips softly against Esmerala's ruby ones she found them open and willing. The kiss over the demon's shoulder progressed at Nala's pace, Esmerala pressing back when Nala pushed her weight against the demoness while the other woman's hands slowly settled onto Nala's thighs. Her agile tongue came forth only when Nala's sought entry into her mouth, the kiss affectionate and simple but hardly bereft of a sense of passionate energy on the demon's part. Esmerala's tail snaked around the elf's back, not strong enough to exert any great force but felt nonetheless as it wrapped a little more than halfway around Nala's waist, but from then on how the encounter proceeded would be in Nala's court as Esmerala easily played up her subservience to Nala's will, here as much as in the mundane chores that she'd been forced to perform.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala chose to retrieve a simple wrought iron collar attached to a chain that had been a relic of the slaver's mining camp from two years prior. Most of the metal from such methods of bondage had been reworked and re-purposed in Kyederon's modest forges, but a few collars, manacles, and pillories had been kept as toys for Nala to keep and play with, and they were kept in the bottom drawer of the witch elf's chest in the corner of the room. An enthusiast of power games and of role playing in the bedroom, as well a fan of bondage and restriction, Nala had often used such tools on occasion with her lovers, to spice encounters up a bit on the dull days between her training, magic lessons, and medicine making.

With the collar and chain attached to her prisoner, she had led Esmerala down to the river, amid stares of resentment from the populace of Kyederon, directed both at the demon and herself. These looks were only fair, she supposed. The demoness had tricked her, and now was not being put to death for all the horror that she had exposed these people to. But Nala had begun to see the demon's point of view, and unlike the people of Kyederon, knew that there were worse (arguably) worse fates that could have befallen them. Yes, three days of hell had been experienced, and people had died, but the true foe was powerful, terrible, and still had a hard on for the destruction and suffering of this place. Nala's priority had to be to use the demoness in defense of her home, even as she knew that she herself was being used.

The people might look at her dirtily, but Nala had received those looks most of her life. Disapproving looks, and mutters of 'whore' and 'slut' had followed her all around the halls of Ch'Hiesol. Not that that had kept men and women supposedly of the cloth from falling into her bedsheets. The hypocrisy of mortals when it came to fulfilling their pleasure amazed Nala at times. Now she wondered if the dirty looks she was receiving now were those of individuals who thought that they could have done better. Could they have rallied the arachne? Would they have fought a demon lord both physically and spiritually?

What else would Nala have to do for these people? And would they even appreciate it? Nala stopped herself from thinking further along those bitter lines and instead thought of what she must do to prevent the next assault of the demon army from New Abaddon. She couldn't just rely on advice from Esmerala. Even if she could trust the demoness in the same way she would trust Violet, she did not believe that this demon lady was potent or clever enough to anticipate everything. What Nala needed was a power that she could rely upon - something internal. Her thoughts roamed wildly, thinking of the powers of nature and entropy. Life and death.

It was then that they reached the river, and between the two of them, they set about soaking the soiled sheets in the clean, clear waters of the river bend. Nala worked wordlessly, her mind swimming between the immediacy of Esmerala's pleasing form and the dire future that faced Nala and her new home, and by extension Violet and the baby that now grew inside of her.

Stress was welling up inside of her, so Nala had chosen that the time was right to bathe. She used a time-tested mage technique to clear her mind, concentrating on her breathing and the basic tactile sensations of her body, focusing upon the water surface and where it met with the purple flesh of her thighs. She splashed water upon her, and invited the demon over, to which Esmerala was only too happy to accept. With her mind clear, Nala was able to appreciate the feeling of Esmerala's touch. Teasing though it was, Nala did not mind that it was not being too aggressive. If anything, it was better that way.

Rising from her submersion into the river, Nala was able to eye the demoness' flower and its odd but aesthetically pleasing patch of multi-colored fur. She stopped her rise and tilted her dripping head ever so slightly as she made a point of admiring the decoration before rising further and beginning to adorn the statuesque demon with flecks and splashes of clear river water. She laid her hands upon Esmerala softly, tentatively, taking her time to admire the more mundane parts of her. Her arms and ribs, her spine and the back of her neck, the legs and tush, before she arrived at the tail. This she held and stroked as though it were a curiosity unlike anything she had ever seen, and she giggled as Esmerala moved it from side to side and curled it around her forearm.

It was then that the elf decided to meet the demon's gaze, and with that eye contact, Nala felt herself yearning to connect with Esmerala. Why couldn't they be friends and lovers? Why must she hold the demon's machinations against her?

These were the thoughts that led to the breaking down of her defenses, even though they were greatly irrational and ignorant of the low deed that had led to the near destruction of her life and home. Nala had shunted those thoughts from her mind ever since reaching the river and they had no room to roam in her consciousness now.

Thusly did the witch elf lean forward and allow herself to kiss Esmerala once again, this time with renewed hope of connection, of fulfilled desire, and of safety and security even within the embrace of a being of chaos and magic. The kiss led to an impassioned embrace, and Nala could feel that wonderful spaded tail slipping about her waistline, not powerful enough to harm or entrap her, but tactile enough to be appreciated. Nala moaned into the kiss and leaned forward against the taller, stronger figure of the demonic seductress, finding the chain leash under the surface of the water and tugging on it gently, just to pull Esmerala forward more, locking their lips together as Nala's tongue grew ever more animated with desire.

Any observer would have to wait a good minute and some before Nala would have her fill of the kiss and break away from the demon. At that point, she would release the chain and simply wrap both arms around the demon's neck, her chest pressing up against Esmerala's.

"I once asked you to teach me to fuck like a demon lord," Nala said between short breaths, looking up at her prisoner with half lidded eyes. Suddenly though her expression changed, slightly more aggressive perhaps, as her brows narrowed and her stare hardened, although she kept a smirk on her lips to soften her visage just a bit. "Now I'm ordering you to."

Her hand moved from Esmerala's neck to her horn and she pulled down firmly but being sure not to roughly yank, until the demoness' eye level was slightly beneath her, thus allowing the night elf to talk down to the demon, presuming that Esmerala did not physically resist.

"Bring out something nice to put inside of me. Or use your tail if you like.~ Better yet, do both."

Nala took the initiative with her free hand to grab onto the tail around her waist and bring the spade up to her lips, where she proceeded to kiss and then lick it with her dexterous tongue. Then she waited while Esmerala formed a cock, but staring hungrily at it once she had.

"Now, show me all the positions you know. If you can teach me something new, I'll feed you a nice yummy portion of my soul before we head back to town."

It was Nala's intention to instill herself with the vampiric soul-sucking power that she had learned from the former Demon Queen, using this as added protection against the natural soul-eater qualities of the demon. If she was impressed with what Esmerala was teaching her however, she would drop the protection to permit a small portion of her soul to be fed upon, as positive reinforcement for a job well done.

She would also be actively seeking to cause as much pleasure to the demoness as possible, no matter the position, and upon any orgasm on Esmerala's part, Nala would experiment with her own subtle seductive magics, in the hopes of testing them against the strong willed demon. At the very least, she could try to improve upon her methods by seeing how they failed against a prepared defense.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

Esmerala, despite her propensity for upstaging Nala in terms of physical stamina, was breathing as heavily as the night elf when that intense kiss finally parted. The same signs of arousal that would show on any normal woman were readily on display upon the demon's body, portions hardened or puffy or reddened depending on the reactions they gave to the shift in blood flow. Her initial statement drew a quirked eyebrow from the demoness, her shift in expression during her brief pause piquing Esmerala's curiosity in turn, but when she finally issued her lewd demand the grin that broke out across her pet demon's face was as eager and predatory as such an expression could possibly be.

