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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Comparing the sights here to the glass towers and bright lights of Endus, just made the place feel that extra bit more like something from another time "So this is Badaria eh?" Rikke snickered lightly as Janet joined up with her "I must admit, it's not like what I imagined." the girl looked to the soldiers, who were likely quite quickly discipled to behave like the titles states, not a bunch of horndogs "At the very least the people don't seem all that different." she'd grin to Janet head up along the route.

"Aren't we expected here?" she'd look to her companions cautionary glances to the sides, smiling encouragingly at her "You seem oddly tense, Jan." either the rogue didn't know something Janet knew... or the girl had grown a dash more paranoid.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"From what the officer told me this place is an exception. The shrine was done in a foreign style." They walked along a moment before Janet answered. "Don't you feel it Rikke the air is just... tense.... I don't know how to explain it. Its almost like we shouldn't be here. As for being expected the caretakers know we are coming but don't like the idea of handing over any sacred objects. Apparently some of them are quite militant in that regard." As they walked everything felt deathly still. Ocasinal paths lead off into the grove but Janet continued to lead on a few more steps till suddenly her I.S. retracted into the harness, quickly followed by Rikkes. "What the hell?" Rikke felt a spiritual pressure urging them on and it seemed that what ever spirit lived in the shrine didn't much like tech.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked up the path "I do..." honestly it was hard not to feel it, there was definedly something here. Though unlike Janet, Rikke didn't exactly feel being pushed away from the area. The more the duo continued down the path, the more silent everything fel... spurring even Rikke to look around, no birds, not even the gentle breeze of the wind filled the air... just deathly silence--

Suddenly the duos harness let out a light sound, before swiftly the goo suits would slide back up inside?! "EH?!" Rikke blinked at her exposed body and instantly blushed brightly, covering herself up "Janet! The suit--s.." seemed it wasn't only the rogues suit that malfunctioned with Janet standing nearby in the nude as well!

How will the two make their case sound serious, appearing like... this! Still even if they were stuck like this, the duo should push onwards. Hopefully the suits would fix themselves or Janet had an idea to make them cooperate, even a little a bit.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked down far more comfortable than Rikke's era Janet about being nude. "It can't be helped lets press on. Rikke of course got the full view as Janet took the lead her body finely toned smoothed skin a blatent tramp stamp on her back that read Vixen. Her belt sat on her hips the only clothing like object she had on except the harness which thankfully covered her breasts.

After a few more minutes of walking three woman in white robs approached Rikke and Janet and bowed. "Apologies the spirits are restless today and they seem to be playing tricks on electronics. Here take these robes to cover yourselves. We wouldn't want any of the large honey bees to sting you in unpleasant places. Janet Returned the bow and took the offered robe quickly getting in it and nodding for Rikke to do the same. Once that was done the woman greeted them again. "I am Mai please follow me to the shrine." As they walked Mai explained a little bit about the shrine and its history. Supposedly it was built by a foreign woman to honor a great spirit. Ever sense its founding her order kept the grounds secure and tended to them. Outsiders are rarely allowed in for casual visits but given the nature of your mission as told to them by Mr. Saul they couldn't refuse. After awhile they reached the shrine a strange unfamiliar to Rikke. Around the main building was a court yard where woman sat some talking others painting and still even others practicing with weapons from her time. The courtyard was filled with manicured trees and bushes. "This is the main shrine my sisters and I live in several small houses nearby but this is the primary holy place. Before you enter however you need to complete the cleansing ritual." Following the instructions both Rikke and Janet where allowed in revealing a room that had various artifacts set aside on little stands. Rikke's eyes however where drawn to a curved sword resting on a tucked away shelf in a recess. Janet however was drawn to the center of the room which opened up into a court yard where a long white stone slab rested covered in cherry petals. A small incense bowl sat smoking slightly as Janet eyed the sight.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Tramp stamp? On Janet? Rikke giggle subtly, while the rogue herself beared such a gift from Jessica, to think Janet had allowed one on herself just seemed so incredibly odd.

