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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ella seemed in a good mood though she did fidget with her new hair and they did have to stop several times for her to rest. It must be hard for her to have legs again or at lest legs she uses after all the first time she saw Ella was of her gliding as though her lower half was made of nothing but the shadow magic that permiated her soul.

"Aye the post on the other side has not seen any of the last people to come threw. That was three days ago." The man looked up the rapidly fading light. "Well I can't send you back in the dark. We have a small room for travelers you can stay the night in before heading back or up the pass. If you leave in the morning the chances of a mist will be slim. Though I still recommend heading back to the town."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That is not an option for us, unfortunately." Rikke beamed a smile "We'd appreciate a nights rest however." the rogue looked to Ella with a smile, who lightly rubbed her legs, quite clearly not used to actually using them... much less to such extent "Best not to travel unknown lands in the dark." especially one a pass so omnious and ridden with dark tales - the rogue added in her mind.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nodding the man would let them in to the small outpost that was rather well kept despite the wild appearance of the men. "Sorry about the men we don't have proper cleaning facilities out this far and well bathing in the mountain streams here is a good way to catch your death of cold." Escorting them to small room with a couple lumpy bed the man left them be with Ella almost immediately rolling over to sleep. This left Rikke alone for the moment. Of course she could check out the small outpost or call it a night.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's alright." the rogue gave the man a smile, with the rural surroundings the heroine was hardly expecting a royal guard at the pass. With that the duo headed inside checked their rooms "Hum~... well it beats sleeping in a cave." she'd look over the very poor bed and smiled wryly "Barely..." she'd snicker and turn to Ella to weight her current situation.

Still it never hurt to look around "I'll go look around, 'kay? Back before you know." she'd wink slyly and slip outside her room. Perhaps she could see wanted posters of the missing people or catch a view of the trip yet come... heck perhaps hear the men sharing a story of the pass itself. Every story had a hint of truth to it afterall!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The room itself seemed to have been a storage facility at one point as a lingering smell of dried meats and smoke still lingered in the wood of the structure. The beds were simple frames with lumpy straw mattresses but there where at lest six of them in the room. No windows graced the structure but it did seem well insulated. Turning to speak with Ella about the arrangements proved... fruitless as the girl was already asleep. Snicking lightly Rikke stepped out to see the outpost for herself.

Stepping into the rapidly cooling air Rikke noticed that the small wooden wall seemed to be far newer than the rest of the structures as the wood had yet to darken and discolor like the neighboring buildings. Besides that and her current abode were four other buildings of various sizes. One looked to be almost a proper house. The others a barn, bunkhouse, and maybe a latrine. Near the gate was a notice board with pictures of the missing. Hardly any of the bare wood could be scene as the posters covered it. At lest a dozen new ones had been posted over another dozen or so older ones. This apparently had been happening for awhile.

As she looked around she found only a few guards watching the road on a makeshift tower. Both seemed silent and were wrapped in warm blankets. A few more walked the walls while two more sat near an open fire. These guys seemed to speaking but it was nothing about the pass. Listing closer to their conversation Rikke caught a mention of the bathhouse and the lovely girls. One of the men even hefted up a coin sack with a knowing grin. No doubt they would be rather disappointed once they actually reached the bathhouse back in town.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would approach the notice board and look over the missing people in greater detail trying to note whether they had any similar features, possible connections... any links as to why they were the ones picked. Still this no doubt proved fruitless, mostly due to the sheer number of people missing... whatever was happening, it was not just superstition. These disappearances were not a myth.

Eavesdropping on the guards Rikke could only smirk and shake her head, no doubt stuck in this freezing post the embrace of a lover was most certainly a most dreamy proposition. Still from what she had seen of them, they seemed like decent folk... it was just the rogues hope their 'needs' didn't quite cloud their judgement.