"Mmhhmmm.... Your wish is my command... Mistress~" Esmerala purred softly once she had been tugged into a position such that she had to crouch slightly, putting her eyes lower than Nala's for her next demand, which would inspire a soft chuckle. "Mmmmm, adventurous... Maybe you'd like me to be a little bit more... Creative... Than I was for our first time, hrm?" she purred as Nala grabbed up her tail and brought it up to her mouth. Her suckling and licking initially inspired only a soft coo from the demoness, but after a second the spaded tip would shift and swell, becoming round and hardening until, in the span of only a few seconds, she had a long, firm cock between her lips. A heartbeat later a portion of Esmerala's soul would stretch out to her own, and Nala would recognize the mind magic even as it wrapped around her spirit. A single glance would reveal that it was fully harmless, and should Nala permit it a strange sort of connection would form between herself and her demon, and through it she would feel the sensation that brought a soft moan from Esmerala as if she were performing her actions on herself.

"Ever wonder what it might be like to give yourself head?" she asked mirthfully, unable to suppress a chuckle at her crude phrasing, but then a second appendage began to sprout from the place where one would expect. "Something new," she purred as the cock she gifted herself with stretched and took shape, "something... Exciting~" When she was finished forming it, the rod she sported was a full ten inches long and quite thick, but rather than appear as a normal cock it had thin fleshy ridges running along its entire length that circled around the entire shaft.

"Good enough for our second lesson?" the demoness purred softly, and then giggled at Nala's demand and accompanying promise should she show the elven priestess something exciting. She took a step forward in the waist high water, and the cock added to her tail slipped down to rest between Nala's breasts just before Esmerala once more pressed herself against the elf's front, effectively trapping the sensitive organ in the pillowy confines of both of their pancaked breasts. Even as she could feel the pleasurable sensations created by that touch through the psychic connection that Esmerala had initiated, the demon's fingers brushed against her side as they ascended up to her shoulder, one arm hooking beneath one of Nala's while the other settled onto her hip. Nala would feel the length that Esmerala had grown pressed up against her stomach, sandwiched between them just like the cock sprouting from her tail, and through it she would feel the same familiar bursts of light pleasure coursing into her through the psychic link, promising an encounter unlike anything she had had before when they finally got to the main event.

"Nala dearest," Esmerala purred in a low, sultry whisper "we could be here for days before I showed you all of the positions I knew! Weeks if we started going into what I could do with magic! Speaking of... What are my rules for this, hrm? Just how far are you willing to let me go? I assume that, for now, you would rather avoid too much bondage unless you're the one on top... But I'm happy to allow things to be more intimate between us for this little bonding experience! Mmmm, I see you've given yourself the ability to feed.... Perhaps I could teach you to use that properly, hrm? It can allow for a union more personal and intimate than anything you've ever experienced before if used properly!"
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Of all the lovers that Nala had had over the years, none of them had been as treacherous and as out of control as Esmerala. Most of her partners had been relatively harmless in the bedroom. Of those who had been dangerous - Matthias for instance - Nala had been relatively certain that there was no motivation for herself to come to harm or misfortune.

The demoness standing before her in all her physical loveliness was perhaps the sole lover that existed in that uncertain space and it was at once a source of niggling doubt and an incredible turn on. That this fiend might try and find a way to betray her again was a danger and yet here she was, kissing her madly and demanding that Esmerala commit the lewdest of intimacies against her. It was at times such as this that Nala had to confess to herself that she just might be a touch insane.

"Mmm, that's so much nicer to hear you say that," Nala said through a relaxed smile when the demon called her by the title 'mistress.' It was playful, not-too-serious, but it played up to the part, and in the end, that was all that Nala wanted. She desired to be no creature's master, but for an hour or so, when the clothes were off and pleasure was to be had, she was happy to assume such honorifics. If a follower responded better to that sort of relationship, such as her loyal goblin retainer, then she abided by it out of the bedroom, for the sake of orderly conduct and a weird display of affection.

Perhaps she just needed to extend her understanding of demons and she wouldn't mind so much their dirty underhanded tricks and betrayals. Somehow she doubted it, but some perspective might help her drop the grudge she was trying so hard to stifle.

"Mmm, no. This shall be our first time, if you please, Esmerala. A happy memory of our own creation. Something I can think of fondly when I'm missing you in some lonely minute. Can your adventurous, creative spirit conjure up something for me?"

It was at that point that Nala brought the tail to her lips and began to lick and suckle at it. As if in response to her verbal challenge, Esmerala created a nice hard, phallic shaft out of the end of her tail which pleased the elf immensely, as she only quickened her pace to provide the tail cock with the pleasures of her warm, soft mouth. In the blink of an eye, Nala sensed the channeling of spiritual energies. She tensed instinctively as the fine hairs stood up on the back of her neck, but her arcane awareness told her that the magic was harmless, and trusting in the moment of the situation, she allowed it to pass without objection.

Esmerala's soul energy touched her own, and in a flash Nala discovered a brand new pleasure - the knowledge of her own efforts from the receiver's point of view. This mind magic was an interesting bag of tricks indeed! Spurred on by this new dual sensation, Nala bobbed her head down further upon the tail cock, spiraling her distended tongue around it like a corkscrew, before tightening her lips and sucking deeply upon the shaft. After a few seconds, she was more than pleased with herself, and happy too to know that Esmerala was enjoying it as much as she did.

As Esmerala delivered her crude turn of phrase, Nala giggled, with her laughter reverberating around the cock in her mouth. She then withdrew completely, leaving behind a healthy amount of saliva dripping from the tip of Esmerala's tail. It then proceeded to lower itself, drawing the elf's eyes down to gaze on the newly sprouting rod from the more traditional place at the demon's pelvis.

"Mmm, I'll wonder no longer,~" she said, as the two of them pressed themselves against one another, before the sensation of their pillowy flesh being parted by the tail cock once more raced across her mind, and Nala moaned happily. "Mmm~ And that other one looks like it'll feel nice too. Ahh..."

Esmerala embraced her now in the waist high water, and the elf felt the pressure of the thick rod's weight against her own soft stomach. Anticipatory thoughts swirled through her, heightening her body's physical response, undeniably turned on for the demon to have its way with her.

"Esmerala," Nala said slowly, placing her arm around the demoness' side and across the small of her back, doing her part to ensure the embrace was close and sensual. "I was burning with desire to learn from you, from the moment when you first took your fill of my soul. Had I awoken in any other way - by all the dead gods, I would have loved to let you have your way with me. A beautiful, intelligent, strongly independent demon lord with knowledge of magics that I have given up my inheritance to understand? I have dreamed of you without knowing your name. Now... you managed to crush that dream just a tad, but if you're willing to put it back together again for me. If you will truly teach me how to control these elements of my art for which I have had no tutor - then I will let you go very, very far indeed."

Nala looked squarely now at Esmerala, because now she was being quite serious, even more serious than she had expected to be when she had first opened her mouth.

"I think you know what it is that I want. It is similar no doubt to what you desire for yourself. I want personal freedom for myself and my loved ones. Beyond that, I want to learn everything that there is to learn about the arcane arts, and the secrets held within the magic of sex. The secrets that your kind use as second nature. In some very real ways, I wish to be like you - the best parts of you. So if you respect that, in any sense, then I will be your student. And as my teacher, when it comes time for our lessons, I will be the picture of obedience, and I'll let you do as you like to me. So long as when the lessons are over, we resume as we began. Do you think this fair? Does it please you? Because if it does, then I am happy to begin, and be yours for the next hour or two, and for as many lessons after that, until you can say that I have learned all that you have to teach."