Thankfully their naked treck wouldn't last for long. Rikke would ofcourse keep her casual smile, albeit now coupled with a subtle blush on her face "Hello! I'm Rikke and this Janet, you were expecting us?" the rogue noted Janet bow and quickly copied her albeit in a far less graceful and strict manner.

"You've kept it so... pure here." Rikke commented as they had an ever so brief tour through the locale "The towns are usually filled with looming structures lights and some sort of racket..." she'd sigh happily looking over the quite frankly unknown culture all around her "What is this place exactly?" while knew it was a shrine, to who the people here were devoted or what was it's name was still unknown to her.

The rogue turned her head curiously "Ritual?" she'd look to Janet and then back to Mai with a huge smile "Ofcourse!" honestly Rikke was curious to see more of this strange culture, getting a chance to firsthand to part of a ritual was just genuinely exciting!

The ritual seemed pretty basic, perhaps because the girls entered in the nude they'd not have to remove or put on anything additional. A simple wash of their hands and legs would prove enough, coupled with a light sip of fresh and pretty cold water.

Inside the artifact room Rikke no doubt had quite a fair number of artifacts to see, some from her time, some not... and some the rogue couldn't even figure out... though one thing she would quite easily understand "Excuse me, Mai." the rogue looked to their guide with a smile "You said Saul mentioned a bit about why we're here..." that had to have been one doozy of a conversation "To recognise the artifact that holds the power, I may require to touch it. You won't mind right?" the rogue politely showed her hand and how clean it was "Just a minor touch, no more than that." ...allowed or not, Rikke would ofcourse still do it.

First on her plate seemed to be a curved blade, a likely relic from the Might and Magic times of the realm "Humm..." the rogue would look over the craftmanship and attempt to touch it.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet tried to shush Rikke but Mai just laughed and answered as best she could. "Yes we find that nature is the perfect temple and we try to live alongside of it as a partner not a competitor. As for the shrine its true founding is lost to us. We only have tales and legends some conflicting but what we practice here is similar in all stories." Once inside Rikke told Mai about her ability which Mai nodded sagely about. "I understand do not worry none of our relics are fragile as they seem. You may touch them." Seeing Janet's interests Mai went over to speak with her as Rikke eyed the sword. Reaching out her hand barley touched the object when she felt the pull immediately.

She was standing in a forest her hand gripping Spring Wind tightly. She felt the eyes of her enemy on her as she adjusted her stance ready for the attack she knew was coming. There from the shadows a glint of steel. Dodging an arrow wizzed by her cutting several strands of her purple hair. Dashing forward she let lose with her fast strikes only to hit air. Laughter echoed out she was being toyed with. "Emi Emi Emi your where always so easy to fool." That voice.. it was Kaiyi her long dead sister. Was she back from the grave to punish her for failing to protect her. Catching a glimpse in her reflection Rikke felt a disconnect she saw herself as the eastern warrior Rhea had made for her to fight.

Rikke will be taking on the role of Emi for this encounter given the nature of the memory she is limited to what Emi can do.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Kaiyi?" Emi quickly found her footing and with sharp eyes looked around, her combat style was significantly different than the rogues much more flashy moves... prefering concentrated and precise slashes, without any of the bravado. The samurai girl sheathed her blade and widened her stance, whoever attacked would come again... except this time the girl was ready.

Emi placed rested her hand on her blades pommel as she awaited the attack, a silent intensity all too clear about her "Don't mock me with my sisters voice! Show yourself!"

Sheath and prepare for Death from the Draw (+6 dmg/atk roll)

Fight defensively (+15 dodge, - 15 atk roll)
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Stealth Vs Perception (Kay vs Emi
26 vs 40 Emi Success
57 vs 80 miss

"Emi-chan I don't mock you. Its I you sweet little sister." Emi would not be fooled of course her sister had drowned in a river several years ago. Once more a glint of steel heralds an arrow's flight. This one was poorly aimed however and her sharp gaze caught the glimpse of a purple haired woman.. that looked exactly like her sister. Everything was the same except she wore the robes of a priestess now and was a few years older.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The way the creature moved, it's appearance, her voice even the very way manner in which Kaiyi talked! "My sister would never raise her hand against family." the more creature taunted her with both appearance and voice, the more it worked on Emi's concentration, her mind absolutely denying that this could be her sister... even more so that she would attack her!