Besides that, due to the cloudy weather seeing beyond the walls was supremely unfruitful. Still with a fairly relaxed smile, Rikke would retire to the bunks and join one next to Ella. Resting for the trip thats to come.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed the posters just showed a seemingly random collection of people. Though most of them shared the same profession of caravaner. Very few locals seemed to be on the board and those were the older posters with the new ones being the traders and hands for the caravans. Learning nothing else of note the girl quickly retired and awoke to a foggy morning. It wasn't particularly thick fog but it was enough to hide the road at times. One of the guards assured her that it was normal and once against suggested they stay in town for the season till the safer pass cleared. Of course Rikke and Ella declined.

The rest of the day was fairly boring as it seemed this area wasn't very developed. Only the vast herds of cattle in the distance hinted at any human activity. The road itself had also degraded some what as wheel ruts became more common place. Eventually however they reached a hilly area that seemed to head up to the mountains. Broken wagons from ages past littered the side of the road here though they were far to old to be anything recent. Looking up Ella sat on a stump rubbing her legs and drinking some water. "Lets rest a moment before climbing up that rocky road."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was more than ready for such a trip, however it seemed Ella who so relied on magic previous... did not find the challenge quite as thrilling or simple. The rogue looked to her companion and smiled kindly "Alright, we're in no rush." she'd take a few steps back and sit down near Ella.

"So~ How are you liking your more human nature now?" the girl kicked off a light conversation with her ally, trying to maybe supress the aching in the girls feet. Unfortunately, they still had a long ways to go... Rikke would casually look around the area and smile, the area most certainly had a primal sort of beauty to it.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ella frowned and rubbed her legs. "I don't remember it being this hard." Sitting a moment the girl caught her breath. "Though at lest the scenery is invigorating." Both of them sat a moment longer sharing a few thoughts if any before Ella got to her feet. "Okay lets do this we need to reach the other side before it gets dark." Moving forward the girl sound far more energetic than her body seemed to be. Still she took the lead for a moment before she "allowed" Rikke to pass. The pass itself seemed to be fairly wide though a few larger boulders needed to be navigated around. The occasional broken tool could be found as they made their way threw the pass mostly picks and shovels. Still they made relatively good progress for a few hours until they came upon a landslide. Looking it over it seemed the girls would have to climb over the jagged rocks slowing their progress quite a bit. Once they got over the landslide the girls found sold, flat, and clear footing again. Though the temperature had suddenly dipped greatly. Looking about the tell tale signs of fog had started to form. For now it just covered their ankles.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Whats with all the picks?" Rikke glanced to the top of a broken and utterly rusted pickaxe near the pass, continuing onwards the girls passed further signs of caravans or miners all along the pass, only the occasional goat or lost sheep providing them company from seemingly impossible to traverse to locales.

Still even if Ella was tired, she'd press on with the rogue oftentimes giving her a hand as she herself expertly made her away along the terrain... though soon enough the fog had returned.

Rikke glanced to the fog now along their feet and then to Ella "Lets try to make a campfire here alright... maybe until this thing passes." though she didn't say it to Ella, Rikkes sense had grown sharp and her body much more tense than before. While it may be yet another fog just like the morning one, the story of the Mists still lingered in the girls mind "Or we can set up a couple of torches. So we can atleast some of this fog." she'd smile, though her smile was much more uneasy than usual.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ella looked at one of the discarded tools. "Probably from keeping the pass clear. Seems they just left them once they broke." Shrugging the girl kept moving though something tickled the back of the rogue's mind. The first one's taken were locals. Still as the fog moved in Rikke opted to try and make a camp or at lest a campfire. "But its going to be freezing up here. We still have some daylight lets keep going." Still if Rikke insisted Ella would hunker down and help build a fire using some of her magic to start the blaze of broken tool handles and discarded wood. Soon enough they had a small cheery fire that seemed to keep the mist at bay though the longer they sat the thicker and taller it started to get. All the while a damp earthy smell got stronger and stronger.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke wouldn't keep the tale a secret "Remember back in the farm... they said the Mists steal people away." the heroine looked around at the fog... or mist all around them "Fire beats a fog away and we should be able to see better with it roaring." if Ella agreed to the idea, they'd soon enough settle with a small warm and cheery campfire... though the omnious fog seemed keen to stay.