Nala tilted her head to one side and waited for a reply from the demon. She thought that for her part, the offer was a good one, and a tempting one no doubt. Certainly she hadn't worded it her desires in a way that a malicious demon couldn't take advantage of, but if Esmerala was the sort of demon that she would be able to have around, then the talk about personal freedom at the beginning should suffice. She had spoken the truth about always wanting to meet a demon. Yes, the reality had been harsher than the fantasy, but even so, she had come out all right in the end, and there existed now a possibility for that fantasy to be realized. Her very own demonic tutor, opening her eyes to all that she had wanted to learn growing up. It would be so nice if it were possible.

She looked to Esmerala expectantly, perhaps a bit nervous as to her answer.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

The outburst of Nala's when Esmerala declared this their second time, in which the elf opted to count this is something of a restart to their relationship, seemed to briefly surprise Esmerala. For a moment the demoness would silently gaze back at the elf, taken aback, and the desire to issue some sort of argument over it would be plain on her face for an instant before such simply melted. "As you wish... My Nala~" she would purr, and that most recent rough patch in their exchange wouldn't change what happened next as the demoness began to grow her two organs for the elf to enjoy.

Esmerala seemed content to allow things to develop naturally from there, but when Nala suddenly broke off for her somewhat dramatic but nonetheless impassioned announcement Esmerala offered her a quirked eyebrow. "I did wound you so, didn't I? It won't make up for it, yet, but I did so only because I respect you so, Nala. Whether you take it as such or not, it is something that I took the harder road I saw in sparing you when I started us on the path that has, as I had hoped it would, brought us here."

The demon's words had been quite earnest, but she couldn't help but adopt a glint in her crimson eye in order to add; "Naked, sporting appendages that would never appear on any natural creature, which I am about to use to do the sorts of things that got you kicked out of Ch'hiesol by your mother. Imagine if she could see what you're about to do now!" The demoness would spare a moment to chuckle at that, but then in a sly whisper would add; "Mmmm, maybe she should? Even with the glimpses I got from feeding on you, I can imagine her expression if she found us... You on your back, on the prayer altar while I drive you into ecstasy... Or maybe, with your back against the sacred tree, my seed leaking out of you to stain the holy ground... It's supposed to have healing powers, isn't it? Maybe they're powerful enough to reset the balance in your body enough that I could knock you up, hrm? Could you imagine her face if her first grandchild was half demon? Well, I suppose her first grandchildren were technically those arachne, but I don't believe that mommy dearest would count them given their appearance~"

Esmerala cut off her rambling there, offering Nala another grin and a cock of her head in the opposite direction of the one that she had taken, allowing her to glide in closer again until their lips were only just barely apart, but from there she would continue in response to what Nala had said; "I have offered to teach you, my dear Nala, and I meant that promise with all my soul. To feel you against me, squirming as I make you twist into knots, giving you pleasures that even your depraved little elven mind could never have hoped for... It is what I most desired when I first put my plans into motion after observing you for so long.

"Is it fair? No, definitely not... I'm getting the better part of the deal by far! Is it please me? Oh Nala, you've no idea how much... Not yet, at least! But you will learn, through what I teach you. To a demon, the art of sex is more than physical pleasure and intimacy. It is a weapon, a source of great power, and often a necessity for mere survival. It is more than that too, especially for us succubi... And I think, for this lesson, as much as I want to put my tongue on every single part of you, that is what I will teach you! You have already enabled that power I feel, allowing you to feed upon my essence even as I feed on yours... But I do not think that you understand it."

Her hands trailing down Nala's thighs, Esmerala would lightly purr; "Put your arms around my neck." When Nala complied, she would be lifted as if she were as light as a feather, putting her pussy in range of the massive ribbed tool that the demoness had sprouted, a fact that might have had lesser women than the elven witch quaking in terror. Rather than slide into her no doubt ready hole, however, Esmerala shifted so that the top half of her shaft was pressed against her outer lips, so that when she gave a slow thrust a moment later it only ground against the elf's petals, even that providing enough stimulation coming from Esmerala that it was intensely pleasurable. It was enough to form the connection between her soul and Nala's at least, allowing Esmerala to begin feeding on Nala's essence. Hardened tendrils of Esmerala's spirit sunk into the surface of Nala's, drinking up tiny portions of her soul. The feeding, on a level too deep to be fought, was a pleasure in and of itself, amplifying every sensation that Nala felt tenfold whether it came directly from her own nerves or from Esmerala's mind magic.

"The way that we feed.... It relies upon that connection, the one that forms between beings when they mate, though it is always most intense between intelligent beings with genuine feelings for one another" the demoness explained, and Nala would feel the demon's tail begin to slide up and down between the crevice of Nala's bust, the tip poking out between the orbs squeezing around it when it reached the top of its motions. "When you start to feed, you can feel it... Some succubi, particularly young ones, use that connection to forge a brief but extremely powerful bond. You might think that sex is impersonal for demons, and sometimes you'd be right, but when succubi feed it's actually more intimate than even the most loving sex between non-succubi. The shift of mortal cultures, particularly the shorter lived ones like humans, towards monogamous relationships... The superstitions about soul mates and fidelity... These are because of the bond that forms between souls during sex, which all beings are programmed to desire. It's part of the reason that when you have sex with Violet it's so good, even though she might not be able to give as much stimulation as some of your other partners.

"That intimacy, of two souls becoming one... It's why, when we feed, it makes everything feel so much more intense. When two beings are so attuned, as you and your bodyguard are to each other, it doesn't need the feeding to still feel so intense. A part of that connection is, obviously, love, but try as we might we cannot engineer that, only good imitations of it. Still, feeding... You can feel it, right? The connection forming between us when you take back from me what I take from you? You can feel those two channels forming, parallel and so close together, but separate?"

If Nala had, as she'd planned, begun to feed off of Esmerala in order to prevent the demoness from taking her meal without her permission, she would feel tendrils of her own soul doing exactly what Esmerala's were, diving into the demon's spirit to take portions of her essence. Nala's were, compared to Esmerala's, crude and ineffective, and there was an innate disadvantage between them in how their souls were structured that made Nala practically putty in the demon's hands, while Nala had to work for every morsel, but the gap between their sexual skills was much more narrow and thus allowed her to keep the exchange both shallow and even. Still, if it came to a draining contest between the two of them, it was clear in a very stark sense that Esmerala was still very much Nala's superior at that time, and that the demon was going easy on her for the sake of her command and the lesson she intended to teach.

"Mmmmm.... Some younger succubi, as I said earlier, would use this ability to form a very intense bond. You can feel your soul and mine now... Can you see how it is shaped? Almost like an apple, or a peach if you prefer. The outer portion, that softer, thinner one, is comprised of the energies upon which we tap for magic. Those are what we feed upon first, and contain surface memories and emotions that some succubi can pick up on when we feed. That portion replenishes itself quickly and easily, of course, so many succubi end there to avoid damage to the soul. That deeper portion, however, is the core. It is what makes you, you, and me, me. It is the portion tied to our mind and our deepest memories, stored in our brain, and what is anchored to our bodies. That portion is stronger, harder to feed upon, and harder to replace when portions are taken or damaged. It frays when we feel hurt, when we lose those we care for or see them in pain, and rebuilds when we feel joy and hope and all those other positive emotions that poets go on about. To taste that, even the tiny portions that are safe to nibble at, is the most divine sensation that I have ever felt, particularly in a powerful and unique soul such as yours.

"I think it best not to do it here, but some succubi allow the connection to deepen to the point that the cores of their souls to touch, something that never occurs any natural mating. I have tried it once, in my youth, and it is very dangerous even to attempt, and can result in the destruction of one or both souls." The truth of Esmerala's earlier statements could be felt then, through the connections between their spirits. Nala would feel a wound, ancient but still painful all the same despite centuries of being repressed, that caused the core of the demon's thoroughly fortified spirit to fray around the edges. "For now... I want you to try to forge the connections together. It will be what allows you to stop your own spirit from being drained by succubi while you feed back, even if it is a fairly intense form of sex. Maybe not something that you think you need to know, but as I've come to learn every tool is valuable even if you don't use it very often."