Still just guarding and standing around, eventually Emi would either slip in her defense or the creature would slip under her skin... there was one way to be sure who it was!

Sound seemed to disappear as Emi closed her eyes, feeling every subtle shift in the wind around her... every single sound that echoed out. She'd wait until her target disturbed the surrounding serenity and locking on she'd attack!

Fight defensively (+15 perception, -15 atk roll)
Upon spotting Death from the Draw (+6 dmg/atk roll)
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perception vs Stealth Emi vs Kaiyi
33 vs 31 Emi success!

64 vs 47
50 Damage!
81 vs 55
48 damage
Emi 4/52 hp
Kayi 10/60 hp

Everything was still the air hung in the silence. It seemed her own controlled breathing was the loudest thing in the world. Suddenly a crack in the woods and a glint of metal. Now was her chance! Her legs sprang into action just as the twang of an arrow leaving its string hit her ears. She was committed now. The arrow flew true striking Emi in the shoulder a non-lethal blow, it was aimed their on purpose. Kaiyi wasn't trying to kill her.

She was on her now Springwind arced threw the air the her eyes glowing red the bloodlust evident. The look of terror on Kaiyi's face was reflected back so the priestess could see her death coming. Though the same could be said for Emi as she saw her own reflection in her sisters eyes. She very much looked like a demon her robe's stained with blood. It was enough that Emi closed her eyes and adjusted her strike to prove nonfatal. Though it would be a telling blow.

Rikke jerked back her heart beating fast. She was back in the shrine a small bead of sweat rolling down her face. Nearby Janet and Mai spoke with Mai explaining that the bench was a tomb where the ashes of a warrior rested.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Was.. was that all? Rikke did indeed hear the chat nearby, but most of her attention still lingered on the blade. There had to be more to it! The heroine would attempt to touch the blade once more!

If nothing happened she'd step back thoughtfully and join up with Janet and Mia, listening in on the details of the story.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Reaching out once more Rikke touched the weapon and was instantly overwhelmed by pain. It took a moment to collect herself but she was back. Looking to her right shoulder she saw a haft of an arrow buried deep in her flesh. It hurt like the hells but she could seem weak. Snapping the shaft off she discarded the rest and looked down at Kaiyi. Her sister was bleeding greatly but was already using her new found powers to heal her wounds. "None of that now." Rikke could feel Emi's foot kick the woman in the gut but she felt that the warrior held back quite a bit. "Speak before I end you." The girl groaned and held her stomach. "Emi-chan is this any way to treat your sister?" Emi glowered "Its because your my favorite little sister that you lived. Now why did you attack me and where is Nysa!" Kaiyi looked at Emi her face sad. "The kitsune is safe Emi and will remain so if you surrender and come with me back home. The Order of the Crane wishes you to join them." Emi frowned she had never heard of this Order of the Crane. "Take me to see her I must know if she is safe before I agree to any such demands." Kaiyi got back up her eyes sparkling happily. "I just knew you would join us Emi-chan!" Emi felt her sister take her hand and begin to pull her along. "You'll see Emi the Order of the Crane saved me when our brother tried to drown me. They taught me all about my spirit powers and told me all about the gods." This was sounding dark apparently a cult had gotten hold of her sister. Still with Nysa at risk she had to play along.