The rogue looked around, fanning the flames lightly "Ella... Come closer, 'kay?" when closer together Rikke would carefully uncoil some rope "Lets wrap this around our wrists, so we'd know where the other is." the length offered was around 2 feet long. Not enough to be a drag, but not short enough to force them to huddle up.

"And eyes keen..." perhaps it was tall-tales, but one can be overly cautious as much as they please, while a moment of carelessness at the wrong time oftentimes only happens once.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nodding Ella got closer and tied the rope to her wrist while Rilke did the same. Here they would sit the fog ever encroaching on their small fire and the damp smell getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly Ella would use some magic to fan the flames burning them bright casting some of the mist back. "Rikke.... the damp its killing our fire... we won't be able to keep it lit!" Looking to the fire Rikke saw it sputter like it was damp wood. Once more Ella blasted it with magic sparking the fire to life. Once more the mist was cast back but even less than before. It was a losing battle.

Soon enough Ella moved close to Rikke as the fog snuffed the campfire completely despite several heroic efforts to save it. She could feel the girls arms around her and the rope pulling slight as Ella moved. If it wasn't for the physical contact the rogue wouldn't even know where the girl was. Still nothing seemed to happen as the two stood breath heavy with sound. Suddenly there was a terrible screech like rusted metal and the ground shook sending both tumbling. The rope stretched and then snapped. A muffled cry is all Rikke heard of Ella as she too tumbled about keeping her feet until there was no ground to hold them and she fell........

Rikke groaned as she shifted a shooting pain staggering her every time she put any weight on her wrist. Looking about as her night eyes focused she could tell she was in a cave of some sort. Nearby a skeleton wearing light armor typical of a caravan guard lay his back bent over a nasty looking rock. Nearby his sword lay in good condition if a little tarnished. A backpack was near as well. She could see stars above her with the fog seemingly cleared.

Looking to her condition Rikke found she had all her stuff but her wrist had probably been broken from the fall and separation from Ella. It hurt like hell and was already bruising and swelling. Thankfully it wasn't her sword arm though she wouldn't be climbing out this cave anytime soon. Her only option was to move forward into the dark and hope it had another exit
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A-tu-tut-tut..." Rikke stirred to life, aching all over and slowly got to all fours only to feel her wrist burn up from the pressure! "Ah..." she'd wince strongly sitting down and gently taking her wrist in hand... the rope plan seemed to have a slight side-effect to it.

"Ella?" Rikke looked around the empty chamber, her only company likely a less lucky victim of the fall "Ella?!" the rogue called out, but there was little hope for an answer... standing up the heroine found her back and applied some basic first aid to her left wrist. The girls fairly numerous encounters with magical creatures had one... of likely several, upsides - the ability to heal most injuries over time.

Still use of her left hand was absolutely out of the question for the time being, though thankfully her sword-arm was more than capable still "D-Damnit..." Rikke looked up seeing the fairly steep fall she had endured. Was this some sort of mechanized trap? Then where was Ella if not here in this pit with her?

Checking her gear the rogue looked towards the only available exit and was about to leave, before the unfortunate victims backpack caught her eye. Still woozy from the fall, Rikke slumped over to it and opened the backpack and poured its contents out looking for anything of note.

Whatever her search yielded, there was no point to linger here. Rikke stood up finally having caught her brief and ventured onwards...
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Emptying the unlucky man's backpack Rikke found several torches as well as rope, extra winter cloths (Men's style and size), two weeks of preserved rations that looked edible still and a large coin purse holding a few raw gems and even a tiny gold nugget (40 denari worth all together). With that done and wrapping her wrist Rikke could move on. Her injury didn't seem sever but with out a proper healer it was hard to tell if it was broken or just really really bruised. If it was broken it needed to be set properly or else it would heal wrong and Rikke would have to have someone break it again. Still other than her wrist she was in good shape and thus began her trek threw the cave.