As she'd spoken, and despite her matter of fact tone while giving her somewhat lengthy explanations, Nala had felt the demon's hips pick up speed in their thrusts steadily, and after she'd seemingly finished it had gotten to the point that Nala would feel herself starting to get close to her peak even just from those teasing rubs against her nether lips and the sensations coming from the cock buried between her breasts. Esmerala wasn't nearly as close, though she seemed to be feeling the buildup as well, and was at least mildly surprised at how far they'd gotten while she spoke. Her knees hooked with Esmerala's elbows, Nala only had a limited range of motion to work with, particularly with the demon's hands clamped behind her to offer additional support. Even so, she could move under her own power, either to try and pull away or to urge Esmerala to do more, and nothing was stopping her from speaking even with her partner's lips so close to her own.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

The deviant elf perceived the noted pause and stifled protest written across Esmerala's face. There was confusion, frustration, and perhaps hurt feelings there. Nala had no desire to think upon that episode, when her own desires had failed her and the people she protected so utterly. She would never be able to deny that it had happened, and she would not shunt out the painful lesson of that encounter, but regardless of how good Esmerala's intentions had been, the night elf would never be able to look on it as a happy memory. Perhaps in someways, it was similar to how the demon lord had been so adamant in refusing to recall the form of her origin. It would be too painful a reminder of herself at her weakest and most shamed moment. So it was with Nala.

That hesitance between them, and the way Esmerala had so clearly fought an inner struggle to keep from arguing with her, forced Nala to say a bit more, leading to her dramatic admission. This earned the night elf a quirked eyebrow and an acknowledgement of the wound she had been dealt, and again, a plea for some understanding on Nala's part. A mixture of emotions played again through Nala's mind. Forgiveness. Yes, of course, she wanted to. She really really wanted to. It would make things easier. If it were just about her own wounds, she could do it in an instant. Others had suffered, however. They had suffered because of Esmerala's plan, and because of Nala's personal failure.

Nala was about to say something in response, but a glint in Esmerala's eyes signaled a change of mood, and a welcome change of subject matter. Nala stifled what she had been about to say. It could wait.

Slowly, a conspiratorial smile was splaying across Nala's face as her demon companion suggested all sorts of devilish fun that the two of them could be getting up to in her home of Ch'hiesol. By the end of Esmerala's whispers, Nala's emerald eyes were twinkling, and she was giggling as she pressed herself eagerly against Esmerala, raising her body just a bit so as to slide up against her for some additional, pleasing friction.

"Yes, that would be a crowning culmination of my mother's grandest fears.~" Nala chirped, cocking her head to the side while gazing into the demon's red orbs. "But the picture is only half complete... we could do so much better! I should be sporting heretical markings, piercings, and horns, wings, and a spaded tail of my own~ Let her see me laughing as I spite the gods on the altar, being driven beyond my deepest desires by you. And later we could skip merrily to that tree and decorate it with our lovemaking."

Nala paused as a stray thought wandered through her mind. The image of the sacred tree, pulsing with untapped power, and beyond it in the distance, the oncoming hordes of New Abaddon, and other shadowy, unknown threats closing in. Though she let the image pass quickly, she knew that a seed had just been planted in her mind. Perhaps she should pay Ch'hiesol a visit, and soon.

"So. You want to knock me up is it? That is the second time you have mentioned the possible restoration of my barren womb. Is that how you wish to claim me, Esmerala? I do not deny, there is a certain appeal in the thought, not the least of which would be my mother's complete and utter realization that her daughter will never return to be the high druid of the royal court she had always dreamed I would be. If indeed there is still a royal court somewhere in exile..."

The demon had drawn in close, their lips barely separated by a finger's width of heavy jungle air. Nala could practically taste the demon's breath as she spoke. Esmerala told her of what she desired, and of how her desires coincided with her promise to teach the night elf of the many demonic secrets to sexual technique. Nala could feel a cold shiver run up her spine and goose prickles forming on her arms and legs, hearing words of which she had only dreamed. A demon lord was holding her in its hands, preparing to demonstrate its powers upon her. Desire and anticipation welled up inside of her. Her lips were wet, above and below, just thinking about what Esmerala was promising to do. As the demon spoke, Nala would moan as she visualized possibilities. Her body shifted and twisted, already working itself into those knots that Esmerala spoke of.

"Unfair? You've said nothing that makes me think that I am getting an unfair deal, Esmerala! You're teaching me what I want to know. If what you want of me is my willing body, then it is yours! I will not resist. I will do as you say. And I will ask for more!" Her eyes drooped, and she lowered her voice to a whisper. "We both want this."

Nala lifted her leg, wrapping it around Esmerala's waist, shifting her own hips up as she eagerly wanted to align her petals against the demon's conjured cock. Esmerala trailed her hands down Nala's hips and thighs, and purred instructions to the subdued elf. Nala complied immediately, smiling all the while. Internally she had managed to banish her reservations, trusting that what the demon truly wanted right now was to enjoy the elf's body.

In a moment, the petite elf was lifted by the demon lord, her legs both being hefted up and held by her powerful partner. How many other women might be frightened out of their minds to be in this position? The witch elf on the other hand, could only squirm happily as she felt the tip of Esmerala's shaft press against her moistened flower. Stimulation flowed through her body, causing her to gasp in growing ecstasy. It was so good, and she hadn't even been penetrated yet.

Immediately upon feeling that first twitch of stimulation, she felt a connection form between their souls. Hardened tendrils, eminating from the demon lord's soul, snaked out and sunk into Nala, feeding off of her spiritual energy. This too produced a source of pleasure for the night elf, deepening and intensifying the sensations that she felt around her slick cunny where the demonic penis pressed against her. Esmerala started to talk again, teaching Nala the lore of how the succubi fed, and what additional bonds such spiritual connections inspired. As she said this, the tail cock that had been wedged between the two pairs of breasts now slid down against Nala's stomach before pushing up again, right between her purple orbs, until it peaked out at her from her cleavage.

"The bond that succubi can create. That magic mimics love? Or is it the same thing as love?" Nala asked, being sure to keep her studious mind active even as her body was undergoing intense pleasure. Not to be lazy or overly indulgent, Nala formed tendrils of her own through her experimentally developed succubus technique, and implanted them into Esmerala. It soon became evident that her technique was clumsy and inefficient, compared to the practiced and perfected draining power of the demon lord. The knowledge of how far she was outclassed did not frustrate, Nala, but it did drive her to pay very close attention to everything that Esmerala did. Every subtle shift of magical power was held under the unflinching gaze of Nala's arcane senses.

Esmerala's continued exposition soon answered Nala's question. So it wasn't true love, but it was an imitation so functionally similar, that on a spiritual level, it didn't make much difference. Nala found the revelation fascinating. Why shouldn't people want more demonic magic in their lives, if such were true? The heights that demons could bring people to... it was as though each succubus was a walking, talking vessel of love. The elf practically laughed at the thought, though the sound she ended up making was drowned among groans of pleasure.

"I can feel the bond between us, yes. It's fascinating. Amazing. Hunghhh... It's so good, Esmerala! Your soul though... it's like climbing a mountain to take from you. Why is mine so open? Hngh... ahh! I must... I must learn to defend against this."

Esmerala continued on, talking about the shape of the soul, both her own and Nala's. She talked about them with such familiarity, and Nala recognized something in her decriptions that she herself had felt while devouring Dviklien's essence.