They walked for a short while until they came to a clearing where Nysa was suspended in a magic ball. The fiery kitsune doing her best to burn or blow her way out of the containing magic only serving to wear her self out. Next to it stood a Majestic crane massive and brilliant in appearance. It was one of the sacred beasts a spiritual being. The people of these lands called them daemons. Before Emi could speak the creature spoke. "Well done Kaiyi you have brought her to us has she agreed to serve us?" Emi spoke up before Kaiyi could. "Sacred beast let my companion go and trouble us no more. I have no intention of serving you. I will not be the slave of a new master." Perhaps she had been tainted by this land but Emi felt her life as a Rhonin was better than her former life serving her father and what ever lord he sold her blade too. The beast looked at Emi a moment before speaking. "Unacceptable. You will do as we say or we will kill this creature. Kaiyi looked shocked. "Master Crane you said you wouldn't hurt h.." In an instant Kaiyi was knocked threw the air causing Emi to draw her weapon before Nysa screamed out. "Hold your blade Samurai or else the little one dies. Emi gritted her teeth and held her blade back. "Good you have been taught well and your honor seems intact despite your time in this heathen land. Now pledge your undying loyalty to me and the small one will be free and unharmed." Looking up Emi could see Nysa pounding at the magic bubble trying to physically break it open. It made her smile a bit she was truly a good friend and Emi didn't regret promising to always protect her. Rikke could feel an large emotional swell in Emi. It was a swirling sense of emotion. Fear, love, pride, and determination. Though the strongest was sadness. Rikke felt the build up and as Emi opened her mouth she screamed out in her head don't do it!. "I accept your terms Master Crane." Emi bowed and Nysa was set down the poor thing collapsing. Looking over at Nysa and her sister Emi spoke. "I must inform you Master Crane that I have sullied my honor. By agreeing to serve you I have broken an oath I made to Nysa. The only way to clean this stain is seppuku." The Crane looked confused a moment before it started to yell in anger but it was to late. Leaning up Emi quickly brought Springwind around impaling herself. It was clear by the fast spreading stain of blood that it was a mortal wound. Falling on her side Emi vision started to fade. It was the only way to save both Nysa and Kaiyi. Thankfully both girls came running up to Emi and she got to say her peace. "Good bye little sisters. Treat each other well...."

Rikke looked on her hand still cluched the sword and Mai and Janet were looking at her intently. "Rikke are you crying?"
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Very well..." The Crone spoke seemingly all too content at the samurais acceptance and alleagence. Suddenly the orb would pop only for Nysas voice to echo out "WAaaaaah!" with a poof the kitsune hit the ground, even under such circumstances still being her loud and freespirited self.... Emi's heart however knew what she'd need to do next...

Suddenly the samurai unsheathed her blade, her body slightly trembling before tensing up as if accepting the course of action "What are you doing, Emi?" "Emi-chan?" the duo looked to the samurai quizingly the Cranes eyes narrowing "You've made an oath, I expect you to honor." he'd speak with clear displeasure at the drawn blade "Emi?" Nysa would raise her head and look to the samurai girl, the kitsune never seen Emi so stern... so serene... and so sad?

"An Oath, yes..." Emi flicked the blade presented it before herself, still holding Spring Winds pommel softly, her eyes still closed "Unfortunately I have failed my oath and sullied my honor." while Kaiyi and the daemon looked confused, Nysa ears quickly stood up as she tensed up "Emi!" she'd call out, the childishness gone in it's place clear concern "What are you talking about? Whatever it is you are forgiven."

Emi opened her eyes sharply with clear determination, not looking to Nysa "It is not you, that I broke my oath to." her eyes would waver a moment, only for the girl to tightly grip her blade "I'm sorry Nysa. I've broken my oath to you by accepting this daemons terms. I have disgraced myself and sullied my honor..." Nysa would suddenly begin running to Emi, only for the Crane and Kayi to realise it far too late! "YOU--" the Crane called out far too late as Emi shifted the katanas edge towards herself and pushed forward with gritted teeth, a few strands of tears falling from the edge of her eyes as she heard Nysa cry out loudly to her!... at that moment it was the only thing she could or choose to hear.

As a warm wind enveloped her the girls armor would take on a dark crimson, her legs giving way as she fel to her knees only to be embraced by Nysa! By then she couldn't hear what her companion said... she was just happy for her final moments to be in the hands of someone she could finally call a real friend... a little sister "Good bye little sisters." Kaiyi would come into view as Emi as well, not as the girl was now... but just how she looked way back then... with those big innocent eyes "Treat each other well..."