The first thing of note was how slick everything was though it felt more like condensation than actual dampness due to water proximity. Small bits luminous lichen dotted the wall in places were the dampness seemed to congregate. As she walked along Rikke felt this place was hewen out of the rock and most definitely not a natural cave. Her first clue to that was how relatively even the floor was and the second was the shooting pain in her toe as she kicked a long rusted pick. Still there was no sign of Ella and as Rikke continued deeper the cave got wider and wider until it suddenly opened up into a windswept valley. Here the fog was ever prevalent concealing the valley floor though from her location was clear and illuminated with the pale moon.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

[Rikke acquires +40 denarii; Torches (if not dead to the humidity/age);

The rogue was hardly surprised the cave was not natural... afterall the trap she had fallen into was far from natural craftmanship. Though, there were no signs of any kidnappers or any life at all... had someone ages ago created these trap and left them here, forgotten and no longer used?

Usually the rogue could weight just how much use certain paths had seen due to dust or other tells, but inside the damp dark cave it was impossible to tell "Ella!" Rikke called out once more, her voice no doubt echoing across the valley as she listened for an answer. Still... was it really just people falling pray to some long forgotten trap constructs? Just how many of such devices littered the pass?

Still with the fog lingering before her, Rikke had little choice on what to do next... entering the thick fog, especially in a pass this treacherous may just end her to due to the poor visibility if not another trap. It was best to wait a while and see if it clears up.

Knowing Ella was still out there, Rikke took the mens winter clothes she had and quickly set them on fire?! Using that as a base, the rogue attempted to create a small beacon of fire for Ella to follow. Though if she saw movement from anywhere, the heroine would duck out of view to see... perhaps the trappers, if they existed, had made their appearance.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Setting her extra clothing a light Rikke saw to a small but in the end ultimately brief fire. The cloths would burn but they would also make an acrid smoke as the weather treating they had suffered burned. Backing away she bumped into the cave entrance. Looking at it once more she could see the outside of the cave had clearly carved runes. Sadly Rikke didn't have any knowledge of language or magic that could help her with these. Still it was a curious thing and worth noting if she ever got back with Ella. As the remaining cloths smoldered nothing and no one came up to greet her. It seemed that she could not be seen from her current position. She did have the torches and she knew fire could be back the fog for a bit or she could wait using the cave as shelter for the dawn.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke could only hope Ella saw the flames, for soon enough they wittle and die off leaving only a lingering smoke trail. The rogue sighed looking to the mists before her and bit down on her lower lip in worry "Ella... where are you..."

Unfortunately in the dark of the night nothing else in particular stood out... besides a most curious array of runes. Rikke looked over the etching noting their age, but for all she knew it could've said anything...

Still before she headed in, the girl left a burning torch near her cave entrance signaling life for her friend, though until the fog and night pass she'd need to spend the time inside. Unfortunately, likely busying herself with first aid on her wrist... no matter how painful and akward it may be.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Tending to her wrist Rikke felt that it wasn't broken but it would need some serious time to heal. For the most part though she got it nice and secure though the throbbing pain was a constant annoyance. Managing to drift off into a fitful sleep Rikke awoke in the morning. Ella had not reappeared but as she exited her small cave she could see the fog and eroded to a mist. While it still obscured the valley floor she could easily navigate it with ease. Having the light with her Rikke noticed that the valley was much bigger than she would have thought and as her eyes surveyed the area she found a very distant building that seemed to have golden statue of some kind on a tall spire. It glinted in the morning light.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened at the golden glint... this was most certainly not mentioned by any of the villagers. Still a smile crossed the girls face, if anything this beacon could provide both her and Ella a meetup point! It was just the rogues hope Ella would spot it as well.

Packing her stuff up, Rikke would quickly get herself set to journey onwards! Shrugging some of the water from her leathers and fixing her hair lightly, the heroine smile and moved onwards towards the distant golden beacon.