"I know about the soul... the arcane domain of entropy demands an understanding of the break down of all things. I have seen a soul degrade, I have used my spells as weapons to steal the outer layers of enemy and foe alike to fuel my spells. I did this to you, just before I fought Dviklien. And to him, I sundered everything... It was nothing like this however. No pleasure in it. Just pain, and aghh... uuoohh..." Nala hesitated as a wave of pleasure caused her to stop talking momentarily. She settled herself, rolling her hips and steeling her mental capacities before continuing. By that point however, Esmerala had talked about the possibility of conjoining the inner portions of a person's soul, something that Nala had not ever considered.

"Join together two inner souls? But why? What advantage would that --" Nala paused, noting the fraying at Esmerala's core. A painful memory then. Old but not forgotten. The way she mentioned how it was potentially fatal led her to believe that there had been an important and regrettable loss. She chose not to push the questioning further.

"Forge the connections together. Okay... I will do my best."

Concentrating hard, Nala moved the spiritual tendrils under her control, sensing where her soul was connected to Esmerala's tendrils and moving her own set to that location. When the arcane cords met, she would try to instinctively fuse them to one another, blending the threads together in whatever way seemed to naturally work.

As the tendrils began to blend together, Nala became acutely aware of how far along she had come with only this simplistic foreplay. How had this occurred? Was the bond between them solely to blame? She felt a stirring need to *connect* with Esmerala on a more physical level. Putting forth a throaty mewl, the night elf rolled her hips in an obvious attempt to align herself better with the tip of Esmerala's rod, wanting to impale her well-lubricated pussy upon it. Unsure of whether the demon would allow this or opt to tease her further, Nala pressed her lips quickly and suddenly to the demon's wanting to at the very least dart her tongue against Esmerala's and slake her lustfull thirst with that much of a physical bond. She wanted this first orgasm to be satisfying for the both of them, and wasn't convinced that Esmerala was taking her fair share of her.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"Oh? I could see you like that, But I thought that you didn't want to become a demoness, dearest Nala? Believe it or not we could make that work so that the changes would only be temporary, actually, but it would require a good bit of trust on your part."

The turn of the conversation to Esmerala's desire to sire a child in Nala brought a chuckle from the demoness that held her, and in a sultry purr she would reply; "Oh, it is one of my greatest wishes! 'Tis another thing you should know about demons, our ability to decide whether or not we have a child... Usually, at least. To willingly conceive for another is considered a sign of respect and affection, if such a thing can exist between two demons. Even if it doesn't necessarily mean the same thing in our particular circumstances, there is still a certain... Innate appeal in getting a child on you, a union of the fetishistic and the instinctive if you will. Besides, if it's a child born of you and I... Our daughter would be a veritable force of nature, would she not? And just impossibly sexy when she grew up!"

Sexual tension thrumming through the air, both of their bodies quivering with the growing need for true gratification that the organ being rubbed against the petals of the nubile elven witch promised to give if only it would slide past those silky lips rather than across them, Esmerala still kept a fairly clear head all things considered. She didn't pause long for Nala's interruption, her question answered at least in part by a later portion of what she said, allowing the guileful elf to puzzle out the relation to the connection that form between succubi and their partners and genuine love for herself. The second question would be given an answer immediately, however, as Esmerala paused to explain; "Oh... A number of reasons. The structure of our souls is different, for one. Elves are actually prized as slaves by my kin for the fact that their souls are often rich in power and easy to feed from. I have also been doing this for centuries, and you don't live that long among other succubi and fail to pick up on a few ways to defend yourself!"

The explanation about what she had done to Dviklien, in turn, drew a nod and a smirk from Esmerala, who replied; "Indeed. That was quite an impressive display too! The look on his face was absolutely priceless~ You have a grasp for the basics, but like any skill it must be honed with practice before you can be called a master!"

Those teasing thrusts, driving the upper side of the demon's ribbed shaft across her outer lips, steadily began to grow in intensity while Esmerala and Nala had their educational discussion. The pleasure made to course through both of them, sensations that would have been light and teasing were it not for the connection between their souls that just seemed to make it so much more, rose steadily along with it, and the knot of tension that Nala could feel forming in her own belly was mimed by one forming simultaneously in Esmerala's. That didn't prevent the slight pain that came up when Nala asked why one would do as she had described, but neither did that pain bring an end to the pleasure. Even though she didn't finish that question, Esmerala would give a short and simple answer to it; "I am surprised that you cannot simply guess. Love, of course. Or as close as one can find in Hell."

The oath to do as Esmerala had said given, the demoness would nod and go silent, leaving Nala to concentrate on her task. She would find it more difficult than it might have seemed. The soul was not an entity in space as a body was, this much would become clear quickly if it hadn't been already, and because of this the way in which they were able to perceive it consciously was fundamentally flawed. Esmerala made shifting her own seem so easy, and after a time Nala would no doubt come to realize the source of her trouble. What she aimed to do, even if it could be driven by a person's will, was at its most fundamental level not a process based in the intellect. It was closer to the skills she had learned from Corini or the ones used by Violet than to her favored brand of magic, but at the same time it was different from those as well. Like them, it started with wanting something, a goal, but like her unique brand of sexual magic it involved there was a definite ability to guide it with thought as well, and the chords connecting her soul to Esmerala's were both an extension of her own spirit and an extension of the deepest roots that tied her soul to her body.

It was, in effect, a union of all three disciples, and as Nala came to understand this it became steadily easier to manipulate her tendrils. Driving them into Esmerala's spirit was still much harder than it was for the demon's to do the same to her own, and as her peak loomed closer to rise those tendrils began to slip dangerously close to her core, a threat that would have meant oblivion for the last demon to touch her soul but that promised only unbelievable pleasure coming from her current partner. She could, however, begin to shift them until they began to coil alongside the tendrils coming from Esmerala's soul just as she released her lewd mewl and aligned herself so that the tip of the demon's rod was poised to part her petals and dive into her pussy at long last. The kiss that she engaged then was responded to with seemingly limitless passion, the demon's hunger at last left naked. Esmerala was quivering with pent up tension, and the sudden tightness in her form was a sign that she had braced herself to let that impressive tool slide right in. Hiding anything at that point was practically impossible, with so many connections formed between them, and Esmerala was making no effort whatsoever to hide just how badly she wanted to slide into Nala and fuck her to the point of utter senselessness from the elf. It would undoubtedly feel too incredible for words, being filled up by that massive tool, and both of them would feel every sensation their union had to offer thanks to the demon's mind magic.

For just a moment Esmerala stood poised, her cock ready and waiting for Nala to take every glorious inch, and then her hips pushed forward just as Nala's hips gave another shift of their own, causing that domed tip to start sliding towards her hole... Until a tiny shift in her posture made it slide against Nala's exterior once again. She could feel her partner's lips turn upwards into a smirk even as her tongue danced with Nala's like none ever had before, but then she shifted back and lined herself up again only a few seconds later. Another pause, letting Nala feel from two places at once the needy throb of that turgid shaft, and then they began to come together again... Only for Esmerala to again make a tiny shift at the last possible second, denying the both of them the penetration that their bodies craved. Any noise of protest would be cut off, however, by the moan drawn from between her lips as the ridges of the demon's conjured cock slid one by one over her clit, sending Nala racing ever closer to her orgasm even as the manhood that should have been pounding into her and driving her to that glorious peak slid against her taut belly.

All other stimulation ceased to matter at that point, Nala's focus controlled and shifted to that one connection that her partner seemed unwilling to form. The tips of their breasts dancing against another as the orbs to which they were attached were mashed together, the secondary cock that was still sliding slowly back and forth between Nala's breasts, and the freshly joined duel between their tongues... All of it was nothing compared to the need for penetration that, by a mixture of pure technique, the guiding sexual instincts of a succubus, and a tiny bit of magic, had been made to suddenly completely dominate Nala's attention. By that point Nala had managed to succeed at her given task, the flow of essence between herself and her demonic partner joined into a single two way channel rather than multiple parallel connections, one made up of all of their spiritual tendrils wound together,and through that Nala would feel a strange shift begin to occur.