Though darkness descended... and coolness took over, suddenly Emi felt the chill slowly be shunned apart. Though she saw nothing the samurai almost felt someone or something reach out to her in a kind and gentle manner...

Suddenly Rikke felt a grip on her shoulder "Find any--- Rikke? Are you crying?" the rogue blinked "What?" she'd brush over her cheek and indeed note a small warm trail running along it "Oh... it's nothing." she'd turn away and wipe her eyes, before looking to Janet and Mai with a smile and then to the blade "This is the artifact we're after."
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mai looked at it and nodded "Its our oldest artifact. You must promise to be very careful with it. I shall have it cleansed and prepped for travel." With that Mai bowed and went away to get the items she needed. Janet looked at the weapon. "Really? Bringing up her wrist computer which seemed to function again she frowned. "It doesn't have a magic field are you sure?" Rikke nodded she just knew that this is what hey came for. It may not have been enchanted but the weapon itself held power. Maybe it was more spiritual in nature but they way it reacted to her... it just had to be it.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Say Mai..." Rikke spoke up and looked to the blade "Who's blade was this? What happened to it's owner?" while stories and myths were hardly trustworthy, perhaps the rogue could learn just what happened to the samurai girl or well.. who was she?

Whatever answer the rogue got she'd nod to Mai poiltely and allow her to do the preparations "I'm certain, but I guess I can look around. This place is filled with so many artifacts maybe there's a few of them here." Rikke smiled to Janet though the previous vision still lingered in her mind... did she truly see the final moments of some ronin... or was this future just as uncertain as the one the rogue was exploring now.

Rikke would continue looking around the room, giving gentle touched to the other odd few artifacts as she listened to what Janet learned from Mai. This trip seemed to be yet another quite peaceful venture.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We are not sure it was the very first artifact and the original caretakers have long sense passed. Im afraid that such knowledge was lost with them." Rikke had no doubt who this belonged too the images were just to clear. Her fate ultimately was not however though it seemed a rather dark turn. Checking the other artifacts Rikke felt sparks but no visions assaulted her. "So this place is strange. I never thought I would find a baston of the Eastern Alliance's culture right smack dab in the middle of the Bardian Coalition. Still looking at all the supplicants it seems very open." Janet watched Rikke look over artifacts a moment. "Im not sure if you heard but Mai asked me to join them. What do you think of that?"
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered playfully "I'd say this place doesn't seem your style." she'd shrug lightly "But I'd say consider it. If only for some time, say a year or so. I'm sure such a peaceful corner of the world would have something to teach." Rikke giggled lightly "Maybe after we save the world, eh?"

The rogue glanced aside, surrounded by all these blades... she couldn't help, but remember giving Janet the blade of her ancestor. A hinge of disappointment at Janet shruging it off still lingered about Rikke. Either way left in the room the duo could only look around the items all around, with the rogue soon enough moving onwards to peep and look at what was going outside as well.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You're right Im not sure such a peaceful place would be for me. Though... it could be tempting to come and rest here." Janet followed RIkke around as the ever curious rogue snooped outside. Here she found a curious sight two woman where fighting in hand to hand combat while others looked on. From the looks of it this was no practice skirmish. Though with the crowd it still seemed rather controlled. One of the girls a short pink haired thing was stepping back a move Rikke saw as a feint. The other larger girl with with blonde hair moved in to attack only to catch a flying roundhouse kick in the face sending her sprawling to the dirt. Another woman in black robe stood up. "Match!" the pink haired girl bowed and her opponent did as well before both moved off to be treated for their bruises.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned widely to Janet, spurring alert flags in the knights head... moments before she headed out to the fighting area. If there were new combatants the rogue would observe silently, however once the fight was over or noone stepped up to fight she'd approach the woman in black "Excuse me, whats going on over here?" it was the rogues full intention to test out these fighters herself....
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It seemed the sparring was over and as Rikke approached the woman in black she spoke drawing a couple gasps from the still assembled women. They muttered to themselves as the woman in black held up a hand to silence them. "Greetings outsider my name is Wu Pei. I am the fight master for the shrine. When girls have a dispute of skill I judge the contest."