Before she could think much on it, however, Esmerala would line up one third time, her tip once again teasing her entrance, but this time the teasing would last only for a heartbeat. She would feel it coming in the tension that thrummed through Esmerala in both body and soul just a second before it happened, but that wouldn't give her near enough time to brace herself before Esmerala slammed herself to the hilt into Nala's soaking pussy, their bodies coming together with a single wet slap. Only the shock of it kept Nala from cumming on the spot, and even as fast as she'd gone in Nala had felt every single ridge along that immense shaft rubbing against every centimeter of her inner walls on that first thrust. As she would find out a couple of seconds later, that would not be the last time that the sensation would be that intense either. Esmerala would give her exactly as long as she needed to come down from the shock caused by the power of the pleasure that exploded into her mind, but not long enough for her thoughts to return to any sort of coherency before she slid back and thrust again. Another pause, and then a painfully slow withdrawal, and then again.

After that the slow motions ended, and Esmerala let out a predatory howl of a moan into their kiss and started slam fucking Nala in midair. Nala didn't even manage to last a minute. It was another show that, perhaps other than Matthias, Nala had been right to consider Esmerala as the only one among her numerous partners that was still legitimately her superior in the sexual arts. Even though Nala herself had advanced since their first encounter, it became clear at that point that Esmerala hadn't been fighting at the full extent of her abilities when she and Nala had had the sexual duel that had spawned their relationship. It would have been generous to say that, from first being penetrated to the point at which the knot of tension in her abdomen was ready to burst, was a span greater than forty five seconds, much less sixty.

Unfortunately for Nala, that wasn't the extent of Esmerala's sexual tricks. Just as she felt her dam breaking down to release her into pure bliss, a force with only one possible originator clamped down on her spirit and held her right there, on the edge of that precipice and just about to tip over it. "Not yet..." Esmerala purred, having broken their kiss just as she'd started slamming into Nala's sex, and as she continued pounding into the witch elf the dual sensations of being filled and the feel of her own pussy clamping desperately around the demon's cock warred in Nala's overwhelmed senses. The connection formed between their souls hardened, leaving Nala's spirit locked to her own, and through that she would feel the flow of energies shifting further, favoring Esmerala more and more with every single thrust. Even then she could feel that it was being choked off, that if she'd wanted to Esmerala could have gobbled her soul up right to the core, and then taken that too if given enough time.

It was a mixture of agony and ecstasy, as deliberate a fabrication as could be, and it went on for a subjective eternity as, detectable even through the miasma of sensation but barely noticeable in comparison, Esmerala's own orgasm steadily built. It, too, came quickly, for few could hold themselves back in the face of such intense rutting as she was giving Nala, their bodies colliding rapidly with such force that it delivered lewd applause to their union, particularly with the practiced body of the elven witch as their subject. And when it came, and Esmerala released her howl of climactic pleasure, the restraints were gone. She could have felt the demon's peak alongside her own orgasm through the psychic link, but in the face of her own immensely powerful climax even it, as strong as the demon's orgasm was, paled in comparison to the waves of bliss that started rolling across Nala's body. It was another eternity of that wild, impossibly powerful sensation that threatened with every rapid pulse of her heart to see her sundered altogether before Nala would come down enough to, for a few brief moments, appreciate the dual sensations of orgasming while her partner came inside of her from both angles at the same time, for Esmerala was indeed filling the night elf's barren womb to the brim with her hot, potent cream. The cock between her breasts had similarly exploded, causing ropes of warm cum to land all over her face and bust, the sweet but still pungent scent of it so near to her lips providing intense temptation to lick some of the demon's seed up.

And then, only a few seconds later, it was over. Their bodies began to relax, though Nala's would be wracked by aftershocks for over a minute, and the bliss would slowly but steadily fade. Esmerala panted against her, hot breath coming in quick bursts against her throat, and they could both feel their mutual release dripping from where they were joined together. A lesser mind most likely would have been torn asunder by what Esmerala had done to her, but Nala was far more durable in terms of sexual stamina than most, and even as she recovered some of the lessons that Esmerala's potent abilities in the bedroom might begin to sink in. The use of their metaphysical connections to enhance the encounter, the rhythm that would have been only uncomfortable in unskilled hands, the size and shape of her conjured tool, and any number of other aspects that had all combined to form what she had just been a party to were all mysteries ready to be probed, and as she recovered Esmerala would open her glowing crimson eyes and seemingly await the questions that she thought would surely be coming.
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Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"I was only joking," Nala said with a smile, referring to Esmerala's talk about giving the night elf the appearance of a demoness. "I wouldn't want to steal your look. Though if you really think it would look cute on me, we could try it some time later... when I'm not having assassins sent after me."

The information about the siring of a child was well received by the night elf, who had been the recipient of many a revelation about motherhood in the past few days. For the past two years, she had not regretted her barren womb. She had even chosen to look at it as a blessing in disguise - the better to focus freely and without worry on her sexual experimentation. Now however, she had discovered new reason to wish for the gift of fertility. She had cheated mother nature by using demonic magics to sire children, but it was not the same as carrying the child to term. She very much wanted to be a mother now. The way that Violet was destined to be. Just thinking about having a child with her human lover sent a thrill down the elf's spine, entirely unrelated to the pleasures that Esmerala was doling out, and perhaps more powerful than them, for it was a chill born out of that same soul connection that could be called 'love.'

"If it is a sign of respect and affection, and were my womb to be restored, I would consider letting you fulfill your desire. Of course, whatever you do to me, I would ask to do to you.~" Nala grinned mischievously, and shifted her position slightly to move herself more in line with the teasing cock rubbing along her petals. "Mmm, but you do raise a point - why should we create more rivals to ourselves when we are already forces of nature and impossibly beautiful!?"

The posturing between the two bodies, infernal and distantly fae, grew more tense and steamier with each undulation of Nala's hips and Esmerala's circuitous strokes. Nala's eyelids were starting to droop as she wanted to sink into a rhythm of bliss, but the demoness kept the foreplay going as she answered more of Nala's questions. "So elven souls are simply delicious and easy to drink from? I suppose that is appeal enough to want to enslave us. If I were to have centuries of practice as well, perhaps I could make an ironic habit of enslaving demons, mm?"

Idly, Nala took that moment to grab ahold of the chain which was attached to the leather collar wrapped around Esmerala's neck. She held it firmly, and looped it around her slender finger, before winking at the demoness. "You better 'hone' me well, Esmerala dear. Hammer me like an expert smith, until my soul's edges are as sharp and deadly as your own. Knowing how far I've come and how far there is to go... it's exciting. Ah! Nff....I've waited so long for someone to show me.~"

Her voice was beginning to tremble, mixed with the tinges of pleasure from the foreplay, the anticipation of what was to come soon after, and the realization that she might finally be given tutelage in the forbidden lore she had long sought by herself. Through it all, the shared sensations continued to throb, and the soul connection proved that both women were now beginning to feel the knots of tension within their bellies tightening. Esmerala gave a short simple answer to Nala's unfinished surmising about the lost figure in the demon's past. It was a solemn lull in what was otherwise and exciting buildup of sexual heat.

"I see." Was all that Nala chose to say to Esmerala about the one she had loved. Now wasn't the time to explore that old pain.

At last Nala was given her first true exercise in sexual combat, and she took to it with as much determination as she could muster. Moving the tendrils as she had first intended was far more difficult than she had assumed it to be. However, further analysis revealed that a measured approach that combined arcane, spiritual, and (for lack of a better word) demonic techniques would allow her to better adjust the tendrils and coil them around Esmerala's. The impetus for the movement came from her will, her desire to see the final product come to life, but the process was guided by her thoughts, her pure arcane focus that she wielded in all her magics, including her sexual ones. Once she had figured this out, the two spiritual cords could wrap about one another and begin to merge.

It was at this point in time that Nala could take idleness no longer. She needed to do more than simply rub herself against Esmerala's beckoning, monster shaft. She needed to taste the demon, to connect with her on a deeper physical level. Instinctively, she moved in for a deep kiss, and this was received with complete acceptance. The feel of Esmerala's tongue dancing against her own was infernally divine, delivering on the promise that such a long, sensual lingual muscle presented. The two locked lips and exchanged saliva freely, and Esmerala's hesitance seemed to be at an end.

Nala thought for certain that she could sense Esmerala's intent to impale her coming through those connections. The two lovers positioned themselves perfectly, and Nala braced herself for the feel of that powerful rod entering her. But at the last moment, the demon's hips turned and her lips curled upwards, teasing the elf in her moment of need. The cruel turn brought out a whimper from Nala's throat, though she couldn't help but upturn her own lips as she understood why Esmerala would choose to do such a thing. In a word, it was fun. Nala knew this from when she had teased many a virgin druid. This was on a scale many times more sexually powerful than those encounters, but the same basic emotions remained.

When the second tease came, just in the same manner as the first, Nala did not whimper as she had initially, but instead, moaned loudly as the ridges of the cock slid along the engorged mound of her clit. Nala's left hand slid down to the side of Esmerala's breast, which was mashed up against her own, and squeezed it, as if to protest lightly at being teased twice in a row.

The sensation there was nothing compared to the feelings down below however, and soon enough Nala's sole focus was drawn to the need for that one connection to be made. The night elf could sense this driving focus to be not of her own choosing, but of a combination of the demon's skills and magic. It was something else that she must learn! Her tongue lost its aggressiveness inside Esmerala's mouth as her whole body shuddered and her soul cried out for that driving need to be sated. She needed Esmerala's cock inside of her now and she thought she might scream if it wasn't given to her. Dimly, she was aware that a shift had begun to occur as the two sets of spiritual tendrils had merged into one, but she was given no time to dwell on it.

Esmerala lined up a third time, once again building that focus, that feeling of assuredness that now, this time, she would at last penetrate the elf as she so dearly wished to do. A part of Nala though thought that perhaps this was just one more trick, one more hidden intention. A bitter part of the witch elf thought that she might weep if it were another tease.

In a sudden motion, Esmerala proved that it was not so. With a wet slap, and a shocking rush, Nala was penetrated to the hilt on a monstrous cock that would have broken a less developed and magically warped female body. Even though the motion had lasted only a brief fraction of a second, the feel of every inch and every ridge on the demon's cock rubbing against the mystically tight walls of her vagina left its mark etched in Nala's mind. The pleasure was so much that surely she should have already cum, but her body simply was too busy registering the pleasure, before it could react.

The demon timed her withdrawal perfectly, leaving Nala still mentally unprepared, but physically ready to receive more pleasure. This would dampen the witch elf's pride, for it was not often that her mind could not keep up with her body, but she took solace in knowing that she was only a learner and that one day she would master all that she was undergoing now.

Today however, Esmerala was the master, and she proceeded to have her way with Nala's body and tethered soul, the both of which were now mere putty in her hands. Nala still worked to grind herself onto the demon's cock, but she didn't have the wherewithal to do it well enough to the point that she could take control of the pace. Her mind was still overloaded with pleasure, and her body rose and fell, helpless except to be a tight, sopping wet cocksleeve for Esmerala to work her own pleasure upon.

In what was almost no time at all, Nala was ready to burst. She felt the knots ready to unravel, the dam crumbling down about itself, and she clamped her eyes shut, her mouth widening into an image of orgasmic bliss -- only to have Esmerala purr sinfully that it was not yet time for her to receive that gift. With a rasping gasp and a look of confused horror on her face, Nala was left to groan, trapped on the edge of bliss, unable to tumble over and find her release. The imploring look she gave to the grinning demon must have been truly worthwhile, because she could sense a triumphant pulse ripple through the demon's emotions.

Casting her head wildly to one side, Nala simply mewled and moaned as she was taken savagely. At that point, her focus returned to the fact that the connection between herself and Esmerala had solidified, and that the demon was in enough control that, had it been her inclination, Nala's soul was forfeit to her in this very instant. Had Nala been able to concentrate overly on this, it would be a very sobering insight indeed, and so it was for the best that the witch elf was instead being fucked into oblivion, caught and suspended on the edge of agony and bliss, unable to realize that Esmerala was about to reach her own peak until it had already happened.

At the moment the demon came, she allowed the elf to feel her own orgasm, and with it came a tidal wave of shuddering bliss that Nala could only ride out. Her mind was a blur, and her voice surely had made noise, though what lewd sounds she might have made in those long moments of release were forever lost upon her. Warmth, pungent, spunky, liquid warmth coated her chin, nose and lips, as well as her neck and upper breasts. Eventually, she would calm down enough to recognize the end of their mutual orgasm, and feel the ending sensations of her womb being filled up from both forms of perception. Her body was wracked with aftershocks of the sexual pounding that she had just taken, and she had to use every scrap of her mental fortitude to regain a semblance of control, even as her body still hung their in Esmerala's arms, completely vulnerable.

For a long time, Nala simply looked at Esmerala's face, breathing heavy, trying to get back her composure. She wiped away the cum splattered across her face with her forearm. She was tempted to lick it away, but decided against it. She had already been mindfucked well enough, there would be time for that form of ambrosia later. When at last she had control of her voice, and felt that she wasn't trembling too badly, she asked her questions in a serious, inquisitive and calm voice.

"The connection between our souls, the one I merged with yours. You said it would help to protect me, but it still seemed that you had complete power over my soul." She let that statement hang in the air for a bit. "How do I use that connection to actually stop you from probing me deeper? How did you use it to enhance your capabilities in our lovemaking?"

Then, after that was answered, Nala moved on to the other questions she had ready for her tutor. "How did you focus my attention solely on the need to be penetrated? I felt magic there, guiding my thoughts - strongarming is more like it. How was that possible? Is there a counter to the technique? Can I use a similar technique on you at the same time? The prevention of my orgasm, is it useful beyond mere frustration? Is the time in which a person is denied their release the opportune time to strike at the soul? Or does it merely unravel the soul more? How did you manage to create such a unique cock? How did you make me so sensitive that I could feel it so clearly with every thrust? How were you able to establish that rhythm? It was as if you had created a magical pattern that my body was programmed to follow - to need."

After these academic questions were answered, only one more remained, and this Nala asked after having embraced the demon again and resting her messy chin on the demon's pale shoulder.

"How long until we can have another lesson?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: HP = 57, PP = 87, EP = 90, Status = Fine

"I was only joking," Nala said with a smile, referring to Esmerala's talk about giving the night elf the appearance of a demoness. "I wouldn't want to steal your look. Though if you really think it would look cute on me, we could try it some time later... when I'm not having assassins sent after me."

"And I was playing along! I'm sure you could put your own preferred spin on the look if you wished, it's not like you haven't picked up the talent for it. We can experiment with it later if you like."

"If it is a sign of respect and affection, and were my womb to be restored, I would consider letting you fulfill your desire. Of course, whatever you do to me, I would ask to do to you.~" Nala grinned mischievously, and shifted her position slightly to move herself more in line with the teasing cock rubbing along her petals. "Mmm, but you do raise a point - why should we create more rivals to ourselves when we are already forces of nature and impossibly beautiful!?"

"Of course... A fair trade is a fair trade, after all." Esmerala would smirk briefly at Nala's reply to her summation of the potential of any prospective children they might have, and in a deep purr would reply; "Oh but it would be such a worthy manner of self destruction, would it not?"

The posturing between the two bodies, infernal and distantly fae, grew more tense and steamier with each undulation of Nala's hips and Esmerala's circuitous strokes. Nala's eyelids were starting to droop as she wanted to sink into a rhythm of bliss, but the demoness kept the foreplay going as she answered more of Nala's questions. "So elven souls are simply delicious and easy to drink from? I suppose that is appeal enough to want to enslave us. If I were to have centuries of practice as well, perhaps I could make an ironic habit of enslaving demons, mm?"

"You wouldn't be the first to try... Or even to succeed~ Not to say that it wouldn't be an accomplishment of course!"


Following the intense apex of their first sexual encounter since Esmerala had betrayed her, Esmerala was breathing as heavily as Nala for the next several moments, having been left in a temporarily spent stupor by her peak. Seeing Nala wiping the cum coating her face away would quickly prompt Esmerala to react, as she gave a disapproving tut and said; "Wasting the treat I gave you? For shame! And I made sure it was safe for you to sample and everything!"

Leaning down towards the night elf's chest, Esmerala's lips and tongue cleared a portion of Nala's breasts and paid a few moment's attention to her nipple before straightening her head and pressing her lips to Nala's. Her tongue came forth coated in her own cum, which Nala would be able to taste quite extensively as Esmerala gradually pushed her gathered gift into the elf's mouth through their kiss. No signs of the aphrodisiacs she had felt when tasting the demon's honey were present in the thick, warm, and delectably sweet substance she had been given. Once Nala had had a taste of her, the demoness would endeavor to answer Nala's various questions; "It did seem rather one sided, didn't it? Don't worry too much over that, it does work that way but... Well, you were a little overmatched, and I wasn't exactly fighting fair either.

"The connection itself is just a change in the contest between two succubi trying to feed on one another, one meant to protect both souls from damage that might occur if they just snapped away at each other. That there is only one column instead of a dozen lets you put all of your effort into maintaining the flow in your favor, which can help with concentration. It doesn't enhance your abilities offensively in any way, but it does make defense easier on both parties.

"I focused your attention mostly by touch, but the manipulation of senses is one of the most fundamental aspects of a demon's learning. You aren't used to dealing with it, so you had trouble resisting it. I should be good practice for teaching you to resist it, and despite what you felt there was actually very little need for magic with it. That portion was noticeable only because your attention was so fixated on it, and because you have a good eye for that sort of thing.

"The only real counter to it is to know it's coming and stop your attention from being directed, which to a degree you already know how to do. You just don't know how those disciplines you've mastered for magic can really be used for sexual purposes yet.

"As for the denial of your orgasm... Yes. You have felt it, when a partner who drains your soul, is able to take more when you orgasm, yes? It is a similar effect, but unlike an orgasm the buildup doesn't end right. Getting more than a few seconds worth of that leaves the soul incredibly vulnerable, and the mind and body are similarly affected.

"As for the unique tool, you just tend to figure out how to make something that'll feel nice after a while. The ridges were a nice touch, no? I've had them used on me a few times, but you'd be surprised how important their girth in relation to the shaft and the space between them is. The nuances take time to figure out."

"The sensitivity was just a part of driving your attention to it, and the rhythm bit is actually something that I can teach you. It's all part of the curriculum~ Reading your partner is a key part in understanding how to give them pleasure, and giving them pleasure is how you feed... And against other succubi, survive."

The question about when their next lesson might be brought a renewed grin to Esmerala's face, and she gave Nala's rear a sharp smack that caused her soft flesh to jiggle and a dark handprint to appear on her skin. "Whenever you feel that you are ready to learn, I will be ready to teach~ Though you might want to limit it a bit... To keep up appearances, of course."
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala had let all the rest of Esmerala's little comments go by without more in response except a fluttering laugh and an encouraging look, indulging herself fully into her lesson with the demonic tutor. She very well might enjoy shapeshifting a tail and horns onto herself for Esmerala's (and possibly Violet's) amusement, but it would be done behind closed doors, as would any child-making and demon recruiting, given Kyederon's all too recent history with the magical residents of Hell.

When their love-making had reached its climactic conclusion, and Esmerala gave her immediate scolding in reaction to Nala's refusal to taste her cum, the night elf looked genuinely sorrowful.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, her head still reeling at that point. "Didn't know you'd made it safe.~"

By way of apology, she began a rather awkward attempt to lick at the smears on her forearm. She took a small taste first, and upon confirming that there was no addictive taste, she let her whip-tongue extend further to wipe up more. The demon was faster than her in gathering up cum, due to her more developed physical recovery time. Esmerala's tongue delighted the elf as it scoured her bust, gathering up thick globs of the demon's seed. Then, with her mouth full of her own demonic spunk, Esmerala brought her lips in contact with Nala's and pushed the snowball of cum into the recovering elf's mouth.

Nala made a welcoming sound in the back of her throat, and let her head dip lower and twist upward, so that the demon could let gravity deposit her raunchy gift into her mouth. Once there, Nala moaned and played with the rich, creamy, warm mouthful, opening and closing her mouth and letting her tongue swish through the viscous pool while the rest of her body still recovered from Esmerala's dominating performance. Her eyes opened dimly to make contact with the demon's as she savored the demon cum, at last swallowing the entire load, not wanting to seem like she would waste this second, insistent offering.

Sighing contentedly, Nala then further caught her breath, her body regaining some function, which saw her pelvic muscles tighten as she clenched tightly and brought herself upright in Esmerala's arms. Soon after, her questions about the nature of the demon's techniques followed, and she then received her answers.

"Yes, I acknowledge that in this respect, I am over-matched, though I was not attempting to fight you at all. Surrendering to your powers was, I must say, quite fun, as well as potentially enlightening. I can tell I will need far more practice if I am to learn how to practically use these skills in sexual combat. I don't mind losing to someone of your caliber, Esmerala, but I will simply not accept a loss to just any succubus."

Esmerala continued her explanations, and then there was a pause as Nala simply leaned forward and rested on the demon's shoulder. It was nice, being able to speak so earnestly about the skills of a succubus, and to sample the talents first hand, without (too much) fear of being at the mercy of a dangerous foe. Already, Nala had plans to incorporate Violet into her own practice sessions, perhaps with Esmerala looking on and offering advice. Most of these powers would be most appropriate for a dominant to use on a submissive, and while all three of them were naturally capable of being dommes, there was little question at this point about the hierarchy in the bedroom. Nala needed a practice partner and a teacher both if she were to rapidly progress in her studies.

Her vocalized desire for another lesson earned her a sharp rap on her purple bottom, the stinging flesh already turning magenta where the demon's hand pulled away. The act only served to excite Nala more and send a happy whine past her lips, though she recovered quickly by grabbing onto the demon's chain again and smirked.

"I am always prepared to learn, Esmerala dear. Also, appearances would be maintained better if my ass was not slapped a different shade of purple before I take us back through town.~ Not that I've been shy about that kind of horseplay before. Hrmm, perhaps I'll have my arachne daughters spin me some new clothing to wear to cover that up."

After that, assuming that Esmerala allowed for it, Nala would attempt to detach herself from the demon and go back to washing herself and Esmerala a second time. After that, she used some wind and water cantrips to help them both dry, and then turned the same magics on the laundry hanging on the tree branches.

"Mmm. You did inadvertantly remind me of some important things however. As much fun as this is, and as much as I would prefer to do nothing else but learn from you on the bed, I need to consult with Demetrius about the status of Kyederon, and how well my people are recovering from went on here, and how they're dealing with the arachne and goblins. I also have to consider what I do with those demon prisoners - my real ones. We don't have the resources here to be feeding them forever, and I can't see myself letting them go, unless you know of a way to bind them from going back to their master. There's also the crimes against my people and some of them are going to have to answer for that. If I need to kill them, I would rather get it over and done with."

She cast Esmerala a sidelong glance. "What would you advise?"